Incels are asleep

Post about Borderlands 3

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's shit

Jokes on you. I'm wide awake faggot.

its peak incel hours you fucking mutt

you bought a game with constant upload DRM from a store with no shopping cart
have sex loser

Incels would love 3. Anyway, fuck this stupid cunt. If she didn't send Jack off the deep end, and then later on go inside the chamber Roland SPECIFICALLY TOLD HER NOT TO, neither would have died.

Randy, stop shitposting while you F5 to oblivion sterlings youtube. You just cant wait for his review to finally start the shit throwing again, can you?

Glad this cringelord is dead while based Mordecai and Brick lived.

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Nice try fucker, I have chronic insomnia

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Fuck you Faggots.

I have uni.

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It's fine.
It's neither bad enough or good enough to warrant all the hooplah.
Nobody would give a shit if not for the Epic thing.

Only got to play until Vaugn rescue, but I love it so far. Looks stunning and gunplay is smooth af

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It's the same fucking shit as every other game in the series but with somehow even more cringe and dated meme humor, which must have been a monumental undertaking to achieve.

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Humor is Anthony Burch on steroids. Holy fuck, they have learned nothing from BL2 and Pre-Sequel. Looking at a let's play and the jokes wear out their welcome in the first 5 mins.

EU time is peak incel hours lmfao

>It's the same fucking shit as every other game in the series

So is Dark Souls

Why do you assume everyone who bought a game bought it on the PC? Why are PC fags always like this?

I've played about 4 hours. I think there's one line I cracked a slight smile at but haven't laughed once.

no torrent

Do you have to mute dialogue again like you had to with 2? Or did they realise they arnt good at humour and saying things boner farts is awful?

Whatever faggot I'm too busy with the JOKER screens.

Religiously the torrent should be out before the game.

>based DMC5

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Not really. Souls games stopped trying to be creative with most of their bosses because everybody loved the Artorias fight. So every second fight is just fast humanoid swordsman. It regressed, basically. It became less experimental and more formulaic.

Borderlands has always been the same shit, but it just keeps getting more and more cringe in the writing department, it was already unbearable by BL2.

Still awake and your game is shit, Randy.

Nothing has been offensively stupid yet but none of it is funny either.
It's more sad than anything else.

Mute it, mute it for the love of God. It's dreck, user.

Will it perform well on a toaster? I want to get a copy for my sister and play with her over thanksgiving break.

yup, it's bad and it's ass at the same time

Is krieg in it? Is there a possibility that he could be playable? If not I won't buy this game.

>Nothing has been offensively stupid yet

One word. Vaughn. Shit voice actor delivering dogshit lines. It's offensively bad. Guy sounds like a suburban dad but he's the former leader of a group of bandits. Just bad.

Fuck off Randy

No. The system requirements are insane for how just okay it looks.
I'm struggling to get solid FPS on 1440p High with an RTX 2070.

The only good thing about it is that whore Lilith finally died.

I was just stony faced and devoid of emotion through everything he did. Maybe I've built up a resistance.

God i can't wait for this, my negress gf wants to co op while we fuck tomorrow, feels good bros.

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>loot progression
>actual gun variety
>treasure chests being obnoxiously hidden
>incessant dialogue
>lack of enemy scaling, which makes half your sidequests and their zones useless level-wise
>shitty bosses
>boring areas that aren't fun to navigate through

Did they fix any of this shit?

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Meant to say 60fps. It's hovering around 50-55 unless I dial a few things down.

Shooting looks fun, to be fair. Maybe that's enough to distract from the bad. Yeah, maybe you've dehumanized yourself and face to stupid.

It takes a special breed of retard to play shooters on a console. You have to be even more retarded than the people who use the chink store.

The petty EGL controversy killed my hype for this game but I still want reason to play. Hype me up for BL3 again. Not you randy fuck off you stupid wizard

>live in post-ussr country
>transsexuals are considered non human
>i am mtf
>anxiety everywhere, games are basically my only way to relax
>can't go to bathroom without anxiety
>can't speak to people most of the time
>ME:andromeda makes transpeople laughing stock
>mass effect 3 makes gay people laughing stock and trans by proxy because here it doesn't matter whether you are a tranny or gay
>siege of dragonspire is hated by transpeople for mizhena
>literally all the attempts to capitalize on us fall flat
>borderlands 3 announced
>find out that there will be a non-binary character
>game releases
>mfw fl4k is a non-human
Fuck gearbos and fuck randy. I fucking hate these people and all the corps trying to present being a tranny like something normal, and i haate when they try to hget some points from that, fucking faggots. living like that is suffering and for them it is just getting more money and fame and they can't even represent us the right way
Fucking rand.y

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Wish it was on steam so i could sell hats to get it. Friend keeps insisting I buy it but I dont want to spend 60 on it let alone 60 for an Epic game.

If you like Borderlands it's another one. No more or less. It's fine.

No bullshit? Just pure Borderlands fun?

Borderlands is not some twitch shooter at all you faggot it's pretty normie core and forgiving. You could play this came with the guitar from guitar hero and probably still do well

Fl4k isn't even just nonhuman it's a literal machine.
It's like getting triggered by people misgendering a car.

Why would you even consider wanting to play a fps on console?

It's unfunnier than it's ever been before, but other than that it's just the same old Borderlands.

Borderlands humor unironically makes me laugh and I dont understand why people are such tight asses about it.

these faggots tried to play it easy and everyone liked it
the worst part of being trans is the fact that some trans communities are pretending they represent all of us while consntantly harrassing people and spreading hate among themselves and hating each other and eachother hobbies
our feminists only make people hate us even more because they pretend to support us too
and they all fucking like how they make the only tranny in the game A NON FUCKING HUMAN
this shows just how much thought they put into decisions like that and in wirting overall
If they didn't AT LEAST touch my games and pull off shit like that I wouldn't even care and played it normally

It’s really that bad?

How's performance on pc? On the fence about buying or just waiting for the crack.

