Reminder devs can retroactively change your game to add and remove shit. Look up the devs past and twitter account for any signs of faggotry
Reminder devs can retroactively change your game to add and remove shit...
Other urls found in this thread:
I hope in the next DLC she says something like “FUCK WHITE CIS STRAIGHT MALES” and after that she does the floss dance while she record it for her insta
sometimes i wish i could refund old games for a 1/4 of the price
I haven’t even played the game I just enjoy shitposting about it
did they add a dilation stick anywhere?
I feel like Celeste was a known quantity. How do recent developments change anything?
I’m trans, Yea Forums...
damn... sorry you decided to kill yourself user. Quite tragic, really
Because the game becomes null and void when it tries to push fag shit. The quality or lack of quality of the game doesn’t matter anymore when it does this
the dev recently revealed that the MC is a tranny
That's nice :)
>censorship is good when my side is doing it
Fuck you OP this is a Spurdo thread now
>your game
Celeste has always been tumblrshit garbage, why the fuck are you surprised
do you have the authority to enact this? show me your ID
Playing fair is what got us here in the first place. Censorship is good when it’s censoring bad
this but unironically
luckily there are very few games that push SJW shit
i can't speak for Celeste though because i don't play platformers
Nevermind, you’re based
very few good games*
>Censorship is good when it’s censoring bad
congrats, you're a fucking brainlet
Ok, ignore retards, live your life the way you wang and don’t mention your transexuality all the time
Wasn’t this game about anxiety and depression, what’s the deal?
I know this feel.
how disgusting
>I hope in the next DLC he says something like “FUCK WHITE CIS STRAIGHT MALES” and after that she does the floss dance while she record it for his insta
Are you happy now?
I learned this the hard way with guacamelee. Thought it was a fun Metroidvania game but the creator ended up being a open boarders lib. Wish I could take back my money
It still is, although nobody should play it for the story. /vpol/ just got triggered because they added LGBT flags on Madeline's desk and assumed she's a tranny in an attempt to trigger themselves into outrage.
someone told poor tranny boy to dilate and it made him wanna do a flip of the top of a mountain
guys im unironically getting too old to keep up with this stuff. i used to spend all day on Yea Forums now i mostly spend my time with my girlfriend, or studying, or doing other things. can someone clue me in as to what happened this time?
Better to be a brainlet with standards then a big brain without. In culture war neutrals are worse then leftists
what's bad dumbass
basically nothing
99% of people complaining aren't even skilled enough to see this screen for themselves
fake outrage, noone cares and moved on already whining about something else
fuck off
two out of four is still failing grade where i live
not this shit again
I'd say it's more like 40%
The flag and the sale of the game in general
stay on reddit nigger
>antidepressants and a picture showing she had short hair as a child
what am I missing here? Everyone is saying she's a tranny and I don't get why
Is Spurdo the only meme that has yet to be corrupted by the shitposters?
Wojak and Pepe are long dead, Pedobear is MIA, but Spurdo is still just Spurdo
>your game
devs said on twitter
ive never used reddit because the UI turns me off
Shit what happen with this game?
No you're not
Give me a break user I’m a shitposter not a language teacher
>ignore Twitter faggotry and just play the video game because seriously who cares
Why is this so hard?
go get help with your mental illness user
>source: bro trust me
it's big news on Yea Forums, so literally nothing happened
because the main characters a tranny
What was that? Someone was saying that Celeste is so good, I should buy someone in the thread a free copy?
The devs care and society cares. Ignoring the problem will be impossible soon. The devs get your money which will keep food on there table to spread there leftist drivel which will inspire others to think the same
post yfw you didn't bought Celeste
you don't have to dude I could just torrent it
Caring what people think or do outside of the game is pathetic. If you enjoy a game does it matter if the dev agrees with you politically? If they change something does it ruin what you already enjoyed?
You bitches are worse than any hardcore SJW. Now it's not enough that you have to have every game cater to your fragile sense of worth and ethnic identity, no no, the devs can't even be themselves in unrelated ways. You want to start picking their food next? Maybe go make sure they use your favorite toothpaste? Fuck off you entitled fucking snowflake.
Sure, I'll have a copy.
Is there any way to give the devs more money?
The only reason Resetera is wrong is because there leftist. If they were right wing they’d be perfect
fuck gays and fuck trannys
I don't support these things so I aint paying for some faggy propaganda
Spurdo's just too retarded to make a statement out of. It's nonsense and that's why I love it.
I personally like buying the game because it makes Yea Forums mad
great game too, that the children here just decided to dogpile on for any reason. Really showed you that this place has gone behind a shadow of being what it used to be, and you cant actually get game advice from Yea Forums
So, aside from a flag on a desk, nothing about the game is trans? This is quite a little bitch fit over nothing.
go suck a cock fag
get out
careful dude dont cut your dick off
Alright faggot let’s see it then
Please. I just asked a question user.
>full of lefty cuckholdry
sooooo what's supposed to be the outrage here?it's well known how to deal with indifags: never buy anything from them, pirate their shit, even if you liked their game, make fun of them online.
Why are trannies in these games always Male to Female, why are the never female to male?
Honestly AAA are the only ones with any morals. Seems like Inide shitters are always leftists. Check the twitter accounts
>caring about some hardly noticeable virtue signaling that you'd have to subscribe to the devs on social tranny media to even notice over actual game content
You also don't have to update your games you fucking mongoloids
I agree with you, but also, fuck devs who put political shit in their games. user gets baited by it, but the ultimate fault lies with people who think there are ideals higher than doing a good job and making a game that players will love.
When you add tranny flags or "support duh vets!!!1!" or whatever to your game, you're prioritising the cause over the game itself. You're saying that sharing your creation is less important to you than your other beliefs, and that's bad for vidya: game devs should be uncompromising in their craft, and not distracted by some side mission to liberate all the discord traps or overthrow Iran's government again.
Because ftms pass easily as faggots and don't need escapist media to reaffirm their retarded life decision if they made it before they hit 6'
Cause females are easy mode
Why would you voluntarily take the hard way
it's a game about a little girl who collects strawberries any straight man who bought this shit may as well transition because you have no balls in the first place buying this faggot shit
>A trans character in a videogame is bad
based user
only game i enjoyed from SJW devs was Subnautica
i felt pretty conflicted about pirating it but that's what devs get for spewing shit
It's a boy right?
>i felt pretty conflicted about pirating
I kickstarted it and I absolve u of ur sins. I transfer the soul of ownership of my copy to u
FtM are very rare. I once met one that was a casual weeb. He was nice
Yes. You got it!
this is the same type of person making threads about girls in games who are too sexualized
Anything to get (you)
>Honestly AAA are the only ones with any morals
They only care about money, user, and they will say whatever they need to
>39 posters
... Maybe try again during American hours?
