Outside of Yea Forums, who actually hates Borderlands?

>Yea Forums tells me everyone hates Borderlands 3. Nobodies looking forward to Borderlands 3. Borderlands 3 is hated by critics so people will hate it now. Borderlands fans have turned against the franchise!
>Check /r/borderlands
>They're all excited for it

Why does Yea Forums lie? And no, it's not because it's the subreddit. The Anthem subreddit was shit on by the games fans for months on end.

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You made this same thread hours ago, you fucking loser

>unironicaly browsing reddit
people like you are the sole reason this site gets shitter every fucking day, who fucking cares what the biggest fucking faggots on the internet have to say about the cringiest video game series on the market

I think the gameplay is fun but as soon as a character speaks or there's a cutscene playing I alt tab out.

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>but as soon as a character speaks or there's a cutscene playing I alt tab out.

Sounds like the previous games.

>taking people for their word on fucking Yea Forums
Just stay on reddit. You're obviously too retarded to be here, which is saying a lot.

>who fucking cares what the biggest fucking faggots on the internet have to say about the cringiest video game series on the market

So Yea Forums?

user you should be ashamed for such an obvious joke

What is fun about the gameplay? It's not challenging, the enemies are all bullet sponges. Is it just the looting?

Making numbers into bigger numbers. It's an eternal chase.

You are a trained rat, performing pointless tasks for the "reward" of a bell's chime

>Goes to a shithole subredditt
>Uses its front page as evidence that the entire subject of the site would not have a positive air
Please stay on those shitholes and leave every other image board and forum to people with an intact frontal lobe

Fuck off homo.

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Sounds like World of Warcraft (which Yea Forums actively shills)

Steam users will still buy it day one.

What are talking about? Wow literally get shit by Yea Forums all the time, in fact every game get shit by Yea Forums doesn’t matter it good or bad.
If you actually take Yea Forums seriously you are a retard

Anecdotal, but my sister who was super into Borderlands 2 doesn't give a fuck about 3.

old.reddit.com or bust

I hate borderlands 3, but you don't sound remotely fun to play with at all.
Do you even like shooter looters? RPGs? Remotely any element that involves chasing big numbers to kill even more shit?

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Yea Forums is a bunch of mentally ill retards and children, everyone is hyped for this game.

Bruh that's life.

Reddit man bad

i dont hate it but i dont care for it anymore either after 2

Its just another loot shooter, normies don't care about the qualities of their games, they just buy shit that has the biggest name that month then move on.



Guess what, if you go to r/scat you will find tons of people who recommend eating shit
Guess that means you need to open wide!

Then for a bunch of mentally ill retards and underage b&, they don't sound like bad people at all. Glad to see Yea Forums is still in working order!

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There's plenty of places that would say scat is terrible and disgusting.

The only place that doesn't like Borderlands 3 is Yea Forums

subreddits are just fangays about one sort of a game or thing.
Boards are for people interested in this genre of entertainment not one series. Unlike Yea Forums where its fangayed game of thrones so much its not longer about movies.

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Maybe you need to make the decision for yourself

kill yourself faggot

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>reddit game has a strong following on reddit
gee whoulda thunk

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I have hated Borderlands since day one of the release of the first game. I was so fucking excited for it because I loved Opposing Force and it ended up being pure fucking shit.

>People on the subreddit dedicated to liking these games thinks it's good!
Drink bleach.

It's called falseflagging shilling. By acting like the victim they encourage vocal defenders, small or large.
Notice topics usually drift immediately towards fanbases and "muh hivemind".
There's already a lot of discussion here regarding the criticisms to the writing and gameplay, but these particular threads aim to lash at the community here itself.
There's nothing you can really do besides pointing out it's the same posters or ignoring the threads.
Saging helps, but be sure to never directly declare such; announcing a sage is a bannable offense.

>Being a paranoid retard

Is this the brain of a coomer?

You obviously care about Yea Forums or you would not be spamming here.