You're getting a bit caught up on the nonhuman part.
An alien or whatever that was non-binary, gender-fluid, whatever could be argued as being representation, even if they had stupid sci-fi reason for being how they are.
Gearbox and the self-congratulatory gaming press sold Fl4k as "non-binary" when it isn't. It's genderless. Very different thing, but they wanted to virtue signal anyway.

Maya goes out like a bitch.

Lilith sacrifices herself at the end by blowing up the great vault/ the moon.

You'll need a GTX 1080 or better to get solid 60+ frame rates above medium settings. I have no idea why. It doesn't look particularly good.

ahhh this game is boring
is Epic's refund the same as Steam's?


Your specs? Im getting 60fps at ultra at 21:9, 1440p with 1080 ti and r5 3600 and 16gb ram on m.2 970 evo ssd. Seems pretty badly optimized

Because console fags are more busy playing fifa

Maya was always a non-character who was only good for porn, so I find it hard to actually care.

>Yea Forums universally hates a thing
Then it must be a pretty decent game. Thanks guys, you've been really helpful. I'll make sure to pick this up on the Epic store.

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is zane fucking gay like Yea Forums predicted lmao

But Timmy Tencent already paid for your copy, user. No need to purchase it if Tim already paid for your copy.

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No indication of him being anything so far other than oirish.
Actually he hits on Ellie so I guess not.

Incels are asleep and the wife's asleep with the bull upstairs so it's time to give my opinion about this f*cking EPIC GAME!
gunplay=tremendous! Even though guns should be BANNED irl I still have fun shooting things! (Virtually lol)
Umm what can I even say about the characters...other than they're f*cking epic and badass aswell! Not as badass as respecting women but it's up there!
Uh oh guys I hear my wife yelling that she wants some water so I gotta go....I'll talk to you guys later :D

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>literally ripping off the iron giant

Unironically based.

I've got a 1070, looks likes I'll be able to run it at 1080p 60fps atleast.

I just want to laugh at all the Steam retards that will still buy the game when it's released in March.

Not universally, just loudest
Shoulbe on some high settings maybe

I am having a good time with my friends. Anons, you’re enjoying it with your friends, right?


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You should be fine at 1080p.

Post pics.

My friends dont have gejmink pc's

Does anybody actually enjoy the gameplay of this game? bullet sponge enemies and incredibly forgiving aim? or is the only appeal the looting?

Have you beat the game or something or does she die early?
Would complain about spoilers but who gives a fuck. Hearing this bitch is dead is just good news.
Boo hoo, try weed and alcohol pussyboy

>he hits on Ellie
>straight white male
so the game isn't complete shit? holy fuck

3 actually has some good gunplay and movement now so I would say it has merit beyond the looting cycle. Previous games were pretty much just about watching numbers go up and that's what a lot of people want.

Give it to me straight, what happens to Krieg?

Game is good

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Why would you call your girlfriend a negress?
Were the epic racist points worth verbally shitting on your girlfriend's race just to maybe entertain some pasty sexless nerds?
Value your girlfriend and her image within your own mind instead of valuing Yea Forums memespeak over your love for her.
Unless you're genuinely just in it for the lame autistic video game sex

Forget the still frames of animation for that ending cutscene, the fuck is with the interior of the vault? Motherfucking 4 chests and thats it? Fuck off.

They literally copy pasted Overwatch's main menu, that's hilarious.

Chubby chaser tho, so depends where that falls on your degeneracy scale.

the only thing this series is good for is making fap bait

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This game, man.

I barely thought it would live up to the hype, let alone exceed it. I've been playing for six hours straight across only two towns, and it has been absolutely and utterly humbling so far. My breath is being taken away at every turn.

I just died trying desperately to fight skags with a revolver on a cold, lonely, massive town, with ominous growling startling me from far across some rocky, eroded mountains against the backdrop of a massive blue sky. Earlier I was marveling at a gas station. Psychos were shouting in the distance and tinkling piano chords played in the background.

I very much appreciate the technical and leveling aspects such as the perk system and the looting, but most of all, this game has been an extremely emotional experience for me so far. I could barely pull myself away from my first town once I acquired the ability to shoot enemies. No matter what I'm looking at, I have this excitement and this wonder and frustration that I am inevitably missing so much. I have never, EVER felt this lost. Pandora just beckons, wordlessly. What a beautiful, beautiful, titanic game. I have no words.

Everyone should give it a chance. And thank you, Randy Pitchford and Gearbox. Jeez Louise.

Silence bitch. You wouldn't dare speak out in public so please be quiet everywhere else

holy fuck you pussy ask me how i know you don't got a gf lmao you workin on it tho amirite hahahaha she fall in love w your niceness soon amirite hahahaha

what did they mean by this?

I assume you pulled this from Reddit. If it's OC, well done I guess.

i'll maybe buy it at a discount when it hits steam, until then, maybe just eyepatching it.

God i'm so hyped, I can't wait.
I loved their last game so I have high expectations for this

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I hate that I fucking know where the fuck this shit comes from.

What has improved about the gunplay? and that's pretty fucking sad.

> You wouldn't dare speak out in public
My threads were deleted from gearbox forum and reddit.

It's more like borderlands 2.3

and the dialogue is somehow even worse

Yea yeah. have fun with your lousy stinking distracted pussy mr cool guy Good

I skipped a week of classes when the first game came out, you can do it!

Where does it come from

I live with my parents.
Im also a perfect attendance student.


OMG bro that's badass, how'd the women's studies classmates do without you? Did you fall behind?

When No Man's Sky released, people shat on the game so hard that the most deluded defenders went to reddit and make a million posts defending the garbage fire. Shills and shitposters started posting about the game here, and people just copypasted the reddit garbage here for (You)s.

seethe more sjw faggot

They just had to make that bitch sacrifice
herself. I've never seen a character so full of her own farts as Lilith. Burch started this trend of her being the worst character in the series, and TPS and 3 it seems carry the legacy. She was fine in the first one but she was pretty much mute. Ffs
What about Brick, Mordecai, and Krieg?
Gaige too.

Actually, just spoil the whole thing please.

god I hope this game is as bad ass as Battleborn was

Why kill off the old characters?