>it's well known how to deal with indifags
why it keeps happening, are slav indiedevs only sane one?
You are a fucking leftist, nimrod. You aren't principled, you don't have standards, you're just another screeching retard who thinks he knows better than the world on what should and shouldn't be accessible.
Like they think they're going to be the party leaders once communism is in full swing instead of in the bread line, you think that you will be marching with the secret police instead of the faggot who's door they're beating down.
>Celeste devs just brought their game back into the spotlight by including a pair of small flags
Absolutely brilliant marketing.
>got it gifted
>forced to play it
>mfw I hated it
Yea Forums is outraged as per usual.
What seems to be the problem here?
wow it really is fucking nothing
yeah fuck the river city shills and fuck leftists
Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>A Hat in Time raises awareness for trans rights in a thoughtful and respectful way to the mainstream gamer population
>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Creative Assembly continues raking in cash despite "backlash" over forced woman soldier inclusivity in their games
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Fire Emblem keeps getting gayer and gayer with each new installment
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than with shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony are all against Trump's tariffs
>Microsoft and Ubisoft ban people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Shovel Knight adds non-binary gender terms
>Square Enix's ethical department refuses to increase Tifa's bust size in Final Fantasy VII Remake or add lolis and shotas to Final Fantasy XIV
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Voidpoint apologize for sexist and transphobic comments, add mandatory sensivity training and donate 10,000 dollars for an anti-suicide LGBT charity
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)
tell your parents you sorry and then kill yourself.
>all the anons saying this game was sjw shit were right
bay based
Oh no a wojack poster is mad. Watch out he might shoot up a burger king
Good thing i followed my instincts and ignored this shit when it was on sale.
you have no idea what OP is even talking about
Wasnt this game about abortion too at one point?
We always win
Don't need to, trannies should be gassed.
I'm fine if you want to put your political garbage in your game. I won't be buying it though.
it's not about trannies
I dunno, was it?
Its a decent game
get the fuck out of here with your political bullshit
No. You and many other imbeciles actually believed that for some reason.
fuck off
Yeah there was an abortion theory on release, now that the new content is out the hot /pol/ theory is that she's actually a tranny
>Look up the devs past and twitter account for any signs of faggotry
>Look up the devs past and twitter account for any signs of nazism
>abortion theory
u just named my game design studio
...well Yea Forums? why havent you? this user has a point
Alright you faggots explain this to me:
>hate trannies
>hate leftoids
>hate fags
>hate all that shit
>play blatantly leftoid games both in gameplay and aesthetics
>complain when said leftoid game is full of tranny shit and leftist propaganda
Why? Why don't you ask yourself why you end up attracted to the same games that attract the people you hate? Look at the pic in OP, you can tell from a mile away this shit leans that way.
Sort your life out, who the fuck wants to play shitty basedware (even worse 2D indie basedware) beside trannies, basedboys, and manchildren? Go play something like Men of War or Children of a Dead Earth. You're like someone complaining about childish movies but refusing to watch anything targeted at a demographic older than 14.
Meet this criteria or kys:
>actually try looking female
>really, try harder
>dont cut your dick
>get a nose or jaw job if you want surgery
>do not cut your dick off
>act like a woman: dont say you are trans at every opportunity, you are just a woman
What went so fucking wrong
>leftish aesthetic
Its over
>musician is a piece of shit
well his music is good still
>actor is an alcoholic wifebeater
but I can't hate Jack Sparrow!
>game dev likes gays
boycott this trash at once. it has to be stopped at all costs!
How old were you when you realized you had a trigger?
Shame that Toby is too savvy to alienate Yea Forums by adding gay flags to Deltarune chapter 2 (Coming 2025)
You can call it whatever you like, we all know the look. It's Tumblr aesthetic. Neon-haired girls, no white men, thin calarts outlines and flat, pastel coloring. If you can't tell the political alignment of Celeste's creators at first glance, you're a dipshit.
>wojak edits
Like clockwork
When people started treating fags and tranys As normal people. that’s what went wrong
Wojak edits to your kind are like salt to snails.
Unironicaly have sex
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
You mean not low quality posters?
It’s funny because Yea Forums talks so much shit about Reset era but reset era doesnt really give a fuck about Yea Forums while routinely blowing them the fuck out in every capacity vidya culture wise
>but reset era doesnt really give a fuck about Yea Forums
then why are "people" from there spam here all the time and make topics how they need to sterilize Yea Forums?
I actually don't care about shit like political wiews of dev.
All what I care about is to have a good game where I have fun.
And about LGBT characters, I don't much care about that as long as these characters are actually well designed and it's not just "Hey look it's a LGBT character what all he does is being a LGBT character".
Celeste is a cool game. It's definitely not perfect, but it's fun.
If you are triggered by a character having a small pride flag in one single cutscene, I dunno what to tell you.
Jumpy game is still fun, who cares
I'm not supporting your propaganda, rather shit on it.
How is it propaganda?
he was exposed to something he doesn't agree with, that's the definition of propaganda bro
nibba.... i feel you. It's like a maelstrom, or a frenzy. You just can't get through to these people.
It's not propaganda because it's not even something you would notice unless it's pointed out. The game itself makes no statement on the matter.
But transgenderism is a serious mental illness and the medical and psychiatric industry does nothing but undermine its own validity by pretending it's healthy, normal, and that lopping off or sewing on artificial body parts is anything resembling treatment.
So a prequel to Undertale basically.
quite sneaky
now this is cringe
underrated post
Thank God I don't give a fuck about this peasant tier faggotry like OP
Generally yeah, there was no reason to make the character trans besides to push an agenda, it doesn't effect the gameplay or story at all so it's just pointless.
That's celest or whatever, right? I thought 8cucks boycotted that game at launch. What happened? Didn't want to stand up to your principles and you played it after all?
>”blocked” for off topic
lmao you faggot fucking retard jannies seriously need to kill yourselves
I don't have a twitter account, but I know every single e-drama thanks to Yea Forums. I'm not thanking you niggers, stop posting this shit here
>not buying the game because of tranny shit is censorship
This is your brain on resetera
right wingers are too tolerant of left wing opinions
Only difference is that one was added and one was planned to be removed.
I am but at least I’m right.
