She’s fucking perfect.
She’s fucking perfect
She's a prostitute.
yeah keep humping that blowdoll retarded ass cumbr@in
So comfy...
would love again
Lady Ann please show me your vagina and breasts
Hot and wholesome
I refused to believe japanese salary man have higher standards than to refuse a 26 year old teacher playing maid prostitute.
Shes under 30 thats not fat, ugly, or drugged up.
She's a neurotic mess so out of control that she defers to her student for love and guidance.
In short:she's fucking perfect.
She's not (In Rank 7 of her confidant she mentions the Maid company has a sister company that does all the actual sex stuff which the Takases will end up forcing her to transfer to with their demands) but even then kind-hearted prostitute is a character trope as old as time and not at all a bad one.
Sonya from Crime and Punishment comes to mind.
>Prostitutes bad
Bad take
And you’re a faggot.
Name one thing purer then fishing with your love.
Why are maid outfits so fucking perfect?
They just are.
>Had a crush on my high school English teacher
>She moves away to some other state
>She always said I was her favorite student, I stayed after class and talked with her 1 on 1, brought her coffee in the mornings etc
>tfw it’s been years and I still occasionally have dreams where I become rich, track her down, woo her, and get her to fall in love with me, leading to us getting married and starting a family together
>despite knowing this will never ever happen a small part of me still hope it does
I just want the pain to end
you're pure, user
Kawakami’s a nigger...
>charcoal instead of caramel
Absolute shit taste in skin colour
>sex work is bad
This is LITERALLY you
>"Lawdie, Jokah, ah don't know nothin bout no phantom thieves"
You don't have to be rich to start reconnecting with her. Find her on social media or whatever. Chase your dreams user.
I much prefer Sadayo out of her laborous work and teaching her children.
She can still keep the maid costume for sexy times though
She's probably not interested now you're no longer jailbait. The time to make a move was back then.
>Love fluffy hair
>Hate stupid twin-tails
Really, it was deal-breaker for me, when she'd only ever appear with that stupid hair. Fluffy hair is sex.
Joker is /fa/ as fuck
The joy of her confidant is in getting her to spend more time as her true self.
I am sorry user but words like that are not proper for a place like 4channel.
I would like to suggest refrain from using them.
Thank you.
A fellow, dark-skinned, user.
This. 4channel should be a welcoming website for all colors and creeds.
That’s pretty gay
meh. I waifu'd Makoto and ended up wasting all of my time in game with her.
I can't find myself liking any of the girls all that much in P5, when I liked quite a few before. I guess my Joker will stay single.
Well makoto is alright whatever makes you happy user
but you really did mis-out.
Yeah, the hard part is that I could appreciate the appeal of having a relationship with a fluffy hair teacher, but I stuck to my guns. I'm glad you're happy, though.
Who is she and what's the game? I've been jacking it for years to her.
Sadayo Kawakami from Persona 5. She's the protagonist's homeroom teacher at his high school. You can pursue a romance with her.
I bet she had Joker clean her entire apartment until he was out of breath and she was satisfied.
Not even a year ago I was like you. Last month I emulated Persona 5 and reasonable enjoyed it.
This will be the last time I implore you to stop.
If you don't care about me then think of poor Hiro and the advertisers. Think about all the lost ad revenue. Those ads keep this great place alive.
Yes, and?
She gets the best doujins.
You guys ever notice how students having a crush on their teacher is a major running theme throughout the entire SMT franchise
Kind of weird to be honest
It's called a "running joke"
I think more people nowadays should learn how to make good jokes
Teenagers are horny.
Though I find Kawakami being a teacher secondary to the mutual support aspect of their relationship.
They do agree to keep their love life and school life mostly separate.
What's weird about it? it's completely normal for students to have a crush on their teacher.
Isn't it fact that if a guy dates or marries a girl who isn't a virgin then he's stating to the world "yes, my girlfriend has fucked other guys and I'm okay with that"?
chasing after virgin girls is the pathway to pedophilia since most teens have already done it
Your father seemed fine with it
But you're the one she ended up with in the end, not those other idiots. They couldn't hold onto her, you could.
This reads like a roastie post, like those "A real man will step up to the plate!" macros
Isn't it fact that if a girl dates or marries a guy who isn't a virgin then she's stating to the world "yes, my boyfriend has fucked other guys and i'm okay with that"?
Am I wrong? Those fuckers don't get to keep the girl, you do.
>implying the girl still has the same value as she did before getting passed around and fucked a few hundred times
This really does read like a roastie post
The appeal of Kawakami is that she's like a mom you can have sex with, understanding, mature, lonely, diligent. A mutual bond of trust and understanding where you're both on equal footing.
Lolis are a stark contrast because ther'ye obnoxious, immature, uncooperative, illegal to have sex with, awkward in bed, and constantly intimidated by you. There's nothing a loli can do for you that an older woman couldn't do better.