LOL guys that part where the bandit took a big stinky poop was really funny XDDd

feels like a solid step up from 2 so far, im liking it quite a bit. picked moze, and have the iron bear setup as a minigun/flame laser. the guns have a very satisfying feeling to them, but unfortunately Dahl weapons still fucking blow. i dont know why they keep shafting Dahl weapons with awful damage when full autos chunk for more per hit

Cheep drama

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probably to straight and white for a game this bad ass

>Burn the past
>No ones ever really gone
They want to copy Star Wars

God I wish.

Failed normie more like it.
Rather stay in class than be all alone.

also just bagged my first legendary, level 7 bankroll SMG. hyperion weapon, and it uses 1 dollar per shot for its ammo

because all you should look at is those new great characters we made

Im a little bit angry about this

does zer0 die?

>Randy the Chad literally using his customers internet as his own download servers for his product
The man is utterly based!

Vaughn hangs upside down in his underwear, because get it, it's funny because he's in his underwear.
*Delivers line like cheesy 90's game show host* Shoot me down, will you? I like to hang but not like this?
*puts emphasis on words for no logical reason* NOT LIKE THIS!

Yes, it's that bad.

It's surprisingly fun. I still miss the second group of vault hunters, specially Salvador, since most skills feel less op. Ended up choosing zane since having two skills is almost as good as a replacement for gunzerking.

Good, the Sirens are dangerous as fuck.

You are their target audience, big bong theory and instagram comedy

Fuck off.

>My axe wound hurts and didnt make me a real and honest woman.

The Post.

its fart jokes for middle schoolers, not every game is made for ultra mature audiences. i like having something i can play when my younger cousin visits

Fuck off with your SJW game, shill.

you will never pass

Reminder that if Lilith wasn't such a humongous fucking cuntlord Jack would've been one of the good guys and Roland would still be alive

Everything is Lilith's fault. Everything. Fuck that character and fuck Anthony Burch

How do I get my gf to fuck a black guy in front of me?

just be yourself

Pre-Sequel is so awful that it shouldn't be considered canon.

I enjoy how you can actually blow people's heads off again, the gore in BL2 was a little too tame

pandora would have maybe been a decent place to live as well.

cars can actually kill by running over people too, that got nerfed too hard in 2


How BADASS is this game? I'm thinking of buying it but I only buy games if they score at least a 10 on the BADASS scale.

Why does this game (or any game, for that matter) drive people into such a shitposting frenzy? What makes people enter threads about things they don't like to talk about fucking black cock?

Her only mistake was not actually putting a bullet into Jack's head.
He was already completely insane by the time she marked his face, and he started from a pretty low place indeed.
Jack was never a good guy, and never would have been one either.

One thing I'm curious about. Who is the dedicates sniper this time? Zer0 was amazing due to being sniper/gunslinger/melee. But noone of the new lads seem to have a revolver or sniper spec

It's got Denuvo syndrome. If you dunno what that is, it's got Denuvo DRM protection and that LOVES to make games run like absolute dogshit no matter what you do. Watch, the cracked version without Denuvo will run way better.

Cracks don't remove denuvo though, they just circumnavigate authentication.

how is it optimized? my pc probably cant run it but im still curious

Those statistics won't fill themselves.

Unlike the other games in the series is it fun single player?
Literally only want to play it just to see Lilith die

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zer0 was actually the second lowest tier in 2, snipers scaled poorly vs raid bosses and OP levels. FL4K is probably the closest to a sniper character

I like collectors editions but I'm feeling this one doesnt grab me.

Should I cancel that and go deluxe edition?

I guess robot, since he has Zero deception

Fuck off Randy go eat a cheeseburger you fat fuck

>it's got Denuvo DRM protection and that LOVES to make games run like absolute dogshit
Yes, I have also heard this claim being made on Reddit.

these games are so boring, i hate every moment playing them.


Lilith nukes the commonwealth and kills your dad

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>haha joke's on you I'm actually STUPIDER than you thought

He was at least an entertaining asshole at the beginning of 2, and then they just made him into a shitty child abuser and not in a somehow-funny or absurd way and ruined the tone completely

>live in post-ussr country
>transsexuals are considered non human
That's every country that dogged brainwashing

He's an NPC.

How good is the Zeno gameplay frens?

Amara porn when

I only give Gaben my money, thank you very much.

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In the name of Jesus, why is Tomoko so beautiful?

>Borderlands 2

Yep that's the patrician choice.

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Casual lmao
but i'm on the same position :(

she dies literally at the end of the game after you beat the final boss, she sacrifices herself to save the shit hole planet from destruction.

this tweet aged worse than the allegedly 18 year old girls in the porn videos on randy's usb stick.

Attached: randy.png (717x229, 27K)

Just cancel it.

i liked 1 better than 2, felt like i was using actual guns not meme rocket revolvers and shit, plus the gameplay had really interesting things in it like those bugs with tiny eyes that crit super high, while playing 2 every enemy was just a bullet sponge and the classes were just use your fucking ability constantly

is this game more of 2 or a return to 1?

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

did they cut the sjw shit at least?

little bit of both, but definitely closer to 2. enemies feel less spongy, and guns have 2 fire modes so they shoot like guns but you can toggle a secondary fire meme mode

the robot character is non-binary and uses the they/them pronouns and if you call it a he on the forums you'll get banned for misgendering a robot.

pff, did anything changed at all? I dont recall seeing any reports or updates since then

aside from that, i like the character design alot. hobo robot in an overcoat who commands animals is pretty cool

Only Vladof guns do that. Maliwan can toggle element and Dahl can toggle full auto and burst.


i heard, but i meant mostly ingame scripts and dialogue

W8, WAT? What SJW shit? Kindly elaborate

for the most part everything feels like a gun, although to be fair i have not seen a torgue weapon yet

The english nigger is also shoe horned in as a fag with some southern gentleman.
They kill off the only relatively good looking girl in the game as well.

