Why did the Neveraine kill Dagoth Ur? Wasn't his destiny to destroy the false Gods of the tribunal and return Morrowind to the good Daedra? Dagoth wanted that too
Why did the Neveraine kill Dagoth Ur...
Dagoth also wanted to spread cancer all over tamriel and turn everyone into nose trumpets.
There are no good Daedra
welcome moon and star
come to me through
fire and war
ooh ooh
This the only good daedra are dead daedra aka aedra.
As for ur he would have just turned everyone into corprus zombies or mindless ash vampires and slaves.
When I get to Dagoth Ur, I drop all my weapons and quit the game then pretend I joined with him
This is the only correct way to finish Morrowind
>wants to destroy false gods
>by activating a giant artificial god-idol that was made by dwemer and caused them to be permanently transported into another dimension
>tfw you realize Dagoth is anti-CHIM
You don't know what he wants to do with it though
Yeah, maybe he wants it to fuck him in the ass?
Dagoth Ur wanted to become a god and rule over everyone both physically and mentally. Why do so many people not understand that he is by no means a good guy.
That's when hé thinks hé is the godhead right?
Either way, it made him ressurect and dab on the tribunal
I always love the explanation of his existence. How he is dead and somehow not in the reality you are in. The being you see is him dreaming himself into the dream but he is dead outside of the dream because of lorkhan weirdness.
Makes me wonder if the being you are talking to is actually ur, the heart, or some other worldly being instead.
Hé never was, but he's the most charming/entertaining Boss of TES 3 and up (havent played daggerfall or arena)
Not canon
It is canon.
t. Kirkbride
Nah they ded
Show me the in game lore behind it
Its not that hes a good guy its that hes a person with motives.
In oblivion its an actual deadra and you just do a big battle followed by some visuals where you arent even the real hero and in skyrim you fight the world eater.
Dagoth Ur is just a dude that wanted to do some things so they actually had to try when writing him especially since the text was all 3 had going for it honestly
It's in the credits where it says Michael Kirkbride.
You mean, activate a duplicate of a god-idol that turned the dwemer into it's skin, remodeled to spread his "Make others into me" disease, and using corprus flesh as it's skin?
After beating Dagoth, talk to the ashlander merchant that you had to bribe in that Redoran town. He says something about whether or not dead gods dream.
It's not that his motivations are pure, it's more that Vivec is so obviously lying through his teeth and that the Tribunal probably killed Nerevar and set Dagoth up as the fall guy
Is that supposed to be concert?
>it's more that Vivec is so obviously lying
"The Sharmat sleeps at the center. He cannot bear to see it removed, the world of reference. This is the folly of the false dreamer. This is the amnesia of dream, or its power, or its circumvention. This is the weaker magic and it is barbed in venom." - Sermon 13, 36 Lessons of Vivec
Sure thing Kikebride
TES has no canon
the dwemer are dead as dust my guy. the evidence is all over the game
Is this your c0da?
What a fool you are. I'm a Todd, how can you deny a Todd? What a grand and intoxicating innocence. How could you be so naive? There is no escape. No refund or reimbursement can work in this place. Come, open up your wallet, it is not too late for my games.
I hate Kirkbride's dick sucking defense force
>muh CHIM
>muh C0DA
>muh Dreamhead
>muh Khajiit in space stations in the Fifth Era
>muh make up your own canon xD
The quest line you do for the old dunmer that has you gathering rare dwemer books tells a little.
The many accounts of red mountain tell a little more.
Those along with the evidence you come across first hand in the base game and DLC in mournhold are more than enough proof that they straight ded
the reason people side with dagoth is because his recorded lines make him out to be reasonable but his text dialogue and actions make him out to be a maniac. I don’t disagree that he’s no more the villain than the tribunal though
Dagoth Ur welcomes you, my sweet persistent friend
what are the odds Todd will bring back the dwemer in tes6 for fan service reasons
your fanfic is not canon ;)
Come, Nerevar
Come and look upon the heart, upon the heart
What are the odds of Todd just making a game about the Dwemer because he absolutely has to kill every TES mystery?
t. Todd Howard
I did that quest, I recall they all disappeared the moment that the tools were activated. Is there anything that specifically mentions they died rather than transported to another dimension?
