Enjoy your dumb downed trash you pieces of shit.
Enjoy your dumb downed trash you pieces of shit.
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off piece of shit. Sales dosen't mean it's good.
Weren't we doomposting about iceborne being a flop just yesterday?
It did flop.
>s-sales don't mean anything!
LMAO, i can tell you get stuffed into a locker all the time
2.5 million. Basically 1/5th it's base games total sales in 5 days.
That's more than half of Freedom's total sales. Which is the next most sold monster hunter.
Imagine the number when the Pc version releases.
>bings trying to use media create that only count the double physical edition that cost more than just buy the like a digital DLC
>trying to use FUCKING UNITED KINGDOM to say the expansion floped.
Not even on PC yet pieces of subhuman shit, you got a lot more to cry.
You’re still making these threads faggot? I’ve never seen someone so scared they’ll never get to bing bing wahoo again. Monster Hunter is back where it belongs and it’s here to stay. Speaking of where things belong don’t you have a cuckshed to get back to?
iceborne is pretty based, you should play it anons.
>unfairly sells
what the hell does that even mean?
2.5 million, after the sales of MHW base game, is most certainly a flop. It shows that people had a taste of nu-MH and most of them rejected it. This will prove to Capcom once and for all that the true home of MH is on Nintendo consoles.
went dark after release to not spoil myself any further. dropping in to say holy shit fuck velkhana, was nowhere near as hard in the beta. i unironically triple carted
>There will never be another MH on a Nintendo system while they still sell poor performance consoles.
nintendo typically rolls pc + nintendo handheld/console you fucking mongoloid, literally nobody is mad that WoRlD iSn'T oN sWiTcH
Reminder that Frontier is canon
january will be here in no time, bros...
There are a lot of mad Nintendo fanboys. If I remember rightly they tried to call a boycott on all Capcom games like the fucking children they are.
>literally nobody is mad
>random forum screencap of dipshits that also fell for console-war shitposting
Jesus christ don't these people have anything else to do?
Literally what the fuck is wrong with Nintendo fans? No one else is as rabid as these retards. Not even Sony fags
my niggas. I need one of them celestial tickets from the coal burning retard. I know its completely random, but has some mathematician figured out the best way to mash buttons yet? The handler is ugly as fuck on this part, too.
I want a wyvern gem and don't feel like attacking elders over and over.
Also when do elder dragon bones start appearing in the guiding lands?
CuckEra is infested with disgusting Nintendo fanboys.
Why are MonHun gatekeepers rabidly autistic?
2.5m in just a week without PC sales.
This is guaranteed to outsell all G rank versions of MH now.
Am I supposed to care about Resetera screencaps?
People really want this game to fail, huh? They always get BTFO though.
Why do you keep capping this random guys posts?
Cool fanfic worldsperm
Holy shit, imagine being a Nintendo fan/Retardera right now. Damn bro, all those shitposting efforts wasted. That must be depressing as hell
imagine pushing airplane mode on your phone to samefag
Imagine being this guy
MHW is probably the most successful 3rd party Jap game ever made.
It's nice that everybody who claimed they were abandoning the Japanese audience turned out to have been an oversensitive retard. It's still Monster Hunter despite the full voice-over and attempts at cutscenes.
I hate scoutflies
I hope this guy got mugged by a nigger
MHW was also a huge hit in Japan. It sold like millions. Japs didn't mind it at all.
They had over a decade of MH exclusivity not counting the MMO
They thought things would never change, just like their beloved Nintendo.
MHW being on all platforms but theirs broke them mentally and collapsed their egos, leaving only a seething husk and eternally sore ass, also the uncertainty of getting XX until a year later as a throwaway title incensed them further
I doubt they'll ever recover, the mental scars over losing MH will never heal.
>They had over a decade of MH exclusivity
Portable 3rd was like 8 years ago
>nooooo why isn't World an actual game and not pure crystalized autism like old school MH
holy fucking SEETHING
dumbshit, world still filters people out like nobody's business
wait, yesterday people were all
>lol look at those sale numbers lol it's a flop
and now people are all
>lol sales don't matter because it's a shit game
am I missing something here?
I still think they're making a MH game for switch, I'm sure it's gonna be like MHW 0.5
Dank shitposts aren't working out the way they'd like and, for the second time in a row now, MonHun World has failed to become a TORtanic.
