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This is such a shitty little faggot fuckin' game. Can't even cocksuckin' run.
Do I take the psyker pill?
Hey hey people
Are you going to be a psyker? Your stats are awful btw, restart
Shut the fuck up faggot.
Whats so bad about then?
It mostly depends on what you're trying to do but there's no point in having a bunch of 5s.
Where do I reliably buy flashbangs? My build relies heavily on not getting shot by the enemies.
>all those 5s and 6s
Restart . You can not be a jack of all trades. Instead pick 8 skills to dump ale your points in and 2 ways of commiting murder. Then min max your stats around those.
I went for an all rounder since this is my first playthrough. Leaning towards using that strength and endurance to be an unga that melees things. And than maybe use my 6 int to toss nades and set traps.
the game is mostly designed around being absolutely amazing at your preferred style of combat, be it stealthy assassinations, mind blasting the fuck out of people, or being a walking tank and everything in between. if you're only "adequate" at any of those, you're gonna have a real hard time making it past some really bullshit encounters.
with that in mind its better to have dump stats so you can beef up your strengths. and since you have 5 will and 6 int you're better off without it all the same.
you can be an full ass unga bunga without will/int/agility and still throw grenades and set traps.
this is you average AR user
say something nice about him
Ah so I should dump int and will? Will that effect my intimidation? I kinda just wanted to be an asshole who pushes pthers around to get what he wants and kill them if they aren't pussies.
Intimidation and persuasion aren't THAT useful, so unless you're pure stealth and avoid combat all the time you should work your stats more towards killing things and not dying, rather than for the bonus you'll get to a skill that doesn't affect combat.
Intimudation has nothing to do with any of the stats. You just need the skill points. Will is useless unless you go psi, and int is only for crafting.
If you want to be melee consider 6 agi for sprint, or else you you might have a hard time getting up on ranged dudes. Probably moreso if you're going to use heavy armor. 6 dex is also needed for grenadier, which you probably want cuz it lowers cooldowns on grenades.
Should I dump any stats besides INT and WIL? DEX, AGI, and Perception all sound useful?
You won't need perception to help you kill guys since you're melee. All it'll do for you is help you detect stealth guys and traps, which is useful, but I'm pretty sure most melee guys go with 3 perception. You can just throw flares around in spots where niggers are hiding in the shadows and there's gear that increases your detection. Whatever you do don't pick snooping. It's awful. You'll have a good rate to detect traps anyway cuz you're going to be maxing out your traps skill anyway.
perception is for ranged weapons
dump perception and will. around 6 or 7 int is really good for crafting.
does anybody sell already extracted enzymes and shit? i'd love to be able to mass produce my own super hypos but 100 bio is a pretty steep investment just for fusing enzymes, and fishing up anglers is a pain in the dick.
this but unironically and it's pretty obvious how routine and predictable the fastest moving threads are and those threads' subject matter.
you'd swear it was bots, but it's more depressing that it's actual people. phoneposting killed any oc as well. depressing
>gang showdown
>random eel scrub walks into my war crimes zone 3 turns after it's set up
>everyone immediately hates me
>that pic
>that pic
>This pic
>that pic
Kill yourself
last thread was nuked by a janny
keep up the good fight lads, if you wanna talk about the game make a thread if there isn't one already
How does underrail stack up against other crpgs like Original sin 2 and wasteland 2?
Help I accidently used the Herculean drug. How the fuck do I get rid of it?
Reload your last save.
I used it, went to talk to Handsome Jon, then walked back out of the area.
IF anyone knows what values I can edit to get rid of it that would be nice my last non auto save was several hours ago.
Don't kill yourself
>being this stupid
name a more iconic duo
Just wait until it wears off, dumbass?
With 5 base perception and 0 base trapping, is there any point in trying to spend ~10-20 points on trapping and hunting down trapping / perception boosting gear for spotting traps, or will that little investment not help at all? Currently on the Depot A quest and these mines are fucking me up.
It's a combat focused rpg with extreme difficulty options and complex character customization. most of it's appeal lies in autistically min maxing your character and running them through the murder gauntlet. Replayability is massive. Atmosphere and setting are excellent but the writing is fairly simplistic and to the point.
It's obvious that people are only pretending to like a game when it gets a general spammed every day.
how much dexterity do you have?
Just toss grenades once in a while. And don't click out a long path. Even if you have shit detection if you take a couple steps when you know there's mines around you'll give your character more of a chance to detect before you step on it. Do not get snooping just for traps.
Throw grenades on known mine locations
>he wasnt in the threads before an eceleb played it
newfag spotted
>brings up "eceleb"
>calls me newfag
cool dude
Investing in Traps is worth just for the ability to use other shit besides vanilla bear traps. You can also get the +1 perception goggles too.
Mind, too, that Wasteland 2 and Divinity were made by actual studios. Underrail, by comparison, was made by some Serb. Make of that what you will.
Just walk slowly and save often. It is not worth is to spread yourself thin
I tried standing directly next to a mine in full light, but I was completely unable to spot it
where the FUCK is this fucking shield shipment? it sure as hell aint in here
But it is in there.
Just press Z
i wouldnt bother with the trap skill then as it will be penalized by your low attribute score. you could try getting motion detection goggles but if that doesnt help you might just have to stumble around the game throwing flares and stepping into mines like the pipeworker that you are.
whats the difference between z and tab? they look identical to me.
>oh em geee
I think there is no difference
Z highlights things in the opposite order to tab. Useful in really crowded areas sometimes.
>""roleplaying"" ""game""
>have to have two buttons just to see something on screen
>(((isometric))) view made to brainwash you into believing MUTT GOOD MUTT GOOD
lmao take your meds
Sniper + stealth and traps
Do I need to pump evasion and dodge?
You don't need dodge on a ranged character since you can just back off.
Evasion is good. Not necessary, but good.
Sseth said in his video it's a post nuclear game. Am I wrong in thinking that's bullshit?
Do I really need to kill all the psibeetles so the guy can get back to the station safely? I only have a shitty 5mm which barely scratches them.
Play further and find out.
I know that I can get back, buy shit and kill the bugs. That wasn't my question.
You never got told why the surface is uninhabitable. All anyone knows is that something really bad happened. Could be anything.
How to defeat the beast? I can't cheese 80 fucking spiky rock cunts
Dominating first run btw
You fucked up son.
>all these fucking dogs and mutants in depot a
Fucking kill me
Gas, bear traps and cave ear poison caltrops.
Isnt there some lore pretty deep in inferring shit about godmen?
Where the hell do I get 50 of those?
Layered bear traps all the way up the stairs.
Cave ear caltrops in the pit where they spawn, crawler/burrower caltrops further on the stairs.
Gas grenades where they spawn, keep throwing more as the fight goes on.
You do all that and you can basically just afk aside from throwing more gas in and watch them die. Wear gas mask/metal boots to be immune to the gas/caltrops while you leave the pit after activating the beacon. It takes a while before the bladelings start spawning so you have time to get out and switch back to your regular equipment.
What the fuck is wrong with your skills?
Whats the best easiest build.
I've never played a game in this genre, is Underrail a good place to start?
Is pretty good, quite humorous too. My favorite is when you select "Play Underrail" on evelyn's computer
Theres a toxic barrel in the area east of Blaine, and two in core city sewers, so you can craft 9 gas grenades, more than enough.