No, I just don't enjoy Borderlands 3 or brainless shilling.
I'm feeling really good after buying a good selection of games over the summer for my PS4, Switch, and PC.
Plus, I got some new PC parts for PS3 emulation.
I'd encourage you to save your money and put it elsewhere. There's a really good indie RPG called Lisa that you should really try out if you want to be invested in a solid story and pretty creative turn-based gameplay.

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Reminder if you buy this game, Randy is using your internet to download his game to other people with no reimbursement.

>>There's a really good indie RPG called Lisa that you should really try out if you want to be invested in a solid story and pretty creative turn-based gameplay.

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That's cool, I spent like $5 for a decent game and you paid a full $60 or more for another looter shooter.

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You know who are the biggest faggots, people like yourself who swear allegiance to a website and think one site is somehow better than the other. Reddit is exactly like Yea Forums, just on a different side of the political spectrum. Where Yea Forums is far right, even on fucking game and fitness boards, Reddit is far left.

Apart from that there is no difference between either site whatsoever.

And I can guess the first reply will be "hurrr durrr go back, newfag"

>Bragging about buying LISA

That's a yikes from me. It's hipster Undertale

This thread again?
Fuck off retard shill, no one likes your SJW game.


Holy shit you are so wrong, get the fuck out of here. It’s the feeling of being completely anonymous where everything will get deleted soon vs having an account with posts that last. fucking stupid dipshit

>deleted soon

Guessing you're so new that you don't know about archive then? Every single Yea Forums post is saved across multiple archives, you have a few minutes to delete your post otherwise it's saved forever. Meanwhile if you delete your Reddit comment/post it's gone and only gets archived if it gets above a certain number of views.

go back, newfag

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archives don’t matter when you can’t look up who made the posts you fucking idiot, it’s psychological in the fact that you feel anonymous on Yea Forums so you will say whatever you feel unlike feeling like you have some sort of identity of Reddit. disgusting normies

>everyone hates Borderlands 3
Angry Joe does lol. Should've seen his face during the first three hours. I think it gets better after you leave the planet though.

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>repeatedly making the same thread
>that thread is about reddit

>quickly changes his argument when proven wrong

You can also say whatever you want on Reddit, there's nothing stopping you just like there isn't here. The difference is if you say something right winged on Reddit you'll get attacked and if you say something left winged here you'll get attacked.

/pol/ has leaked onto every single board here to the point that this place is a right wing mirror image of Reddit. You're not a unique bastion of free speech, you're right wing Reddit.

>eceleb hates it
Ok, now I'm interested.

That 3rd post is the worst thing i've seen all week.

You don't get attacked, your post gets attacked and if you like you can join in on attacking your own post. Anonymity is what makes this place work, brainlet.

>you don't get attacked

You're so new I can still see the shine on your plastic covering.

>Anthem was such a colossal load of steaming garbage that even leddit didn't fellate it
Is this supposed to be a compliment for Memelands?

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Wow color me surprised that a board dedicated to Borderlands 3 has nothing but positives to say about Borderlands 3. Now answer me this, why should I give a shit and why are you making this thread over and over again?

>Yea Forums tells me everyone hates Borderlands 3
I didn't tell you this.

reading comprehension, esl faggot.

case in point
are different people, I just decided to tag in.

>/pol/ boogeyman
Trump is still your president.

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people who like good gameplay


>that fucking reddit spacing
>need to call others new
HAD to bring up /pol/ they literally can’t fucking help themselves lmao. you aren’t fooling anyone

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Please never post anything again here

Imagine being so far deep into the rabbit hole. Bet you spend 12h a day in terrible threads here.

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I’ve played all BL games and I’ll be damned if I get it on EGS. Theirs so much fucking games out there that you can wait 6 months to a year for it to come to steam

go back

You are a literal tourist who came here to vent his teenage rage.

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finally an user with some sense.

