would it really have been THAT hard to just keep Tifa's design the same? Thank god for PC mods.
Would it really have been THAT hard to just keep Tifa's design the same? Thank god for PC mods
Other urls found in this thread:
That's unethical.
>that panty
Now I will by your game
>but user real girls don't have big booobs that's just unrealistic and unethical and sexist and stuff you bigot have sex incel
she already has big tits in both designs
if you want her panties sticking out from every angle i guess you gotta mod it though
>PC mods
Classic skins will be DLC. Pic related.
Under what system if ethics?
Would it really have been THAT hard for you to now be such a faggot?
Under the "Aerith is the better waifu" system
cope harder fag
Doesn't fix the gloves,suspenders or belt and those were the things that bother me most.
Save for the glove color, I really like her remake version. The black is a good accent to her outfit. IMO she needs a little more red though, and to lose the weird skirt flaps/emblems
Imagine getting thigh highs and thinking the older design is better. What a pleb.
>censored is better
fuck off pleb
Of course it wouldn’t be hard, look at Dissidia, the devs just said the tit jiggle was kind of distracting so they gave her a sports bra
>the unenlightened masses whovmake poll after poll for validation Vs the intellectual elite who accept the waifu for who she is
>imagine looking at nu-Tifa and thinking she's censored
>imagine thinking this boogeyman that "censored" Tifa would be okay with Aerith's dress
>imagine being a retard
wew lad
>defending censorship with zoomer lingo
the state of Yea Forums, everyone
Way to put together for me.
cope harder fag
I think it's pretty good, but her legs look like twigs. They're too awkwardly skeletal
>muh zoomer
>not denying the fact that you're a zoomer
Looks like I'm right on the money as always
gtfo, cancer
Face on the left looks better
>needing to deny anything to a random fucktard looking for boogeymen on a taiwanese sewing board
What a sad, pathetic excuse of a life you're living
but i like the stockings more
Yes. That offends my ethical sensibilities.
based boomer
she's been HIT by the nerf bat,imagine if she was treated like aerith
This one came about at the end in the thread that everyone was editing in.
me too
Her OG design was perfect, simple yet unique.
In classic Nomura fashion he has lost all his design skills and now he just tries to overdesign fucking everything. Put 10 zippers on that, put a fishnet there, 3 undershirts there. They should have fired this idiot after FFX.
And it looks absolutely nothing like any version of Tifa from any game so it's yet another reminder gamers got their idea of how Tifa should be from porn.
Needs thicker legs
She needs the red gloves back and slightly thicker legs at the very least.
>near-frontal pespective vs 3/4 profile
Is there any length you faggots won't got to to feel victimized
Though I guess it's funny since it shows nuTifa has even more exposed midriff than the old one.
Sorry, left is hotter.
Low test manlet. Probably a spicy or SEAmonkey.
chronological snobbery
This Tifa's thighs are the same size as her waist. New Tifa's thighs are half the size of her waist.
That's not even Tifa's original design you pathetic sack of shit
you have to go back
Hopefully also there will be a mod to remove Barret's stupid sunglasses.
I'm pretty convinced that the game will have alt costumes to switch between with this no doubt being the case.
Left looks better though.
FF7 is garbage, play 9 instead.
They're cool though
>removing the tight highs
Kill you're self.
Not really, no.
>visible panties in a down angle shot
I know anatomy is hard, but try at least a little you fucking coomer.
Pathetic. Desperate.
The new Tifa look is just fine.
Except for the lack of a foot guard, too thick thighs/calves and problems with the hair/gloves, it's as close as you can get with simple photoshop.
At least for a frontal view that is.
I don’t even mind the leggings, just make her a tiny bit thicker like in the right pic.
>implying she'll be wearing anything after the PC mods
>muh steal
Look again at everything in that image. The edit isn't perfect by no means but two things to consider are that it is from an old thread and was done in a minute, and while it may be hard to make it out you can see her crotch in the left.
Shirt is too low
Skirt is too short
There are no panty shots
You're just a pathetic neet who wants to jerk off.