Go to camp harthor, the junkyard hunter and I think SGS to get 15 bear traps each. Cave ears are everywhere.
i dont think it's the best game to start your rpg career unless you like some challenge
baby's first crpg is something like divinity original sin or pillars of eternity
first playthrough here
is pick pocketing actually worth spending skill points on?
playing on normal as a dodgy psycho bitch and my locker's now full of crap I can't use and over 1k worth of stygian coins. currently just at junkyard doing the drill quest btw. Fuck muties and burrowers
If you play on Oddity there are some that only friendly townspeople have in their inventory
pure psi wizard is easy, coz you have tools to deal with everything. sometimes you have to be smart about what you use.
if you like total brainless fun, full metal armor and assault rifles. million health points, just stand still and mow down everything.
there's also high agility and dex unarmed/fist weapon chad. here you have million movement points, just punch people run to another guy, punch him, then run away and hide. if you take some psychokinesis to create a monk of sort it gets even easier.
these 3 are my choices for easist 1st playthrough
Okay so after reading some shit, including that you can get a shotgun at the start if you have 20 persuasion I decided to make a shotgun build for my first playthrough.
So I try it out for the first time on PSI beetles and I do literally no damage, then I switch my ammo from 20P to 6P and it suddenly melts them.
I don't understand, why does the cheaper ammo type does so much more damage? Why is 20P ammo so expensive if it does shit damage?
Why is less pellets better than more pellets?
Got it. spent a few points on that skill in my early levels and felt like I was making a huge mistake now with enemies getting more brutal and my build is simply not ready to take on multiple acid spewing assholes at a single time.
Ye, he dies if you lie to him about killing the bugs outside.
I think you can leave him there for however long you want as long as you don't tell him the path's clear but I'm not sure.
6p penetrates armor better
Well, there are subjenres to RPGs, and don't let any game skew your expectations. This is more of a dungeon-crawling game.
Hey hey people
But there's literally a sprint feat...
Ok that's fucking it I'm playing classic
You don't actually need any of the oddities from them to hit the level cap. It's just a way to keep the skill slightly useful instead of worthless like it is on classic. Classic is kind of a stupid mode.
Back shelf
You need to be fast as fuck, don't be a greedy jew and steal everything, just steal as much as you are able.
less pellets = more penetration
20p will tear apart stuff like rathounds
Stunlocked: The Game
Stunlock enemies yourself, use stealth
Ther is even immunity to stun after stun, to prevent stunlocks.
>Sneak past anyone
>do the entire zone
>go out stealthy
>they turn agressive the moment they see me
Why. What is the fuckign point of sneaking around then. I even double checked after entering the dungeon by getting out again to make sure they were'nt attacking me. Now what, I lost all the quests related to these people?
You can't access a merchant there either now.
did you turn on the elevator? i think they get hostile if you mess around with that.
kill them all, there are no quests here
You turned on the generator zoner.
I wasn't suppossed to do that?
What did the merchant sell?
Styg said a few years ago that whatever happened was non-nuclear. He might have changed his mind but as far as the game goes it doesn't say.
You didn't take sure step to survive depot A did you zoner?
they're more than happy someone is messing around in their base after they told you to fuck off
Speaking of the DLC, how the hell do you fortify the base? The savages are gonna start causing problems for me pretty soon
I can't wait to see what Styg does with all the Ssethmoney. I want Underrail 2 set in North Underrail with a consistent art quality you see in the expansion
the isometric art is so nice
>Accidentally click the ground in a fight
>Accidentally walk into a group of 5 guys with raging murderboners
>It's 20 turns into a long fight
I wish there was an option that you need to double click in combat to move, this is getting ridiculous.
This isn't a Divinity game.
Is a pure machete dodge/evade build without any psi viable on hard difficulty? For that matter, is some kind of machete build viable on dominating (can be anything, can use psi, doesn't have to dodge/evade)?
More like
>Click on stunned enemy to attack
>But the swaying animation makes you click on the ground instead because you missed by a pixel in a few frames and you lose a turn moving there
Styg should just add a cancel action option until you finalize your turn given how garbage the detection is in this game, so many times I missed by a few undetectable pixels and had to F9 because I moved instead of shooting.
The best defense is a good genocide.
Failing that, you drop an impenetrable line of caltrops, traps and mines near the shore. And then you genocide them.
I wouldn't count on dodge/evade too much, I'm playing as a Psi Sniper on hard at the moment and even though I maxed out both, the enemy hit chance is still ridiculously high especially for crossbow users, 8/10 times I get insta killed by a crossbow that I can't even see the position of. As for dodge, think only time it helped me it was against dogs, melee Lurkers / Ironheads always absolutely shit on me if they ever get close. Overall I would be better of with my SP invested in something else as most of my survival is through better positioning, planning and target focusing.
Maybe it's worth it if you have 10+ agi (only got 6 for sprint) but for me it was mostly meh.
i was playing dodge/evade machete on hard. 10 agi tho
you need throwing or traps. or both. but it's doable.
i dont know about dom. if i tried id go with psyhokinesis/tm and high con
help the lower ranks are bullying me
>One of the Aegis Sec-Troopers faisl the nade throw
>it falls under his feet, blowing up Yahota
hello hello guys
I'm playing a pure machete build on hard. Currently I'm in Depot A at level 8 and I'm repeatedly dying to the onslaught of mutants and dogs, not to mention getting fucked by mines everywhere I go. I even have Siphoner armor for acid protection, but that doesn't save me. The acid thing that prevents dodge/evasion sure makes it seem like this isn't a viable build, after all. I also have 0 in traps, due to some autistic role playing purposes. Clearly it's as mandatory as is lockpicking and hacking. I'm even starting to question if Psi is also mandatory. I suppose that if I played on normal difficulty this wouldn't be a problem, because clearly it isn't balanced in a way that anything would be viable at any difficulty, even if you know everything inside out. A shame, but I suppose that's how things work in any game. Guess I have to start laying bear traps everywhere I go. Bummer.
Yeah, I'm struggling at around 7 agi. A lot. I'll try to continue a bit more. Get 1 more point in agi for Uncanny Dodge. See if that helps, otherwise I'll regrettably start anew as a gunner/psi something. I'm not particularly thrilled about it, but I like the game and I want to experience more of it.
Use choke points, molotovs and caltrops/a taser. If you can get past the gun muties you should be able to handle the melee enemies.
Play as a hammer wizard
Play as a wizard wizard
I already spam Molotovs in choke points for that sweet sweet burn damage. I'm using a machete with that electric damage attachment for AoE damage, yet I'm literally paper. They basically overwhelm me and I have to save scum a lot. It isn't a particularly enjoyable experience and I'm beginning to doubt the viability of the build as I move forward. But yeah, I'll try some more and see how it goes. Maybe I just need more damage with crits to finish fights quicker and the rest will sort itself out. I still don't know how to deal with Psi enemies. Can't really avoid that damage.
>fifth time reloading a fight
>grenadier keeps killing me
>this time the grenadier throws the nade on his feet and some nearby buddies, trivializing the fight
Genocide sounds appealing, but i'm pretty early into the DLC, i've just gotten done with the muties who I slaughtered like animals
When is it available?
just land on their shore like d-day normandy and start blasting them
>Genociding the muties
You may have cucked yourself a huge chunk of a questline, and deep lore
Good job
>level 8
>100 effective gun skill
>aim sniper rifle
>night vision on
>80% hit chance
are guns a meme?
Who cares? The only good mutant is a dead mutant.
