"I have a dream." That one day, every person in this nation will control their OWN destiny. A land of the >TRULY free...

>"I have a dream." That one day, every person in this nation will control their OWN destiny. A land of the >TRULY free, dammit. A nation of ACTION, not words. Ruled by STRENGTH, not committee.
>Where the law changes to suit the individual, not the other way around.
>Where power and justice are back where they belong: in the hands of the people! Where every man is >free to think -- to act -- for himself!
>Fuck all these limp-dick lawyers and chicken-shit bureaucrats.
>Fuck this 24/7 Internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit.
>Fuck "American pride".
>Fuck the media!
>Fuck all of it!
>America is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it -- we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe >the slate clean.

How was he the bad guy again? Yeah yeah he planned to use child soldier orphans for his scheme. But hey, you have to crack a few eggs to make an omelet.

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In the end, most people don't want the means to the end to involve any "unpleasantness." The same people who want to limit what words we may say and actions we may commit.

Yeah and the more powerful guy won. Exactly like he wanted.

Armstrong's plan is the equivalent of a 7 foot tall bodybuilder going into a daycare and proposing an ideology of might makes right under the pretense that it would make everybody in the room equal.

It’s not enough to say that you have a disease, you also need to present a proper cure. Turning the country into social darwinist hell while comfily sitting behind a PMC is cure for no-one but Armstrong himself.

>Where the law changes to suit the individual, not the other way around.
This sounds like a goddamn nightmare and total anarchy.

Why do incels gravitate towards this guy again? You'd all be the first to perish in a world like this

Because as charismatic and lovable this guy was, his plan was never going to work in the long run and would lead to way more death and destruction if it was enacted.
Ever heard about how communism sounds nice on paper, but it never works because it doesn't factor in that we humans do not act in the strict and almost utopic way it needs to function? Yeah...

charisma attracts impressionable idiots


thats what he was about

He was just a bit too ancap apparently.

sounds like an ideal system for me then

I wish Armstrong was real he is a far better american than a real actual american for just being a fictional character + I dig his whole Hokuto No Ken plan

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Why so many MGR threads today?

The good 'ol days have begun.

Man, I don't have any fighting ability and I don't want to live in a society where I have to worry about being gunned down by roving gangs of psychopaths while walking down the street, like in Dead Rising. That's shit that belongs in a bad annual horror film series. I just want to live in peace.

I would love to die.

it was just 9/11

>Senator Steven Armstrong (born Steven Ezra Armstrongstein) is the main antagonist of the 2013 videogame Metal Gear Rising: REVENGEANCE
Wtf what did Kojima mean by this??

Studies even show that people who like cuck shit and don't read are prone to voting for authoritarians and against their own good. Egalitarian elites are pretty much required to help plebians understand that they shouldn't cut off their nose to spite their face. Armstrong was just an Ayn Rand bullshitter though, could've ushered in a utopia with nanomachines and instead just let it go to his head

>That one day, every person in this nation will control their OWN destiny. A land of the >TRULY free, dammit. A nation of ACTION, not words. Ruled by STRENGTH, not committee.
Which is why he lost. Raiden just proved to be far stronger than him making Raiden's ideals dominate.

implying any kind of kikes would want that kind of world see>
Where they don't and can't control a damn thing

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Armstrong is controlled opposition. Ask yourself why the Jews would want a world like that, and then you’ll see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

(((Studies show)))
>yess goy, dont vote authoritarian, dont take your lands into your own hands, and dont kick us out again like all those authoritarian regimes of 20th century
You're useless, brainwashed cattle.

You're useless, brainwashed cattle but from another herd.

>Live to fight another day or go out in a blaze of glory into eternal peace
life is hell either way, the extra anarchy just speeds things up.

>hahahaha look at me, the enlightened fence sitter, i'm so enlightenes guise visit my subreddit at r/hebefedora
Neck yourself mr. Intellectual individualist.

We're having good times right here, lads.