Welcome to NintendoGAF
>MHW Switch port
Literally nobody was talking about that.
why are you faggots mad then?
plus, your niche gatekeeping bullshit portable MH games still exist. you can play those if you don't like it
"I think they're making a Switch MH game but it'll be like a dumbed-down world" -> "LMAO NINTENDIES SEETHING *DABS* WORLD NEVER EVER SWITCHKEKS LMAO LMAO LMAO"
not only you're delusional but you're also in-denial
is there anyone actually mad in this thread or genuinely upset that monster hunter's most recent nintendo title is generations ultimate
Not mad but disappointed that is just a port, not even a new game. Still having fun with it playing with friends and playing MHW solo on PC
A friend was heaping praise on some PSP MH back in the day. He wanted to show me the game.
He fought a monster were he rolled twice, then hit it in a specific way with his sword. Then repeat this. Forever.
He did the EXACT same moves over and over and over.
Roll, roll, hit.
Roll, roll, hit.
No deviation.
It was the most retarded god damn thing imaginable.
Thank fuck MHW is an actual game that is fun and not this autistic faggotry.
That wasn't even the worst part of PSP MH games. They had the grind of gook MMOs. Basically you wasted your life doing useless by-the-side shit not even related to the actual monster hunting.
>monster hunter's most recent nintendo title is generations ultimate
And best
That's not 4U.
4G shipped 2 million in Japan alone during the same amount of time. Only 2.5 million with triple the base is a titanic flop.
When I wax nostalgic about MH to people who started with World, they often respond 'how did this series become popular?'
Goofy shit like needing to craft pick axes and Mega Pick Axes that could break after a swing.
Iceborne looks fun, might pick it up when it drops to 20$
brb just UNFAIRLY purchasing games
what the fuck does this even mean, mong? good luck answering.
Monster hunter has always been a kids game, Japanese children were having fun playing freedom unite at the park while american neck beards were sweating bullets in their mother's basement trying to be apart of a secret club
Even mainline still likes to adopt shit from it. Zinogre in MHW takes two moves from the superboss version, just stripped down.
>Reddit spacing had difficulty watching someone enjoy a game
Amazing blog. Where do I subscribe?
No it didn't lmao
Turn them off, then. Don't be a bitch for the fuck of it.
>butthurt autist replying with buzzwords instead of argument
hit a nerve?
4G shipped in total maybe 4 million units. Iceborne will beat that with ease.
Yep we were, I just saw the news on twitter and wanted to rub it in to that autist that sperged out about the Japanese physical sales numbers
>Thank fuck MHW is an actual game that is fun
>3 platform multiplat will sell more than game exclusive to one device
4g sold 4.2 million units in it's lifetime.
>le ebin meme reply
>still no arguments
>uses buzzwords right back
no defense huh
MHW has already outsold MH4 and MH4U combined by atleast 5 million copies toddler. With Iceborne, that lead is increasing now to 8m copies.
World and Iceborne are harder than 4-GU.
Nice job. You just proved why Capcom will never waste time making Nintendo exclusives again.
Eat shit zoom zoom
The funny thing is that only kids gave enough time to accept ridiculous grinds.
>3 platform multiplat outsells exclusive 3 to 1
>no it didn't lmao
>October 15, 2014 Press Release
>Capcom Co., Ltd. (Capcom) is pleased to announce that shipments in Japan of "Monster Hunter 4G" (North American and European version: "Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate") for the Nintendo 3DS™ are now more than 2 million units, including sales of the downloadable version through downloadcards and the Nintendo eShop.
>. Release Date Japan : October 11, 2014 (Saturday)
Are snoybois still pretending this is a snoycensored 4 exclusive?
Don't care. I'm an idort you pathetic poorfag
Pathetic moving the goalpost.
>Monster Hunter KIDDIE
What the FUCK is that? Is that seriously the best you can do, OP? No witty name, no rhyme, no nothing? What a fucking piece of shit, go back to shitposting academy you inept fuck
Are you aware just 5 lines below confirms that shipped and sold are not the same?
The drought is so bad they are boasting about multiplat paid DLC
There's no defense to an ad hominem when posting anonymously you wojak posting brainlet.
It's almost like corporations don't think in terms of console wars but in terms of money made.
So you just proved why Capcom and other third-parties are avoiding Nintendo like the plague this gen. Why sell 5m copies as Switch exclusive when you can sell 15m as PS4-Xbone-PC multiplat?
