234 million dollars

>234 million dollars

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Other urls found in this thread:


Game over man, game over!

>was meant for epic space battles yet the owner uses it to deliver pizza to fucking nowhere
It commited sepukku

Isn't this the most expensive game of all time now? Like it's surpassed GTAV at this point.

How the hell is it still this rough?

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RDR2 is probably more expensive but it's up there.

Of course boomers would be behind this fucking trainwreck

boy it would be a real shame if that ship cost $20,000.

Why is he holding it like that?

>wanted to play Death Stranding early
>paid the toll

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What I'm still struggling with is even if it manages to get released: what then?
Is there going to be a retail copy of the game at $50 and a free ship? Will you be able to use currency to buy ships in game (and instantly and massively devalue everyone stupid enough to buy a ship before?) Or is the business plan to really expect the average player to pay $$$ for basic ships to play on top of the retail purchase? What's the lifespan of the game if its customers are pretty much the only people who have invested in it so far? Will they have to continue to sink even more exorbitant amounts of money into the game for more ships to keep the game servers running?

It's a ship, it's supposed to fly, doofus.

Elite dangerous is pretty fun.

wow so immersive amazing game will buy 10/10

>RDR2 is probably more expensive
You haven't been watching the news, Star Citizen surpassed GTAV as the most expensive game like 2 months ago.

Try making a bugless game. You'll fail.
Sure, they're terrible at time management but noone makes bugless games.
It wasn't "meant for epic space battles", it was meant for open-ended sandbox gameplay in a space-theme.
>still so rough
The devs are inexperienced with succesful crowd-funding and open-world space games. These two elements brewed together are catastrophical for them. Also I bet they have bad administration/project managers.
They've massively fucked themselves with the early access reward system.
No player want to feel like they're at a natural disadvantage at the beginning because they wanted to play the final product.
The business plan certainly isn't to abuse microtransactions, it's one of the most highlighted red flags in the industry right now, I'm pretty sure they're not THAT stupid, but certainly close to being.
I'm purely speculating here, I think you'll be able to swap out and customize your ships alot so adding new ships probably won't be that important.

They barely have a tech demo as it is. This is the biggest scam or incompetence in video game history.

I don't think Robert's will ever release this game in a decent state. He's living it up buying ten grand doors for his office. It'll be hilarious the amount of videos made on this flop.

Every answer I'm going to give is based on what they stated. They could backtrack on this at any moment so take this with a grain of salt.

>Is there going to be a retail copy of the game at $50 and a free ship?

There will be a base package of the game which includes a starter ship. Unless they change their plans all the expensive ships won't be sold with the game on release and have to be purchased with ingame currency.

>Will you be able to use currency to buy ships in game (and instantly and massively devalue everyone stupid enough to buy a ship before?)

You will but whether that devalues ships that were already bought entirely depends on how much they actually cost ingame and how much time it would take to get them.

>What's the lifespan of the game if its customers are pretty much the only people who have invested in it so far? Will they have to continue to sink even more exorbitant amounts of money into the game for more ships to keep the game servers running?

The cynical but also pragmatic answer to this is probably that they will continue selling ships for real money through their website and offer some sort of subscription service, they haven't publicly stated this but it seems inevitable unless it crashes their playerbase and hurts their finances. In fact we know that they plan on selling ingame credits in exchange for money once the game released and they justify this by saying that there will be a monthly limit on how much credits you can purchase.

post yfw you didn't fall for Chris' scam

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I definitely think this is incompetence.
They consistently show that they waste money by remaking parts of the game because of poor planning and design.

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why would you land your fancy spaceship on a slanted hill?

>TFW he wasn't a pedo
How could Yea Forums be so wrong?

guy on the left clearly thinks he's way cooler than present circumstances would suggest

how the fuck this smug asshole still got thousands of people that keep kissing his ass even after that 76 blunder???

Almost 8 years of development.
500+ employees.

all these oldfag nerds. this will be me one day.

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>forgot to put it on 'P'

>8 * 500 * 30000
>120,000,000 in wages alone
Yeesh. Fuck having a large studio.

He makes games that are good modding platforms which allows for almost infinite replayability.


And most employees are their friends and family. And their wives.

Is this the same game that charges thousands of dollars of real money for virtual spaceships? Compared to that, who gives a shit about how much the game cost to make and how long it's taking and how many glitches there are

kys, you dumb fucking retard

Oh and they also relocated to Los Angeles where everything is more expensive.

He hated Fallout 76.
Why do you think it was given to the Austin team to make? That's their B team.
He purposely made it flop so that Zenimax wouldn't pile the multiplayer meme onto TES6 and SF.

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This feels like a scene out of Futurama

So average 30000/year/employee is probably lowballing it.

We didn't have the receipts yet.


Don't forget that half of the budget of those AAA games is usually the marketing. SC has managed to waste 200+ million dollars and the release date is still not even on the horizon.

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didn't this guy lie about features in his space game too?

>In fact we know that they plan on selling ingame credits in exchange for money once the game released and they justify this by saying that there will be a monthly limit on how much credits you can purchase.
It doesn't get much worse than paying real money for fake money.

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>Sure, they're terrible at time management but noone makes bugless games.
A lot of people make *finished* games, though.