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"your protest should be over there in the freedom of speech area, where you won't bother anyone"

>You'd all be the first to perish in a world like this
NEETs will inherit the earth.


It's the good old days AFTER 9/11.

I mean, the game basically outright stated he's right. Raiden even realizes this when he is able to defeat him.


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God I love MGR. I've replayed it like 6 times and it's still fun despite the flaws. It's just a such a pure "videogame", that revels in how insane and videogamey it is.

Would it works if he was called Armsweak? Or Legstrong?


He was batshit insane


How would everyone be "truly free" It seems only those with the monetary means to compete against his cyborg army would be the free ones, and that would be pretty much nobody.

those would be noble words if spoken by anyone other than an invincible nanomachine hulk with a personal army
he wants to spring his anarchist utopia on the world, but only AFTER he's made sure he's at the top of the food chain

What genre of music would MGR's soundtrack be described as? Industrial Metal?

techno buttrock

prog metal.

Only literal incels and retards think Armstrong makes sense.
He doesn't even give any examples, just empty phrases.
>Where every man is >free to think -- to act -- for himself!
So i can kill my neighbour, because i think he shouldn't mow his lawn at 8 am?
No seriously, what does that mean? It sounds like he wants a country without rules for it's people, meaning total anarchy.
>Rules by strength
Literal strength? So the one with the biggest nanomachines becomes the leader? Pretty sure the scientists that made Armstrong superhuman were the first one in his utopia to get bodied.
His entire speech makes no sense, if you are older than 16.

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Dude was an anarchist and people are too dumb to realize it because he sounds properly "american"

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t. too dumb to understand

Good ol' days after 9/11

Well, he technically was proven right in the end when Raiden pushed out his insides with a weeb sword. Raiden was stronger in the end after all.

Autism the Post


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Because the whole point of the existence of the State is to prevent the tyranny of the strongest and replace it with the tyranny of the law.
Armstrong is just a retarded anarchist.

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>the State is to prevent the tyranny of the strongest and replace it with the tyranny of the law
yikes cringe and bluepilled

>sharing his opinion
It's always the same. Mcfuckin kill yourself you absolute pretentious trash of a creature

>t-t-the state will coddle me
The absolute state of boot licking cucks in this thread is amazing.


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Even if Armstrong makes sense, he wins and loses because Raiden's ideals are stronger and he dies to him.


>anti-anime fag telling others to fuck off to reddit
This filename is probably older than you are.

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People thinking Armstrong makes sense also like the Purge movies

>tfw you did know this because you listened to the codecs




Because the kind of people that his world creates are the people that don't want that to happen to anyone else

In a very twisted sense, cucks always want the strong to rule because being a cuck sucks, but the strong just want to cuck out because being strong sucks

the flaw of armstrong's philosophy is that not only is it true, it's already implemented. the one major caveat being however, it's not about who has the most power, but about who has the most power under their control.

>tfw I go to University of Texas

Armstrong would be proud

What is his political philosophy? AnCap or something? Does it even matter?

Politics dont make a place nice to live, people do. You can have whatever kind of government you want, but a community will always just reflect the character of the people living in it, and the fact is American's are just rotten people. That is why this country will never be great again. Have whatever kind of revolution you want. The people wont change.

Redpilled post

Fucking based

I unironically blame Hollywood

unironically based as fuck
i dont support ancaps but anything is better than modern (((america)))

>>Rules by strength
>Literal strength?

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Dont expect mental faculty from an anime poster

>and the fact is American's are just rotten people
I'm curious, what caused this?


yeah, he played right into his arms
if you kill Armstrong you will be just like him

The conflict of Marxist and traditional American thought.
The New Deal was the death warrant.
t. non-american


>retards implying that every single person in the US is deplorable

I'm not gonna argue that PC culture isn't cancer or that there aren't a huge amount of shitheels in here or anything but it's a stretch to just say that the people in general are fucked

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>>retards implying that every single person in the US is deplorable
Oh no, we're saying they're barely human.

