Post your steam avatar and rate

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Yea Forums is an EGS board

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fpbp steamcels will seethe

My least favourite meguca but I've got nothing against her, somewhat decent.

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I bet you're favorite is Homura you imbecile.

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>quirky obscure reference/movie/cartoon/e-celeb/character/person good
>anime and cute girls bad

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I like all of them, I just happen to like Madoka the least along with Kyouko. It's a tie between Homura and Mami at the top and Sayaka is in the middle.

Why must we fight?

of course the dmc faggot has a retarded opinion.

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She’s much better than faggot Homura

Oob is based

Homura's not that bad.

Fuck off tranny

Your anime fucking sucks. Mami was okay though.

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