That shit really makes me think twice before supporting anything made by SJWs. Good thing I didn't buy the Hat Kid game or I would feel bad about myself. Now I make sure to pirate everything they make even if it looks neutral
Why would I attack them? They're based and feeds me good food. If anything id rather shoot up a McDonald's or a Wendy's
I hope sjws start saying food is trans healthy. Might make a lot of obnoxious retards starve themselves to death
it's not normal for people to put ideology in their games, so if you see even the slightest hint of identity politics, you can be sure that the dev is a dedicated culture warrior
i learned this with A Hat in Time
first it was just a seemingly innocent joke about capitalism, and everyone one Yea Forums was like
>why are you fags being so sensitive it's just a joke
but the devs had to go on and put in a tranny flag too because fuck video games being about fun, it all has to be about the culture war
What's wrong with wojak edits? It's chan culture, and we have dedicated meme makers on discord.
what's "blocked"?
do mods ban you for posting in specific threads now?
The character is depressed, not trans, and even if she was this is only hinted at in a small detail of a cutscene. Is parroting shit you saw in Yea Forums all your criticism?
i hate trannies but i bought and play A Hat in Time
why devs add trans-right flag in dlc, i don't know, it's out of place and i ignore it
Holy shit this is another level of ESLism. No wonder Yea Forums is so shitty with these brown subhumans posting as equals.
Extremely based.
It’s a 15 minute block from posting lmao. I got blocked because of the resetera post and saying im trans as off topic like are you fucking serious faggots the entire thread is off topic bait
I mean I do and I can. Like with the block or any ban I’ll just easily circumvent it with my phone cope harder faggots
cry more faggot, i didn't say i'm equal to anyone, i'm just basement dweller
but at least i'm not fake and gay
True, you're even worse, you're a nonhuman
Tranny stuff is mad gay but the game itself was pretty high quality tbqh.
more human than you dickless tranny
it's because the leftoids on this site yell down anyone who dares point out that a game indeed has a political agenda
remember, putting politics in your game isn't politics, talking about it is
Dilate f-a-m
huh, never got that
Can someone explain to me why Celeste is the target for shitposting again?
the latest dlc made the protagonist a tranny or something
oh no 2 tiny unnoticed flags on her desk in one cutscene
Ah. Well the game was made by SJW's who didn't hide their SJWness from the world so I'm confused as to why people react the way they do now.
no. 0 references to any LGBTQ shit. Its vaguely anxiety and depression
>full of lefty cuckholdry
>full of
2 10x10 pixel wide flags in 1 cutscene, in a DLC you arent skilled enough to complete.
Wouldnt exactly consider that FULL OF
this is another reason why I don't buy day one and wait, devs now use this dirty tactic to add greedy shit or politics later.
why is Yea Forums obsessed with trannies?
have a deserved (you), user
Fuck this shit, post hot vidya MOMMIES
It also has a coloured seattle hipster idiot as the love interest.
>culture war
Don’t you mean class war? Since the left-wing ideology revolves around class issues, while what you think is the left-wing ideology is just the socially-liberal ideology which left-wingers have a tendency to have? I like how you right-wingers call anything you don’t like ‘marxist’ when Marx was extremely socially conservative. A centrist (liberal) can be either socially conservative or socially progressive, but you label the democrats as left-wing when they aren’t with the exception of Bernie Sanders.
And fuck off with the whole thing about culture war, no one is trying to win some sort of culture war since the 60/70s are behind us - people just see you as insane rambling schizo autistic idiots who got upset because their routine got broken.
what game is on the pic?
/pol/ have given hipsters a new name, and they have been circle-jerking them selves about this achievement for years now. I like how they act so excited about the fact that they noticed these faggots exist, when other people have already noticed them years before and there is already a tv show dedicated to mocking them.
Nu-male is honestly a worse name, because it only covers males who act like that
Death's Gambit
A really good metroidvania with souls-like elements.
this is why I don't buy games anymore.
It's not my fucking job to waste time researching whether the devs are mental illness agenda pushing fags or not.
Ion Fury reconfirmed my no buy policy for me. It was the only game I was looking forward to and even bought in early access to support them. Then all the retardera screeching started and they bowed down, only to tell them to fuck off later. But the damage was already done.
also I remember A Hat In Time - a cutesy kids' game getting tranny flags patched into it like after a year. Fuck that. You have to be out of your mind to buy western games at this point.
Celeste could be a good game. But the devs don't want the game to speak for itself. They want it to push their tranny agenda. They took its gameplay hostage and use it as a vehicle for pushing their real world politics. That's dishonest and utterly pathetic.
terrible excuse.
2% of humanity is LGBT, yet by now 10% of games in general push a message about liberalism or LGBT for no fucking reason other than the dev throwing tantrums that the world should buy into his delusions more frequently.
look at their twitter, they LIVE off leftist praise.
if they want to represent the minority, why does rarity play a factor at all, you lying piece if shit?
it's minorities. all of them are rare.
by your logic, it's okay to make every character of a 21st century europe setting white and straight, because "people of color are very rare in europe."
the sooner you figure out you're just parroting lies from some fascist libtard syndicate, the better.
otherwise: your opinions would earn some hella karma on reddit, go there. I'm not memeing, they would unironically make you feel right at home.
that explains the obvious mental illness the character suffers from, then
>i don't buy games anymore because one game i was gonna buy almost changed the writing on a bar of soap
maybe you should go join a local politics club or something and stop playing video games altogether
there's a board for that here, too
On today's episode of 'Yea Forums or tumblr' we have a tricky one for you folks!
>I won't buy a video game if it disagrees with my politics, regardless of how good it is
I'm not in favor of any censorship. The fag devs should be free to be fag devs. That said, I'm also free to just not buy their games, which I'll now do.
>sjws think everything is offensive
>incels on Yea Forums think everthing is censorship
>every other new game that comes out has some scandal on Yea Forums over some completely insignificant thing like a bar of soap
>Caring what people think or do outside of the game is pathetic. If you enjoy a game does it matter if the dev agrees with you politically?
They can believe in and do whatever the fuck they want OUTSIDE OF THE GAME.
The moment they put their bullshit political and social views into the game is the moment I lose any interest. It's that simple.
I don't care and don't ever want to see the plight of the sad depressed tranny in a Super Mario game. Do you even hear yourself speak? You are ridiculous, this is the reason why normal people will never take you seriously.
why is it that your type is always extremely low iq and suffers from reading comprehension?
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
no, he didn't :) they just gave him different things to do
damn you tranny era fags get really mad online huh?
They literally had threads trying to convince people to ban posting anything that originated on Yea Forums because they're so scared of their userbase learning that Yea Forums exists
>whining about a fucking platformer with no story having sjw shit
Come on now.
>Yea Forums became the reactionaries they used to hate
Top laugh
Funny how Yea Forums is against 'cancel' culture except when they do it themselves.
