Do you play video games with your family, Yea Forums?

Do you play video games with your family, Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

The mom is kinda hot

Yeah your right... Facism


These ads that are lampooning as non ads are starting to spook me.

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Yeah I grew up playing vidya with my sibs. Not much these days tho as my youngest sister is dead snd my middle sister's a junkie. My older sister still plays with me whenever she's in town tho so that's nice.

i play dead or alive with my mum

Yeah with my daughters sometimes, any four player games are good. Or watching my wife play with them.

yeah with my sister
sometimes she rests her head or legs in my lap its so obnoxious

Haha y-yeah how annoying lol...

Mine used to borrow my Gameboy to play Tetris, but she never got into anything else. Now she's just a Netflix-addicted actual boomer.

I used to play the star wars attack of the clones game with my dad but then I became a disappointment and now we don't talk

oh boy, nothing like a nice refreshing Coca Cola with my gaming experience

Nope, but I play sex games with my cousin

>having family

I’ve learned that beating my wife in vidya is far more rewarding than irl Fight Club-esque brawls

>not coming into existence on your own

Yes, a couple times a year we'll gather to play the timesplitters games against each other. Though not my parents just siblings but I have a bunch and they have brought their spouses and kids into it too. It's one of the few ways I can connect with them all and it's fucking great.

When i come home my brother quickly turns of the PS4 and hides

So you stopped beating your wife in irl brawls?


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Used to play the shit out of Mario kart on snes and n64 with my dad. Man he used to love racing games. Coming from only having an Atari with a metric shit ton of shovel ware cartridges, Nintendo 64 blew him away. He died shortly after Diddy Kong racing came out, I remember playing it in the hospital with him and he saying it was gay and we just playing Mario kart instead lol. I miss him lads

Really in the mood for a cold glass of refreshing Coca-Cola™ right now.

True, daughter's pretty ... wait a second GIRLS CAN'T PLAY VIDEOGAMES!

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god dammit
>2005, be 15, playing WoW every day after school
>"user pause that game and do xyz for me"
>n-no dad I can't pause an online game
>"Pause that thing right now and do the damn chores"
fast forward to 2019
>2018, dad is happily retired with nothing to do
>introduce him to the original Halo and work him up to PC games, he got hooked on WoW
>"user how do I pause this thing? I need to go mail some packages"
>dad you can't pause WoW
>"I'll be damned, you weren't lying all those years"
god damn you, you're my senpai, but you're still such a fucking boomer sometimes

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>family thread
>always turns to incest or depressing shit
Simply epic.

Why is she talking to herself?

Oh shit im dumb i just got it.

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My mom unironically thinks it's kind of cool how fast I can swap between buttons on a controller and often talks about how she wish they had video games when she was a kid because her hand eye coordination isn't very good. Now she'll just sit behind me at times instead of watching TV and begin asking about the characters and what's going on in the story

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wish i had a video game boomer dad, guess its my duty to take that place in the future.

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>I'll be damned, you weren't lying all those years
That's oddly adorable.

That’s why she is a fictional character

it really is

Once i explained to my parents that there are other people on the game, they kinda understood. When i explained that i could pause sometimes but then other people would unpause because they're dicks they finally got it.

That's sweet.

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>Mom likes it ...

>please, son...
>i am your mother now

I used to play with my dad a lot, he’s actually why I got into video games and love them
But I had to stop because after I grew up because I came to realize he’s actually an abusive asshole with anger issues

He just wanted you to learn the fucking parry timings, you fucking casual.

is this loss?


my sister plays shitty RPG's after following a strategy guide every step of the way, my mom only plays scrabble and bejewled on her phone, and Ive only ever seen my dad play rockband

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So are there lewds or what?

I don't get it.

interesting, all gifs?


oh shit I'm sorry

No, only some.

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The one wearing glasses should be the only normal one.


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keep posting, they're cute

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I did, until my brother became a left wing extremist.