> neither Elena nor Scarlet as options
Shit poll
God I wish this were real life so I could beat the shit out of you people. Then I'd piss on you pathetic fucks. Maybe even make you suck my dick you faggots.
To be honest I kind a like the high socks on her. kind of makes her more sexy
>Shirt is too low
Really? I don't see it. (Do you instead mean it showing cleavage? I'm not certain it does. Anyway it shouldn't show it. However the V-shape is correct. It isn't a rectangle.)
>Skirt is too short
From the upper side, yes.
>There are no panty shots
There shouldn't be, but I'm certain this is only to show that there shouldn't be spats or a buttcape.
>You're just a pathetic neet who wants to jerk off.
No, I like Tifa as she is being the main point. And I haven't jerked off to her since 2012 except for the occasion someone drew tribute pictures of that video. I mean I had to out of respect.
As someone who has a stockings fetish I agree however it should have been an alt regardless.
I think Tifa look hotter with black legging
This. Think of the children
New design is better though
>Thank god for PC mods.
You fags did jack shit with the Final Fantasy XIII series. Didn't even bother trying to fix real horror shows like Lightning's ass or anything. I was very disappointed. I don't have any hope for the Remake PC port.
Why are you even talking about tits when it's about the shitty black bra, black thighs, black gloves, black everything and the fucking plated leather skirt
I have a zr fetish so I wholeheartedly support this decision to add thigh highs to tifa,
although making her a bit more thiccer like in the right image wouldn't hurt anyone
>panties showing
my god you guys are so fucking pathetic...
You can not depict female characters with that much skin showing and with such an unethical breast size, you misogynistic nazi. What do you think this is? 2006?
Btw, don't forget to join us on our national slutwalk ladies!
I can't even tell who the trolls are anymore, the kiddy fans from resetera have their claws too deep into this place these days...
Why do pc plebs think FF7R is coming to their notepad editor?
kys fatfuck
>Tanktop still that low cut
Maybe it really is that hard, since you aren't able to do it either.
Daily reminder that seething tifa “muh censorship” fags are retarded cherrypicking /pol/tards
same,trannies invaded the board
>literally anime bug eyes cope
Clothed women are sexier than naked women. You are an absolute pleb.
I do but it's making me hard. Am I doing something wrong?
Of all the images that were made this is the one that survives?
This is the one that is used for the OP?
Her biggest redesign flaw is the color of her gloves, it's one of primary character design trait, it's more important.
Red > black > white > black > red, in all three directions.
And you post the ridiculous bazoinker one with the panties and anybody is supposed to take your thread seriously? Massive fag, OP. Failure as always.
he's talking about her not having enough muscle on the legs, not fat
atm her arms, legs, and stomach are stick thin and she has big tits for her size of frame
>would it really have been THAT hard to just keep Barret's design the same?
You fuckers need to get laid..
Of course the faggot fetish anime weeb with no taste would both post saber and support thigh highs on Tifa. Your opinion is worthless.
left looks like typical cute anime girl, skinny, long legs, moe face, average sized boobs. right looks like typical western hoe prostitute porn actress. if they made her look like whore they would lose sales in Japan.
They are obviously selling a 4.99€ pack for "vintage" costumes.
Remove Tifa's undershirt, upsize her boobs a couple cup sizes, change her skirt back to the old one, keep the leggings
Remove Barret's undershirt
There I fixed the remake design
its not coming to PC you idiot
God Dissidia was so fucking good
maybe best non-mainline FF game ever made to date
There are other things wrong with their designs. I wouldn't call it fixed.
Aerith and Cloud are also in dire need of fixing.
>character gets zettai ryouiki
>people complain
I don't know why everyone is complaining. Tifa's design changes every single time she's in any game.
Her remake design is fine. Also the underwear shot is just trashy
>Its missing Elena and Scarlet
>Holy shit they suck too
No wonder people think FF waifu's suck This is the most popular game and all the women in it suck shit
>Tifa's design changes every single time she's in any game.
except it literally doesn't. the only other time she was changed was when she appeared in Kingdom Hearts
Dissidia NT added her like a week after the remake announcement and she was unchanged so obviously square couldve left her unchanged too
Priscilla>all 3 of them.
looks dumb
I actually prefer the one on the left.