>game adds a little flag in a cutscene
>hurr shit game fuck the devs I will never buy their games again!
the story is
>MC was a faggot all along
Who's saying the game should be changed or pulled? People are just saying they won't buy it. Can you please explain exactly how that's the same as trying to destroy and creators and have their work pulled?
You're not very bright, are you?
Its the same as femoids who give a bad rating to incel movies because they are against that ideology.
This is my sentiment. I'm honestly puzzled. The game was blatant about it from the beginning.
If the gameplay is good I could not care less. Every loading screen could push a political agenda.
They don't. People wouldn't even be talking about it on here still if they couldn't get butthurt over it.
I really don't understand why so many faggots here fall right into the hands of companies on Twitter. In this case I believe the dev to be genuine, but any company can add SJW shit and ensure that they will receive attention and praise from the left while getting tons of free coverage and publicity by cucks on the right.
Stop trying to steer the conversation to big, broad general blanket statements that mean nothing other than "people don't like a thing." Cancel culture is about destroying people's careers and getting their work cancelled. That's why it's literally called cancel culture. In this thread people have said they won't buy the devs games anymore, but not a single person has called for them to be censored or prevented from making new games. Explain exactly how those things are the same and prove that everyone who posts shit like "Well you guys are the same as (people you don't like)" isn't a complete fucking retard who's incapable of making a point.
>Stop trying to steer the conversation to big, broad general blanket statements
Why? Are you too brainlet to understand such arguments?
What'd he mean by this?
>Funny how Yea Forums is against 'cancel' culture except when they do it themselves.
Unlike with Retardera no one is cancelling anything, you brainlet. People will simply not buy the game. Not demand that the devs lose their jobs and their lives be ruined.
You either have braindamage and an IQ level below 75 - which puts you into the functional retard tier, or you are a dishonest hack.
>top critic
this is what bloggers are called these days?
Oh boi its my favorite kind of thread time.
>People will simply not buy the game
And review bomb it on steam and metacritic kek.
your shitposting genuinely makes people less aware of their own hypocritical tendencies
neck yourself.
Because you called it ironic that Yea Forums is against cancel culture when the other side is doing it, implying that Yea Forums itself is in favor of cancelling things. Why can't you show where people wanted to cancel the game? Are you really just a literal retard shitposter who doesn't understand what any of the words they use actually mean so they try to reduce every argument to "If you don't like a thing, you're the same as other people who don't like other things."? Please tell me you're not actually that impossibly fucking stupid and show me where anyone is calling for the game to be cancelled or the dev's future works to be censored.
Why not just politely ask for (You)s if you're that desperate for attention? You don't have to pretend to be a retard.
>this is why I don't buy games anymore
>Ion Fury reconfirmed my no buy policy for me
imagine needing someone else to point out how stupid your opinions are for you
giving things bad ratings because they don't meet your standards is something everyone regardless of political persuasion.
for example
There is nothing wrong with giving a game a bad score for having naked children. It may have nothing to do with gameplay but I think it is in bad taste and is detrimental to my enjoyment of the game.
You being a resetra tranny pedophile may disagree but doesn't make my review any less valid.
Politics in games don't matter, gameplay OST and shit like that does. If you disagree with me you're wrong and probably underage.
I miss the 90s internet, none of you were born yet and things were better.
>platformer about "lol depression sucks mang
>called really deep by smooth brains
>had a trans composer front and center at the gayawards with SonicFag not far behind
>not expecting this
what did you retards expect?
You sound like you were born in 1999.
Sometime I wonder what's a bait there
Are there really people who think like this?
Is it really so hard to understand that not all games are made to satisfy your closed mind?
Devs can do what they want with their game, especially its message or themes or idk what makes them feel like it's something unique. It doesn't hurt anyone
If you don't like it or find it shitty, great, nice opinion bro, but thanks god devs don't listen to people like you who wants them to do bland and generic stuff only , it'd be really boring.
>we don't cancel things
>we just make dozens of threads complaining about it and leave bad reviews
oh okay well i guess as long as you're not demanding that they apologize you're absolutely nothing like the sjws
Straight people are allowed to be depressed too. I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.
>Politics in games don't matter
>Good goy just buy more games and don't worry about the SJWs winning
You sound like you were born after 2000. I was born in the 80s.
Believing in the "culture war" is pathetic.
Some men just like to watch the daisies grow...from the inside
>Be tranny who actively avoids political talk if it can be helped
>Don't even agree with most other trannies and tend to butt heads with them because they're insufferable cunts
>Also happen to be indie dev
>Really scared of spending years on a game just to have it get shot down because people put politics above gameplay, even if the game itself wouldn't have any political pandering
I'm seriously tempted to just act as a semi-anonymous figurehead while I have my normie friend represent me if it comes down to it. But that comes with a lot of other issues.
Seriously, I miss the days when vidya wasn't so infested with political shit flinging. Sure, it was always kind of there, but it wasn't *nearly* as bad as it is now. Fuck this shit.
It's about the general attitude with this shit, I don't care about the trans shit or whatever but celeste itself is heavy handed about its themes of depression to the point that this is just the cherry on the shit sunday.
People overreact to people putting gay flags in indie games. Unironically find something more important to think about.
>I dont care about politics, BUT a lgtb character needs a GOOD reason to exists, unlike heterosexual white males
Nice job pointing out how deep bigotry is ingrained in society.
it's just Yea Forums being reactionary
i was born in the '80s to and i'm here to tell you you talk like a faggot
>Be tranny who actively avoids political talk if it can be helped
>Don't even agree with most other trannies and tend to butt heads with them because they're insufferable cunts
>Also happen to be indie dev
>Really scared of spending years on a game just to have it get shot down because people put politics above gameplay and my mere existance is seen as a political statement by most, even if the game itself wouldn't have any political pandering
I'm seriously tempted to just act as a semi-anonymous figurehead while I have my normie friend represent me if it comes down to it. But that comes with a lot of other issues.
Seriously, I miss the days when vidya wasn't so infested with political shit flinging. Sure, it was always kind of there, but it wasn't *nearly* as bad as it is now. Fuck this shit.
>dont cut your dick
>do not cut your dick off
chasers are gross
No, I'm actually in my 30s, but you type like you're either a child or have an actual developmental disorder.
don't post
on your twitter, easy
I am convinced at this point that only people who are too dumb to pirate buy games
>dev puts gay flag on game
>dev puts gay bottle joke on game
>dev removes gay flag because rightyflakes have a meltdown
>dev removes gay bottle joke because leftyflakes have a meltdown
Its not that hard.
too* I don't interact with ESL. Come back when you've mastered English.