Imagine being this upset about wanting to call a fucking robot he

My question is what’s the end game like? Do you just play on Valut hunter mode again and wait for the 4 DLC’s or what?

not at all.
in fact, gearbox themselves had to program the pre-load api because people were about to riot that they weren't gonna have a preloader and epig didn't care enough to do jack shit.

the dialog is fucking atrocious. it's full of the same bullshit that the other games were written like.

uhhhh you're not allowed to say that sweaty

The game is selling like shit, I can see a panic release on Steam at a discount very soon.

>in fact, gearbox themselves had to program the pre-load api because people were about to riot that they weren't gonna have a preloader and epig didn't care enough to do jack shit.


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>lack of enemy scaling
>fix this shit
that's a yikes from me dawg

why they do this shit ffs at least zane is straight

call it IT, that will send them raging

This, you can tell it's selling poorly cause they have gone into overdrive with advertising on launch day.

randy's backpedal tweet for that will be fun lmao

NOPE. Not allowed by the legal agreement with Epic. Even if they wanted to, they could not publish it anywhere else for a whole year.

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a ton of people i know are waiting for the steam release, so im not surprised

If you're referring to Hammerlock, he was gay since BL2.
Axton was bi, as was Ellie and Moxxi.

It's 6 months this time.

>The english nigger is also shoe horned in as a fag with some southern gentleman.
We knew he was a faggot from 2 though. Both from him casually mentioning it in a side quest and from Gaige going on about how she'd fuck him if he was straight.

They constantly virtue signal about gays in both 2 and pre sequel. Pre sequel had a character who wouldn't shut the fuck up about how she was a dyke and they turned Torgue into a little bitch who called the friendzone misogynistic

Oh. Right. I stand corrected.



okay, thats both sad and hilarious

Is it better than BL2 at least?

dilate tranny.

Game's fucking great. Performance is kind of ass, but the massively improved gunplay elevates the usual BL gameplay loop to something that's actually fun as a shooter.
The Epic store bullshit, which is a complete non-issue, made all the retards who don't even play video games go into a massive hysteria. When you see posts like that, they are the same people that review bomb games and subscribe to "gaming is dead" outrage channels on Youtube. They aren't worth your time, or consideration.

gunplay feels more satisfying than in 2

Huh, I seem to have missed the gay stuff in the 2-nd installment. Never touched the Pre-sequel piece of shit tho, oh lordy-lord no fucking way. NO.

even if they already had enough push to make it only half a year. but yeah I dont see them breaking this

Motor Momma from BL2 eats her girlfriends.

in what way? Are enemies still bullet sponges? Does it require aiming now instead of pointing in the general direction? Are guns meaningfully different now instead of slag gun + weakness gun?

>non issue

get the fuck out

i was referring to janey from pre-sequel.


>3 Mbits constant upload to play the game
>only have 90 kb/s upload on a good day


>3 Mbits constant upload to play the game
huh? I wasnt informed. Is that Epic Denuvo combo on steroids?

holy shit Yea Forums! please help a brother out. my sister just called me that she just killed a nigger. I leave her in charge of my house. I left her my rifle and she killed the nigger with it. how would she be ruled? would my sister go to jail? shes 12 years old/ i left her my guns. the guns were registered to me and licensed to me. she forced to shoot the nigger because he was drunk and was trying to forces it's way to my home.

slag got axed completely, and health on enemies feels lower overall. unless you are using a severely underleveled gun, you can kill in anyone in a clip or less. shotguns have fun physics though, if you dont kill, you can knock them around


Even if it completely bombs on PC, they'll just brag about console sales and then say the game itself is successful because of Epic exclusivity.

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2 had a sequence of gay married couples being tortured/blackmailed by Jack back to back in the run up to the Bloodwing battle. You at least had to go out of your way to find the hammerlock bit but the former was unironically cringe worthy.

Post release they started going crazy with it. Torgue, Axton and Ellie were bi and the latter two started dating, and Maya was outed as asexual.


It's a non-issue. It's a DRM launcher you download and forget about, just like Steam is. It hogs your data, just like Steam does.
>b-but my useless feature bloat no one uses
You wait for the Steam release in 6+ months then, so you can get your trading cards and shitpost on the abandoned curator/review pages of the game. And don't forget achievements anyone can hack in 1 minute, those are integral to the experience.
God knows if you fucks spent half the time you do whining about shit that doesn't matter actually playing games you'd be much happier, but then again this is Yea Forums.

>he isn't dating a cute black girl who gets off on being called a filthy nigger slave

I don't like how gearbox treated the people from the Telltale game
like Vaugn did not deserve what Gearshit did to him

Holy fuck. Thank god I missed all that shit and only played the Halloween + some Pirate booty DLC

>been so long since i bought a game at release that i forgot how delayed cdkey sites usually are on release day

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don't know i just read this here

Doesn't this game have so much DRM that you'll have about several dozen processes running the second you turn it on?

Didn't someone complain about not being able to stream because 2mb upload while playing single player.

it's this post but unironically

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holy fuck thats wild


Chris Hardwick is entertainment cancer


People who play borderlands suck cock

It wasn't funny in the first game. The "character" intros and shit. so stupid

5 quid on that they installed a miner with the game to cash in on hyped people who bought the game. I hope you all bought the super digital deluxe edition to circumvent the miner! YOU OWE US!

is being a faggot online worth the woke cred?

>he bought this shit
lmao retard

grow up faggot

t. chink gf haver

This. Check out your processes when running this game. Do you like 99% CPU usage?

I hope you like your bricked PC in a month

just do it already

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Is this "b-but denuvo ruins ssds i read it on reddit!" 2.0? You kids are getting real desperate.

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Runs like complete and utter shit, and after changing a few graphics settings it crashes every time I start a game, even after resets.

Guess its back to the pirate special edition, refund ahoy

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>Denuvo does nothing I swear

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Were the (you)s worth looking like a retard?

I'll get it once it's cracked. I don't want to risk bricking my PC

i would have bought it if it was on steam

That's another thing. Don't get me wrong, I hate steam. But I hate Chinks even more.

Tienanmen Square etc. etc.

Lilith has been made even sluttier than before in BL3.

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>The woke cred
This site is anonymous, he gets no credit for speaking his mind. He's not being a white knight it's clearly his true opinion, he won't get any "credit" for doing it.