>waaahhh this my website

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w-which one is it

This si why retard liek you hshould fuck off and shut up, you pathetic underage newfag. The problem is not abullshit you're spewning, but how young you are so you clearly cant remember what Yea Forums as whole, boards and internet was about. You sit at reddit with your acc linked with your email. Your post history saved. You use facebook with your real name and surname and much more personal info while posting bullshit. You come her,e thinkign that internet is all about politics and pushing your agenda, instead of uncensored medium for anyone to say anything without fear of punsihment or censure. faggots like you, gets offende in a goddman internet, where i can call you nigger and close this thread while forgetting your existence. The diffirence is, i know im a cunt calling people a dumb niggers as anonymous on anonymous board. Because for stating facts i would be punished in real world. But here, if you behave like a goddamn monkey, because its proven that monkey are just extremly stupid humans, and its even more proved that diffirence in human races exist, i can call you a fucking nigger, because black people, proven by scientist, have lesser IQ and more animal-like behaviours that people of for example, europe.

Funfact i can write a shit wall post, get away with and go to other thread with 0 fuck given. But you, already proven that your brain is too small to comprehend internet and you need to project real world laws withh all politics and ideology bullshit, without single use of a brain cell. people like you forgot how to think for themselves, you're just a dumb animal who follows whatever says something big, like a dumb fucking sheep. Thats why, you're redditor, and thats why you should fuck off from there, because scum like you cant think outside of the box, instead replying whatever dumb masses force into you. As Live with that feeling that as modern human you cant get past cattle level of brain function

Go back fag your kind isn't welcome here

Ok shill, we get, boredrlands 3 is the second coming of jesus.


So to those on console or those that braved the epic store, whats first impressions? No edgelord/shill stuff please.

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go drink some bleach, you literal shit for brains

Sounds more like a big wall of projection


CInematic are tortanic tier. Story is written between meth session and fapping to underage photos. Enemy as always are either bulletsponges or LOLRANDOM dropping attacks that nearly instakill you and you cant avoid it fast enough most of the time

more like dlc to BL2 than new game

Borderlands sucks dick and Randy is the lowest fucking cunt on the face of the earth. He’ll get his.

>played borderlands with my dad since the first game
>a few thousand hours spread across the first 3 games
>he works in tech and I am a tradie, so we have completely different hobbies and interests
>I don't play games anymore, my dad is usually too busy with work or out of the country
>the borderlands games are one of the few ways we can still enjoy some time together
Just getting in some quality family time


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>well, everyone here says that eating shit is horrible
>you see, in the /r/iloveshit all the people like
>you are contrarians
You are mentally challenged, 12 years old or just pretending?

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Borderlands is a popular franchise, it's silly fun with a lot of replayability. Since Yea Forums hates fun and /pol/tards claim it's an SJW feverdream game, naturally the response here is negative.

There's plenty of places that would say shit is terrible and disgusting.

The only place that doesn't like Borderlands 3 is Yea Forums

Back to reddo you go.

Yea Forums doesnt even necessarily hate borderlands specifically. Yea Forums just hates whatever is popular. If BL was a niche series that never got the limelight most people would prob be interested in it.

wheres the crack

And Skyrim is basically a GOTY everywhere outside Yea Forums and a handful of forums. That must mean that Skyrim is GOTY.

I loved 1 but 2 shot down the serie for me.
I don't even care about SJW shit and what not, it's just that they took every wrong decisions and cranked them up to eleven.

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I played borderlands 2 with friends and it wasn't that bad. Then I replayed it and the jokes seem super forced and unfunny. Also le stonk womyn bit is shit so Im not gonna buy bl3

Reddit used to be good but now it's just a giant circlejerk and if you post anything against public opinion you get downvoted to oblivion or banned. Fuck reddit

I don't hate the game, I just don't see the appeal. I put a few hours into 2 and it was fun until I found you were just running around and fetching things for people while just shooting guys who were in your way or assassinating bosses with specific weapons. Now I am supposed to fetch more stuff to progress in the game and I just got tired of it. The next area I am going to has higher level enemies so it is using a fetch quest to level me up.
It was fun while it lasted, but I just got bored with it.
3 looks like more of the same down to the graphics. Maybe when it goes on sale or something.