I sincerely doubt you're over 19.
>we just make dozens of threads complaining about it and leave bad reviews
99.999% of these agitation threads are made by people who don't come here for anything other shitposting and/or far left agitation. You may be one of them but sure as shit don't belong here.
Ok, cool.
Go make a rainbow colored Dilation Station Simulator. As far as I know that has never been done before and would be really originial and unique. No one is holding you back, no one will try to ruin your personal life and get you fired from your job.
Don't expect me to buy your game though. Normal people will just shrug with their shoulders and forget about its existence after 5 seconds
Also don't come back later, crying how you only sold 86 lifetime copies and no normal, sane person wants to buy your mentally deranged crap.
that's retarded as fuck. politics and personal beliefs have been and always will be a massive influence in any creative work ever. it's literally impossible for it not to be.
Its nore of a "dont push this idea on kids who are too young to decide if they really need to mutilate themselves, and stop brainwashing them into making them think thats their whole goal in life".
But whatever, its easy to assume everyone is a fetishist when you are one yourself.
i'm EFL but making one typo has nothing to do with it
>it's more of a "retarded strawman with not a single real life example"
okay, user, keep going for that girldick, you'll never get it.
take your meds, tranny
Reminder that devs actively add controversial features into their game and shills it on Yea Forums for the easy sales.
>I sincerely doubt you're over 19.
And I sincerely doubt that you have more than 19 chromosomes.
Desmond is amazing, theres your example faggot
>inb4 its drag
it would still cause gender issues and possible assault.
>Normal people will just shrug with their shoulders and forget about its existence after 5 seconds
Oh you mean like Hat in Time
I don't remember Guybrush Threepwood trying to raise awareness about the bay of pigs invasion in Monkey Island 2.
This is a very recent, exclusively western developers' phenomenon.
>forgoen about by the general public immediately after bing bing got released
more or less
>not a single real life example
If you refuse to do your homework Im not gonna do it for you.
oh yeah i totally bought the game now
i won't even discuss this shit outside of Yea Forums so you can't even accuse me of giving them publicity
get off of this site, no one cares about this stuff in real life.
the little kid that is doing drag? drag has nothing to do with trans stuff and that is a fucking terrible example.
you're seriously trying to tell me that you've never noticed any politics in "older" games and from other countries? if you meant specifically lgbt stuff i would agree with you but politics and personal beliefs in general? what the fuck?
Intersectionality: when all problems are related except when detractors bring points up.
Then how'd I know instantly?
No sane adult obsesses over politics in a fucking platformer.
>And I sincerely doubt that you have more than 19 chromosomes.
Thank you...?
Are you fucking retarded? I said I'm not going to buy the game, and I called you a stupid child because you type like a stupid child. Where is the obsession coming from?
alright, tell me how a kid that is crossdressing has anything to do with a medical condition that he is not diagnosed with nor treated for. go on. i'm waiting. just making some vague and unfounded claim "i-it'll cause issues for sure, uh huh, just trust me, bro" is not sufficient here, friend. oh and if you try to argue that he must clearly want to be a girl because he is wearing make up then i'll just tell you pre emptively that that is not mentioned anywhere in the diagnostic criteria and is not relevant whatsoever to being trans.
Do your thing, ignore haters.
And I mean ignore them, not do the opposite of what they say to validate yourself.
To even know about this shit qualifies as obsessed. Your opinion on my typing is irrelevant and just a hail Mary attempt to make me mad.
>To even know about this shit qualifies as obsessed.
This might be the stupidest thing you've said so far, and the bar was already set pretty high.
I hope your game does well and you make fuck off money like notch did.
Not him but I didn't even know there was a love interest. Imagine paying attention to storyboards in a fucking pixel platformer, how do you not skip that shit as soon as the button prompt comes up? Are you seeking to get mad? This is the 2010s iteration of rage threads at this point.
Join the 40%
Well, desu I agree with you on this, it's ok for unique games to fail, just because it's unique doesn't mean it's good and should succeed.
Is there actually "mentally deranged crap" in Hat in Time ?
>This is the 2010s iteration of rage threads at this point
Makes sense, old games had gameplay to get mad at. Not you have to dig some menial bullshit in the story to find something to rage at.
>Make a game about suicide and depression.
>Do this.
It's like you're just giving people ammo.
Twitter screencaps make me cringe, but this is on point.
>Is there actually "mentally deranged crap" in Hat in Time ?
There is a grafity of a transflag in a sewer level.
Spending your time looking for shit to get mad about in a platformer is pretty sad.
>game literally about mexicans
>dev like mexicans
>looking for shit to get mad about
Those kinds of stupid assumptions are why no one will believe you're an adult.
John FUCKING Money.
Is that clear enough for you future 40%?
B-b-but muh cancelled culture!!!!
How are we gonna pass time if we dont create content for Asmongild to keep his mouth open at?????
what? it's a very serious medical condition that is known to cause multiple mental illnesses like social anxiety and depression if not treated.
literally proves the concept of gender identity. the child had no knowledge of being a boy but still felt uncomfortable about being a girl.
I was not expecting this level of cultured savagery in this thread.
>known to cause multiple mental illnesses like social anxiety and depression if not treated
Its the other way around tho.
I don't care about the opinions of children.
I can't believe kids watch that dork.
>I don't care about the opinions of children.
That makes sense. Self-deprecation is pretty common with kids nowadays.
fuck rainbow flags and tranny shit and contemporary western social (media) issues in video games. but, if like you say, your game has none of that whatsoever and the game is actually GOOD, I will buy it and so will 90% of Yea Forums. I can fucking guarantee you that.
most people have no problem with you if you are a decent, non-obnoxious person. people only will react negatively and annoyed if you try to push personal agenda shit down their throats.
it's literally force feeding, it will make you fucking gag out of reflex.
so whatever that game you are working on might be, good luck and godspeed.
okay, well, maybe you wanna write some medical articles about that because that is going against everything currently known and proven about gender dysphoria.
>those sjw degens should make their own games
makes their own games
grow the fuck up
>it has nothing to do with that!!!
>obviously they are tightly related!!!
You are insane and probably in denial.
FtMs pass most of the time so they go completely under the radar
Why do we have to accept your shit if you dont have to accept ours
>people only will react negatively and annoyed if you try to push personal agenda shit down their throats.
>it's literally force feeding, it will make you fucking gag out of reflex.
he says in a thread with people raging about barely noticeable tiny flags in a still shot
what are you qouting, dumbass
>watched a sargon video in 2016 and now thinks he's an expert on gender dysphoria
They should treat it with leeches then.