Does she sometimes rub her butt on your fighting stick?

Sorry for what?

What does she play with you?

O-Okay ...

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My father introduced me to video games when I was a child and later we were playing together Heroes of Might and Magic III and Civilizations III. These were such good times. We still play occasionally. But my father is in a really bad financial and health situation and I cant do shit about it.

>tfw you'll never know if you can find a relationship with a girl that will last throughout the years and become tempered bond with affection and trust

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>Wife you form a long term bond with and become soulmates.
Hahaha, s-some day for s-sure, r-right bros?

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He looks more gullible


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Some day
We'll find ourselves in Rome
A wonderful day
Together on our own
Some day
When nature turns to stone

Fuck I miss when Hollywood was good.

why this looks realer than real life?

Remember, a large portion of people beat MGRR without learning to parry despite it being braindead easy. I can only imagine what it would be like if they couldn't unlock offensive defensive or whatever that move is called.

whoever drew this needs to learn how to make a line without drawing a hundred smaller lines, but the over-detailed anime eyes say enough hey
not sure why you saved this image

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Didn't you download the new patch? IRL version 20.190912 just dropped, they updated the texture on a bunch of random things.

You're welcome.

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When did the internet become nothing but paid shills? Even Yea Forums is 90% paid shills, with microshit shills for example shilling win10 and mineycrafta.

2012 ish, about the time normalfags came into contact with social media en masse and reddit boomed

Going through that not being able to pause thing with my parents was cancerous.
I'm still not sure if she ever learned to tell the difference or if she just eventually started assuming everything I was playing was online and pausing was off the table for good.


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>I've only ever seen my dad play rockband
Do you play with him on occasion?

I used to play CoD, mostly zombies with my cousins but then they grew up

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goddamn, webms are a gift

get glasses

If there was ever a picture to spam with Ryan Goslings, it's this one.

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I've been playing fighting games with my younger sister since we were kids and still play them now.

I live in florida, my mom and I spend a lot of time together every time a hurricane knocks out the internet for however long
during the irma outages we played splitscreen minecraft on my old xbox 360, it was really comfy

Bull fucking shit.
Learning how to parry is a necessity for beating the robowolf fight.

Nothing quite as funny as corporations taking 10 year old maymays and using them to appeal to the facebook audience

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>you will never french kiss the daughter while the mom is giving you a blowjob

Dad has some killer hips

My mom asked me once what video games I was playing and feigned interest as I told her what it was. We never discussed games since other than her saying the other week "you're never arguing with these people in games right? I read some story where a guy tracked someone down because they fought in a game and killed him"


There's a lewd of this pic.


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Post it


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hard to believe

I used to play Galaga with my dad before he died.

He was really good.

My dad and I used to play the old Tomb Raider™'s on Playstation, and Wolfenstein on an old as fuck computer.

thanks obama

You're supposed to say "haha" instead of "lol" you imbecile.

I used to play C&C red alert over LAN against my dad in his office
it's the only time we ever really connected

drink kvass


No because my family hated video games

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inside job.jpg

>posting the edit
Two opposite triangles overlapping

>tfw 29 and never even kissed a girl
>tfw too terrified to go the gym to improve myself or make friends

It's over for me lads.

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Reminder that oyakodoning the mom and girl will cuck the father.
Cuckoldery is NEVER ok.

The mom is a widow dum dum.

I wanna fuck dad

Something always bothered me about making memes out of obvious meme-bait advertisements. We think we're mocking a dumb ad, but all we're doing is helping spread brand awareness. And then I think ad agencies are both making ads and spreading the anti-ad memes. The only thing you can do is be a miserable cynic who is immediately skeptical of everything. The internet age is fucked, man.

Just lift at home.

jailbreak agh!

Based but only if you pump a baby in her NOW. Otherwise your just cucking yourself.