I had no stealth and I'm not wasting camp supplies just for the privilege to use an elevator
pic related is my current build; first time playing (in awhile) my build sucked balls and I ate shit at Depot A, so I decided to restart. Haven't finished the game yet. The story is extremely compelling to me so I want to finish it on normal before I graduate to the harder difficulties. Playing on oddity.
For our new friends who picked up the game recently because they seen the threads on here or they seen Sseth's video, I'd like to offer some helpful tips.
>Chemistry 20 and Tailoring 10 will allow you to craft molotovs , which are hands-down the most useful utility item you can have at the earlier levels
>If you're playing a Psi user, you probably know that Quinton will offer you a free Metathermics ability if you shoot a rathound with his experimental bolt; don't accept it yet. At character creation, put 10-15 points into Mercantile. Go do the Crossroads mission, level up, put points into Mercantile until you have 20 total. Go back to Quinton, accept the mission, but select the Mercantile dialog option for 2 free Psi abilities. Go find some rathounds for the next mission (the cave hopper one) and you're bound to find some there.
>Depot A is tough for ranged weapon users. If you are one, or overall just squishy/have a shit build, load up on Caltrops, Bear Traps, and Molotovs. Bear Traps require no skill to use and are god-tier, caltrops may need a bit of throwing but are great for kiting, and molotovs will trivialize any enemy that stands in your way. If you have the necessary crafting skills for caltrops and mechanics, you can also add poison to them as well.
Most importantly, if you're playing on normal, you don't need to optimize your build. It may be tougher down the line but you can do whatever you want, provided you know how to think critically.
Have fun newfriends. Enjoy the game, don't let the faggots here dissuade you from playing their super secret club game.
You can genocide the Sormibaeren as soon as you get your jet ski, provided you are strong enough to do so since there's a shitload of them and they also have some chief minibosses.
Talking about that, I've been making some experiments and it seems you don't really need to deal with Magnar's ghost to stop the invasion, I've checked Yahota's reports and she says the invasions stop after killing fleshie Magnar, meaning you can leave the ghosts for later if you can't beat them.
The hit roll check is notoriously awful, it's not a problem with guns, the 95% meme exists for a reason.
Oh man you will have such good relationship with the Ferryman
And you will care when voidlings fuck your shit up
Lore question
Is it possible that Underrail doesn't take place on earth?
Because i've heard a lot of things that imply that at best we are, or were, a class II civilisation
Its very and highly probably its on earth, its just some highly advanced ayylmaos hanging around Earth
Incredibly unlikely given all the real world references.
On the verge of sounding like a faggot, this game feels like it draws from Roadside Picnic a bit. Which is nice.
>inb4 stalkerfags
Yes, yes, I know, Stalker is based on the book, thank you for letting me know for the hundredth time that I should TOTALLY read it (which I have, most likely before you).
I've been chatting to the Ferryman for a while now and he doesn't seem to miffed about it
Seriously though, should I consider reloading? Wasting camp supplies on them doesn't seem wise to me what with the constant attacks, they seem like isolationist dicks.
Hey hey people
To be fair it still uses the elements of RP's uses, ayyliens, strange artifacts, strange zones, its not that crazy you see it that way
Since kindness and empathy seems like an alien concept to you, just roll with it and see how far you can get until you get fucked
Who cares, maybe good loot will drop, or 1 or 2 oddities
ex dee
do you have advice for glass cannon builds who can take maybe 5 hits max? should i abuse traps?
>when you find the catalyzing belt as a chemical pistol build
glass cannon should always be: kill them before they can act
but yeah, grenades, traps and caltrops
Hey maybe next time they'll let me use the god damn elevator
Oh wait, there won't be a next time
You'll learn soon that traps are almost always required for glass cannons. If you want insane, raw damage, go ahead and take the psi-pill and go metathermics
can you be murderhobo in this game?
you made a right choice user.
i've slaughtered muties 3 out of 3 times now. im thinking of reasoning with them for my next run. we'll see.
underrail is murderhobo: the game
Underrail is the ultimate murderhobo per excellence
Many people have come to call it "junkpunk" which fits rather nicely
alright,so does that mean i can kill everyone i see and still be able to finish the game?
In that I seriously doubt so
What is the point of crafting on a pure psi? I know about the headbands but what else would a cave wizard ever need at all?
just headbands, so electronics and some biology
>does that mean i can kill everyone i see and still be able to finish the game?
Lmao no
Making your own custom smack from the various fauna and flora you kill.
Saves money.
Also making your own armour has it's appeals too.
Headbands, psibeetle vests and drugs.
I'm shocked by the amount of stupid things the dude has to say
How much of it is actually right? I actually did find a hopper graveyard somewhere in the caves
>How much of it is actually right?
All of it.
Get a load of this negative underrail review on the steam store page.
you have to wonder how he even got that far at all
Although chances are you'll have cryostasis, traps are almost essential. Cryo Orb + caltrops will almost ensure that melee attackers will never touch you, and cryostasis will shut down ranged threats. Focus on crowd control, then nukes.
Psi doesn't need any traps beyond eletrokinetic imprint.
>Get caught in the crossfire of some schmuck ally's shotgun
>Lol it's okay
>Same guy steps on a single one of my caltrops
>Everyone immediately forgets what they're actually shooting at and makes me swiss cheese
Good game
>not knowing fast travel/speeding up the game exists
>not knowing food items/armor can boost stats and thus boost skills, so that you may craft within that required level
>not knowing you can have armor with resistances, energy shields, and CON-related feats that reduce damage types
>not understanding the layout of the encounter
>not forcing enemies to play on your level via caltrops/beartraps/aoe/chokepoints/doorways
>not leveling up lockpicking/hacking
>132 HOURS
Jesus, how can someone be so bad a game/oblivious after that long?
Yeah I suppose but overall traps make life easier, yknow?
>steps on sharp lego
>proceeds to unload into faggot's face
absolutely based AI.
Getting dick cheney'd is a teency bit more annoying in my opinion
Okay. So with that in mind should I skip out on any of the psi schools? I obviously need metathermics and thought control for damage and CC. Pyschokinesis is tempting for the electrical shit but everything else in that school uses too much psi to be useful. Temporal manipulation is also kind of worthless imo, don't know for sure because I've only used like 4 spells from it.
>should I skip out on any of the psi schools?
No, all of them are good and having just 70 in all of them to have access to the whole libraries is enough to make the game a lot easier by virtue of having broken stuff like Cryostasis, Force Field or all the broken temporal spells like Temporal Dilation/Contraction, this is true for any build in the game.
Psi costs eventually become irrelevant. Psychokinesis has the best single target damage and TM has amazing buffs and decent debuffs.
IGN played main Path of exile story (tutorial) without ascendancy, it took them 75 hours...
buy 30 bandages from heidi and a sturdy vest from Oskar, craft a sturdy armor, bandage yourself nonstop, and hope for the best.
I'll just explain them all in terms of what you need to know.
Best for destroying organic enemies in masses. Good utility in the form of cryo psionics for CC.
>Thought Control
Good damage but better utility in the form of fear and incapacitate. Also, enrage (turns target hostile to everyone) and Locus of Control (makes a psi ability AOE) are insanely synergetic, will make an entire room of enemies slaughter each other; that requires 10 WIL and 75 Thought Control, so be wary of the investment.
Good for fighting robots, but also because of Force Field. Put at least 30 into this so that you can use it. Also, Disruptive Field makes it so ranged enemies have 37% less chance to it. Somewhat nice.