>falling for kikestarter shovelware
Reminder that there literally hasn't been a single half decent game that came out of kikestarter.

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Whose the black guy?

>blaming the Jews for your small penis

>being a kike apologist
like clockwork

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That's what happens when you forget handbreak

why are you so obsessed with penises

What's in the box?

>oy very you're not supposed to post such things goy

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All money is fake money. If you can buy something for it, Itchy & Scratchy dollars have value. It's just an extra step.

Pizza. Mr. Aziz is going to flip out if I don't deliver it.

Daily reminder all bugs have been fixed and it's working perfectly. All shitposts about this glorious game (game used loosely because it's basically a new reality) will fail. If you don't want to play the ULTIMATE GAME IN THE ENTIRE WORLD then that's your problem!!!

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I read a post on here like a month ago explaining what the gameplay actually is like. And it's basically an open box fetch quest, however every step along the way you're praying and hoping you don't trigger a bug where your ship explodes.

The actual gameplay seems boring and bland, but the real challenge is trying very carefully to avoid catastrophy when you land or get onto your ship.

Hey there Chris.

Amazing that the faggot japshit running this website cant have images downloading at more than 15kb/s

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why black people always gotta get pulled into these things what the fuck did trotsky know about black people why does all negative things have to be in relation to other negative things can't jews be separate from blacks oh wait of course they cant pinko bastard.

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>travel light years to another planet to deliver one box
I thought this """"game"""" was supposed to be realistic

It's a pizza. How else are you supposed to deliver it? In bulk? Who would order piping hot, fresh pizza en masse?

>already plans to inflate and devalue the currency before game is even released

Every single mission si just fetch quests. Moving around and collecting boxes = the goal of the game. That's what it boils down to. Box Quest in Space.

>decide that cryengine of all things is the proper starting point for a 1000 player macro-scale persistent universe space MMO
>wonder why you have to turn the engine inside out to suit your needs
>decide to outsource the FPS portion into a different studio
>don't keep them up-to-date on all the vast engine overhauls you're doing
>wonder why nothing integrates back into the main branch, forcing you to scrap everything but assets
truly the hallmark signs of a competent project lead with technological understanding and proper foresight

They had enough money they could have just hired a team of all star programmers and they could have made a custom engine. Hell, they could have made the equivalent of a new Unreal and then made money liscenecing the engine.

poltard are you still here?

>meanwhile limit theory is dead because the guy got a psychotic break from creating a mind blowing piece of art
it's not fair

You're a dumb fucking retard.

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or they could've just used unreal engine.

Not good enough for Chris Roberts. He wants to make the best space sim that ever existed and naturally that means they gotta have the best graphics because that is most important obviously.

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Been playing a lot with the guys from /vg/ and I gotta say it's been some of the best time in gaming.
It's fun to fuck around but also decimate space dad's and coordinate shit like that.

Last night we stream sniped and it was probably the most fun I've had in a very long time.

It's no perfect by any means, it's allow development is annoying and the negative press is kind of tiresome, but it's an alright product despite what people say.

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>Whelp, there goes my 50,000$ spaceship

dear god, the artstyle of CR's "universe" is so pig disgusting
motherfucking WW2 ball turrets

Do you have to buy that again? Oh no, don't say the ships are finite.

Your ship is infinite, user is just memeing

Your ship is infinite only if you bought it with actual money. Plebs grinding 200 hours to get one with in-game currency are shit out of luck once something like this occurs.

Not true, that's the point of ship insurance.

I needed that laugh. Thanks, OP.

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Why can't a fancy spaceship stabilize itself on a slanted hill?

New VTOL mode fucking sucks and is too sensitive, so much so it's getting removed in a couple weeks with the new patch

Current plan is to cut microtransactions
You can already buy ships with game currency but not many and they reset with the servers

scam citizen

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How much money do you think they've spent so far?

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pure scam

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Any source?

Some people are up to play eurotruck simulator in space

>Pay the devs insurance in case the game glitches your expensive (real money) spaceship to explode

What a fucking mess. AAA companies are looking at this monetization scheme and are rubbing their hands red hot.

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Kickstarter was a mistake.

I want to read Dune, what books should I start with?

>The devs are inexperienced with succesful crowd-funding and open-world space games
Theyve been working on this for almost the entire history of crowdfunded games

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Currency bought ships use currency bought insurance
It's supposed to be a middle ground between actually having to be careful with a ship and not being completely fucked when some retards in a gunship blow you up for giggles

I wanted it to be good damnit. At least I didn’t waste thousands on .jpgs

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The first one stupid, it’s fine to read them in release order

Name a "finished" Western game released in the last few years

i love this game not only because it proves niche fan groups have shit taste but throwing money at people doesnt make good games


The graphics will be obsolete by the time this finally releases

spiderman, GoW4, rdr2

compared to this? everything

Me too but buying a game that's never gonna come out isn't a smart move

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Can you shove dead space pilots out of your space stations with space trucks?


Chris Roberts is the western Kojima, except he doesn't have Microsoft to fix his mess this time.

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Space sim fans deserve to be shat at
They are usually boomers with escapist tendencies

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I'd rather play Warframe


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Why don't we build a fire, sing some songs