Pokemon Masters Thread

They just gave out 6000 fucking gems. If you want to reroll, you've literally got no better opportunity to do so.

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That's bad user. If a gacha is doubling down this hard after launch, it means its doing bad revenue wise

need to save those for when they add some top tier cunny

It made $26m week one, cope, this is the future of Pokémon.

>made like 3/5 what pokemon fucking go did in the same release window
Oh yeah user it's a terrible flop

That's not the reason:

>Pokemon Masters is distributing 6,000 free Gems to players as an apology for a bug affecting Dire Hit and Gear Upgrades.

>All players who boot up the game will receive the gift. The Gems are set to expire if not used by October 12th.

>gacha thread

how many rolls does that get me


They expire? Where does it say that? That's retard-like.

waiting for the nopan girl

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Too bad I still can't install the fucking game because fucking 64bit.

>The Gems are set to expire if not used by October 12th
where did you see that?
Are you sure it's not just the expiry date for claiming them? rewards in games like this usually have a 30 day limit so you can't just come back after years and get heaps of free shit

i just want a cute boy trainer with an absol, is that too much to ask for

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3 blues, karen and brendan, keep?

Imagine the taste

I got Blue, Karen and NP3 Phoebe with my 6000 gems.

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>its doing bad revenue wise
>a fucking pokemon game doesn't work on the vast majority of phones
i wonder why

Lol got jack shit
Well still no lycanroc or Brendan so can't do end game stuff.
Back to ignoring it

I played this when it was only released in Malaysia and it was boring as fuck, everywhere I go the reaction to it don't go further than a "meh, it's ok"

>6k gems for a fucking bug
I'll take it.

Pretty sure they expected more


Got blue, guess I have to play this now

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How do you load an old account? the game refuses to let me use my Nintendo account and keeps forcing me to start a new game.

In terms of Gacha games not only is it boring as fucking shit, it has the biggest paywall imaginable. What fucking game has one premium currency that you can barely earn in game and then decides, "oh yeah for that you need PAID gems. It's the same thing, but you have to give us money for them. Also all this stuff that requires gems? Haha, those are all paid gem requirements and you won't know until you buy them ;D"

Anybody who plays this game is a fucking moron.

That user is retarded. It says to collect them before they expire in the mailbox. They don't expire once you collect them.

>didn’t get shit
On the plus side I got 5-star in another gacha.

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That, and the gameplay loop is probably even more repetitive than FGO. Just spam your AOE attacks until everything dies

Yeah, keep it

>Smell ya later!

Is Brendan that good? What do you need him for? Also what exactly is "end game" here? The structure is super vague.

Endgame gear farming via co-op, unlocked after finishing Co-op Hard Chapter 18 and then completing "Get Stronger with Gear!".

There are two groups of co-op battles:

One is "Main Story Co-op" - this let's you battle Normal / Hard / Very Hard bosses from Interlude 1 (Sygma Brock) all the way to Chapter 18 (Cheren). The strength requirement begins from 11.5k all the way till 20k.
The second group would be found under the "Training Area". These are also known as EX Challenges. You can challenge Skyla, Erika, Rosa and Brock Hard / VH. The strength requirement is 20k and a whopping 25k respectively.



>have 2 accounts
>get kris, brendan and olivia and crap+dupes for everything else
>get olivia, blue and tons of good 4 stars on the other
If I didn't have to reinstall every time I wanted to switch accounts this wouldn't be so hard. At the very least my second account is a recent reroll and doesn't have most of the gems from story completion or supercourses where my first one is digging in a dry well for gems. I do technically have a third account but it I never used it and don't know if it'll get the 6k gems. Also thank god for autoclicker. How the fuck does anyone have the time or attention span to farm up 225 powerades for level caps?

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I'm only missing Brendan out of all the good units in the game
Imagine being a lucklet

>also karen on first account
Just checked, you do get the 6k on fresh accounts and rerolls.

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Can you give me the rundown on good units?

All the 5*s are good so far. All the 4*s are good or at least have a niche use in supercourses/ex battles. 3*s are hit or miss but mostly misses.

I did my first roll of a the week

Wew the luck

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Oh and Olivia is god tier right now.
Was really hoping Red would be snorlax or venusaur for sync instead of charizard.

Karen/Blue for Sp Striker
Olivia/Brendan for Phys Striker
Phoebe and Roxanne for Support
Will for Tech
Rosa, Hau, Koga, Viola and Korrina are really good freebies, and Noland, Bugsy, Kris, Agatha, Liza and Maylene are also really good.

>still crashing

I don't get what about this game absolutely drains battery and makes phones overheat. How could anyone play this shit without a charger? A full charge can go down in an hour it's ridiculous.

I don't even play this game when not at home. I play Raid on my breaks but only because I spent money on that game. 100$ for nothing but disappointment.

Rosa also has the amazing ability to restore the entire meter as well as the best emotes of any character.

I rolled the 6000 and got Karen. Should I reroll since today is the best chance to take advantage of it

Barry sygna suit when?

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Interesting that they just gave Rosa out. Shes arguably the most useful unit in the game and shes been the most talked about since the games release. People would have whaled for her hard

Mind of steel until Silver/Hugh/Gladion

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This. Lana when?

Wow nice.

>hau is 4 stars
>barry is 2
what was the shitty though process behind that decision?