Reminder that this will hit switch before PC.
Reminder that this will hit switch before PC
Rockstar couldn't even be bothered to port GTAV to it and the switch could actually handle GTAV.
switch is weaker than a 360, it would never work
inb4 mad nintenkiddies
No it won't, plus it would run like shit.
it will never be on either
Shut the fuck up before you say something you regret. I've got access to more current and retro games on switch than the whole steam catalogue.
You have access to 95% of all games ever fucking made on PC you absolute copefag.
Are you retarded?
>Get RDR2 on Switch
>It looks like Red Dead Revolver
Based. Can't wait for the 320p, 5fps Switch port so I can GAME ON THE GO™
Too bad it wouldn't play as well.
>tfw own a PC, PS4 and Switch and still not interested in playing this turd
lmao retard
Read on a website it's a sjw game with racism against whites. So who cares? Rockstar are losing their touch, like in GTA V the character criticised the player for pointing a gun a passing motorists. They went soft.
>Read on a website it's a sjw game with racism against whites.
Ah yes, a game following history in a country that slaughtered its natives and worked black people as slaves is "racism against whites". Here's an idea, pick up a fucking history book and read about lovely things like Europeans killing off the Native Americans with smallpox-infected blankets.
>thinks it's even thermodynamically possible
Name one Rockstar game on the Switch.
I read on a website that Jews owned all the slave ships and most of the slaves.
Grand Theft Auto: III
I played the game twice and the only SJW thing I remember was the feminist at San Denis and even then, you could argue that it was there to intentionally piss people off. You clearly haven't played the fucking game so don't talk shit, consider suicide user
>Irish Catholic thief
>loud mouth whores
>wetback vagabond
>a youthful nigger being taken care of by a "morally superior" anarchist
>a woman that can physically overpower 3 men with guns and kill them with a knife
>half redskin/half black saving the buffalo from the evil white man. (Research Indian hunting tactic: box burning)
>literal cuck and deadbeat dad
>the only sane race realist is a rat
>take orders from a jew until karma bites you in the ass
>hates fishing with the white guy that saved your life but loves fishing with Javier
>can't fuck whores, but mass murder is good
>forced to help the female gunslinger, forced to kill the cowardly white gunslingers, but the Mexican gunslinger fights you like a man
>calls other people dumb as shit hillbillies when Dutch himself is a dumb as shit hillbilly
Did I miss anything? When did Rockstar let themselves go?
I can't play the game cos its not out on pc, you racist. I considered suicide, I was a dispatch rider for years and couldn't die cos I'm just too good. Consider re- evaluating your life choices, you white hating racist.
Are we being raided?
>if you don't agree with me you hate whites
okay cool thanks user
Because PC bros will hack the shit out of the game to get free currency while consolefags shell out money.
Its ok, user. I know you have been brainwashed. I read all about it on this website about this Kalergi plan or something. I didn't believe them so I looked it up and it was all true. You can overcome your institutional racism against whites, you just have to better understand the world you live in, and read the history books you refer to a little more closely.
Reminder that most pirates are patient people.
We don't give a fuck if we play them in 2019 or 2021.
But we'll play them alright.
>wait 3 years for a game you want to play to be ported on PC
>get hit by a car and die 1 week before release
What the fuck makes you think that?