I want to bone Tannis in the Annis if you know what I mean!!

Oh my god gay people exist what are we gonna do!? NOOOOOOOO

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Don't stick your dick in autism.

Do you unironically look at that picture and think "slut"?? You genuinely find this picture sexy? Please leave your house I fucking beg of you.


do you think randy will hire me to write borderlands 4? just a little quick something i came up with.

I’d hoped after they’d seen the positive reaction to tales from the borderlands and Burch leaving the quality of writing and humour might have improved but that’s not happened at all has it?

Girls who wear their pants so low that their ass is showing are always sluts. Get some life experience, you weeb hermit.


Want to play but no way Im going to download another god damn store app. What a stupid decision on gearbox/2k's part.

I begged you to leave your house for once and somehow I'm the hermit. You're telling me to get some life experience and you're sitting on your fat ass posting about how a character's model from a cringe series is a "slut"? Neck yourself blad

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I cant stand that bitch's voice desu. Too much anime overacting

they get an upfront massive paycheck, they dont care about the user for that kind of money

>Give it male characteristics
Fucking faggot

Clearly you're projecting your own insecurities here, fatass. If you've ever met a woman who dresses like that, you'd know that they are ALWAYS sluts. I love how triggered you are. Keep it up.

>being sexually promiscuous no longer gets enough attention so americans have to resort to made-up meme sexualities
Why do you baizuo faggots do this?

is it as badly optimised as its predecessors? (at launch)

>went ahead and just bought the game for EGS cause my brother wanted to play even though i hate Epic
>he flaked on me and im just playing alone anyways

truly this is very epic

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HOW? I can barely play the second game due to the shitty story.

the game came out?

kill yourself before you humiliate yourself and everyone else with your existence

Unironically it's because they have been dehumanizing their opposition for so long they have become animals rather than human beings themselves and are now entirely steered by their baser instincts, such as sex and fear.

>i guess the wicked do rest huh

this legitimately made me laugh

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Your brother sounds like a massive faggot.

Play with random niggers, then.

how the fuck does this game not have crossplay

Game is pretty fun desu

How do I open my mail? I got sent something

Borderlands is SHIT with other players. Dialog gets cut off, retards rush objectives so fast that you can barely understand what's going on and they take cares and just drive off. The only time it's fun is when you're fighting raid bosses and then immediately leave afterwards.

Social section of the pause menu, or F4 shortcut.

Epic couldn't fulfill ANY of their goals on their roadmap. What made you think they were going to have crossplay by the time BL3 released?

they have a new instanced loot system you can toggle, so if your friends are fucking jackasses nobody can steal the loot because everyone gets it dropped in their client alone

Maybe, baby, but story-wise, it's a pain in the dick to play with other people. The first time I played BL2, I played with a bunch of random faggots who just sprinted from main objective to main objective, constantly cutting off dialog. I don't think it's any different in BL3.

This is my experience too... Even with friends. Maybe for multiple playthroughs but really if you wanna explore and play the game your own pace solo made always so much more sense. The enemy scaling was also very agressive making it far less rewarding to play if you are playing in a group unless you have really good gear. But I always liked the idea of playing on "bad gear" more instead of "abusing" uniques.

white loot only runs of 2 are crazy fun. did a few of them with my brother in 2013

>Borderlands is SHIT

are you aware there isn't an upvote button on this website?

>white loot run
>crazy fun
How is fighting bullet sponges all day fun

Thanks fren

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you need to actually use cover and think about skill use, not just mowing down enemies with purples/oranges with no second thought

If it doesn't work on my PC and say I bought it on tianaman game store, can you even refund games there?

First playthrough doesnt really have bulletsponges if you know what you are doing apart from maybe the last boss.

no you dont faggot
kys urself

>The game is selling like shit
Are you being a contrarian or this is actually happening? Big kek if true

i dont really understand the COV weapons, are the using my ammo and have a heat meter? they seem pretty good though, big step up from the shit bandit / scav guns in 2 / tps

No shields or white shields makes sense for that, but tactical gameplay means nothing when it takes 50 headshots to kill a basic bandit.

At this point the only people who believe that narrative are either shills for Epic or genuinely retarded/mentally ill in some way.

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So you never played the game?... You just believe Yea Forums memes. The basic bandits die to to two taps of a white sniper.

They're Eridian guns from BL1 but the meter goes in the opposite direction and they have an ammo capacity

Have you played it in the last few months? They rebalanced the entire game.

guess i was jus confused because the item card for the guns say that they break, i wasnt sure if eventually from overheating i would lose the gun

imma let you in on a little secret if you're a minority and try to get into the majority's club dont go about it with a "Im one of the good ones" attitudes a house nigger is still a nigger and you're still a tranny

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Super cringe


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BL1 didn't have any of this shit en masse.

bl1 didnt have burch, and 3 is just running with the burch style

You don't really need self-imposed challenges anymore. All content scales up from the start. In BL2, you had to just go out of your way not to do sidequests and so on if you didn't want to one shot everything with common weapons.

You clearly didn't play the DLC. Starting with the General Knoxx expansion, the series shifted to that kind of humor and dialog.

Not boosting Chinese economy, sorry.

Fighting bullet sponges doesn't require brain power, you fucking pussy shill. Stop defending bad game design.

It looks and feels just like 2. I guess if you loved 2 and wanted more maps and different characters then it ia good. Otherwise it is boring.

me and a friend just played up to the point where lilith lost her powers and we took the ship off of pandora. game is fun as fuck so far and the shooting is infinitely better than borderlands 2.

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>i5-6600 1060 6GB 16GB RAM
Is this enough to run at 60FPS on 1080p?

based tranny

Yes, without the shitty ass Volumetric Fog enabled. It eats FPS. Like 30+ FPS by itself.

The Paid Gearbox Shill Checklist:
>BL3 has x amount of pre orders
>Game of the year
>angry Steam user
>So what if Randy is a pedo
>So what if hired thugs knocked your door
>go back to /pol/
>I can't wait to play Borderlands
>I just want a looter shooter
>the humor is supposed to be bad
>Reddit spacing
>posts pictures of new characters
If you think you're arguing with a paid Gearbox shill, simply resort to this checklist, call him a shill, then ignore him. Watch him cower and recoil as he's been found out.