>Temporal Manipulation
Don't pick this school if you want more damage; it's really all about utility. That being said, Temporal Distortion is a good ticking time bomb if you want to put it on an enemy so you can focus on other enemies. Psycho-temporal dilation reduces action points and movement points; I suspect it may be better than cryostasis, but I haven't tested it. Temporary Rewind is god-tier if you can keep track of how much HP you have and how much damage you take, because if you time it right, you can negate damage that would kill you, heal yourself a turn after, and live after you re-take that damage from the ability ending.
are the underrail threads being deleted or auto-purged?
>Give the game ago
>Thinking about making a metal man killing people with mind rays
>Read a bit online
>From what I read, armor penalty only affects your movement speed while in combat
>Really nice, means I can play as a zap zap artillery piece just standing there
>Put 4 in strength
>All action points fly out of the window once I put on a heavy armor for the first time 8 hours into the game
I just need to bump up my strength to 8 and then I should be good to go, right?
If you want more AP, you have to invest in AGI.
8 for metal armours
9 for tungsten armour
Get used to play without movement points unless you get sprint
Damn this makes me want to go full psi now. The possibilities are endless...
Going to hurt my skill wallet so much, though. If I max each school on every level up, what else should I level? I'm thinking crafting but I'm going to be shit out of things to craft with if I don't level the lockpicks and hacking.
I imagine that the main source of money tobuy new Jet Skis will be selling other jets. Can I steal one without lockpicking ability?
Electronic crafting is a must, lock/hack as you wish, also put some points in throwing, and in Persuation/Mercantile if you like to experiment
Don't try to max them every level. You'll always be starved for skill points but Thought Control can be paused once you hit 75. Same applies for TM at 55.
Unless you got the key of the jet ski, then no, youd lockpicking and hardwire kit
>Have the keycard for level 2 access in the depot
>doesn't do shit
What the fuck does it mean styg?
No really which door does it open, every one I try it on doesn't work?
I wouldn't max every psi school desu. I personally keep Metathermics/Thought Control equal, with Psychokinesis 2nd highest, and then Temporal Manipulation my least highest. I typically have good damage output with good kiting/utility that way.
Crafting wise... it's up to you. Biology is good for early levels when your Psi Points matter (later on they're irrelevant, you'll never run out unless another psi user spams neural overload on you). I rush tailoring to 10 and Chemistry to 20 for Molotovs, since at lower levels, since pyrokinesis is sort of sucky early on. EMP Grenades require Mechanics 5 and Electronics 35 (for the lowest quality EMP) and are good substitutes for the psychokinesis electric related abilities.
Mind you, if you want to craft grenades, you'll need some Throwing investment.
Hacking and Lockpicking, definitely invest in those. If you level up your Psi schools intelligently, then you can dump your remaining points into those skills.
I use traps (caltrops and bear traps) rather heavily, as they complement your playstyle; caltrops + cryo orb is absolutely insane and you will never get touched by melee enemies. However, traps make your lifer easier and if you play carefully, you don't reallyyy need them.
Do psi abilities do more damage if I put more points into said psi school?
This sounds good. Like the others suggested I suppose I'll take it easy on the least important psi schools for my playstyle.
So what do you mean by never running out of psi points later on? I'm using the build tool and the psi points stay at 100. Are you talking about the gear bonuses and reductions to psi cost? If so then I'll have to dump points into crafting to stop worrying about my psi vat.
Your life is a meme.
the game rewards savescumming though.
any rng heavy game does
Also, one more thing; On Silent Isle, look for the Mysterious Pillars. You'll need 7 WIL and Thought Control 35 in order to learn from them.
After doing so, congrats, you can now summoned Doppelgangers that mimic the enemy human target. Their damage scales with your Thought Control skill and is resisted by resolve.
Getting to the pillars can be tricky, though. Since you'll be a psi user, only mental damage (ie neural overload) will damage doppelgangers, which will constantly be raping your asshole the entire time on the island. Carry a lot of flares, as the debuff you get there (Strange Feeling) can be avoided entirely if you're in the light. That way you can focus on rathounds.
Yes. Later on, your regen, paired with reductions will make it so you virtually never run out of psi.
Underrail is a hard game to get into if you don't have experience with minmaxing and abusing turn-based mechanics. Spiderweb Software (Geneforge, Arcanum) and Harebrained Schemes (Shadowrun Returns, Battletech) make solid newbie-forgiving vidya that won't tar your first impression of the genre.
Cheating is "rewarding" too. Your build has failed if you have to resort to savescumming.
lol no
You are flat out lying if you say you haven't saved scummed in this game.
>set up killing field behind a door
>corpse outlines are so thick that your mouse only registers the corpse and the door
Why the fuck does highlighting act so finnicky over whether it lets you click corpses, interactables, or NPCs?
Everyone has to reload, sure. The point is that you should strive to avoid abusing it.
That actually sounds pretty cool, and with the locus of control thing I should be able to create entire rooms of shadow minions.
Sounds like a plan then. Thanks guys hopefully I can beat the game.
>Darn, I put points into a stat that I shouldn't have, now my build sucks cock, my playthrough is going to be unbearable, and I'm going to hate it, and I'm already several levels in!
>Oh well, savescumming is for faggots. Besides, a real man would suck it up and enjoy his misery!
Fun fact: mindshrooms emit enough light to prevent Strange Feeling procs if you're close to them. Just make a mad dash around harvesting them when you've got everything else from the island.
No problem buddy. Also I'm pretty sure I didn't mention it but the starting build is 10 WIL, 10 CON, 8 INT, and everything else at 3, just incase you didn't know.
Godspeed psi-friend.
10 con psi builds are retarded and there's absolutely no reason to go above 7 int.
Dominating is how the game was meant to be played
While true, if you do opt for the 10 CON/10 WIL (which btw is god-tier on DOMINATING), you remaining points should be put into INT, because anywhere else will net you a 6 and that doesn't really do anything for you. Best bet would be AGI at that point for the higher initiative feat.
God fucking damn it.
I've been doing the same fucking fight at the shore when some god damn savages invade for the past hour or so
I fucking hate those crossbow bastards so much, I wish the fucking troopers would just sit in one spot instead of running around like spastics on mushrooms wasting all their fucking AP and using their god damn adrenalines immediately
Can I just leave them to it? Will the caltrops I threw everywhere help their odds even when i'm not there?
>Can I just leave them to it?
yes, i stood on the northeast corner until they did the job for me
That's not what I meant, if I just don't turn up to the fight will they get by okay? I mean if i'm there anyway I might as well take a few potshots
Guys I think I fucked up bad. I was doing the mission to get the knife for the junkyard hobo, and in the process I pissed off all the guys outside. Now I can’t escape the secret passage due to getting shot. Wat do?
>get to a new settlement
>game becomes a burglary sim for the next hour
I have a problem
reload the game to a older save
You reload and go the backway, and maybe DONT go out the front door when you break in and murder someone
shoot back
>in dark cave
>turn a corner and see an entire room full of webs and 6 foot tall, lanky albino spiders
your character portrait really displays what abomination of god your character is witnessing
if you're a psibabby, yeah
The 10/10/8/3^4 builds are rather interesting.
>Psi-God: 10 WIL/10 CON/ 8 INT
>Giga Chad: 10 STR/ 10 CON/ 8 AGI
>The Turret: 10 PER/10 CON/ 8 AGI
>Shadow Death Cut Wrist: 10 AGI/ 10 DEX/ 8 INT or 8 CON
>Mad Chemist: 10 PER/10 CON/ 8 INT
Behold your gods.
Chem pistol builds are so fucking expensive though.