I play overcooked and that coop boat thing in the new mario party with my family when I visit home, it's pretty fun

My dad likes watching me play Dirt Rally and complains about the graphics when I play pixel shit.
He also likes watching cutscenes cause it reminds him of his boomer movies.
My brother just plays Mario Kart and AoE2 and calls every other game trash.

Of course it's the black one...

used to play original Crash Tag Team Racing with my smol bro and mom on PS1. fuck, i miss those days, too busy to do that nowadays.
i also played some Age of Mythology and HoMM5 on LAN with a family friend who also introduced me to PCs in general, but i never heard about him for a long time, miss him.

Fellow oyakodon

Webms can have really high fps which gives it kind of an uncanny feel.

Yeah, I got my older brother hooked on Monster Hunter. We enjoy playing it together when we have time.

She's fucking hot

>Parents never liked vidya
>Im 26 and married, living far enough away that they stay for a weekend every so often
>Everytime dad comes over he watches my wife play video games since we dont have cable
>Every ten minutes asks if she won yet
The last one was Okami for that part riding the leaves around the canals

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Cope, incel

no way, fag

I am so fucking jealous.

shit the goyim are on to us.

obligatory reply

Niggers have never done any good ever, that's just a fact.

imagin d smell

>when you realize Yea Forums is mostly marketing shills trolling each other to try to get something to go viral.

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Being born is some socialist bullshit. Lift yourself up out of none-existence by your own bootstraps! Don't rely on some woman to feed you and protect you for 9 fucking months. Pregnancy is basically state assisted living and that makes infants socialists.

I don't get it, why is the Japanese girl the only one who's not an alien?

It's what you get when you get flooded with so many newfags and underaged that they reject anything original out of sheer envy and spite, and welcome anything low effort because it's within their capabilities, no matter how cancerous

Because only traps are human cis scum.

This user is on a whole new level of autism.

The gym isn't that bad user, the only thing you'll be judged for is not knowing what you're doing. Do research beforehead and go with a goal and proper routine in mind. Also, don't hog the fucking bench or leave shit lying around otherwise I'll stab you.

Mom kicked me out on the street the moment I turned 18. Siblings all took her side because she's been gaslighting everyone since birth. I don't speak to my family.

>t. 26yo doomer

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No, but they enjoy watching me play. I don't enjoy them watching me because they usually try to add their unfunny commentary like they're let's players or something and it's distracting.

I didn't realize this was an ad at first

>coke in a potion bottle

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Ffs where is the porn already?

Dont forget the geniuses at Blizzards marketing department that creates OW porn all day.

Consider it a blessing desu. If you can pick yourself up and get somewhere with your life, its better to be cut off, than manipulated and have your life ruined in the long run.

Nope. Blizzard goes out of its way to shut down third-party OW content of all kinds.

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hey I know this artist

Fuck Valve and fuck Ali
I miss the GD hub

>lifting for girls
Never going to make it

Fake news

Publically yes, OW is of course meant to be a family friendly game for all ages. But I would wager that some where in their marketing department they have a blackbox budget used exclusivley for commissioning porn of their IPs.



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Of course they'd never fucking come out and say they pay millions for fucking porn to keep their shitty game relevant but i bet my left asscheek all these faggot animators are on a blizzard paycheck


ill dump my edit collection

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do you have the baneposting one?

The whole bit is a little off kilter from how They Live presented the glasses and brainwashing.
In They Live, the aliens were not relegated to being pushers, they mostly had humans doing that for them or products.
Some aliens were on the airwaves, sure, but mostly for the more tricky tasks like specific disinfo on the news and sending certain messages that required more tact than a human puppet may be informed or skilled to handle.

Just telling consumers to consume was not worth their own time.

What we should see in the image is everyone is a human stooge, all their clothing and equipment is covered in Coke branding, maybe with some insisting statement on shirts like Get A Large With Every Meal or Buy Bulk. If there were any aliens they'd probably just be on the posters soaking up the glory of their effortless conquest.

Sure buddy

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Thanks man.