>Axton is bi
Due to bad programming attributing his quotes when reviving squadmates
Quality Gearbox right there, who fucked up colonial marines because they wrote 'TEATHER' instead of tether.

The ten cents they got from china covers that?

That's obviously John Wick.

>ten cents

How did a AAA game get away with a stronk female character having an exposed ass and vagina bones in 2019?

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It's already 30% off at sites like Voidu

Nigger, it had a 20% discount on GMG. It's nothing new on key seller sites. The other games have sold like 50 million combined, so clearly this will sell well. Doesn't matter if the game is shit or not. It'll sell millions.

There is plenty more bad things to say about Randy.

This is what the report says you steam subhuman

>vagina bones
Does she also have ass fangs?


played about 3-4 hours with a friend. the only complaint is what theyve done to maliwan guns. they brought back atlas guns though so its all ok.

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Do you think I can run it on high at 60FPS? I'm a bit concerned about my CPU being a bottleneck at this point. Is volumetric fog really that fucked?

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I can't see the vagina bones to be quite honest with you.

What the fuck is wrong with her face man she could club you to death with that jaw

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Should be fine. There are different presets and settings for a reason. Volumetric fog on ultra tanks my FPS by 30 - 40 on a 1080 TI. It makes the game look like ass as well, like everything is hazy.

She became a STRONK wymyn. STRONK aesthetic.

>release day
>g-gearbox is shit the game doesnt even look fun!
>but randy pitchford did ____________
cant wait for it to drop on steam and Yea Forums starts sucking its dick because people think loyalty to literally any company matters when they dont give a fuck about you

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So is this shit worth picking up once it isn't on the epic game store

Best game in the series. If you don't like the other games, you won't like this one.

no, good luck getting a response at all from them, let alone a refund
which i suppose is not that different from steam support aside refunds being automated

ebin games story literally has the same refund policy as steam you retard

>Best game in the series.
Yes user, you totally finished the game multiple times to say that it's the best in the series.

Alright lads spoil me on who dies, I don't give a fuck up about memelands shit story.

>randomly click on a guy streaming it to decide if it's any more bearable than the last couple
>literally the first line of dialogue I hear is "I'm gonna poop in your head!"

yeah no thanks I'll pass again

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That was the joke

I played Control for less than an hour and couldn't get a refund.

Maybe they followed the route of the game , which I forgot the name of, that had a gorillion dick jokes. Son of a dick!
But in the end it seems poorly thought out and only done for marketing reasons, lame.

It's fundamentally better than the rest, retard. The gameplay is much better with quality of life features that make it more fun and less annoying, like being able to instantly buy full ammo/health, fast traveling from anywhere, being able to climb on shit, slide and so on. Each weapon manufacturer also have a lot more identity and unique characteristics.


Not sure if i like that they put the challenges on the galaxy menu.

Game is trash your trash kill chinks kill epic kill randy and blow his head off with a shotgun.

And tim sweeney raped your father while you were sucking gaben dick. Cool story bro

It's annoying as fuck, but at least the map specific challenges are actually available on the map now. Seems to be way more interesting than the garbage from the second one involving vault symbols and telescopes.

there are retards that genuinely think it's funny

Good thing i don't use a third world shit hole of a website for my games LOL

to be fair something similar actually happened to me when i tried to buy bl3. the purchase kept being declined and the bank had to call to verify my card hadnt been yoinked or anything.

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Every pirate website is hosted in a third world shithole.

>open up random stream
I wish I was joking. This is actual word for word dialogue

Steam is king

imagine still complaining about borderlands humor 10 years later

the series is simply not for you, move on

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you're thinking of shadow warrior 2, which is an infinitely better game
dick jokes were jammed in there on purpose because the protag's name is literally long cock

Does Fiona reappear? Was Rhys at least tolerable?

Tales was so good, I hate to see the shit that followed

Until you open the store any try to find something, only to be assaulted by shit porn games, mobile ports and card/emote bait that get released 50 at a time every single day.

>newfags showing their newfaggotry
Borderlands humor is old school Yea Forums humor from when I can haz cheeseboiger was relevant

where's my torrent

And don't give me that humor is subjective bullshit. I don't like almost all female comedians, but I can understand the jokes. This isn't even that. It's trash.
The series should be awarded a nobel peace prize for showing us who the absolute retards are in the gene pool so we can eliminate all trace of them

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>this is gonna be of the chizzo for rizzo bazinga gazongas bacon cupcakes!!!! xdd

>rtx 2080/i7-9700k
>barely above 60 fps @1440p when the game looks pretty much the same as 2 did

>jokes are old and overused or co-opted by a less likely group
>original group moves on and evolves into something better
>10 years later retards are still talking about the told times
Let me guess, you were only pretending to be retarded?

People complain about everything it's the internet. I'm still mad over Attack of the Clones

Buletstorm, that was the game I was looking for. Here you have the idea where they took it from.

its the fact you fixate on the dialogue when nobody fucking gives a shit and never did.

do you think BL2 maintained 10k daily players for 7 years cause it was really funny? fuck off.

>Memelands """""humor""""" is supposed to be shit! It's not for you!
We're still allowed to call it shit Mr. Bobandy

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The other guy was the one mentioning it in the first place. I was simply explaining he was retarded. I made no reference to anything else you dumb nigger.

I know, it's hilarious. They opened the floodgates and quadruples the amount of games they had curated from 2004 to 2013 in less than a year. QUALITY

Were they shocked that someone wanted to buy BL3 and thought your card was stolen?

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You know it.

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How soon can I pirate this game?

УУУ пидop

I'll give it a week. Then it's on pirate console.

getting ready for the time travel episode

Remember how they had that Greenlight service where enough votes would get something noticed and potentially released on Steam? Yeah, you just release whatever you want now, including MS Paint games with meme emotes.