Noone is gonna spend 10 years of his life studying to see their whole career destroyed by publishing a single paper because he will be labeled as the new Hitler by the outrage media.
You realize how sad it is that you've just been "no u"ing me right? If you had been around for 90's internet you'd agree it was better, no argument.
>You realize how sad it is that you've just been "no u"ing me right?
Learn how to use commas, you dumb ESLfag.
They both pass and want to be acknowlege as male.
MtF are obsessed with labeling themselves as transexuals, defeating their own supposed struggle.
That's..... That's not how scientific research works user
I'm mostly on your side but don't act like tossing a trans flag in a game is going to make the game any more or less bland or generic. It's totally irrelevant. Nobody here is calling for blandness and repetition in game development, they just want "politics" taken out of games because they can't handle seeing anything they disagree with.
I thought Celeste was about abortion. Now it's about trannies?
so you're just conceiting your point? glad, we talked about it :)
It's about aborting future trannies
Yet another no you and a sad attempt at deflection. I'm not going to bother with commas on Yea Forums.
Galileo agrees with you.
Because fuckwits like you deem someone's validity as a tranny based on how attractive they are. Passing is basically impossible for MtFs unless you're rich or you just got born with favourable facial structure
>he says in a thread with people raging about barely noticeable tiny flags in a still shot
that's already enough for people to gag. some people have zero tolerance for this bullshit pandering.
don't put it in the game, don't make it about a political statement and you will potentially reach all groups of people. put that shit in the game and expect to alienate 98% of people, while trying to pander to the 2%. it really is that simple.
the greatest works of art have universal, timeless themes. super mario and tetris will be enjoyed in 300 years. while the concept of western tranny woes might not even exist in 300 years and people will scratch their heads, thinking what the fuck were they doing.
Sorry this was meant for
>call people ESLfags for making grammatical errors and use that as grounds to dismiss their opinions
>get assblasted when someone calls out you're own grammatical errors
You're as hypocritical as you are stupid. There's no deflection going on here. You're an idiot and you never actually made a point so there was nothing to argue against. I've just been mocking you because you're stupid. So stupid, in fact, that you can't even adhere by your own posting rules. Try not to get too mad about getting caught with your pants down.
Become the 40%
See, the picture doesn't make any sense. "Deadnaming" a tranny (reminding them of who they were pre-mutilation) is seen as a serious offense equal to a death threat. Why would a tranny keep a picture of themselves as a pre-deformed child on their nightstand?
Okay goalless young white boy, go get radicalized by the alt-right or something you useless future school shooter
there are biological females being born ugly. tough shit, snowflake.
>game is made by faggots
>they put faggot shit in it
>not even in your face, just background detail
Oh no, the horror. Who fucking cares, it's their game, their IP, stop trying to censor them.
As if your purchase means anything in the grand scheme if things.
Yes and when they appear in a game like say, Control or GoW5 this entire board start going TRANNY TRANNY 40% TRANNY
I have money, loved ones and Im happy with myself.
Nice projection tho.
>As if your purchase means anything
It means that I'm not going to buy and play the game. That's all it means. Do you think you're demoralizing anyone by telling them that their lack of a purchase won't put the devs in bankruptcy?
>Passing is basically impossible for MtFs unless you're rich or you just got born with favourable facial structure
it's really not. humans don't actually have that much sexual dimorphism compared to most other animals and money can only do little for you if you are too far on the masculine side. starting early before puberty/age has too much of a chance to fuck you over is really the most important thing to do.
that doesn't even make any sense.
>that's already enough for people to gag. some people have zero tolerance for this bullshit pandering.
well, yeah, for people on Yea Forums that's true. but you do realize that that makes you look like insane and irrational people to anyone else?
nice larp you, aren't convincing anybody mate
how are lgbt people persecuted when multi-billion dollar mega-corporations are on their side
Unlike you, I dont crave validation.
Keep projecting.
How many of you have actually played this game series or shown any interest in it before this "controversy"?
Unlike you I don't have legions of fuckwits online that think I shouldn't exist. Motherfucker when have you ever been questioned on your right to exist?
Using the wrong too is much worse than being lazy about commas. My point is the internet was better in the 90s. This is indisputable for anyone who was there. I guaran-fucking-tee you're under 25.
I hope this trend of adding faggot shit to games after release gets more people pirating
Always remember that game devs do not deserve your money
>Unlike you I don't have legions of fuckwits online that think I shouldn't exist.
Sorry, Im not american
Pic related
I beat it including C sides when it came out. The story was pretty shitty, but I wrote it off as generic millennial "I'm so sad" shit and just played the game. The devs seem like bigger faggots than I thought, though, so now I won't give them any more money.
>Using the wrong too is much worse than being lazy about commas
Being an illiterate idiot is the same as being an illiterate idiot.
>My point is the internet was better in the 90s.
You don't have a point. You have a baseless opinion.
>This is indisputable for anyone who was there. I guaran-fucking-tee you're under 25.
Nope. I was around for the entirety of the 90s. You're an angry idiot who doesn't know English, makes excuses about their poor English, is makes objectively incorrect assumptions.
>have you ever been questioned on your right to exist
All the time and every time i do i come to the same conclusion:No matter how bad things get at least i'm not a tranny.
I guarantee my English is better than yours. You're trying so hard in every post now it's genuinely amusing.
The internet was better in the 90s because you cunts weren't on it. There. A fully realized assertion.
I don't believe you. You talk exactly like a teen out to prove himself and you genuinely care about politics in vidya.
>well, yeah, for people on Yea Forums that's true. but you do realize that that makes you look like insane and irrational people to anyone else?
No, this is how normal people think in private, they might not admit it in public out of fear of repercussions due to your insane cancel culture, but that's how normal people think.
Don't try to flip insanity labels here.
>Unlike you I don't have legions of fuckwits online that think I shouldn't exist
Dont you mean the opposite?
Jesus you must be seething lol
Society is not a Cali campus.
Have you been on this website at all in the past fucking year?
>this is how normal people think in private
keep telling yourself that. day of the rope soon, amirite?
>I guarantee my English is better than yours.
Demonstrably false, and getting angry about it won't change that.
>I don't believe you.
I'm not that broken up about it. You're pretty stupid so you're opinion doesn't actually mean anything.
>You're trying so hard in every post now it's genuinely amusing.
This is just pathetic. I feel bad for you at this point, so you can take the last word if you want it. There's a limit to how long you can make fun of idiots for, even on Yea Forums.
>/pol/rats having a nuclear meltdown because of a tiny flag in a cutscene
Mental illness.