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And that's it, I have a couple more but they are kinda shit. Have a great weekend Coke Gamers

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Sounds like you caused a ton of trouble/drama for your family

>Blizzard goes out of its way to shut down third-party OW content of all kinds.
looks at the amount of unfettered overwatch porn (which is arguably why the game is still going and has a fanbase, because it aint the press q to win "gameplay")

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here's some sad niche oc to go with your dump
feels bad submitting to corporate meme manufacture

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You cant be a boomer vidya dad if you remain a virgin

I tried to teach my mom portal once. She couldn't really wrap her mind around it. I think it was partially because she was having trouble learning the controls since she'd never played vidya before

Bottom panel supposed to be read left to right or right to left?

>tfw your parents tell you to pause the game when you're playing Punch-Out and you just got to Mike Tyson

Seriously the toughest part of getting into vidya is familiarizing yourself with 3d environment.

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Thanks for sharing that. It made my day.

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I beat Metal Slug 1 and 2 the other day with my younger brother, maybe we'll play again if he stops being addicted to shit like roblox or minecraft

>didn't see her in panel one at firat

Whats the appeal of roblox?

Same, back when it came out. Past a certain age i dont think you can teach someone how first person 3d spaces work

Sounds like his mother kicked him out and literally brainwashed her children. I mean it's far-fetched kinda but shit like that actually happens all the time.

I think it's something like Habbo? I remember playing that for some months, back in 2011

My friend died last week, I've just been to his funeral and now i'm posting shitty joke edits to this site, what the fuck is wrong with me guys

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the mom should fuck the daughter

Worked with the boomer meme and Monster

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That's what he says, yes but I'm sure his mother and siblings have their own versions of the story

don't worry, eventually you will die too

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Nothing much, seems like a pretty human respone to grief to indulge in the kind of dumb humor you and your friend shared.

I call my parents once a week.
I haven't spoken to either of my siblings since my birthday three months ago.
I probably won't speak to them until christmas.

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This doesn't seem like bad behavior dude. You're not drowning yourself in booze or hurting yourself to cope. So you shouldn't be worried.

>Someone died better stop the world
Show must go on, life is for the living etc etc

she's a china(wo)man. They are all bugs.

This is, and always will be, the best one. Never put a fucking coke in front of your keyboard.

>ywn have an asian twink choking on your dick

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It just feels so inconsequential, Like his death meant nothing to me, Idk

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My aunt got me into playing Lineage 2
She had like 5-6 open active tabs at all times including all the best buffer classes selling buffs and selling/crafting/buying gear/recepies/ingredients. I always had the best armor/weapons for free and all the best buffs. The game was a fucking cakewalk for me while everyone else was grinding super hard.

She was around 40 at the time mind you and was working from her own office.
And then I started playing warcraft 3 with her son against her husband 2v1, he taught me my favourite necromancer meat wagon build. Good times.

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Water > Pepsi > Coke

Fuck, I've been looking for this edit for literal years. You've made my day.

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You repost, I repost.

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I'm glad

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Nah, that version have more telemetry and even more retarded microtransactions and pay2win elements.

Do what you want and don’t let your behavior be swayed by memes. Problem solved.


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>Like his death meant nothing to me
If you want to get pseudophilosophical it doesn't. The life of a person, present or in retrospect, is what we feel.
Death, the nonbeing of that life, can be felt in some capacity, but it's an abstract one. Our feelings as living beings towards death stem from a nothingness we can't derive something from any longer. Which can result in grieving "the loss" of a life, not necessarily just the death itself.

Obviously there are also variations in how this goes for people, some will strongly feel grief if they witnessed the death suddenly or over time, some may have difficulty processing absence at all due to unfamiliarity with it or a subconscious denial their mind goes through, until enough reminds them in their day to day of the departed.