>sharp-ass jawless face
>hovering fake tits
no wonder you virgins love this design
kys faggot
have sex
only problem with the remake design are the boots
I will now buy your game
I'm more about the hair more than anything.
>that's not profitable
fixed it for ya mate
there will be alternate skins for sale eventually
These shoops just look like shit. It's much easier to just post this.
I think you'll just be able to put her in that og outfit, whether it's dlc or you get it in the game somehow.
But yeah I think nobody would have complained if that was the standard outfit.
No theyre not, BasedBoy
>generic expressionless anime face
Go outside user
It's literally always the same tho
here is another one
and another...
Sports bra is fine. Suspenders and skirt look dumb. She should wear spats.
I also wish they got rid of Clouds dumbass shoulder guard.
based,they tweaked her thighs tho
>visible panties in that stance
say it with me ___brain
looks more like a diaper
nigger are you illiterate
muh realism was a mistake
should've kept it stylized like dissidia.
but OP, PS4 exclusives doesnt have pc mods
there's not a single playstation exclusive final fantasy game
I want the hair fixed too.
The same design would have bootchunks and no nose though.
I was already expecting a worst case scenario, so these tweaks to her outfit don't really bother me at all.
they always were though, that's not really the problem with the new design
>best boy
>FF7 R
>PC release
>literally not a single final fantasy exclusive in existence
>b-b-b-but this one will be!
Either because it's a different game with a whole different aesthetic, or else artists just don't understand how such a simple and seemingly generic design became one of the most popular female characters ever. So they feel like they need to improve it and always fuck it up. The difference is that not many people care much about stupid spin-offs and guest appearances in other games.
You're totally right.
A fighter like her needs fit thighs.
We dont need Chun-Li goat thighs, but we still need something like OPs picture.
13 and 15 got PC ports. Why would this be any different?
Looks like the original has a nose, user.
>tifa and cloud would've died in this scene if her tits weren't so big
except the best one, ff tactics. but I agree, 7:R will eventually come to PC, the question is are you willing to wait for months without playing it while the whole world plays and discuss it.
might as well play the superior original game while waiting for the fanfiction
This. A lot more stylish as well. The faggots complaining just want upskirt shots like they had with 2B, but these are the same faggots that will never reproduce, so they will die off eventually.
absolute zoomer taste
Why do people even argue about who's the "best girl"?
Why do you want other people to lust after your waifu? Why do you want the fag beta protag of some game or anime to hold her hand? Can't you just like the character unless everyone else does too?
All she needs are thicker thighs to really make use of those thigh highs.
She wasn't originally a muscle girl at all, though. She always looked goofy with her little stick arms and stick legs punching and kicking huge monsters.
What the fuck are you talking about you prick? That looks way better than Square-Enix's version of Tifa. Also, it's more faithful to the original design without being hindered by the "Ethical Department's" oversight over what a virtual character wears.
Terrible taste.
I've done that my entire life. When I was young it was more that I didn't have money, now it's more that I don't have time. But in both cases, the result is that I wasted less time and money on garbage games. FF7 and FF Tactics were exceptions though, I bought those immediately on release.
She looks great here.
i think it works when the style isn't realistic.
I wished they used this artstyle, with current technology it could have been great... BUT NO, MUH REALISM ANIME!!!
Fuck japanese fags that try to make weeb shit realistic, it sucks
>PC mods
Ohnonono someone tell him
>Thank god for PC mods.
This. Maybe I'll pirate if someone makes a good Tifa mod.
Her face looks fucking awful
damn, you zoomers sure are SEETHING that us boomers are getting a god-tier remake of a classic.
its coming out on pc
doesnt matter if we have to wait years
To be fair I don't think FF7 would translate well into that art style. While it had many stylized elements, there was always a strong element of realism in the presentation.
>imagine looking at nu-Tifa and thinking she's censored
She is.
Only liberals agree.
