What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

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Poor girl

>Please, Kojima-san sir. Make me relevant again!


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She got herself pregnant with Kojima's sperm she kept on ice and is about to reveal that to him.

clinging to the character that made her relevant. sad!

Who dat

IT WAS ME, DEO (kojima)!

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I will take the high road and say she did this because she has no hard feelings over not being in the game, understands it was just a communication misshap and doesn't want her fans to be upset or feel bad either.

Words and deeds.

>her fans
how the fuck does she have fans she's so irrelevant wtf??

imagine thinking she isnt in the game lmao

Joost is yandere for Kojima

okay kojima i will suck your cock now PLEASE GIVE ME JOB!

Kojima now fucking C-list celebs, he don't need some Z-list amateur

Is this for the second salaryman gangbang?

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I hate you

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based jojofag

She probably will be one of those NPC quest givers like Geoff Keighley

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This pleases me.

You know if david hayter just STFU he would have still got roles by kojima.

Did she bog herself, or just hit the wall?

man this is getting sad. but also spooky.

is there not a man in the world who can pull her eyes away from Kojima?

She's in along the Goose

>Hasbeen roast tries to leech onto Basedjima's newest hype

jesus, her body has absolutely nothing female

She is the final boss.

This is why I don't understand what people see in her. She has no personality and can't act, so she's basically the equivalent of a random google images girl.

Is that my bro Sugita?

i'd buy it desu

I wish she was my wife

She's the baby all grown up.

Isn't it fact that if a guy dates or marries a girl who isn't a virgin then he's stating to the world "yes, my girlfriend has fucked other guys and I'm okay with that"?

Not all men are as insecure as you user. How do people like you even exist? I mean I remember sometimes feeling that way when I was 15 then I grew the fuck up.

who is she

kill yourself

How old are you now?

Maybe in 5 years you'll be so secure you'll sit there and watch your wife get gangbanged. Only really secure and strong guys like you do that.

Girls with no personality are my favorite desu.

>i'm a proud cuck!

can someone make a punished stefanie edit?

user, if you feel threatened by the fact that your girlfriend has been with men other than you, then you are insecure. I literally can't think of a single thing that is a bigger indicator of insecurity, except maybe being overly jealous.

It sucks to comes to terms with user, but the problem is with you, not the world.

Why are Kojima threads all but indistinguishable form Yea Forums threads?

>no sneed in sight
>no vigorous shitposting in sight
lurkmoar in Yea Forums


She about to get riced again

you don't know jackshit faggot.

>NPC response #504
>you don't want your wife to get fucked by others guys? Are you insecure or something?

I can see this shappening lmao

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it would be cruel to inflict my 8" on a virgin

Ok, internet fighting over, real talk time.

Do you think this attitude will make you happy? Do you think that one day you'll find some 25 year old virgin and everything will come together and you'll live happily ever after?

Why do you think you feel this way? Could it possibly be because you struggle with social stuff and getting laid, and this attitude shifts the blame form you? After all if it's that you only want a virgin, then you couldn't possibly sleep with all those sullied women, so it's not your fault, there just aren't any good ones, right? Not trying to be a dick, I struggle too, so I know somewhat how it feels, and I know how attractive an idea it is to pretend that there are other, more noble reasons behind your failures, rather than more mundane and fixable ones.

user, you can pretend all you like, but deep down you know that this attitude is not a healthy, helpful one. You have a choice, you can look at yourself and decide to acknowledge that there are things you can change, or you can be miserable your whole life. It really is your choice, whether you like it or not.

Jesus I touched a nerve.

Look all I'm saying is this is a choice that won't make any of you happy. You know it won't. But you can change, I promise you you can. But it starts by actually looking at yourself and reflecting on why you feel the way you do.

You want to remain bitter miserable virgins your whole life, then fine. But I genuinely don't believe you want that, I think you're just scared. And sometimes it takes someone calling your bullshit out to start the process you know?

Kek. Holy shit. The lengths cucks go to justify their shit.