There is no simple, single answer to what one would do or feel for every case, there is ceremony built around how we "could" but it's only ritual, there is no official rulebook on how you "should". I understand you're under a sort of secondhand guilt from what you see as odd feelings and behavior for your situation compared to others, but don't judge yourself from that. It's not just a throwaway statement, we really are all different, two people can have drastically different takeaways on something as trivial as tolerating or detesting sour food, never mind the psychology on more serious topics.

And really what's important isn't what you've done or do beyond this point, it's what you did before in your friend's life that mattered, and I'm going to assume your friend was friends with you because you are who you are, no more or less, and they appreciated you. Try to do the same.

This makes me genuinely wonder if it'd of been better if they were somehow playing on a (not shit) 3D screen. Must be hard to gauge depth when you have to just instinctively guess based on how things move in the environment and how shapes change when you move the camera around. Should be the kind of thing the brain can just process, but when viewed on a 2D screen, some peoples reliance on genuine depth information might make it harder when they don't have that to work with.

Buy one of those Total Gym knockoffs and ask Lord Jesus to save you from your sins.

>you're my senpai
That's not what senpai means you fucking faggot

>tfw you're a bored dog waiting for life to administer the final injection

>tfw you keep jerking off to milfs more and more
>tfw you keeping jerking off to impregnation material more and more
>tfw you realize you're 27 and already want to start a family
>can't get off unless i know the woman is at least my age
my dad knocked married my mom and knocked her up (with me) at 20, how the fuck did he pull that off?

It's a word filter, f.a.m

Damn...... wig


>tfw you realize you're 27 and already want to start a family
>can't get off unless i know the woman is at least my age

my brother of color

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I actually dont know his name, he usually lurks around in the /ctt/ threads and that's how I know him

Your dad wasn't ruined by the internet. Odds are every user here would have gotten laid and impregnated someone 5-10 years ago if it wasn't for internet addiction


Its a reference to "They Live" where a dude with special glasses can see the jews

I played Mario Kart with my dad until he realized it was for casuals.

Gym is honestly chill as fuck. Don't be obnoxious, wipe the bench down, don't hog the equipment and don't be a creep. (If the last one is hard. Just don't stare at people.)

I hate this and am not going to buy coke because of it.

My parents were into SF2 in college. They mostly play games now to keep their minds sharp.

The family all plays different games but we do Smash Bros for parties.

>>Wife plays Diablo 2 but offline and never beats normal
>>Mother actually plays Pokemon Go and we play together since she lives down the street
>>Daughter plays Little Big Planet 3 but we cant beat the last level
>>Otherwise she watches me playstuff like NV Minecraft or Mass Effect

Its ok but none of them can match the "I cant wait to efficiently mine all day for all the shit I wanna build" levels of autism I can

My dad did almost the same but he was 23.

this was me when I was 25
I got a job, started going to the gym, started socialising with workmates
I fell in love with a girl who sat next to me on her first day
lost my virginity age 28
got married at 30
if I can do it anyone can

>didn't play with my dog a lot before he got old and sick and we had him put down
O-oh, I never thought about this.

My mom is almost 70 and she still loves the HoMM series, we used to play I-III in hot seat mode, never fought against one another though. When I was very little we also loved Bubble Bobble on C64.

Nah it ain't
You still got like 40 years to go

I fucking love drinking literal poison

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try a psychiatrist and antidepressants, some pills are good for healing chronic anxiety

>guys want one thing and it’s fucking disgusting!!

I wonder how many women know this is actually what we want? I wonder if they’d change their ways if they knew?

alcohol is literal poison
soda is just bad for you if you drink too much of it

can you label all the things in the comic? all the politics recently have got me reading political comics and those are really good about labeling the things in the comics so when I look at a thing I know what the thing is supposed to be because it was labeled as what I am supposed to interpret the thing as according to the labeled name of the thing that was written on it. If that was possible and you could do that I would very much appreciate it and then better understand the comic as well as what it is you are trying to communicate to me.


Just adding a reminder to report all advertising spam. OP is not a 4channer, and is paid to make these threads which violate our rules. If the Coca Cola company wants ad space on Yea Forums, I'm sure Hiro would be happy to sell them a banner.