What happened with this game? Cant stop seeing threads now
Nah not at all. Different situations have different standards. This is a colloquial situation, in fact it's awkward how hard you're trying. No one in this thread is typing like you.
Ok, have fun at school today :).
>complains about cancel cult while getting absolutely ass blasted over a single flag in a cutscene
Us normal people are not permanently triggered retards like yourself user. Sorry if that upsets you.
>game does something i dont like
>"hmmm... should i completely ignore it and play the games i do like OR constantly bitch about it everywhere thus giving it FREE advertising"
pixelshit that everyone hated and forgot about is now the hottest shit because of a tranny flag, HRT pillbottle and picture of the main character before mutilation as a boy
simple solution: don't put ugly people into video games.
video games are a form of escapism. I'm surrounded buy uggos and average looking people in my daily life. I don't want to shell out $60 of my hard earned money just so I can see some horse faced Hans Landa bitch in my vidya. what's funny is that her real life model doesn't even look that bad. same goes for Stephanie Joosten, yet Quiet ended up looking like a fucking mutant from The Hills Have Eyes in MGS V. So this was clearly the artists fucking up because face scanning is a shit meme that needs to be dropped.
then there are cases where the artists DELIBERATELY turned the main character into a fugly shitface like happened with Aloy in Horizon Zero Dawn.
this is why movies have above average attractive actors in them. no one wants to see movies about ugly or average people.
>us normal
cool story, fringe snowflake.
no one is roping anyone, you clown.
Did the devs come out and say the MC is trans or are you guys just assuming that because of the flag? This really seems like a non-issue.
Haven't even started the 9th chapter, does anyone or anything say that Madeline is trans?
Replying to this guy for attention
fags should be put to death, not put on equal footing as normal people much less celebrated.
yeah but it's never gonna happen
>or are you guys just assuming
There was a flag, a bottle of pills on the nightstand, and (most telling) a picture of him clearly as a boy with his mother as a child.
Not him and Not a tranny but everyday, in high school the cool kids frequently told me to kill myself, my “friends” ignored me to the point I haven’t spoken to most of them in years now but if I saw them on the street they’d act like we’re best friends, my only close friends basically abandoned me because I wasn’t willing to buy a PC and PUBG
Suicidal idealation doesn’t make you special, you stupid festering biological horror
Why. Live and let live. People who care about the personal lives of others are fucking pathetic losers in 100% of cases.
Unlike you my life doesn't revolve around what people say about me on the internet.
It seems strange for a tranny to keep a picture of themselves as their previous gender, no? And the pills are most likely antidepressants, given the actual themes of the game. You guys are seeing what you want so that you can get mad. Fuck knows why, though. They probably only put the flag in because of the tranny on the dev team, anyway
Yeah I agree with you, I'm not gonna pretend that. The problem is mostly how limiting to games that *could* be to listen to your average Yea Forums user.
lol I see, thanks user
>waaaaaah I can only bare to see attractive people
Boy it must suck when you leave your house once a month and see real people huh?
>It seems strange for a tranny to keep a picture of themselves as their previous gender, no?
I don't know what trannies do or don't do, but in the picture they're clearly a boy. You can posture all you want and pretend it's ambiguous, but all it's going to do is make you sound like a faggot.
But I'm not british
>clearly a boy
it's a child. children don't look like full grown men.
Didn't know short hair meant boy. Shit no wonder there's so many trannies now
Cutting your dick off is bad.
>not liking shorthaired girls
>calls others faggot
I bet it makes you think of cock.
>Yea Forums constantly rags on how gameplay is what matters most
fuck you
It’s great the devs can’t say he’s not trans or they’ll get cancel’d by trannies
Truly the tolerant left
>can't tell the difference between a girl with short hair and an actual boy's haircut
Okay, faggots.
projecting much?
user, putting a wig on weekends doesnt transform you into Devora the Maneater
it's clearly a boy child. there are only two gender. deal wit hit.
>it's clearly a boy child
user stop pushing your fetishes on others.
>when Yea Forums acts mad even though most of them fap to futa
>Go make a rainbow colored Dilation Station Simulator
its a flag
what's stopping a girl from getting a boy's haircut? you're fucking dumb
that's rich, coming from a tranny.
Seriously why are british woman so fucking ugly?
>inb4 someone posts Average Watson
>Putting a shitty rainbow filter on social media counts as them being on your side
Most Futas actually pass until trannies
Good god this board is autistic
nice projection nintendo tranny
god zelda fans are gay
So how many of you have beaten chapter 9 so far?
I'm at the screen with the moving stars and lava blocks, i think that's a little over halfway.
I'm an xboxfag you tard, guess we know who's really projecting here
jokes on you fag
im a zelda fan but im not actually gay, i just sucked a couple of dicks in my experimental phase (never took it up the as or anything)
People are still allowed to dislike it they just can't complain about it existing I guess.
you don't have to roleplay to show us how autistic you are user, you already do a good job by being yourself
>implying im roleplaying
my previous post was 100% honest
But I thought that gameplay was the only thing that mattered?
Kinda unrelated but I love how Vinny from Vinesauce pretends not to hate trannies
>will you play anodyne 2, a game made by a tranny that is exactly the type of game you love?
>nah demo didn’t “””do it””” for me
>hey you’re playing minecraft where are the bees?
>oh I can’t update because of this mod, someone is totally looking into it
>let me just quickly pirate all those blizzard games like hearthstone, WoW and overwatch that are made to be played online
but im not pretending?
>playing actiblizzard games in 2019
oh no he's retarded
>I am not capable of refuting the truth
Remember when San Francisco Marxists gave this game perfect 10s?
Considering it's one of the best platformers released lately, I don't mind a slight inflation of the scores. Not like they matter.
fixed that image for u
>well, that's cool
I love how much she doesn't give a shit, it's amazing
Let's see those TOEFL scores, faggots
Thank God I didn't waste any money on that tranny propaganda garbage.
>native speaker
>taking the TOEFL
Not the sharpest crayon in the box, are you?
Everyone who misses a comma or makes a typo is an ESL speaker, period.
Okay, but I didn't make any typos or miss any commas. The other idiot did.
>AAA are the only ones with any morals
Look up the list of studios EA has absorbed and spat out and tell me that again
>pirated it
>played it
>enjoyed the platforming
>don't give a shit about the politics the devs force into the game
Just another cutsey indie game that had to be about DEEP and SERIOUS topics. It literally was about depression and mental illness from day one. I'm not surprised they've gone further.
what's the name of the game?
He never said 'good morals' faggot but at the very least they have some.
And the indie fucks are the exact opposite of that and will gladly destroy everything as long as they are the only ones left that will have the last word on anything.