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Honestly, why do people even transition? Can't they just crossdress or live as the other sex privately and get over it?
No harm intended, just curious why people take the hoops to alter their genitals and destroy the possibility of ever having kids and a somewhat easy life.


Is Second Wind still broken like in 2?

>switch to full screen
>screen goes black
>can see the game for 2 seconds after tabbing back into the game, after which it goes back
>cannot switch back to windowed mode

Don't you mean BADASS?

post tannis fat booty

alt+enter is supposed to switch modes on the fly

You move even faster now, so yes. Each character also has an ability that lets them revive instantly on a cooldown or under certain conditions, like Zane sacrificing his clone to revive.

thanks bruh
full screen is absolutely broken for some fucking reason

Based greasy trailer park user

So does mordacai die or what?


Please tell me this guy is gay.

>tfw project delivery deadline today
>tfw 2 exams next week
>tfw will wait 6 months to play bl3 as fiona on steam

Yea Forums is a dark place...

Okay, real talk, should I get this game? I love looter shooters but I'm on the fence.

Am I nuts or there's nothing?

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What does this have ANYTHING to do with this thread? I am convinced that borderlands threads are filled with shills that just post to keep the thread bumped.

im about 4 hours in and its fun. its just more borderlands but with significantly better shooting and gun variety. if that sounds like something you want go for it. if previous borderlands games werent your thing dont.

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If there's a torrent yeah

get shadow warrior 2 when it goes on sale instead

youve mentioned shadow warrior twice in this thread user are you ok

>Honestly, why do people even transition? Can't they just crossdress or live as the other sex privately and get over it?

Not that user but its not the same as just crossdressing. In a lot of trannies its like your brain developed weird and the hormones your body normally makes in large quantities causes depression and suicidal ideology. Taking hormones fixes the problem. Its like having clinical depression, you cant help the dysphoria because its how your brain works so thats why you take the meds.
People say its not real or serious because people treat it like any other problem with the human brain, as if it can be fixed with just thinking differently or that its "degeneracy".
There is a mechanical reason, but people want to tie it in with politics and shit because the idea that there could be a mechanical process behind it is the same reason why people dont want to believe there is a gay gene.

I liked the concept of the earlier borderlands games but the gunplay turned me off in each one, the guns felt like they had zero impact no matter how powerful I got, have they fixed that at all?

I've already played it, it was decent but they should have put more effort into the whole randomly generated levels thing if they wanted to go that route with it

>always online DRM


i think the shooting feels great this time around. shotguns can ragdoll people if you blast them point blank etc.

one user asked about it and it's literally a better deal than bl3 rn

gender dysphoria is one of the only mental illnesses that isn't treated, and the patient is allowed and even encouraged to do whatever insane shit he/she wants

You lost faggot go eat a bag of dicks you zoomer trash loser. Fuck epic you fucking chink nigger!

Okay, I might actually get it then. That was my biggest issue. Specifically I think the main problem I had was that everything felt very inaccurate even when I was aiming down the sights, and then on top of that, in borderlands 2 at least, I didn't play a ton of the first one, the enemies all had zero reaction to being shot, and it was like me and them just chunking away at each other with nothing happening until someone died. And also I thought the whole slag mechanic was kind of stupid but that doesn't matter as much.

>People aren't just pirating it to cut Randy and China out of 60 usd

You people are fucking morons

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Fuck off, cringy gamer activist. Game is fun and you lost.

I want to fuck Zane and make him yelp in Irish


We would if it was actually cracked.

Looks like they are waking up. Holy cringeroni.

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Sorry, thread, I forgot to feed our resident autist his (You) and he had a spergout.

I still think this transitioning procedure is a weird case. For one its the brain which malfunctioned and wants a gender swap or something.
But at the same time you can't go and diagnose a child with gender disphorria when it didn't even hit 18. I get it that if you transition too late or something, you won't look the way you would want in a perfect scenario, but at the same time you can't give such life altering decision to kids, like not being able to have kids themselves any longer in life.
It would drive me nuts to know that I would never be fertile and able to have kids myself. I can't imagine how they must feel, if they ever wanted biological kids themselves.

>Even though guns should be BANNED irl I still have fun shooting things! (Virtually lol)
>Americans cant understand how shooting people in a game and shooting people irl are different things

Free software wars is way more pathetic than console wars. At least those fags act like that because they've paid for hardware. PCfags are just mentally ill and go out of their way to get buttmad at something that is literally free to use.

>the only mental illnesses that isn't treated

So you didnt look up treatments for Gender Dysphoria.
Look, if you arent even going to try Im just going to stop replying.

Anyway, has anyone encountered/heard about game breaking problems or glitches to avoid?
My internet is shit and I dont know how long it will take to download whatever day one patch there is.

yeah, together with the length

literally every single joke attempt they make in this game goes for way, way, way too long

we're talking jokes that could be over in like 4 seconds but stretched to like 2-3 mins

BL2 is no fun to replay in true vault hunter mode and only bearable to play with my gf who makes fun of all the sjw shit

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Anything past 50-60+ in BL2 is pointless.

I agree.
Seriously, I really struggle to understand this fucking franchise.

>Americans cant understand how shooting people in a game and shooting people irl are different things

yet they cry when fags or trannies are abused in video games? why?

Honestly unless you really want it I'd just wait to get it on steam for 20 bucks with all the dlc in a year

Fantasy bigotry is simply regular bigotry implanted in a in a work of fiction. Shooting a gun and clicking polygons have little or nothing to do with each other.

Can you talk about anything thats not niggers and trannies?

>Fantasy bigotry is simply regular bigotry implanted in a in a work of fiction

Attached: file.png (800x450, 142K)

no, dilate you tranny

How does it run on the original PS4? I want to upgrade to a Pro at some point, but for the time being I'll be using the normal to play with my friends, so I was curious if it was shit or not.

>*Actual argument*
>Argument greentexted and a wojak picture
This is a bot, right?

if works of fiction can influence peoples actions we should ban all works of fiction to minimize the fires they could spark in society.

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buttery smooth 15-20 fps, as usual

It all just becomes background noise at a certain point.

>Game's fucking great.
Looks like the most boring piece of trash I've seen.