The difference of 10 million copies would amount to half a billion dollars in revenue. HALF A BILLION
You obviously do care little toddler. Or why else cry foul when your 240p hand cramp games got outsold?
So you shouldn't be interested in console wars at all and should appreciate both World and the older games for what they are
Older games are indeed fun. Too bad they also still feel like the PS2 game.
MH4 sold 8.5 million copies on the 3ds and Capcom has hinted plenty of times that portable MH is very much alive, dumbfuck
Imagine people spent their entire day shitposting about made up flopping of the DLC because it's not on the platform of their choice lmao
>multiplat outsells exclusive
"No shit"
dude, I've played every MH since P3rd. Go back to reset era, worldsperm
Feel like it? The further you get, the less true that becomes. But I'd agree with looks like, by and large. Before World, MH was a purely iterative project, adding upon what came before. Wasn't entirely a bad thing, but the series did inarguably look dated.
Lol no, Disney World is a garbo MH game. 100 hours tops is shit.
>P3rd babby
Look mate, if we're comparing dicks I've been playing since the first iteration and I think World's decent, albeit with flaws. You can stop being an insufferable faggot now
>let me double the actual sales numbers because reasons!
4,200,000 Units is the number you are looking for. it took 5 years to get to that number.
MH4 sold combined 8m. MHW+I is looking to do 20m. That's a difference greater than 10 million. Capcom doesn't care about bing bing tablets no more. Neither does any other serious 3rd party publisher. Switch is a dumping ground for old ports. The real heavy hitters are multiplat (though not Switch).
So yeah Nintendofags are the biggest losers this gen.
He's combining 4 and 4G because unlike iceborne, you had to buy 4G at full price.
>Look mate, if we're comparing dicks...
Nah bro just stfu and jump and scream that your decent flawed game hit 13 mil like the faggot you are
>100 tops
Was surprised to come back to World for Iceborne and find that I spent 350~ hours on it. Not as many hours as I'd put into the prior games by any stretch, but still a lot more than I thought I had
Big sales doesn't mean shit ubisoft have big sales and remains to be trash same will be for capcom if they keep making mh casual and not on switch
The only monsters that did not feel like something from PS2 era was golden bug.
in terms of game play.
it either felt just like PS2 or you used all the anime attacks/abilities and it felt super easy and boring.
>>let me double the actual sales numbers because reasons
>tfw PC+Switch chad
>And that's a good thing!
imagin being this much of a corporate bootlicker.
Not the original user you were replying to, mate. Just felt like mocking you for pointing out you started with P3rd as if it actually meant anything. Couldn't care less for crowing about sales
So MHW will sell less than MH4 per platform? Good to know.
Not the one tallying DLC as games sold here
>per platform
Publishers don't think in terms of Nintendofag console warriors. They made millions more on MHW than the 3DS games. Cope and dilate.
Yeah but more money>>>>>>>>less money.
There's no reason to ever go back to nintendo after world's success.
>count DLC as a sale
What a great year for Japanese games not on Nintendo Switch! I hope all you people are having a blast playing these games. For Switch owners, I can only say that petitions are your best friends.
Iceborne is sold for the same price as G rank titles. Also profit margins are higher since digital ratio is way higher. Cope little nincel
4/4U $80
World/Iceborne $100
you are just so angry right now. is it not enough that they give you hundreds of hours of content to grind through? can
all of the G/Ulitmate versions of the games are literally the way they did DLC back in the day before internet was wide spread.
there is a reason there is 20 versions SF2.
Who the fuck owns only a switch?
It's 2019 consoles cost peanuts. What is this? For a new iphone 11 you can get a PS4 Slim, Switch and still have left over for a mid tier PC.
>Not the original user you were replying to, mate. Just felt like mocking you for pointing out you started with P3rd as if it actually meant anything
Cool backpedal bro. Based centrist
can you at least be bothered to give some concrete examples of why world sucks and your preferred title doesn't?
> Also profit margins are higher since digital ratio is way higher.
the store is still taking 30%
But user, thta's what you do when you count 4 and 4u as separate releases!
>$80 for a PS2 expansion pack
>World/Iceborne $100
More like 20$/20$ in four weeks.
>count DLC as a sale
>Who the fuck owns only a switch?