The fact that a dwarf who was in the plain of oblivion survived makes me think maybe they were merely teleported
What other mystery did Toddlet kill?
Is the Masser moon station actually Kirkbride lore? I thought that was established long ago
t. /r/teslore
t. Brainlet
Should I play Morrowind?
Kirkbride has great, abstract ideas, I'll give him that. His delivery is what's awful.
To this place where Destiny is made, why you come unprepared?
>killed by scrib
You should fuck right back off to plebbit
It ain't even his ideas. He ripped off Hindu mythology while prob reading it during a drunken drugged up episode
t. Kirkbride's cock nurse
It's really unplayable. It's good from a lore and meme POV but the game is horribly broken. Abusing potion mechanics to become pretty much a good is still fun though, I suppose if you're into old school WRPG spreadsheet simulators it might be fun.
*hits bong*
What if we were the Dagotherine instead?
To me one of the main things that had me decide was one of the conversations you read about that happened before the battle of red mountain.
The dwemer were confronted and refused to relinquish their power because it had been their way of life for centuries already pretty much. They were already tied to the heart at the point and when the connection was severed they lost the only thing keeping their entire race going.
The way one fat dwemer managing to survive is a matter of debate and could turn the argument your way but it could also have been that because he was in another dimension the tonal magics werent able to interact with him like the rest.
Then theres the fact there there are literally dwemer ghosts that attack you but whatever.
This is true. I think it's good that they are able to hire him to do specific things without getting carried away. Like how he wrote Mankar Camoran, The Song of Pelinal or Heimskr.
I remember him having a really awesome idea about Skyrim and how the Thalmor wanted to ban the diamond shape completely because it's connected to shezzar and the shezzarines.
And any attempt to draw the diamond shape would end up failing by the crack painting, people going insane, etc.
get gud at class building and dont use weapons outside your skill set or swing while exhausted
There now you can win any fight
someone post the webm of that redguard with all his points on warrior skills dying to a merchant
>not punching everyone so much that they literally cant get back up after you pummel them to the ground
Yes. I'd recommend using the Morrowind Overhaul to make it better-looking, then consider looking for a combat overhaul of some sort if you can't handle a game based on constant, real-time dice rolling.
Found the full text:
I talked with Kurt about a whole mental anguish thing that happened to the world of TES after Talos was shot out of heaven by the Thalmor.
Short version: any attempt to draw the old red diamond would invariably end up failing.
Ex: A painter would paint it. The paint would set. The paint would crack and move. The final painting would be a 2D explosion. More Talos despair would set in.
Ex: Blacksmiths would forge the symbol. The metal would cool, be applied to an Imperial helmet. A brave legate would wear it. The diamond stayed on long enough to meet with a Dominion ambassador. Imperials would be all "See? Our faith in Talos is--" Legate's helmet would crack from the symbol, legate's head crushes in. More Talos despair. Dominion ambassador would smile and accept the surrender of whole legions.
Ex: A bard, knowing the "cracking diamond effect", attempts to describe the symbol in verse, to avoid the physical danger. He performs the verse to a crowd of secret Talos worshipers. They begin to see the diamond in their minds and are overjoyed. Then the screaming starts. Two hours later, a throng of headless corpses are found, strewn diamond-pattern in a courtyard. Other worshipers arrive to look on them, seeing a sign of their god in the bodies of his martyrs. Crowds gather at this holy site. Dominion lets the hope set in, declares small doubt in the finality of Talos' erasure. People go "whoa" and flock to the site. Thalmor button is pressed. The new settlement blows up as anything around the diamond shape regards it in a chain-reaction explosion of viscera, language, spellfire. Half a province surrenders to the Thalmor.
Parts of Game: Skyrim would show all of this in mechanical terms. The LDB would have to learn how to successfully craft the diamond shape without danger. They would have to avoid certain "latent diamond traps", etc.
Was awesome idea. Was also... technically difficult.
you're just jealous and mad someone is more creative and interesting than your tiny brain with its tiny thoughts.
The only two that aren't mentioned in game are the Khajiiti Hangouts on the moon (Since it hasn't happened yet) and the whole "The lore is your own" premise behind c0da (Though it's pretty obvious that that's Bethesda's stance on the lore).