>The Turret
Why would this not be 8 str for a no movement tincan?
>Giga chad
>8 agility
You know you only get 6 agility for Sprint, right?
It was a silent entrance from the back with a quiet .44
I know, I just listed the most extreme stat requirements I've seen so far. Some guy on the actual underrail forums said that he that had much agility for the AP, but I'm not sure if it's really worth the cost.
Not sure really. 10 PER/10 CON/8 STR does seem better.
psibabby this, psibabby that.
Hybrids are fun, fuck purists and fuck pure-psi negroids
Is it possible to fail the DLC? Like if the savages or pirates overrun you you're fucked?
Why do I get the feeling CON is the most important stat in the game...?
Because the devs fucked up at writing a decently-balanced dodge/hit system and not all encounters can be won without allowing enemies to have a turn, so even PSI ninjers need to be able to eat a bullet.
It isn't, I regularly play at 3 CON because I know how to not get hit outside of throwing nades at my feet sometimes.
What's the best way to use morphine? Right before you're expecting a big hit or 12 at full health?
>8 agility
are you retarded bro?
>he hasn't found the ADVANCED catalyzing belt
It's a measure of how many mistakes you can make so bad players think it's super important.
>first cave hopper killed drops Cave Dragon Tail
>first sledge acquired from dude in GMS is a shock tungsten
this is the chosen run, bre
at low health with stoicism and survival instincts, then, when the % missing health pop is about to go off, using Last Stand to negate it entirely and getting another free few turns of being a maniac
So judging on the types of items in the game, I think there are enough things for you to withstand dumping a subterfuge skill's base stat and still do fine.
>advanced lock picks
>haxxor mk. II/III
>stealth cloth
These buff your skills enough that it'd be just like you never dumped your DEX/INT/AGI to 3, so if you decide to put points into them it's not as inefficient as, say, keeping DEX at 4 when you could put another point into one of your steamrolling stats.
If you pumped INT you can simply craft a ton of shit and sell it for a premium to pay for the batteries/higher lvl lockpicks.
Is my reasoning sound?
Fuck that's good, I'm rushing Last stand as soon as I can.
Pretty much. Max bonus to lockpicking is 32 while hacking is 25. That's without factoring in food.
bro just go steel armor assault rifle and pop pop pop watch motherfuckers drop
Is it worth it as a Tin Can to invest in Stealth and keep a separate set of soft-padding/black cloth armor, or should I just dump all these points into Traps/Pickpocket/Mercantile?
mercantile all the way
Well, good to know. I only played XCOM and Heroes series. I'l try them out.
Pickpocket is only really good early on if you rely on ammo. Otherwise Merchantile.
Stealth is mostly used to start fights on your own terms
So can you run out of troopers in expedition? If so what happens
you become a slave in the savages rape dungeon
-items sold are worth 10% their regular price
-carrying capacity reduced by 50%
-can't drop items from your inventory for free (can still drop equipped weapons for free)
-grenade cooldowns are increased by 1 turn
-high efficiency energy converters nerfed to regenerating x% of energy lost to damage, at y% per round
-toxic gas simply deals bio damage each round/if moved through; no damage multiplication
-using psi abilities from 1 school will increase the action point cost of psi abilities from other schools
-forcefield functions as an energy shield against ranged attacks and has a certain amount of hp against melee attacks before failing (dependent on skill)
-all npc's have 30% greater detection & trap detection (bosses have 50% greater)
-bear traps dont function if they deal no damage, stronger enemies have shorter durations, and spotted traps use your traps skill vs their dodge
-some enemies will have black dragon throwing knives/crossbow bolts, and such traps can also be found
-randomized traps/locations
-enemy placement is somewhat random
-npc's that spot traps or corpses will turn orange and search the map (and pull alarms, if any)
-if spotted, all hostile npc's on that map will never turn back to green; yellow minimum
-npc's will not enter dangerous terrain (such as gas, fire, or traps) unless they have a clear path to you
-most hostile npc's, if they can't attack you on their current turn, will instead head for cover or distance
-if you are seen entering stealth in a controlled or partially controlled map, npc's will turn hostile
-gladiators past master exploder have improved builds with more feats, especially carnifex
-tribal bosses lead invasions; 1=old ice guy, 2=eldran, 3=bankraester, 4=oyensorm, 5=magnar
-Tchort will resurrect after a few turns as long as at least one mutagen tank is still active; how long depends on how many are active
-Eidein goes to DC before the invasion starts; he is present with tchort during the final battle
Seriously? Is there a way to get more troopers back?
Thank you for your contribution
Can someone please answer? I'm a massive control freak and hate leaving shit like this dangling in the wind
Nope. That's why you genocide the natives.
are mk V nades not worth it or do they help
Well fuck, is there a genocide for dummies book somewhere? I'd like to nip this in the bud while I still can.
Also why can't you get the nerdy computer dude to hack the robot at normandy?
>making a difficulty for 2 or 3 autistic people
seems pretty pointless
they're great
cant help that most people are scrubs
>cant help that most people are scrubs
>anyone that doesn't autistically play a long ass RPG over and over again until they want a new difficulty is a scrub
ok, harper
im sorry being a scrub hurts your feelings
>People who do not play the way I want in a role playing game are scrubs
You truly do not learn, do you.
what the FUCK do you do against this, if the loonie gets it off i'm dead
>don't let him get it off
not always an option
Still there psi-bro? I forgot to ask if I should take psychosis or tranquility, or neither?
Neural Overload it. You DID take the psi pill, yeah?
Yes I'm assuming with those stats you'll go ar, with psi for utility
>psi beetles 4d chess my melee and pistol chars all the time
>get a shotgun
>the bug's face when they see me
Nice UnderRail General - /urg/
Hey hey, people. Janny here!
there is more than one difficulty, you should just stick to the one you like and quit bitching about what I want
yeah but i have zero TC, i'm spear/fire metathermics
i call it the hotlite
i don't get why you can't use any other type of elemental damage against dopplegangers. it's not like they have minds, right?
how bout that, someone (maybe) took something away from my theorypost on spearwizarding
Post skill gore boys.
post other tabs
This isn't that bad; considering your obvious high wil and int, you'll hit your breakpoints on crafting and then have a ton of flexibility to focus on secondary skills
don't think so, i've been doing it for a while now. it's pretty alright though, exothermic aura is such a fun ability for a melee character. but i don't have much CC and groups of ranged enemies like lunatics push my shit in unless the terrain is favorable or i get the drop on them and light them all on fire.
i COULD probably take some cryo spells but i'm being a self-gimping faggot, it's "only" hard mode so there's still a bit of leeway. bilocation is straight up game over though.
dont you pretend to be pig, you jewish weasel
In time, you will know the tragic extent of my failings.
I just quite literally got here, just wanted to join the shitpost
Do not ruminate on this fleeting failure, the campaign is long, and victory, will come
This was my first build when I had no idea really how the game worked
Not great, but not terrible
Okay it was pretty bad
still not awful if you can manage to leverage perception and detection goggles into hunting crawlers. constitution at 5 grants conditioning, which never hurts but it is a feat point.
yeah, it's pretty scattered but you've got to make the best you can with what you rolled, ya know
>level 9
you got plenty of time to restart actually
I just want a fun build but not a single person will tell me one.
I'm currently thinking a blade runner playthough would be fun
Its spec ops as base but it uses pistols mainly. I don't know how to tweak it either to make it more fun.
I just wanna start playing but I've been hung up on this for 3 days.