A lot of people judging by how hard every game gets platform begged to appear on the bing bing tablet.
poeple who only own a ps4 thinkg other people are just as dumb with their consoles.
Oh U PS4 Pro and Switch is like 600$
>i'd rather pay full price for a separate release which is basically dlc
>Expansions aren't sold
Why are nincels so retarded?
>A lot of people
You not included obviously because you only own snoy products
4 wasn't released outside Japan, you donut.
but you did pretty much the same
at theend is 20$ more expensive.
Yes and that's still way higher profit margins than manufacturing, shipping and then selling through a retailer. Capcom is making more per Iceborne sold than per MH4U sold.
So the fact that 4u sold the same as the japanese exclusive release despite being released worldwide is good then?
so many fucking retards here, im going to play some iceborne now see ya
I only play on PC. I just laugh at nincels since they get so mad when their tertiary gaming tablet gets rightfully treated as just that.
>I only play on PC
>accuses anyone else of platform begging
have fun user
i'll be there eventually
I'm just waiting
Waiting for a long time.
How is it unfair? Because it didn't release on a bing bing wahoo hardware?
>I'll just wait to play that game thanks
How come Americans can't afford two consoles and a PC when me a 700$ a month Croat can?
>2.5 mil
Didnt 4U sell like over 4 mil? Even GU sold like 3 mil. If it weren't for the base game being the best selling monhun game, these numbers would be seen as pretty bad for iceborne. This is definetly gonna affect how they handle expansions going forward
I haven't begged for shit. PC gets way better Jap games in recent years than on Nintendo's tablets. Also at 60 fps.
Nintendo fags tend to forget what an irrelevant and niche game monhun was in the west until world.
I mean, yeah, the ps2/psp games weren't very popular either, but nintendo exclusivity did nothing to make series more popular. 3u didn't even have online on 3ds and we all know how many people bought the wiiu
>I haven't begged for shit. PC gets way better
Based nintenbro
How's that RDR2 on PC petition going?
It took 5 years to sell 4M.
Iceborne did half of that in a week.
It's true though.
Beg harder for MHW lmao
4U isn't DLC retard. It was a full release you had to buy. No discount for owning 4.
It's on my PS4 right now bro
It was effectively a dlc that you had to pay full price for.
>first week
>already 2.5 million worlwide
>will keep on selling
>PC alone will propel these numbers
>world+IB will end up around 20 million
>the best selling MH ever by such a huge margin it's not even funny
I'm so sorry.
Both are expansion packs. You could buy MH4U digitally aswell.
Enjoy your 20fps i guess.
>Say Monster Hunter """"KIDDIE""""
>Post Frontier ins't of fucking Iceborne
newfags, newfags, newfags...
>It was effectively a dlc that you had to pay full price for
God you are dumb
He's right though you nigger.
Nice argument
I think its pretty obvious that every thread on Yea Forums talking shit about Iceborne was made by an assblasted nintendie still in denial that the game was a massive success and the franchise will NEVER return to Nintendo as an exclusive.
Its been ALMOST 2 YEARS and they still haven't accepted it. Sad!
Counting DLC as an additional copy sold
Yes. Digitally. AT THE SAME PRICE AS MH4. You had to buy and play through the game again.
Considering IB is 60 if you didn't have world before? Sure.
How do you do that? I see nothing in the settings about doing anything other than turning off notifications from them and stopping the camera from following them
Or jut import your savedata from mh4?
Yea Forums X makes it real easy to tell a samefag, pal.
I remember when shitposting OPs were simply a lead in to discussion. Now they're the entire thread.
Lmao sure
You're assuming iceborne will keep selling. Its already sold the bulk of what it'll sell lifetime. I could see it probably matching 4U but surpassing it seems unlikely. And 4 mil after 13 mil for the base game is still low. That's a lot of dev time and resources for something only a third of your players buy. They're going to change how they handle future expansions. I guarantee it. Even if only in the West. I wouldn't say iceborne flopped but it didn't sell as much as it should have . Expansions in the past have typically sold around as much if not more than the base game. 2 mil is still 2 mil but I guarantee this is lower than capcom was expecting.
With what?
you're no chad if you own a switch
you are a moron
I happen to be an expert on this cop-out.
COPE with your FLOP.
>Its already sold the bulk of what it'll sell lifetime.
Until it releases on PC you mean?
Unless you actually think it didn't sell a crapton on PC.