>i can't get a virgin girlfriend so I'm just going to delude myself into not thinking because then i can be happy as long as i remain deluded
>I'm mature because i settled for less

Are you Anthony Burch?

Settle down.

Your partners fucked other guys. You love it dude. That's awesome. There's no resson to be upset.


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You guys can't be serious. You know this attitude is seen as insane and ridiculous by normal people, the sort of shit you think when you're 14 then grow out of, right? You would genuinely rather live life as virgins because of some excuse or some weird masculinity shit than actually be happy and not miserable and bitter?

Well, that's your choice I guess. Hopefully I got through to someone.

Is it bad that this mentality is a hard pill to swallow for me too? of course it's understandable, but I can't feel but to compare myself to them most of the time
It's only like this for people that I truly care about though. If I get a thot then I really don't give a fuck about it, but whenever I was in love I couldn't help but to think about it
And it's not cuck shit. I don't enjoy those thoughts

>some weird masculinity shit
Yikes. This guy donates to camgirls.

Sex is overrated, desu. It is not a leading factor to live your life happily. Sure, I would be happier if I had more sex, but I could become happy other ways around. It takes a lot of effort for me to have sex, because I am not charismatic enough, beautiful and I need to work a lot to survive.

First she was promised a role in the game and then gets dropped without even being infiormed at all by Kojima and now she is still running after him for a little bit of fame. Does she have no shame at all?

She was deluding herself if she thought for a second that she'd be in two kojima games in a row or in any other at all.

It's not like that really. You need love to be happy, it's a biological imperative.

Yea Forumsincels are easy to impress. all you need is a completely basic, skinny girl that looks slightly uncomfortable and/or shy in her pictures.
It's absolutely pathetic.

nowhere near as good as psycho-fu

She probably just have a cameo. One of delivery hologram probably.

She's just hyping up her BLACKED dot com debut.

>not stalking joost obsessively while she stalks Kojima
Pfft what a casual

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Why should he have done so? He did literally nothing wrong

I doubt she even has that. I'm pretty sure she just passed by the booth and snapped that pic seeing as she hadn't interacted with Kojima or kojipro at any point since getting cucked out of her role

Probably i don't get the fuss all about

Is is safe to say that Stefanie is the true queen of Yea Forums?

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Why did she stop streaming and the Youtube stuff?

no. she is a 3DPD smelly roastie who already hit the wall.

She stopped vlogging years ago because she split with her bf and had nobody to be her camera guy, also apparently video editing was hard for her.
Nobody really knows why she quit streaming, probably the dumbest thing she did seeing as it was a great way to boost her brand. Probably because she was doing it for fun and didn't want to play any vidya she wasnt good at (read: autistic jrpgs)

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yeah, and akio otsuka too

Why does she look so awkward?

Autism/ fujoshi

Not that user but I actually want a virgin. I admit I struggled with social interactions in the past but I improced significantly and most of the time handle social situation without sperging. I could easily score a girl, maybe not a 9,or even 8,but a 6/10 I could manage.
But I do actually think that if a woman had a boyfriend, let alone 5, and now she doesn't, there must be something wrong about her. Why did she decide to fuck the first guy that asked her out? I mean, literally, nowadays most women sleep with a guy after 2nd date TOPS. Even worse if she studied, girls in frat houses slut around like crazy. I know because I lived in a frat house.
Or maybe she actually loved the guy(s)? In that case her feelings are easy to win and feeble.
Perhaps the guy turned out to be a dick. This may happen, but the more boyfriends a girl had the higher the chance that the problem is with her, not her exes.
Also I believe a woman can't bond as well with her n-th partner as she can with her 1st so dating a non-virgin is a risky enterprise, only that you may not only lose money, but also the best years of your life and the hard work you put into making everything work only for the woman to cheat on you or leave you altogether.

I almost want Stefanie to stream Death Stranding just so I can have more joost.

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Why does wearing red make you feel more confident?

Thank you based Joosten stalker