>Having leather furniture with cats

anything is poison in sufficient quantities

yeah but some are also unacceptable in any quantity such as alcohol and psychotropic drugs

Life goes on m8, you don't need to feel guilty about not having a sook 24/7. I've been there, felt like an absolute arse for not even crying when my cousin, who was like a brother to me, kicked it. But in the end that's a normal way to grieve, innit. Feel rotten occasionally, but spend most of your time getting on with life and forgetting it. That's not a bad way to handle it and it might just be the best.

My actual-boomer dad has played Gears of War consistently for 13 years. He had a few years of COD but once the remaster came out he went right back to it. He’s really fucking good too. Has the seriously achievements and all that as you’d expect.

What’s weird is that he never played vidya when I was growing up. One day he just told me he wanted a 360 and I went to the store and helped him pick out games.

>live bait

Fuck you double nigger ill do my Ayahuasca all I fucking want

what the joke?

Ah, a nigger joke
They rarely make those nowadays

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>boomer meme shills monster energy
>coke memes that only get shitposted in LOL threads

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wheres the Ben Garrison watermark?

But you actually were playing porn games and she just came up with some bullshit reason so she could sit behind you and masturbate while you were playing, but since you are a Downsie with a 70 IQ you ate it all up

This manages to simultaneously come off as retarded schizophrenic ramblings and pure unadulterated genius

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rent fucking free, also *you're

dumb fuck

>no funny tabs


you do that and then i will officially see you as non human
have fun

Nobody in my family besides me and my brother even dares to touch a video game. Well, my sister is a weird case in that she only cares about really abstract and artistic games like that "Everything" one. I would play video games with my brother, but he has extremely shit taste, I tried to get him into TF2, but he would rather play Fortnite.

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So your family was Yea Forums

We only pause to question our frivolous indulgences when we accidentally reflect on them.

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I'm 28 user and I just started going to a gym. It's full of bros and thirsty MILFs.

It's never late to start. Do not give up. Think of it as a grinding game like Monster Hunter.

also helps if you're not a morbid obese piece of shit who is only a bit chubby because he looked after her sick mother for 5 years.

I'm raising my nephew so I hope by the time he gets in high school, I can use him to score with some high school babes because 14 is the age of consent where I live. I can't wait to fuck high school pussy once I get fit.

fucking kek

They're only gonna get more common, you can thank the retarded boomer juice monster ad campaign for that

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>he would rather play Fortnite
Excommunicate your family RIGHT NOW.

I've literally been brought up with gaming

my mom was 24 and the N64 had just come out shortly after I was born, sadly the years didn't take kindly to her and nowadays she doesn't have neither the reflexes nor the desire to play vidya anymore

used to play a bunch of games with my brother as well, before he turned into a a LoL playing plebbitor

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I used to play Mario party with my mom and Mario Kart with my dad

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It ain't over 'till you're 40. I believe in you!

I play Monster hunter Wolrd with my nephew.

Pretty good.

Have you fugged?

>22 yo
>never had a gf, kissed a girl or had sex
>2nd year of uni and it's already proving difficult to bond with other students because every semester the groups are changed and you don't see the same people in two consecutives semester
>realize that as I grow older the chances to find a gf will grow thinner and thinner and I certainly don't want to use dating apps
I might as well kill myself now to spare me a lifelong suffering


This has to be satire, right?

>22 years old
>2nd year of university
Are you a special ed student?

60fps you unenlightened fool

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Don't be rude user. I'm going to be 22 in my first year of university as well, mostly because decided to coast for a while.

>virgin le funny tab xd xd i like earrape and le funny noise
>chad mspaint edit insane genius

just stop giving a fuck about women

Sounds comfy as fuck tbqh

life isn't a speedrun autist

small amounts of alcohol can be beneficial
even stuff like caffiene is psychoactive

I was mostly talking about the furr not the movement.

