Is it good

is it good

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Best game of 2018

You have to be a Spidey fan to enjoy it though

does it autosave

how to know when it will. seems like theres no auto save icon is it silent

I think so if I recall.

is there a icon

I think it saves after every mission, but I always do a manual save before I turn the game off

>115 million people can play this game
>Yea Forumsirgins can't
and you call yourselves video game fans

Good enough

Yes, side activities are pretty repetitive, but swinging is so fun I did them anyway.
Story is good for superhero game.

It's not on PC, So we'll never know.

Yeah it's cool, suits and shit

yes, it is fun. But only play on highest difficulty.
Not sure if DLC is bundled yet but I'd get that version if it's available.
Costume choices are kino. If you have any of the DLC costumes (which are best) you can play the entire game with that costume.
I did the entire game in the Raimi costume. Good fun

>Yea Forums
>loving video games
good one!

I've never played another game where there is site a huge rift in quality between story content and side content. The story is a lot of fun and full of cool setpieces but almost everything aside from it is a slog.

I had fun playing it didn't bother with the DLC.

What exactly are you referring to? I felt like the side-story missions were a nice addition. You were able to fight bosses that had nothing to do with the main story.
Everything else was Ubisoft-esque zone clearing, but that is just end game cleanup for trophies when you defeated all the real content.

It's honestly pretty fucking good. Yea Forums shits on it because it's sony exclusive.

not really

Who are you quoting? Who said they can't?

>Yea Forums
>hating Sony
What bizzaro Yea Forums have you been looking at? Anyway, Spiderman PS4 is generally loved here. Don't have such a victim complex.

Yeah, legally companies have to you tell when they autosave before the game even starts.

Yeah, it's too fucking easy on "amazing" (medium?).

Its $20 or less elsewhere. No excuse to not try it. Rent it if you are afraid to lose $20.

I hope the sequel has randomized events. Like you're swinging along and suddenly HULK RAMPAGE.

it would be an easy 9/10 if it had more than one attack button

Yea Forums fucking hates sony now mostly because of california and censorship. Lurk more.

>Yea Forums
>not hating sony for less than 5 minutes

But they have three attack button

>thinking sony will ever get rights to other marvel characters

There is, you're just a button masher so you wouldn't know.


It's a decent enough game, the combat is the highlight of it strangely enough as it flows really well although its easy as fuck. Swinging is servicable, the best since SM2, but it's almost pure autopilot, the plot is just shit outside of Ock and Pete, Miles is Miles and should just fuck off with his Watch Dogs hacking ability, MJ was written badly and is a bitch most of the time, and it has the usual open world issues that it did nothing to avoid including mostly shit filler side missions instead of having only a couple, but really well thought out and developed ones, finally the soundtrack is just typical MCU generic trash that you'll forget as soon as you heard it. Overall an alright effort that's lacking in far too many areas to recommend getting it new. Buy it used or on sale and don't buy the DLC unless it's on sale as the costumes are good, the content is utter shit.

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If you like Spider-Man, you'll love it
If you don't like Spider-Man, you'll hate it.
If you're neutral on Spider-Man, you'll enjoy it.
If you're Yea Forums, you hate it because it sold and reviewed well.

>it's almost pure autopilot
Nowhere near it. We know what autopilot webswinging looks like (See the PS1 games,first Raimi game, TASM1). I have seen people isolate certain clips to make it look like autopilot is possible, but it's really only if you swing in a straight line with tons of buildings the whole time. Other than that, swinging well in normal situations takes quite a bit of effort.
>MJ was written badly
>is a bitch most of the time
So, she was written well then?

>Nowhere near it
user I am sitting pretty much right next to my special edition copy of the game, don't tell me swinging isn't easy as fuck. In SM2 you're in full control, but in PS4-Man a lot of the handling is done for you, it's streamlined, resulting in effortless swinging that is anything but engaging unless you're really going out of your way to make it so resulting in slow downs.

>So, she was written well then?
Very funny. Upboated.

yes the main story is suprisingly enjoyable. DLC drop the balls hard tho.