Let's hope PC players can save iceborne. 2.5 mil is lower than it should be
Rent free
World sold 10 million by July of 2019 over a year since it's release. It will keep selling.
bullshit. you didn't need to buy World Warrior and Super SF2 if you just wanted to play Super SF2, it was standalone.
Or just give it a month at least to sell?
I mean, these are first week sales, five days even.
Sure I'll get right on that. Next year
Wait, do people honestly calling mhw a flop now?
Are you crazy? It's the best selling Mh game of all time you stupid fucking shitposting retards
IB "only" shipped 2.5 million units in its first week through two platforms.
That means it's a flop.
>you didn't need to buy World Warrior and Super SF2 if you just wanted to play Super SF2
You don't understand
was my only post in the thread my dude
You are right, you had to pay full price for each time you wanted an updated version that added 2-3 characters and minor game play tweaks.
The only people who think this are assblasted bingbings continuing their two year long tantrum over losing MH
>this is Yea Forums culture nowadays
...I don't have any words. This is just fucking sad.
Just wait until 4+Yea Forums comes back.
You mean a DLC to a game that sold 13m copies sold 2.5 million in first week.
How is that a flop. Are you fucking crazy?
Listfag spent all week calling IB a flop, then these results came in.
Cue asshurt.
Often it's the shitposting OP and his butt-buddies keeping the thread that way. If a thread hasn't derailed away from whatever OP was trying to bait for within a hundred replies and the OP isn't very obviously trying to rerail the shitposts back to where he wants them to go, abandon thread.
The MH4 numbers were also in shipped you dumb toddler
Took me 47 minutes to kill Velkhana, god damn and I only succeeded because I ate for Feline Insurance
Nah you're right. It's pretty much all up to PC at this point. Otherwise, iceborne underperformed. Still 2 mil is 2 mil. Capcom probably isn't proud of it but I doubt they're too angry about it. Otherwise why even tell people about it ? If it doesnt sell on pc, they'll likely change how they handle expansions in the future at least for the West. They might start releasing expansions as separate full price games again or they might skip them entirely and include a few g rank stuff in future base games.
Friendly reminder that no MH game will EVER be as profitable as P3rd.
>Otherwise, iceborne underperformed.
You're saying something that's been out for a week underperformed.
You understand this sounds retarded, right?
The base game isn't a flop by any means. Iceborne on the other hand is underperforming at the moment. PC players will likely contribute a lot to sales though so we'll see how things change when pc gets iceborne.
remember to use clutch claw whenever possible to down her/put her into walls. Really helped me get the damage windows I needed to break off her ice shards more consistently.
the 13m is after all this time and after the pc release, base mhw shipment were 5mil days after release, making this even more impressive
>Iceborne on the other hand is underperforming at the moment.
No it's not
I'm jist here to DAB on nincels
>MHworld is literally Capcom's best selling game
More money > less money
How is that hard to understand you absolute mongoloid?
>Sales dosen't mean it's good.
How stupid are you?
It has been widely reported that MHW is Capcoms most successful game ever.
what are you even talking about? I'm saying that it's only fair to compare iceborne shipment days after release to the base game in the same timeframe instead of the base game after there's been tons of discounts and shit
At a low price though. It's even cheaper to get brand new than the 3DS games which are on a dead console
>a titanic flop
So you really are another zoom zoom who thinks everything is a tortanic if it's not no1 everywhere. Who woulda thought.
Imagine still being seething because a 1+ year old game is not ob your fischer pricer toy you call a console
>years of AAA development for an international market across three platforms with entirely new assets
>2 new monsters, 1 new map; everything else copy-pasted. Sells like 5 million in Japan alone
P3rd was LITERALLY free money
Not really. Games typically sell the majority of lifetime sales relatively close to launch. Unless something crazy happens with the pc launch, iceborne sales will probably cap at like slightly over 4 mil
You are comparing a full release to a dlc.
That dlc sold 2.5 mil in a week which is fantastic compared to any dlc sales.
So no, it's not fair.
>Enjoy your dumb downed trash you pieces of shit.
I mean, I will, because it's on pc with half decent online instead of some fucktarded handheld with the most dogshit online known to man.