Good people always pay the price for the bad ones unfortunately.

Same thing dipshit

Nah, one implies that it's a personal moral failing, the other suggests a systematic failure.

Actually, this isn't true. Most people probably died on him multiple times. So technically Armstrong vs the Players has a winning record. Meaning he is stronger.

However because we can 'cheat' and get multiple retries, we ended up 'stronger.' But in the fights specifically against him, the playerbase lost far more than they won I bet.

Let's arbitrarily take a random number and say a million people played this game. Most people suck at video games so we can assume most people fought him 20 times and lost. Some people may have fought him 5 times some people 80, we'll never know. But for shits and giggles we'll be generous and say 20.

So this guy has a record of 20 million wins and 1 million losses against the players that played against him.

Therefore the guy you're talking about lost and isn't more powerful.

Imagine if you had to beat him in one try, and the game soft locks unless you clear the data/start a new game if you can't.


>Individualist rethoric over common national indentity
Laws cannot be made to suit the individual. Laws are an agreement of the community to keep individuals in check, to limit their freedom so they don't become lazy ass degenerates.

A politician is only based when he defends God, family and nation above everything and everybody.

>make America great again!
What did he mean by this?

>What did he mean by this?
Kill all minorities, deport them or enslave them.

I hate the break it to you lady, but the incels of today were the productive cogs in the machine 50 years ago.

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we traded accountable leaders who took responsibility, led in the light, and protected the people from predatory outside forces for an unaccountable hidden elite of corporate overlords who rule from the shadows and shift blame between branches and parties of a puppet government and sell out the people to predatory outside forces.
the keyword here is “accountable.” before, if a monarch/tyrant is shit, everyone knows it’s that guy’s fault. They can replace him. He is responsible and everyone knows it. when he is replaced, real change happens. Now, when its shit, the responsible parties hide and nothing actually changes, so it just gets more and more shit. democracy is a lie, its just a cover for a ruling elite who has hidden from accountability and profits off of misery and injustice. make no mistake, these people are far more evil than any king. These people are sadistic occult pedophiles who revel in the suffering of others because it makes them feel like gods comparatively. They don’t even have to fear being held responsible, they know they can just cut off any dead vine and the bush just keeps on keeping on.
You’ve heard horror stories about authoritarians, and thats the point. they’re INFAMOUS. They were held accountable. Now we have people who are even more powerful and just as evil, and their song is never sung. History will never know their names or learn from them. They will never be held accountable for what they have done, and you all ensure it with your brainwashed aversion to the only just form of government and a fake/misinterpreted historical narrative designed to make you think exactly what you think.

Fact is, a King is the only thing that can save this world from the spider’s web it’s currently in, and the spiders know it, which is why they work so hard to demonize the idea. You call this state of affairs “freedom,” but it had another name before that. its just a clever rebranding of an older idea. “do as thou wilt.”

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Satanism, a synonym for atheism. maximum freedom within reasonable boundaries of security, relative to how much security you need, up until you get people on top with maximum freedom as they fuck and murder children with no accountability. No God, no justice, just whatever you can reasonably get away with. This is the world you want, the world without God. Even your entertainment preaches is. what is avengers endgame really? have you thought about it? its an inverted armageddon, where the Christ is the villain and the dragon is the hero. They have trained you to fear the righteous King, because only the righteous King can save you now. You’ve been calibrated, engineered, carefully-crafted, and brainwashed into soldiers who would die to protect what is fundamentally against your own interest. and you call it “freedom.” You have no freedom, only within their paradigm. question it, exit the box, turn against the narrative, and you’re ostracized. Not allowed to speak, not allowed to work, not allowed to exist. Their is no freedom, you’re on a playground and you’re only free within the confines of the walls around you. You’re farm animals.

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>we have to start over!

is this the most overused anime plot of all time

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His flaw was being stupid. The governments were in place for a reason. People crave people that would "protect" them because it makes their lives easier.