>thigh highs
those are the first thing that need to go
you really should put more effort in your baits
I mean A LOT more
>take girl with beautiful bare legs
>then cover them up
I just can't understand.
the thigh highs make me more horny desu
wasn't it already proven to be a mistranslation?
The most a modder can affect with a game that has no mod support, is changing their cosmetics or costume. No bust increase or adjusting of her model. See RE2 remake.
Nope. Expect more publishers to adopt similar departments soon since the female form is now considered unethical.
right would be perfect if she had the original breast size
would still take it over the big titty version of the left
The crime is in the shitty black undershirt and schoolgirl skirt. Thigh high is fine.
>caring about mods
holy shit I'm glad I'm not a turbo virgin.
>schoolgirl skirt
People who hate boobs always were pedos
the skirt is so fucking retarded
>schoolgirl goth aesthetic with pleats and skull ornaments
that shit doesn't fit her character at all
not to mention the stupid flap on the back to hide her butt with all the random useless belts hanging down from it
peak nomura bullshit
imagine having an "ethics department" at your video game studio
>Where do you work?
>At Square Enix!
>oh, cool! what do you do?
>I make sure fictional characters have small boobs
it's like a dystopian future where shariah has taken over
Nah based muslims love tiddies and asses. Just not in 3D. The fucking saudi prince has an anime fag steam profile.
>The fucking saudi prince has an anime fag steam profile
Other than the red gloves, the left unironically looks way better. The white top on her skin looks bad with HD, and anyone hating on tight thigh highs is an immense faggot
The gloves and boots are different because they're gonna be her equipment rather than just the gloves
I prefer seeing her long slender legs to your disgusting anime fetish fuel, tasteless idiot.
>admits the only reason they're pissed off at changes is because they are a degenerate who wants to stare at skin
Thanks for the insight coomer
Don't mistake Square's censorship as true ZR.
100% agree.
>On PC
Is this the gamers thread??
I hope they pull the model so I can see 3D Tifa fuck dogs and horses
there's already porn with the superior dissidia tifa
sports bras are hot you dunce
>everyone forgot Tifa’s NTR scene
It’s better to have forgotten bros. If there’s one thing I pray doesn’t make it into the remake it’s that shit.
no she isn't
>all these spergs complaining about her tits instead of the skirt
ruined any discussion about the redesign
Isn't Yuffie meant to be like 12?
i hate these contrarian retards so much
When will gamer monkey nigs shut the fuck up about the breasts? The new design literally looks better.
Does anyone have a tifa ass comparison?
Honestly I want to see her panties more than anything but I don't like them exposed in her regular stance, removes the fun and excitement of the flash
If there was a mod that gave Tifa kneesocks I'd install it
Fixed Tifa.
who the fuck takes the time to make this
even if they have absolutely nothing going on in their lives, why not use their productive energy on something of actual value
I don't even understand the complaints about her skirt. Has anyone seen how high she needs to be able to kick? The skirt can't just be one solid strip of leather. Like, literally it is incapable of being a single piece because it would rip in two on her first kick.
80s-era jennifer connely tifa
Someone made a thread yesterday were some fag found their steam profile and had a anime profile pic. Hes a dotacuck so who cares anyway lmao
Imagine trying this hard to make people like muslims. Weebs truly are shit eaters.
>who the fuck takes the time to make this
An actual fan?
>why not use their productive energy on something of actual value
Annoying people like you is great, though. Especially when your ilk can't deny any of the points made in the pic.
kys fag
women need to complain about something real for once and talk about discrimination against big breasts
works in dissidia
jesus christ
I remember when people complained about Jill Valentine's tits jiggling in Resident Evil remake. These disgusting fetishists don't seem to understand how much of an unrealistic beauty standard it is to have perfectly rigid breasts that never move.
dissidia doesnt care about skirt physics.
I mean people think the skirt is just too complicated, unlike the old leather skirt. There are people tho that are mad because they wanted tifa panty shots, or to fap.
I dont have the webm right now, but the skirt moves as a whole, its not a two part skirt.
sauce? Those fucking tits duder.
Why do assblasted morons rage at superior arguments?