Do I need to hit a certain level before vendors will stock spearhead frames?
your build is the same as my lore build
how into shotgun
cant find build anywhere
Spearheads are crafted using various metals like tungsten steel, tichrome etc
Merchants get an upgrade after you complete Depot A and after you Killed Tchort
Yeah but man I've already restarted 3 times and it's so slow.
besides I did depot A well enough with just wizardry and war crimes.
my first build:
5 str
5 dex
5 agi
6 con
7 per
5 wil
7 int
wanted energy pistols and chem pistols. sounded cool. turns out unless you have 15 PER you will hit literally nothing. also took the psi-pill and with 5 will it was more useful than anything else in the entire game up to that point. immediately restarted and doing miles better now.
>how i became a psizard
I mean the spearhead sniper rifle
ok, thanks
There is a General board. Stop making this thread multiple times a day.
Is that a trap or a real girl?
Kindly hang yourself.
use your brain
If you also have stealth and you are autistic enough, you can actually use pick pocket somewhat as a substitute of lockpicking/hacking, since for the most important locks NPCs around tend to have the keys and keycards required. Plus all the infinite money you can get by repeatedly robbing Vera, Minister Percival in Core City and a guard in the major's room in Foundry. All of them have infinitely respawning inventories.
Psionics are fun as shit, try either pure psionics or a psionic monk
Psionics give you a swiss army knife that you don't need to prepare
For details
I cant
3 int
What's your per though?
smashies dont have the brains to play crpgs
how into shotgun
Smash is gay as fuck, bro. Again, there's a General board.
>being such a brainlet you think crpgs require brains
oh boy
go fuck yourself
What were you expecting? You don't have a record like that without being a god-king of combat
Also 3
Please dad I have special needs, cannot cross the street alone
You pick up shotgun
You pick gun skill
You shoot bad people
Not sure, considering that when it came to the previous guy I just threw an emp at him and then killed him with one sniper rifle shot.
Maybe you could just stop asking and experiencie it yourself
just fucking shoot people user what are you not comprehending?
You stop posting frogs and do research into what each shell does and what perks are shotgun related
Or you could go omega-brainlet and just look up a shotgun build on the forums
What's the best AR? Currently running around with a 9mm Husar, and I feel like I need an upgrade.
Nobody knows
8.6 rapid muzzled hornet + 9mm anatomical muzzled chimera for gun rush
>exothermic aura
>strongest gladiator pokes you once then hangs back at arms reach, nervously sweating as he eyes the teeny candle flames he might have singe his toesie-woesies on if he gets too close
that said arena is basically an initiative fight half the time
Ever seen that movie X2 X-men united?
It's like that, only you shoot people with shotguns
What's the crafting requirement for that? I only have like 50 points in crafting or something like that.
the stocks depend on quality level
the rest I dunno
bump mechanics asap
50 is the absolute minimum but it depends on the frame quality
So I played the first fallout and I absolutely hated it
Played this game, loved it beat it twice so far, now close to finishing my dominating run
Would I like the other old CRPGs like baldur's gate or even a newer one like shadowrun?
Yeah it's pretty much an RNG fight. If you survive the first round you can win, if not too bad.
Actually, I'm smarter than I gave myself credit for, I have it at 70 (lowered to 62 because my character is a retard but I can level up and bump it higher).
Problem is, no vendor sells the frame for it and I didn't find one at my house.
I have a bug in my pants but I can't get it into the embassy's vents without stealth or persuade. Am I just fucked?
I don't know, maybe?
It's kind of a general question. Like, I hated call of duty but liked battlefield, would I like other shooters?
Just try them, chances are you might.
apex hardcore sounds great desu
By "it" I mean a Chimera, it fits me the most.
Crafting components contribute a percentage of their quality to the skill requirement. Basically if you want to craft your own endgame weapons/armor you shouldn't stop leveling the corresponding skill unless you have really high INT to compensate.
t. apex hardcore poster
pickpocket is also an option, I believe hacking is as well.
You can easily craft stealth boosting gear though to make stealth possible
>reliably buy
You are supposed to reliably make them. Chemistry is so damn good.
I have hacking, but all the doors are guarded and I get shot at when I try hacking any of them.
I've never done the hacking but I think it's the first door east of the double doors to the secretary guy
At least that's the only one I think you could feasibly hack without anybody seeing because the only person that sees it is the guard that patrols so you would have to time it
>items sold at 1% price and bought at 1000%
>carrying capacity set to 5 no matter what
>walking speed reduced by 75%
>deal 5% damage and recive 500%
>cant use combat utilities
>skillpoints on level up reduced to 10
>cant detect traps at all
>10x more enemies
>stealth 250% harder
Very combat focused with your single character build being the meat and bones.
Combat itself is very quick and brutal, where most combat ends in 1 - 3 rounds. V
Very solid setting and writing. One of my fav RPGs period at this point.
I've completed it despite being a long game, while DoS2 is still kicking around on my "to finish" list. But I do enjoy Dos2 as well.
You guys don't use cheat engine to speed up the game, right?
Probably the game. Doesn't FO1 have a time limit you have to race against? If Underrail had that I would have given up because I take my sweet ass time.
Yeah, that's the door I've been trying to hack. I don't think timing it works, I get noticed every time I try it.
literaly git gud scrub
not my fault you're bad at the game
>at the docks
>cant open the door because im instantly spotted
>cant bribe the faggot dock manager because he doesn't accept any offer
>cant use the pass to get inside because I literally cant wear the guys armor
What the fuck were they thinking? Why are their so many insanely high stat checks yet so few in game that theirs no goddamn reason to ever level the stat.
Do they legitimately expect me to just gun down every single person on this map in order to get inside?
try atom rpg
>He didn't level pickpocketing
>STRlet that tries to infiltrated the cans without being able to wear the can
>bribe the faggot dock manager because he doesn't accept any offer
so what you're saying is that you're poor
BG1 has a similar feeling for me in that there's a ton of enemy AI cheesing, sneaking into high level areas as a low level char to nab sick loot once you know where it is, and the usual restart half a dozen times until you get the kind of build that clicks.
It's party-focused, though you can solo it. You might give it a shot. Just remember to quicksave often, low level dnd means a wolf can and will fuck your shit up.
Post your custom portraits!
>cant use the pass to get inside because I literally cant wear the guys armor
then use stealth? are you saying you can neither stealth nor tin can? what sorta shit build you using?
He will take the bribe, you need 200 charons
You wear the pass when you are inside so people think you're Bob from a distance
Getting there is half the battle though
what fucking quest are you talking about
port zenith
I can stealth but I literally cant open the maintenance door right behind the guy without being seen
7 STR and the guy's armor requires 9 so there's no way I'm able to use it
i hope you're playing as a girl (male)
Did you even try putting it on? I did with 3 str
Not meeting the requirements just means that certain stats will be gimped
Defend this garbage.
It has been millennia now that video games exist and they still use the completely outdated, mundane and nonsensical system of dealing out arbitrary point at the start of the game before you even know how everything works.
The only "RPG" that does it right with character creation is NEO scavenger.
fuck off
take your (you) and go
I didn't know you could without the stats, tried multiple times and even unequipped my current armor to see if it worked to no avail.
its true, skill based systems are shit. ideally a game would have dozens of tested and balanced classes to pick from.
in this way, when one becomes stuck in the game the question becomes an immersive "how do i solve this problem?' and not a metagaming "did i make a bad build?"
unfortunately people often believe going in the exact opposite direction of what they want is the way to get there, and when it doesn't work they must only go even further.