You've been told for fucking YEARS that locking it away on garbage platforms was holding back monster hunter. If they'd even just stuck with ps2/wii and main consoles it'd have done better, but nah you smart cunts thought psp and 3ds is really where all the people want to play. It doesn't matter how much they dumb down the game or how shit they make it, the fact that it's finally available in a decent place with no real competition in the genre means it'll sell, dumbass.
Exhibit a.) Hollow Knight
On PC the game is on sale today and the sale price is $30. This compared to MH4U which was $40 day one.
It's still the number 1 selling game on Steam at the moment despite being a year old.
>Games typically sell the majority of lifetime sales relatively close to launch.
It's not even true now. Stop living in physical only age.
Compared to base game sales, It's objectively lower than older entries. This can probably be attributed to how they handled marketing iceborne. As a add-on instead of its own game
the state of nintendies
>5 years to sell 5 mil
meanwhile Iceborne has 2.5 mil sitting on shelves
I AM saying it's impressive when you take into account that Iceborne doesn't have the time to reach the sales the base game had, 2.5 mil to 5 mil is a lot more proportionally compared to 2.5 mil to 13 mil, not everyone who replies has to be arguing against you on this site jesus christ
You're genuinely illiterate retard.
That's not what I'm saying at all. Obviously nobody expected it to sell 13 mil in a week. It should have some somewhere closer to like 5-6 mil though. So pc players have to make up like 3 mil on pc launch. Which is 100% possible. Just hasn't happened yet
>It should have some somewhere closer to like 5-6 mil though
Yeah, those are truly realistic sales for a dlc which always have less sales than the base game.
It has nothing to do with physical though...user this is always going to be the case. People buy new games because of hype and relevance. The more time passes, the less people buy. Why do you think companies spend so much money and effort trying to make launch weeks as successful as possible?
But MHW has the exact same gameplay? Don't tell me you're actually fooled by the cluch claw shit.
MEANWHILE, in Reality.
MH world shipped 1.35 million week one
Iceborne shipped 2.5 million week one
fucking hell are you people incapable of reading and looking up information?
Capcom isn't viewing this as a DLC though. They re-released mhw with new packaging for a reason. For all intents and purposes, this is meant to be a new game. Their model hasnt changed. They simply aren't advertising iceborne as a new full price game. They still expect it to do just as well though and if it doesn't, they'll likely go back to the old model
Because most people here under 35 or so spend the bulk of their earnings on alcohol and opiates.
No, really. As much as we like to give east europeans and southeast asians and central americans shit for being alcoholics, and addicts, and alcohol addicts, most of my generation can't function without abusing substances. We hate life and we hate the world and we're completely fucked.
How they did older games
>here is the base game
>here is the G/Ult version that you start all over it does not matter if you had the base game or not
Iceborne is an expansion pack.
>This is a new game
Yes, and the Dark Souls DLCs are also new games because they releaser physical bundles. What a retard
user they literally let you transfer save data between generations and GU.
Are we forgetting all the asspain Bayo 2 caused?
user, this isn't your average DLC. It's a ton of content. They've always done this. It's a new game for all intents and purposes. It's just accesible through the base game of mhw
Totally being treated as a new game, sold at DLC price and advertised as an expansion. What a retard
I would be mad if everything I got were overpriced late ports desu
Can't blame them
I mean I don't want to argue semantics anymore than you do. What we call it is irrelevant. The point is that it's an expansion that's not selling as much as it should. The PC version needs to sell about 3 mil to even things out. No need to be worried. That seems entirely possible unless everyones stopped caring for whatever reason. Which would be a shame seeing as how iceborne seems to improve on mhw. I guess we'll see.
>I would be mad if everything I got were overpriced late ports
Poor PC players.
t. couldn't figure out how to play a metroidvania
You’re not wrong, but what makes you wrong is that you give half a shit about people liking it
Pc is being treated like a second class citizen
Swith is treated like someone at Nintendo pissed on Ryozo's mom grave
it's fan service and is niche. A bit how MH was generally looked upon before the muh sales brainlets invaded
I find it hilarious that capcom doesn't give a shit about pc yet pc is where most of their sales for world are coming from
t. angry retard
user these people have families. Don't be selfish
This but unironically.
Stop infighting you fucking dweebs. I remember when MH threads were easygoing but now it's just more console war bullshit.