I was 19 when I started uni and I felt ancient

Based retard
You have non-zero amount of alcohol in your blood from sugars fermenting in your gut

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once again going into "hurr everything is drugs and thats why we should make herion legal" territory

why shouldn't it be legal? why not treat addiction as a health problem instead of a crime, like they do with smoking related diseases and alcoholism

You're pretty old huh?

>Small cousins come to me for vidya advice or to play games they don’t have
>Always say thank you when I do
>Older relatives ask if I can give them recs or how to play a lot of vidya on a budget
>Only time I know for sure I’m not useless is when those kids beg me to play vidya with them or when people ask me to help with purchasing vidya

Life is okay sometimes

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it shouldnt be legal because retards should be punished for being stupid

Addiction isn't a crime, you retard, possession of illicit substances is. If you want to get clean, don't carry heroin on you.

>32 wizard right now and only just barely starting to lift and get out there
Hope you're right

dont forget you are also capable of lifting things

Men hit their peak at 50 and chicks dig older guys (to the dismay of women who realize their peak is much, much earlier) hell, one of my friends got married in his 40’s to a 28 year old and had a kid soon after.

>user doesn't understand the basic concept of "It is the dose that makes the poison"

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yummy liquid always gets me

I did.

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wheres the porn?

no vegeta no thanks

I loved Randy's attempt at this shit by just spamming it on his twitter


Imagine judging your self worth based on what women think. You might as well judge your self worth based on what your dog thinks, it’s the same in terms of credibility.

so why is it legal to buy tobacco and alcohol

Uber cute.

This will forever remain the best one. Plane noises gets me every time.


There's nothing wrong with it, it's just a way for you to cope

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I play with one of my little brothers. He's 22 and I'm 32. He has adhd and kinda lives on that. So we only play games that he chooses and he refuses to read any instructions. Every time he starts a new game he calls me and whines about how it's the worst game ever because on the cover you have a grappling hook or something. I implore him to just follow the instructions, then after 3 hours he calls me and sound surprised that "All I had to do was stop fucking around and complete the tutorial!"
or when we play sniper elite 4 and he basically leeroy jenkins that shit after I have scouted, set up and fixed a ghost run.

Literally nothing, my grandmother died 6 years ago. The first six months I basically felt nothing and she was my everything.

>take a shower (important)
>go to a shitty edm show
>stand next to a girl in the crowd
>kiss her
>get rejected and pushed away immediately
>leave and go home

there you kissed a girl and now you can't say you haven't

Used to play Wii Sports Golf a lot with my old man.

My mom really likes Mario and sorta likes Metal Gear, but cant actually play a video game to save her life. Whenever she takes control of a character she begins to panic just a little bit.

My sister plays a shitton of uncharted, last of us, horizon zero dawn... those types of games.

>don’t let your behavior be swayed by memes
Literally impossible. Your behavior IS memes. Combo of genes and whatever cultural bullshit gets passed down to you through no fault of your own.

This except my father never plays MMOs.

that Dawkins shit's just a meme and you fell for it

thanks user I went out for lunch but this really helps make sense of this crazy world amirite? dont forget to like subcribe and upvote and hit the bell for (You)s

Get over the fear or die alone, user.

Whatever do you mean, user? *sips Monster*

>you will never have a friend like Sam

I have precisely that which you seek, user
I'm ruining it though. God, someone save me from myself.

i love the disqusted look on the moms face, i wish she stepped on my dick and made fun of it

*cracks open Monster*
yep, we sure are smarter than Reddit

Have you molested him or something?

Nowhere, noone ever made any.
This is the closest thing and it's shit.

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I play EDF, Smash Bros., and Minecraft with my nephew.

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breddy gud

>those pubes peeking out
Muh dick

This is really fucking funny but I cant put my finger on why

yep drink deep morons

No. Videogames are like a foreign language to my mom and she doesn't really like them to boot. My dad does play them but only occasionally and by himself.

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