36 Lessons, Many Headed Talos, Monomyth and the Mythic Dawn Commentaries.
36 Lessons, specifically, Sermon 37 (Go here: *w*orld *w*ithout *w*heel, *c*harting *zero* *d*eaths, *a*nd *e*choes *s*inging)
Sermon 37, Black Book: Waking Dreams,
Would be fucking awesome. Similar to the whole Moon-and-Star concept in Morrowind.
Here's hoping that something as cool as that happens in 6
As long as they keep in touch with MK i think awesome concepts like these can come up. It's just a matter of Betehesda implementing them well and him not getting carried away.
The only thing that Kirkbride has written that i'm not a huge fan of is probably C0DA and The Sermons. I don't know why but i'm so tired of all lore discussions being about Vivec and CHIM. Vivec is such an annoying character to me because of he's all people ever talk about.
It's such a circlejerk because Vivec is Kirkbride's self-insert.
you just have to train the skill to make magic item.
at one point i made this magic sword that instakilled everything and anything but the final boss.
On topic of Weird Lore and ES6, Who's hoping for Sword Singing to come back if the next game's in Hammerfall?
But the problem is that a huge part of the community joins in on it. I mean, a lot of the metaphysical shit that Vivec describes is interesting but take it for what it is. It's the rambling of a dying demi-god who's lying his ass off or being intentionally vague.
I think Sotha Sil, Mankar Camoran or Talos are more interesting.
Cuz Dagoth Ur sounds like a faggot. Only men with masculine, raspy voices can be gods
TES lore is fucking retarded
It's probably exactly what they will do. Just replace the shout-mechanics with sword-singing instead. I just hope that the main character isn't the HoonDing or "chosen one". It would be much better if we were the chosen ones champion, like how CoC helped Martin. I think it could make for a more interesting story.
Why did you post a professional cock sucker?
>tfw sang along when I thought my mom left for work, but it was a holiday
I get flashbacks every time I hear it.
explain to me what the deal with the retarded hat ist?
You live with your mom? Lol
you can only achieve enlightenment through a padomaic. the aedra are too busy being the earthbones.
You came to the wrong neighborhood, N'Wah
Azura loves me
thats what makes it so good
No, she died during her own birth.
It's from an ex devs fanfic. You can ignore it as it will never matter to the game.
WHAT THE FUCK are the dreugh though
FUCK dreughs. People complain about cliff racers but there's nothing more annoying in Morrowind than not being able to rest on land because one dreugh 50m away underwater has you aggroed.
When the Hist survive a Kalpa ending they bring the servants from the last one to serve them until they find a native creature to serve them.
The dreugh are the the last Kalpas Argonians.
formerly evil atlanteans
Theres no bad daedra either
So prior to that they had a culture on their own, serving the hist?
And now they are mindless assholes dragging people into the sea
Seems ungrateful desu
Wasn't Mehrunes Dagon the King of Dreughs in the last Kalpa?
source? if you dont mind
pretty sure it was bal
He did and he didn't, just like Dagoth betrayed him and didn't at the same time. A dragon break happened at the moment of the battle. A better question is why is Dagoth so sure of what happened when Vivec and other npc give mixed stories? He should be confused as to what even happened that day.
Yeah, my bad. That was Molag Bal. I often get the mixed up for some reason. But my point still stands. How can the Hist have ruled the Dreugh if they we're ruled by Bal?
Explain sword singing?
This basically, also dagoth supped the lorkhan kool aid too and broke his oath. If you wholly believed his story (and I pretty much do) he still betrayed you.
Alternatively for whatever reason (imperial agent, just don't fucking trust this guy over the status quo, or you love fargoth just too much to let him die) you decide to fuck this noise in general.
Remember, to get to that place with any ability to deal with the situation takes serious work (speedruns notwithstanding). Even if you take the back route you at least have shown some serious investment and if you haven't you are fully aware of the situation and have taken great pains to equip yourself to destroy Lorkhan's heart. If you agree with Dagoth, why the FUCK are you bothering? Just go smoke some skooma with Caius Cosades until the blight overtakes us all. This isn't a situation where you're the catalyst Dagoth needs, you're not the missing ingredient in his plans, if you want Dagoth to win all a player would do is chill out for a while. By going there you have essentially already determined your actions.