It is almost like certain people got upset when they lost a exclusive 3rd party game
I unironically preferred paintballing
>implying it's not a vicious cycle of console shitposters baiting each other for eternity
he's talking about you too you dumb fucking faggot, that post right there is exactly what he's talking about, unless this is some elaborate false flag which speaks volumes about the quality of these threads where it's impossible to distinguish anymore
It's both sides. Sonyfags baiting endlessly, Nintendies getting salty. Strangely enough, it was never THIS bad when MH jumped to the Wii and 3DS.
>Strangely enough, it was never THIS bad when MH jumped to the Wii and 3DS.
That's because like, 10 people played Monster Hunter.
Had to refund because it can barely run on my PC. What's the best MH you can emulate?
It was unironically better back then.
TORtanic irrevocably ruined this board. Every drooling middle schooler here thinks if they bitch and scream about a game they don't like for long enough, that it'll fail, when TOR failing was the obvious result of another slapped-together cash-grab EA title in a sea of much better MMOs. Now all you dipshits like think you have clairvoyance.
Someone post the comic
Honestly it's over, user. Theres no going back at this point. Mhw brought in so many new players, veterans are pretty much outnumbered in these threads. Which would be fine if mhw wasn't so controversial within the community. It's spawned these cult like sub groups on both sides that either hate mhw despite its improvements or see mhw as the second coming of god and can't see obvious flaws. Even if monhun went back to what it once was, the community would still be left fractured. You'd have all these new players who've grown so used to world that anything different seems very foreign to them. And even if capcom puts a monhun on switch with some of worlds improvements, people have become so jaded and malicious here that it'll just spawn a new wave of shitposting and reinvigorate the console wars. Comfy monhun threads are pretty much dead forever. Which is a shame because those threads are what kept monhun alive for me. They were one of the few reasons I came to Yea Forums. If it weren't for like 2 other recurring generals on Yea Forums I'd be gone by now because monhun threads are dead.
no shit. that was back when people just wanted to play games.
>Man i wish they would release a MH on a non portable consoles
how people would react to that back than
4U on citra
I've been thinking about getting into mh
I think I have my eyes set of 4 Ultimate.
Would a different mh be better for a beginner?
lmao why are pc players such cucks paying three times as much as console players for the same game?
4U is probably the closest one to World, the most accessible game so far. It lacks some QoLs introduced in generations, but it focuses on story, you get to make your main palico, there's mounting etc. If you have the hardware, then just start with World. If not, then 4U is a good point to start. Some people will tell you to play 3U or FU, but keep in mind that the further back you go the jankier it gets.
do you people actually believe the shit you post or is this some level 4 meta shitposting I dont get
I knew should've screenshot those retards in that U.K. thread.
>most of my generation can't function without abusing substances. We hate life and we hate the world and we're completely fucked.
tell me about it
>played astral chain for like 50 hours straight on amphetamines
>can't angle my hand downwards without feeling a jolt going through my hand
>feels like something between a cramp and bones rubbing together to start a campfire
I'll fucking do it again though
Play on PC and use the no scoutfly mod :'^)
N-no that isnt a tear
No, the only "mad" people here are the strawmen constantly being built up by listfag and the idiots who actually fall for his shit.
Wut mod?
Why do MH "vets" think that Japan matters to Capcom anymore?
MH threads were still fine when we didn't get Portable 3rd and the series eventually moved to 3DS.
Post your huntan collection.
absolute brainlet
Do mantle decorations turn off once they expire even if you don't take them off?
Can I turn off the mantle hood visibility like you can for head armor?
*kills Iceborne*
Heh, nothin personnel
You guys knew listfag would do this shit and still you fell for his bait.
You just got generations though
Reading comprehension, user
So less than a quarter of the people who bought World and less than a tenth of those who played it ended up buying Iceborne. Raise your hand if you saw this coming from day one.
Casuals are fickle; they've already moved on to the next thing. They never really cared about Monster Hunter. I care about Monster Hunter. I won't be able to purchase Iceborne out of sheer principle, but I will play it and admit if it's good. That's what differs a fan from a mindless consumer.
I will in January! My friends and I are all holding out for the PC version. I am playing the base game in anticipation, though.
2.5 million on 2 platforms in 5 days is pretty impressive considering the base game got 13 million on 3 platforms over nearly 2 years. I fully expect Iceborne to break 4 million once the PC version is out, which is really damn good for an expansion.
No one fall for it.
Use Clutch Claw on his wings to make them break early and easy, he’s only got one attack that can hit you while you’re on them.