>dissidia doesnt care about skirt physics.
neither should 7R
overly focusing on realism is cancer
It's Jennifer Connoly in Career Opportunities
>overly focusing on realism is cancer
you literally are complaining about realism when it comes to women and their outfit. But then a dude makes a story about fantasy and stuff, and you are like "dude that doesnt make sense, shit story xdxdxd"
For Nomura it would be, he can't resist adding a bunch of unnecessary shit to his designs.
I mean at this point I just want it to come out in whatever state and relive the many faps I had back then, I could do it to 30 polygon characters, i'm sure i'll manage.
They don't look tight at all, there isn't the slightes hint of skindentation.
New design means they can make new merchandise based on it. Also you just know they're gonna have some original outfits DLC.
You might not agree with his whole logic but building color Scheme/Palette is literally character design 101, fag.
It's more productive than your shit posting on this anonymous chinese cartoon board.
Sorry, I'm not a necrophiliac.
>gets killed
>still gers credit for saving the world
Censored is a made-up word by the patriarchy.
It was merely redesigned
Here's your Tifa bro.
What if it turns out coomers are the main demographic?
>implying shitposting lower life forms can reason at all
>Eternal reminder
And I love it
I like the thiccer one on the right but the design for the game should be left with right's breasts.
I will now buy your game. I might even pre-order it.
she should be given pants and a flatter chest
I am both weirded out and aroused
Is this what perfection looks lie
Superhero outfits change alot and sometimes they look way different than the last even Superman had costumes that changed the Red and Blue color scheme
The left pic isn't even from FF7, retard. Tifa's tits aren't even consistent in the original game.
no boobs no buy
Because maybe so I will COOM less and less, but I doubt it.
Tifa change of clothes made sense in AC because Tifa stopped being the town bicycle, also the part that make less sense of her new outfi is the ZR, Tifa bare legs are her main weaponry, why would she cover it with delicate clothing for women??? I sure hope they point out Tifa walk around with hundreds of spare ZR to change after each battle.
Imagine the smell
>cow girls is becoming a thing
Yes god please please
what the fuck are you even talking about retard
>town bicycle
you're confusing her with Aerith
Have sex
The sports bra is the only thing that pisses me off. It's like they made it bigger than her top just so people could see that it exists. Why couldn't they just say her shirt is a sports bra as their explanation for not making them move at all?
Zoomershit ruined Yea Forums.
>zoomer this desperate for damage control
Seethe more, unwanted child.
Are you ok?
This. Absolutely based. Trannys BTFO
because nomura is a hack who cant leave any design alone and has to revamp everything all the time, even if it's worse
Oh, the irony.
Is it THAT hard to not get mad for months on end about irrelevant dumbshit?
Why do we talk more about pussy than videogames on this shit board?
The tits are the same size...
I'm fine with the added crop top too, but the leggings are meh and why did she suddenly turn into an unhealthily skinny anorexic vs. the actually healthy athletic woman she was?
I really liked the Blair Armitage design. It was the one rumored to be the official before the actual revel. Pic related
Even if I would like left more, I would never tolerate censorship.
Don't be a fucking retarded.
>tfw you lived the see the day when Tifa literally became the "it was a different time" meme
Like so?
I removed some shirt from the right's design but honestly I would love for her to have a shorter torso overall.
If anything, she's getting more unrealistic with every new incarnation.
Aeris is a streetwalker that's different from town bicycle. Town bicycle is pumped and dumped by all local guys Streetwalker takes money for sex.
yall niggas watch too much porn
The fact that they very obviously covered her up to show less skin and to ensure no panytshots would be had. Which means her old design doesn't fit with nu-Snoy anymore. So her OG look was allowed back then because it was a different time.
Where is dem tiddies
You mean the stockings?
They're pretty meh, but also who cares?
Are you forgetting that showing even almost no skin can still be sexual?
I agree she's got worse with every incarnation, but she's also further away from a real woman - if nu'snoy wanted to make it SJW acceptable - wouldn't they aim for an even thicker build (like Shadow of the Fridge Raider)
>implying stockings don't improve things 1000%