I'm not a virgin either, fuck do I care?
>Assigning value to a girl
Looks like she's not gonna stay with you after all
>Kawakami gets great doujins with good art
>Makoto and Ann get rape and ntr shit with awful proportions
You have a penis. This doesn't mean you have to date someone with a penis, you retarded numale.
>implying I would want her in the first place
Let someone else lick Tyrone's sloppy seconds. See if I care
actually have sex
What kind of underwear does she wear?
Plain white to work at Shujin, lacy black when Joker calls
Okay and? Just because some chick's taken it up the veen doesn't mean she's gonna be loose enough for a baby to fall out.
I feel like you've had some really bad personal experiences with non-virgins, user.
actually have standards
The heck is wrong with people who make such doujins. Mentally ill or are they made for Zoomers for money?
Why would you blame zoomers for that when rape and NTR have been here since forever? I also like to think people who get really frustrated because of fucking doujins are the mentally ill ones.
>"i don't have sex because I have standards"
Incel cope
what is it like to have sex and then cuddle together after?
Get that disgusting dark skin out of this thread.
That russian artist is God-like.
>So what if I fucked a hole that Tyrone shoved his enire hand into? So what if she's carrying super STDs and has a couple of black babies? I had sex and you didnt and that makes me superior to you!
The sad thing is that disgusting low test """males""" actually believe this
I wonder what backwards logic these guys have to try and justify how a guy like Harvey Weinstein isn't superior to them when he's fucked more young celebrities than they have touched girls.
post moar dammit
More like Prosticute!
why is she one? i have never played the game
you are in the wrong thread than friend
but i like hot women
no idea desu
It's okay, nigger, words can't actually harm you.
IQ = 538
She has a part time job at a maid company to help pay a debt. While the game never outright says she does lewd things, it is implied. However, later on in her storyline, she implies she might go to a different branch of the maid company that outright offers prostitution services. Assuming you finish her story arc, she doesn't have to do that.
Thank God she quits using the Becky hair.
what is in that cup?
I used to have this mindset. Now I don't care, I just want a gf
>that face
he has had no experiences with virgins or non virgins
>"yes, my girlfriend has fucked other guys and I'm okay with that"?
Yeah? What's wrong with that?
The running joke is also that she's too old to get called up for the "under the table" stuff, so all her maid work is actual maid work like cleaning bathrooms.
The cuddle is the best part desu.
Its why I dont pay for escorts.
You'd be surprised how many escorts would love to just cuddle, they're just on the clock so you need to pay for the time. Not talking from personal experience, used to work night shift at a store frequented by hookers.
I am talking from experience.
Got an escort after breaking up with my gf because why the fuck not? I was horny and angry.
But the whole experience felt a little better than just masturbating.
Boring, unfulfilling, and at the end of it I was still alone in my room.
1/10 would not repeat.
Your dick is shaped specifically to scrape other guy's cum out while you're fucking a girl. Biologically speaking the only thing that really matters is the spurt that makes it all the way.
If you manage to take and keep the girl and have a kid, you win.
>Your dick is shaped specifically to scrape other guy's cum out while you're fucking a girl.
That's all well and good except for the fact that your cum still has to compete with Tyrone's to fertilize your woman. And given how much of a soi you are, it's safe to assume that you're a dicklet as well and wont be scraping much cum out of any whore's pussy
Stop trying to sugarcoat the fact that you're a degenerate cuck, your attempts are pointless because we can all see you for what you really are
You sure are obsessed with cuck fantasies involving black men, you should see a psychiatrist about that.
Why are you so obsessed with the idea of black men fucking your woman?
Yes. That's the evolutionary purpose for your johnson's mushroom tip.
>uses the cuck excuse 'the penis is meant to scrape the cum of other men!'
>gets called out as a cuck
>lol why are you such a cuck?
top lel, cucks. enjoy your STD riddled sloppy seconds
No it's not, faggot
how fat are you?
Why is it always you cuck spouting /pol/ types who love to talk and post and think about black men named Tyrone or Jamal or whatever fucking your white women, and why do you call other people cucks when it's clear the fantasies in your mind are entirely your own?
>I frequently post online about superior black man fucking white women to the dismay of white men
>but it's you guys who are the real cucks because your also soiboys and have small dicks anmd are degenerates because I say so
>there's nothing wrong with fucking a woman who was just fucked by another man I'm not a cuck I swear!
lol the cuck cope
Nobody's talking about pancakes.
>I'm not a cuck
>I just love thinking about Tyrone and his big black cock fucking white bitches and cucking all the poor little white men
>you guys are the real cucks
This is wrong. She's in the non-lewd branch, and comments about maybe needing to go lewd for the money. At no point does she ever do any lewd work in the game. Definitely not prostitution.
>cuck's fw typing this
This a pasta now?
no u
>those expressions
hah this looks great