>gets a new super president everyday because the previous one was killed
>no new policies or laws are enacted because it is a civil war everyday with everyone around you
>only stable job would be wwe superstar or the chef since everyone is out to end each other openly
Authority is gay but this is even gayer since its asking for everyone to self destruct ingloriously.

Hey Jew, don't make it good
Take a sad song and make it far worse
Remember to let them into your land
Then you can start to make it much worse
So let it out and let them in
Hey Jew, begin
You're waiting for someone to perform with
And don't you know that it's just you
Hey Jew, you'll do
The movement you need is on our shoulders

FUCK your undertale logic horseshit, go kill yourself

There are several problems with this:
1. People don't usually fight the boss again after they beat him, so in theory every boss in every video game is a winner
2. Game doesn't restore your consumables after you lose and bossfight has an instakill section, that's just a cheap way of "being stronger". I don't know why but every time I got to him throwing shit at me Raiden decides to cut shit when I don't want to do it.


autists like you are the first to go

Reminder that there are absolute brainlets right here among us that genuinely think he means physical strength when he says strength.

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Lots of reasons. Misgenation, loss of culture, religion, values, skills. I guess parents just stopped raising their kids at some point, and in that single generation thousands of years of time tested tradition were lost forever.

Jews killed our culture, and our parents let them do it.

Blaming your problems on someone else is a big part of what makes you so shit.

shut up jew, nobody is talking about their personal lives, this is a systemic social issue, you weasel. fuck off with your jew word games

Take some responsibility for once in your life instead of blaming everything on some or other boogeyman.

wow the retard did it again. Let me repeat myself, lying weasel. This is a SYSTEMIC ISSUE we are discussing, not a personal one. Our personal lives are not relevant to this phenomenon, it is a matter of culture and society. nice example of the jewish doublespeak though, its a social issue when its convenient for our narrative but its a personal issue when it’s not

I still live in a white town that has a fairly healthy culture. There's rot but in the good neighbourhoods, it's pretty good. I can take a walk through my neighbourhood and say hey to my neighbours. I can see people working on their driveways, walkways, gardens, or their roofs and doing home improvement stuff.

And people mostly get along. Homogeneous white town ftw. Ppl still friendly here as long as you don't get in with those nigger drug using whites.

>tfw you see one of those meth/crackhead whites and you get mad because they’re making us look bad

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Why is being obtuse such a commonly used tactic in arguments on Yea Forums?

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>>>Where the law changes to suit the individual, not the other way around
I do not want that.

Because of the whole "purging the weak" part of it, the rest of it sounds fine, personal liberty and all that is great. The problem is his method for fixing the broken system involves killing millions of innocents who can't defend themselves because in his ideology if you can't defend yourself you don't deserve to survive.

>if you kill Armstrong you will be just like him
Well except for the "purging the weak" part of it, which was really Raiden's main point of contention with him. By winning against him however Armstrong accepted that Raiden's way of thinking was the right one because the core foundation of his belief system is that tenant of might makes right, if someone more mighty says purging the weak = bad then purging the weak = bad in his world view.

Why is blaming your problems on a racial hivemind such a commonly used tactic in arguments on /pol/ and Yea Forums?

nice buzzwords, jew. nobody said anything about race, jew. your sekrit club isn’t a race, your race is slav, your culture is jewish. spare us the poison that drips from your forked tongue, everything your people say is twisted.

My favorite part of the fight with Armstrong is how after the speech if you call people on the codec, they will say Armstrong is crazy, and Raiden will say "Yeah, maybe" or "What he said though... It works". Raiden got redpilled and basically became a big boss figure of his own. If there was a sequel and it stuck to that storyline just kidding Kojima is an anti war gook basedboi Raiden would have probably started making his own outer heaven in MGR2

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Another Yea Forums favourite: whataboutism. I should make a bingo card out of all these things.

So far I have.
>user being obtuse
Just 22 to go.

that'd just lead to a shitty protoype 2 ending were you play as not raiden and kill him as the final boss