The correct answer is that the MC isn't actually the Neveraine
Rare deepwater jews
>Not lying
N'Wah please
Almalexia = lies
Vivec = metaphor
Sotha Sil = truth
Always enjoyed that about the tribunal.
Protectors of the deep
Sounds lame and childish. Doesn't really come over as a well thought out idea and more of a "this only looks cool in my head"
I like it, but I'm not sure I totally understand it.
The Thalmor can just edit the universe to where you just can't make diamonds? Must suck for architecture.
Im a god!
How can you kill a god?
What a grand and intoxicating innocence!
>Sotha Sil = truth
nigga Sotha Sil doesn't have any presence or impact whatsoever
Does the truth ever?
yokudan sword autism, the art of visualizing a sword and conjuring it without trad magic... i think. the original redguards were crazed with the art and learned how to fine an edge they could split the atom with, among probably other raiden MG:R tier shenanigans.
where do i go to read all the funny tes lore
swinging a sword so good you create nuclear blasts
In case you're being serious about them cutting atoms just wanna let you know the dream is comprised of 'tonal energies'. So light-sound magic essentially.
What does "truth" in this context even mean?
Watch the skies...
Sotha Sil was always pretty on the level about the tribunal's divinity, in the sense that they weren't really divine at all. Not gods, just beings of immense power.
>inb4 not canon
True, but ESO gives him much more stage presence, but the lore remains largely the same.
because you touch yourself at night.
not canon
What a shitty post to end on.
How did you know that? Have you been in my ear?
Who hurt you?
Have sex.
Has any lore from Skyrim explicitly refuted Kirkbride?
You couldve just let the thread fall asleep peacefully jackasses.
House Telvanni did nothing wrong btw
Uh, Azura, Mephala and Boethiah you n'wah.
Why do people make such a big deal of Talos becoming a god? Why don't people jerk off to Sai or Arkay for becoming gods?
Everything is canon
>ESO turns my Daedric waifu Meridia into a bigger asshole because of Darien Gautier
t-thanks Zenimax
Nobody knows or cares.
not canon
Servants of the Greedy Man.
>1: Dagoth Ur refuses to let you join him. He legit betrays you in Morrowind.
>2: The Nerevarine does destroy the Tribunal by disconnecting them from the Heart.
>Your Dwemer bro disappeared with his entire race when they tried to interact with the Heart
>Your three friends stabbed you in the back just because they wanted to be a God after seeing what the Heart is capable of
>Your only loyal vassal wanted to be a God too because he got corrupted from guarding the Heart
It sucks to be Indoril Nerevar to be honest. Even in his death, Lorkhan managed to piss everyone.
Makes sense. It would be nice if the game had alternate ending for players who didn't resolved the main quest for 10 ingame years.
>hey just do the games work for it and just pretend that you were allowed to take a choice that you wanted.
Saying it doesn't make it true. Find me a source of someone from Bethesda/Zenimax saying ESO isn't canon, or else the next best thing we have is this
and this
>tfw played it loud on the speakers and sang along while cooking with family
The secret to happiness is being a chad about your autism
damn that orc lady on the left has some massive udders
>Morrowind Overhaul
So I'm not the only one that mixes the V with the R and then omits the later R.... spooky
Dagoth Ur was also brainwashing people en masse and twisting them into perverse shapes. He also was deluded enough to make himself into a god so he was committing the same sins as the tribunal.
Dagoth didn't want to return to the good daedra, he wanted himself to be worshiped as god.
Here is your canon, fool
Pic related is why the Nerevarine killed him,
>set Dagoth up as the fall guy
Dagoth was clearly confronted by a living Nerevar when he refused to hand in the tools (otherwise he wouldn't consider Nerevar a traitor), the tribunal murdered Nerevar AFTER they dealt with Dagoth Ur's tantrum. Dagoth was a faggot for not obeying orders just as much as the tribunal are faggots for breaking their fucking OATH.
Dumac was a good friend
Sure, it's fun. Just avoid Tribunal
i like kirkbride but c0da is some of the biggest fucking trash i've read