In this case they believe some abstract 'freedom of choice' is making the game more role playing and immersive. But there is no such thing as choice, or freedom. They are forced to optimize, min/max, and consider the mechanics of the game, and will have to 'freely choose' the only sensible option available to them. Thus the illusion of choice becomes a constraint all the while believing they are free.
fuck off samefag
>Is more damage worth it
Hell yes.
i'd be 100% ok with underrail having a couple of cookie cutter preset characters like fallout 1-2 but actually good and voted for by the community
hey, just bought the game. Is there anything I should know before I start playing, any class/playstyles or useless stats I should avoid?
The dev said its in the undertale universe
>Carnifex is a nigger bitch and you will need to savescum him
>Don't go for a generalist build
>Depot A is where the game gets hard
i remember making this post huehuehue
>>Carnifex is a nigger bitch and you will need to savescum him
depends on build
based and cringepilled
FO1 is a very quick to play rpg, you can sit down and finish in like a day or two.
The time limit is pretty lenient and can be solved by mid way through.
>haha if you play a max CON or max initiative build he's not a savescum fight
Yeah alright let me just tell a new player to literally build their character around this exact type of combat. Carnifex is not hard, he's just the only fight in the game where you ABSOLUTELY NEED to get initiative to have a reasonable chance of winning, but are totally unable to approach the fight in a way where you can help yourself do this.
In short, Carnifex is a NIGGER BITCH and you will need to savescum him.
ask him if it's okay if Croats like his game
>e's just the only fight in the game where you ABSOLUTELY NEED to get initiative
Eh, not quite, even without initiative, as long as you survive the initial pummeling and know what you're doing you can glass him in one turn, you do have to prepare for it though.
no, if you have a high initiative build you obviously dont need to savescum, especially if psi
hell, a tough enough psi guy who survives the first turn can beat him without much trouble
if you're a heavy tank you dont need to either; beat him my first try on my sledge guy
Attain 60 mech DT and the fight becomes trivial
do enemies level with you in this game?
>as long as you survive the initial pummeling
Literally RNG for non-CON intensive characters
>build a tank in a game where tanks get shit on regularly by pretty much everyone who isn't a fag with a gun
>dude just build a tank
Carnifex. Is. A. Nigger. Bitch. And. You. Will. Need. To. Savescum. Him.
yeah, but who doesnt savescum in underrail lmao
Good places to get high-quality boot springs? I can barely find any and they're always like ~25 quality.
>tanks get shit on
thought control and greater goil spoders, thats it
I'm talking spending literally over an hour reloading a save hoping to win an initiative roll against an impossible-to-actually-make-yourself character designed to waste your time.
dude fucking look at the feats related to shotgun and figure it out yourself you fucking moron, good lord.
Hey hey people
>Literally RNG for non-CON intensive characters
I can beat him on a 3 CON character with no initiative at level 14, so can you, just craft riot gear with high mechanical defense and you'll survive most of the time, and then you oneshot him with cryostatis and aimed plasma shot to the face
I think it would be better if they either trimmed the fat and combined useless skills that see little to no use into one stat or gave every scenario a way to utilize every skill.
>I got lucky
>NEO scavenger
fuck you, defend Neo Scavenger outside of the character creation first
>Replying to copypasta
its not luck you dipshit
you have gear specifically made to counter melee enemies
>I just wanna start playing but I've been hung up on this for 3 days.
What the fuck is wrong with you people? You could've been playing the game that entire time. You could've tried out 3 or 4 different builds in that time to find out if you like them. You can't play a game unless someone tells you explicitly how?
More like he has to get lucky and crit me so he can kill me.
Craft some riot Gear with Kevlar and Ballistic panels and you'll hardly get killed in one turn by Garry even with 3 CON.
Not the game's fault youre a sissified squishyfag
Become a tungsten tank
Wagie gets his weekend
hey hey people who's ready to play some mothe-f*ng underrail?
Play on easy, already.
how the FUCK do i deal with hives as an energy weapon man
crits dont work on them
Stealth and TNT
>with Kevlar and Ballistic panels
>dealing out arbitrary point at the start of the game before you even know how everything works
It's true, I have always hated this. But it's a quick waning hate, because I learn how the system works.
This is what you get if you give retards like and help. A thankless moron who will play through the entire game and hate it because if his stupid as fuck and arbitrary assumptions and ignorance. The worst part about this faggot is that he legitimately thinks he's clever and that everyone else is wrong.
That's for MP you stupid liar cunt
What builds DON'T need Sprint? Feel like I take 6 AGI on every build I make just so I can get it at character creation.
AR tincan.
Laser wizards.
Finally! I built a god damn cloaking device and I was able to plant the bug in the vent by wearing all black and sneaking from the ambassador's office into the receptionist's, and I was just barely able to get the bug in place in time while the deputy's awareness was orange. The guards are just impossible to sneak past with no points in stealth.
Hey hey people
long-range ranged characters, heavy ranged characters, fancy footwork fags (but they'll have the agility anyway)
you could have just hacked the door next to the office
I refuse.
You can hack the door next to the office without stealth too. Just have to time the guard rotation.
If you don't take Sprint is it okay just to completely dump Agility? It doesn't do anything to movement points unless it's above 5 and initiative is a big pile of RNG anyway.
wtf, you don't have to do all that shit. You can stealth the bug into the vent with like 20 stealth. You don't have to sneak past everyone. You can just stealth in the office and then go into the deputy's room.
Tranquility seems pretty good on psi. Psychosis will fuck your psi bar early game and even then it requires its following feat to really make use of. Someone told me psychosis was for nuking, but combined with adrenaline and the ap reduction of tranquility you could put like 5 or 6 temporal distortions on a shielded target and delete them in a turn (even more devastating if you have a pre-nerf continuum ripple version of the game).
It's more useful to just take the three initiative feats you get at the first few levels that give you a baseline higher initiative. You'll end up winning most rolls
Is Persuade still a gigantic waste of time? I remember using it twice early game. The Bandits for Jacks's package, who still shoot you regardless. And the Raiders in the Omega Base who take you to their leader...who shoots you anyway and you are in a completely terrible position.
There's a lot of skill checks in the dlc. I don't think it's a waste of time but I probably wouldn't do it unless I knew my build was going to work.
>sequence break DLC and steal jetski without joining aegis
>check back multiple times to make sure I didn't aggro anybody in core city
>go ahead and start doing DLC, get phil's arm and start going through horticulture
>go back to core city to get supplies
>everybody is aggroed on me
I think it's about time I restarted anyways
Steadfast Aim Crit Pistol build. Where do I put these final 3 points?
AGI for Sprint?
CON for more HP?
INT so I don't have skill malice on all the crafting skills?
WIL if I decide to take the pill and get Premeditation?
Or mix them up so I don't have skill malice on AGI & INT skills?
Agility is only important for lightweight meleers, knifers and monks
Also, funny enough, also important for the people on the opposite side of the spectrum, tin can with sprint
Do the psionic headband stat boosts count towards learning a new psi skill? I assume it probably doesn't.
only your base level matters for learning psi abilities
>Steadfast Aim Crit Pistol build
>Ballistic Steadfast Aim pistol
>3 INT
Not gonna make it bre
steadfast aim works with energy pistols too ya ding dong
>energy pistol
>3 int
i see you're also 3 int in real life
>Energy pistol build
>3 INT
are these people fucking stupid? op is clearly showing that there is 3 points left over. just say put them in int instead of being shitheads.