I enjoyed this game a lot, I can't wait to try chapter 9
lol get over yourself retard
Probably couldn't beat the game anyway
I got it free on EGS
how come game-journos are so hype on this shit when they normally talk shit on anything that takes any skill?
This game has an unironic journalist mode, they don't have to challenge themselves.
And there's nothing wrong with having that option, but don't claim you beat the game if you used it.
>People who care about the personal lives of others are fucking pathetic losers in 100% of cases.
It's not about the personal lives, it's about shoving an agenda to a person that's borderline tolerating a small but vocal minority of the population. I'm not even from America, but I'm not surprised why Trump won last election
how are the modes different?
Man I'd never heard of this game until this thread, can't wait to play it now!
Being good at videogames isn't a bragging point
>game is literally about depression
>reseterafags are now assuming the pills are for hormones
this logically doesn't make sense
so touching the spikes does nothing then?
i think its sad how many people are false flagging with racism and hatred. it brings out the sad pathetic anons who actually harbor these idiotic views and makes it ok for them to speak their half baked thoughts.
a lot of internet conversations are driven by false flagging these days. its important to think critically about words posted to the internet, who is writing them, and what their possible intent may be. you can never take comments at face value anymore without giving them extra consideration
you do not want to be the kind of weak minded individual who can be easily fooled by some user into thinking things and advancing that stranger's agenda
>even on Yea Forums you have anons that pretend they're victims of other anons
if good has to cheat then evil wins by default
Yasss trans rights
Bowser supports trans rights!
Luigi supports trans rights!
Mario supports trans rights!
Madeline supports trans rights!
Samus supports trans rights!
Every character is either trans or supports trans rights so that I can feel my life choices and mental instability are validated!
Make Incels Mad Again
No one who makes these comics actually knows how to pirate and has never pirated anything, so fucking stupid.
Yea Forums hates it because the sjws and journos love it for its *muh depression* story
I guarantee you, if this game wouldn't be so well received by everyone, Yea Forums would love it for being a hidden gem.
But since it's popular, people are suddenly complaining about difficulty since suddenly it's "bad" difficulty
>Why do I have to accept the existence of LGBT people but you can't accept Nazis killing LGBT people?
Gee, I don't know
he isn't even the love interest. They are just buddies for the whole game. They don't even live in the same cities, which is why they just talk over the internet in that last cutscene
>this thread again
You are nearly there, but you need to keep in mind that there is a lot of false flagging done simply to cause chaos and sow discord. Not all of it is agenda-driven, in fact, I posit that most of it isn't, it's just assholes getting their kicks.
Whats nice is that they added the opposite of that. A mode where you can activate modifiers to make the game more difficult
Is that how people were doing 1.5 or 2x speed playthroughs? I thought they were doing it with Cheat Engine.
Every time
Very based
Cases like this are called Death of the Author, like Rowling revealing that Dumbledore was a flaming faggot on Twitter and other stupid shit.
Eh, gameplay is aces. I liked the exploration about how a person confronts depression, but apparently that's not what the game is about anymore, a pity
He always looked like a faggot desu
yes, unless they're being made fun of, like is normal with all other mentally ill retards
untreated gender dysphoria is very intimately related to depression.
That's fair, but it's not a brand of depression I can relate to whatsoever
>>actor is an alcoholic wifebeater
>but I can't hate Jack Sparrow!
Nice try Amber.
By the way, even if he were he wouldn't be beating his wife ofscreen or try to insert his pro-wifebeating agenda into everything he's a part of. Same with the musician.
i mean, did nobody pay attention to what the entire dev team looked like?
i had been seeing the game shitposted on Yea Forums for the weeks leading up to e3, and when I saw those faggots take up stage, I knew exactly what I was dealing with
how nobody could have seen something like this coming is a bit concerning
>99% of people complaining aren't even skilled enough to see this screen for themselves
i didn't bought the game even, but the writer made a fucking J.K. Rowling mental gymnastics for absolutely nothing, this was unnecesary, fuck you, fuck your supermeatboy ripoff
Who's censoring anything retard?
It's all so tiresome
>Like game on its own merits, don't care about SJW shit
>Devs put SJW shit on it
>Oh well, the gameplay hasn't changed so whatever
It's just so tiresome
Old Yea Forums would have reacted exactly the same way, cunt. The only difference now is that now we have people defending it
i love how you leave out an important detail for every example you post and even use bait for your second point
i'll give your shitpost a 4/10, you could fool someone who doesn't know the situation
Old Yea Forums didn't give a shit about Arcade being gay in NV, or Kaine being trans in Nier, or the main character from Prototype 2 being a black guy
Stop pretending you were there
the have entire groups dedicated to raiding Yea Forums and 8/v/ to stop wrongthink, what are you talking about
cry harder you pussy
that's not cancel culture
cancel culture would be
>game adds trans flag
>so you attempt to get the devs blacklisted from the industry by making up false claims of some other shit and spread it to journalists and other game companies
see #metoo and other such retardation
>unga bunga me no like trangend
come back when you turn 18
man can you imagine nier releasing now, especially after Automata with that in?
Pol kids that are venting here would spam the whole board for months
Is such a disgusting tactic anyway. If you're going to push your politics, don't be a pussy about it. Have conviction
Numale =/= hipster, although most hipsters are probably numale
Reminder that if you buy the results of an indie game jam, then you probably shouldn't act too surprised when the game gets dosed with fag flags.
Can Yea Forumseddit speak in something that isn't buzzwords? The state of this board is honestly sad.
If MGS4 came out today you'd have morons screeching their heads off about Ocelot kissing Snake being blatant agenda pushing or something like that
I am so glad Yea Forums doesn't have an upvote system
Being this mad over an easter egg in a cutscene.
Why is Yea Forums bitching like the sjws now. Just ignore it or don't play, why make dozens of threads continously seething over this?
Dilate and have sex, seething Resetera tranny.
Jokes aside I agree, I thought it was bad before but it's terrible these days.
ITT: Incels who jacked off to Madeline mad that they feel gay now.
Confirmed not skilled enough to see the screen.
not before it being a movie rather then a real game because you dont run around in a 80% empty open world with audio logs.
I hate the current zeitgeist
*ting ting*
FUCK Yea Forums
>not supporting retard devs for shoehorning delusional degeneracy into a game
>doxxing devs for once saying something that hurts your sensitive feelings (i.e. literally anything)
Same thing lmao, literally worse than SJWs.
that's confusing. if you were able to relate to the game previously then this meta information really shouldn't change anything about that but rather show you the similarities between you and others.
>hahahaha SJWs get triggered by anything