we're going to get scammed out of another 150$ boys!
Back in line mule.
>people look fondly at Archeage
wtf? i remember playing that until i got a boat and dropped it cuz they wanted money for housing
Its the best pvp mmo out there but was ruined by p2w.
They're getting rid of that for unchained though.
I just started classic. Not sure if I can make it for unchained.
Im putting my classic character on hold until phase 2 while I play Archeage.
But what about 60 and professions?
What makes it so good? Isn't it just zerging, and arenas like Aion?
I've been 60 for a few days now.
For me its the pirating, stealing from other players and the huge dramas that happen.
Factions don't restrict you like they do in WoW and there's even more freedom in 6.0 compared to before.
So basically I can just br walking around and get beat up for my loot?
There are safe zones and contested zones similar to Wow.
People can steal your trade packs which are packs you carry on your back to certain drop-off points for gold, they are made from farming usually.
You can attack your own faction in contested zones too but eventually you get wanted and if someone kills you while you are wanted you'll stand before a judge and they decide your fate, usually its jail though.
I played it until I realized for you to get anywhere you need to either pony up money or be a guilds bitchboy pack mule and carry mats across oceans and shit.
I remember being excited for Archeage then dropping it pretty quickly because of the P2W stuff.
Is it actually fun?
If you enjoy pvp it is amazing.
Most of the pve content is pretty easy and the pve content that isn't easy is world bosses you pvp for.
Only played one mmo that had equally fun pvp before and it was Tibia.
It was pretty much impossible to compete if you werent neet or willing to pay but hiram gear and p2w stuff gone makes it very easy for wage slaves to keep up.
Is PvE good if I just like wandering around finding cool shit and getting into scraps?
Why is that bad? I'm not being facetious, in EVE hauling station stuff through wormhole space as part of a mini convoy is really cool
Depends on what you mean by cool shit I guess but the world is pretty big and there's a bunch of zones while leveling that work like STV where its full blown war between the factions.
Pirating and the pirate faction are max level stuff.
archeage has hauling with huge boats or ground transport vehicles which is fun but risky
Because it's you in a line with 30 other dudes.
You are being Hazed and if you aren't close friends with the guild leader or pay money into the guild you will always be the bitchboy pack-mule.
So unless you are turned on by that type of demeaning horseshit. It's terrible and boring.
Well I'm assuming once you haul shit somewhere then you start doing shit with what you hauled
Also in EVE you can contract with space truckers to haul your bulk shit long distances and some people build their character for that
Running packs isnt very important now unless you're really into jewing and crafting.
Hiram gear mostly requires dailies and labor to get upgraded into very competitive gear, only the very highest tier and grade of crafted gear is slightly better.
I was super hyped and was spreading the word about how great unchained would be until I read about the new trading system and how trash it is compared to when most of us played in 2014.
If they don't immediately revert back to the old system the game will absolutely fail because open world pvp was archeages bread and butter
Nope. You hull shit from one place to the other. Then go back and do it again. You are a pack mule and nothing more.
>gamigo has a fucking awful reputation, arguably worse than trion
I'm losing faith pretty fast, boys.
Worst case its a month or two of fun.
So you just log in for dailies and after a few months everyone except for the whales is wearing the exact same gear?
I remember griefing fishermen with the harpoon for hours, good fun
I agree but its much better than it was in 3.0 at least, also they are removing the safe public transport ship going between the capitals in 6.0 so taking packs on the sea is always a risk now.
Not even that if they keep the current trade system. It's not going to be like it was at launch with small scale pack trading happening all over so anywhere could be dangerous which is what hooked people into the gameplay
There is no way to whale unless they add p2w stuff but yeah, hiram is gear progression that stays with you through the game.
Can't sell hiram gear and if you regret your choice in weapon/armor then you have to start over on a new piece of hiram.
Keeping up is very easy though since you just do like an hour of dailies for your essences and what items you put those essences in you choose yourself.
stealing fish is what i look forward to
What exactly would stop people from doing risky runs?
The freshness mechanic kind of forces you to make risky runs since you can't just store packs on your farms until it's peace time.
>Its the best pvp mmo out there but was ruined by x
Every MMO in existence? Though there's literally nothing to play right now that isn't ruined by x so I'll probably wait and see if they follow up on their promise to release the fairy race until I buy it until it gets ruined by x again.
Same, brother.