What's the cap for hacking and lockpicking with expansion? 130?
>Energy pistol Steadfast Aim build
>Less than 10 INT
Let me guess, you're one one of those memers who think Plasma gun Steadfast aim is worth it.
Yeah for both of them, in DC
I can personally tell you the 130 hacking is extremely not worth it
I prepped for that my first time through and the only thing in there was a cigar
but you do
He's going firearm + occasional energy pistol to overcome resistances crit build which is going to be dumb. Energy pistol require feat support and at least 7 int (some would say 10+) to be effective.
>Implying the problem is just crafting(it is) and not the lack of High Technicalities
Never thought actual negative intelligence stats were achievable.
>First play through, oddity normal
>Crossbow/Chem pistol build
>Got past Depot A with some struggle
>Now have urge to reroll
Should I though? I would probably end up on hard with a full psi wizard or some shotgun meme.
energy pistols are hot garbage without crafting. Their entire gimmick is getting the big crits.
Don't they mean for the High-Technicalities feat?
Play as a hammer wizard
for the love of god, INT
if you have leftover stats, always INT
crafting is love, crafting is life
if you're just going firearm pistols you can live without it but if you even want to touch an energy pistol you'll need int.
meant for
fuck off piggy
>people in the thread saying you need 10 int to craft
fucking idiots, you can craft at 3 int
They are talking about energy pistols.
>Bre, just wait until level 20 to do what people do at level 14 for a build that lives and dies by crafting your own weapons AND needs a high INT feat to begin with
>tfw DEX knife build
>starts dropping off
>maxed both melee and throwing with Grenadier feat
>utility belt, 4 slots, 10 grenades in each
>literally air strikes on the enemy when i dont want to stab
Grenades are so good. Even people who didn't spec for grenades can cheese with them by leaving the area, waiting for cooldown then going back to lob another grenade.
Ask Styg.
Aimed shot is guaranteed crit not guaranteed hit, lol. It must be awful to use shit like snipers that are 1 shot a round when max hit is 95%.
Which builds can get away with minimal crafting?
If this is for Firearm Pistols then take INT so you can support them with crafted Energy or Chem pistols. You won't be as strong as actual Energy/Chem builds but you won't get filtered by high mech resistant enemies either.
>have a bag of guns. sledge hammers and armored coats outside of every weapons vendor in every city
>sometimes dont even get to sell any of it when I return to the area
Is their a mod or something to make vendors take more then a piss little amount of equipment? This trading system is just fucking hands down dumb.
Generally you should aim for a rapid reloader spearhead so you can get two shots off
>urge to continue my playthrough is dropping fast
>I will yet again fail to finish the game off
>in a few weeks I will be compelled to start from the beginning again, complete 90% of the game again, then quit again
no you don't need that much money
high quality crafting is probably your only chance to make up for how shit firearms are anyway
theyre talking about high technicalities
ffs al fabet
be glad this game doesn't let you be a hoarder
also scrap your bad gear and repair your good gear
t. Al Fabet
I just witnessed my first electroshock pistol crit. This used to be able to stack with execute? Holy shit.
Man, I should replay Galerians one of these days.
play knife and despair
Is there an easy way to make noise to draw people out of rooms?
firearms aren't even shit. you are all just babied by le high damage wowee AR's and OP look mommy i am a wizard spells.
there are these things called explosives i heard they make a lotta noise not sure tho
>be 3 int irl
>now stuck at Dude's console puzzle
Please don't post the solution
the solution is a molotov
Try converting the under 2000 value weapons down into scrap and then into crafting kits.
Is there an easy, inexpensive way to make noise to draw people out of rooms?*
I literally DONT want to hoard this shit, I want to sell it and buy all the useful crafting recipes but I just don't have enough money to do it.
there are these things called explosives i heard they make a lotta noise not sure tho
>make a cool RR MB 9mm AR
>9 round suppressive opportunist burst to make my pee pee hard
>it's super good
>kills dudes real nice
>only has 20 rounds a mag
a single grenade is pretty cheap.
Yeah just craft the first tier of Grenades. The mats are dirt cheap and the vendors that sell them usually sell them in batches of 10, so you get 10 of them.
throwaway mk 1 nades that you find off of enemies works just as well
if that's still too expensive for you use AoE PSI abilities
What is this game? I know it's an RPG but I'm hearing shit about mind blasting people. It looks like an isometric metro game. Does it have a good story? It's only like 8 bucks.
Pretty insane isn't it?
Energy guns are great once you get them rolling, Ambush on your standard laser gun is already hilarious.
Get the belt with 75% AP reduction on reloads. Problem solved.
>but I'm hearing shit about mind blasting people
you are allowed to do that in RPGs
>starts dropping off
Somebody fell for the cut throat meme
i played a knife build up until level 14 or so on DOMINATING and it was the easiest time i've ever had but then i took cut throat and it immediately became shit
Decent story, good writing and humor, good environment, good gameplay. Basically fallout 1 and 2 but more modern.
It seems a molotov is always a solution.
>First playthrough
>Scrape through the GMS compound
>Now have to go through the Junkyard
I won't get filtered r-right?
but I need the utility belt for extra grenades
post build and difficulty
it's similar to oldshool crpgs
setting is futuristic post apocalypse with psionic not-magic
entire game is underground with relativly small areas and really short loading times
>people building for crit when crits are all literally RNG
Enjoy your F9 spam you faggots. I am over here with my consistent 200 damage hits while you retards pray to god for a 300 damage hit and roll no crits at all.
>ur build = shit
>my build = godlike so fucking play it
what a shit general
>implying you have to rely on crit rng
>what is aimed shot
>what is ambush
>what is deadly snares
>what is impale
>what is 100% crit chance
>300 damage hit
>ur build = shit
You're going to get a lot of that when half the people posting their builds have a stat spread of 4s and 5s and 6s
At least it's not dom posting.
>look gas and traps! gas and traps
>He doesn't have at least 80% chance of critting
My mid game laser gun regularly crits for an average of 500 per shot, my Aimed shots do around 800 with just a 120Q smart module, and this is just my shitty laser gun.
>go psi
>all locked containers contain psi boosters now
>go shotgun
>shell belt attains near mythical status
>go anything besides shotgun
>jonas has 2 in his inventory
Just dumb luck I guess
My pure PSI build has hardly any PSI boosters, at least boolet sell consistently for decent enough cash for boosters
I just invest a bit in Biology because Mindshrooms are everywhere.
>psifag thinks he's not a total brainlet
That too
I also have like 100 epipens from fighting rathounds and shit, same with the ritalin that makes you crit more
recycle item -> craft repair kits
why even pick up sledgehammers? they sell for absolutely fuckall and they weigh a ton. scrap them if anything, otherwise don't even bother.
there's nothing you need that much money for, just do the arena.
This game is somehow really comfy and cozy.
Electrohammers sell for quite a bit.
around what level do you guys like to pick your crafting feats up on? i feel luike ive been pushing them back forever but theres so much stuff i want.
Alright so I just cleared out the underground section of depot A (hatch), i leave into the next area and there are black eel thugs that are hostile on sight. One of the NPCs is named. Is this supposed to happen? What gives?
>mfw plasma pistol crit with all the feat fixins'
oooh lawdy
why can't we name crafted items? i've never wanted to call something "obliterator" more
as early as they're available
i always turn those into electric repair kits, they're hard enough to come by and you can carry 4-5 guns for the weight of a single hammer.