Nobody is banning anything, sweetie. However, any work of fiction is subject to criticism, and fake and real ideas are really just the same thing: ideas. Before you tell me it is, let me remind you that deplatforming is not the same thing as banning something and never will be.

Crack when?

>we have to protect fictional characters from real people

Attached: dreaming or stupid.png (381x380, 13K)

The gameplay is great, the humour is terrible as always.
I would be more than happy if it weren't for the lag on PC.

oh wow randy, your game truly is as big as a potential half-life 3. you can drive around in cars, and you can shoot stuff. damn.

But they are, Youtube has just deleted thousands of right wing videos.

No. No.

>capital letters
>let me remind you

>people saying they're pirating as some of crusade against the industry
>can't just admit you're too poor to buy it

Every time

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If only I had preemptively addressed this subtle (not subtle) difference...

Based BL babies BTFO

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So who's the strongest out of the new vault hunters?

This game actually is great outside of the shit tier writing. It's a real fucking shame that it's tied to Randy and 2K.

crack might take a while. according to steam underground its a new denuvo version.

signs of a shill 10 times out of 10

they are banning it in the eu

Most likely Zane if the gear quality is very high by end game.

The gunplay seems stale and spongy, this isn't a game for me. I will never play it.

>somewhere on a continent with tens and tens of
Oh, I understand completely now.

Then they should put people into prison for making books. Especially those that claim to be divine and real.

I can't blame you. Borderlands is so hit or miss for everyone, and despite my affection for the series I struggle to replay 2 because of how fucking slow it is.

enjoy getting banned for misgendering fl4k gamers

Attached: Capture.png (1768x903, 1.64M)

not really into the story of borderlands because it sucks
but the thing that bothers me is that you went from just being on a shitty planet shooting niggers for treasure to being space super heroes
literally why that change?
back in 1 it was just 1 type of bandit vs another now its good vs evil
for what purpose

That bothers me a bit too. But then again nobody plays this game for the story so it doesn't matter much for me personally

same but it was just a stupid change

Well, who died? Spoiler me on this shit

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Technically you still are planet shooting niggers, you're just doing it on multiple planets now. Characters are still entirely greed and Lilith's moral compass has been fucked beyond repair.

Every sequel can't just be a re-tread of the one before it, you need to increase the scale to keep things fresh.

Seeing some reviews about a lot of performance drops on consoles, not sure how PC is doing.

Any truth to this?

Can someone explain to me how to get into borderlands or diablo/poe
These games are so shit after first few hours.

“If you don't want a man unhappy politically, don't give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him one. Better yet, give him none. Let him forget there is such a thing as war. If the government is inefficient, top-heavy, and tax-mad, better it be all those than that people worry over it. Peace, Montag. Give the people contests they win by remembering the words to more popular songs or the names of state capitals or how much corn Iowa grew last year. Cram them full of noncombustible data, chock them so damned full of 'facts' they feel stuffed, but absolutely 'brilliant' with information. Then they'll feel they're thinking, they'll get a sense of motion without moving. And they'll be happy, because facts of that sort don't change.”

I think you fit the category of NPC quite well.


Have you seen Leon the Professional? EVERYOOOOOOOOOOOOONE

Anthony Burch wanted to tell everyone how much he liked MCU's Avengers so he forcefully changed to setting to be a capeshit schlock, helicarrier and all.

The old characters.

It's been running at a stable FPS on console, only issue I've experienced is going into the menu freezes up the game. But from what I've been reading, that's been a common issue across all platforms.

you dont
i simply bro-opped the first one in 2009 and happened to like it
never bothered with the pre-sequel though


So basically just loot-based games?
You won't enjoy them unless you have a taste for this kind of "get bigger numbers" shit.

bl2 was silky smooth 15 fps in split-screen so i wouldnt expect this game to be much better in that regard

>you need a constant 2 MB upload to even play the game

yбeйcя пeдик.

not that guy BUT
trannies are abomination upon this earth, a cruel joke only God could create

Smoking crack. I've had 0 network activity while playing BL3 on PC.

Fuck off Randy.

Are you guys having fun. I wanna be sexually dominated by every girl in this game

Attached: 2019.09.13-04.12.jpg (1920x1080, 2.7M)

How's the game in singleplayer? I had fun with 2 ages ago, but only in public matches
Is it worth a pirate?

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fuck off supmatto

yeah she dies off screen during the tutorial


Just bought borderlands 3 for 45$, was it a good deal?
ES vs Steam aside

It's fucking great and runs like a dream at 4k.
FL4K is so far awesome as well.

it was a better deal than full price

Something else is bottlenecking it, or turn the AA down to x8

>being the fucking new
The absolute state of current year underage newfags.

Yes. The base game should offer hundreds of hours if you enjoy the gameplay.

Your friends are correct, stop being a poorfag/steamfag and just buy the game and play it with your friends.

dont kid yourself
you play together once or twice and then you desync and dont want to jump into each others game

Loser incels, just buy the game. Or are you too scared by strong female characters?


honestly i just got borderlands 2 + the presequel and all dlc for 5 dollars, that's probably my fill of borderlands for the decade

depends on what you mean by strong
i know this is a shitpost im replying to but i just want to say that muscular girls are pretty

>unironically defending faggots

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So when will the animators have fun with the models?

Attached: spongeabs_BL.jpg (811x702, 148K)

it's the worst blunderlands game

New thread

Sweeney, where's the crack?
You already paid for my copy, I just want to try it out bro

The gun variety is great this time around. Each manufacturer is actually different. I found a Maliwan shotgun that's basically an elemental version of the Force Gun from Dead Space.

why is she so pretty, fuck

Because you're a shitskin lover.

>is so new he can't even spot ironic shitposting bait
yeah, i'm thinking '''my bad'''

Damn, sorry to hear that bro.

maya in the first half of the game and lilith at the end.

New thread

>he doesn't like every skin color visible by the human eye on a color wheel
never reply to me again you nigger faggot

There is nothing wrong with biggotry

atlas guns seems useless

you deserve all the hate you get degenerate

New thread