The Monster Hunter franchise will still be very popular if they continue to trim down the fat (i.e. the storytelling and ugly Handler) and play to the core concept's strength.
However, Iceborne failed to sell 10+ million. It's an expansion and most of its monster are literal recolors which is the lowest quality content in any game. MH5 could perform very well if they give it the same attention World got.
>The Monster Hunter franchise will still be very popular if they continue to trim down the fat (i.e. the storytelling and ugly Handler) and play to the core concept's strength.
Yeah that ain't happening. The fools think that's why World was so well-recieved.
Maybe it was? I don't fucking know. I just know what I want and it ain't a fucking story.
Generations Ultimate is a great anniversary title. World is Monster Hunter 5, an HD game with the budget of a PS2 title. I hope the next game refines things, but I don't see a reason to hate on it. It'll actively make switch games better in the long run with sales like that.
>I just know what I want and it ain't a fucking story.
I say let them keep it, just give us the ability to fucking skip them.
Seethe more Nintentodler
Who the fuck dedicates their free time to covertly campaigning against something they don’t like on the internet? What the fuck do they get out of it? He’s speaking like it’s a god damn war. I feel bad about myself for being lazy and unmotivated but holy fucking shit at least I’m not that level of faggot.
I could take or leave the story as it is, I just need them to make sure it doesn't hamper the gameplay. This whole "can't join an assignment until the host has finished watching all the cutscenes" thing is bullshit.
>Who the fuck dedicates their free time to covertly campaigning against something they don’t like on the internet
A guy who's trying to purposely trying to separate World and the older games by creating a boogeyman everyone falls for.
>Not even Sony fags
user, that IS a sonyfag.
It's wasting development time that should be going towards more content. Mega Man 3 wasn't sold on the basis of "find out what happens!!! to the megaman!!! spoiler: he wins", it was sold on the basis of "here's a bunch of new stages, weapons and bosses. What the fuck are you waiting for, you asshole?"
It’s any help, it’s definitely worth the asking price currently so when it’s on sale absolutely don’t miss it.
I have seen sour grapes before now and then. Bloodborne on PS4, Astral Chain on Switch. They get butts blasted but eventually people just move on.
But the people completely unable to deal with monhun dropping the 3ds are going beyond that to something i would lable mildly psychotic. Its over. The 3DS is dead. Buy a new console and move on.
>It'll actively make switch games better in the long run with sales like that
Capcom has to make switch games in the first place in order for that to happen, but as their TGS spots have provem, that won't be any time soon.
>But the people completely unable to deal with monhun dropping the 3ds
So no one? Because they all moved on.
Someone who genuinely wants to end MH discussion entirely by trying to splinter a previously unmoving community.
Did someone use Google to translate that?
> They had over a decade of MH exclusivity not counting the MMO
Not really
2009: Wii
2010: PSP
2011: 3DS
2012: WiiU
2013: 3DS
2014: 3DS
2015: 3DS
2016: 3DS
2017: Switch
2018: PS4/XboxOne/PC
I think the worst part is that people are still falling for it even when he was discovered
>at all relevant
Is this a mod or a video filter?
Fuck off sonyfag, you've polluted mh threads enough with your cancer.
It’s only been 5 days since it launched, it took World nearly a year to break 10 million let alone 13 million and these 2.5 million don’t include PC. It’s actually going quite well so far.
Probably. The gist is capcom doesn't know why they're being criticized for their appalling switch support. They unironically believe they're doing a service to Nintendo because they actually think current switch owners never had the means to play DMC or RE in the past.
>Sleep element
Hold on a minute. Was Malfestio designed to be an expy of Hypnocatrice? I never realized.
>because they actually think current switch owners never had the means to play DMC or RE in the past.
Jeez, they sound like the sonyfags we have here. That said they're clearly lying through their teeth otherwise they wouldn't have split up the DMC collection and sold them separately anyway.
Why is there so much shitposting about sales numbers and review scores? Like who gives a fuck?
It's listfag.
First he makes a thread saying it flopped and then he makes another revealing the worldwide numbers and goes on a rant about Nintendofags.
the fuck is this image from? i refuse to believe a company like capcom would put out such ridiculously mangled promotional material
sure thing snoynigger
Both mainline and Frontier have a long history of ripping each other off if they liked one of the monsters from the other enough, but I don’t think Malfestio is one of them. Lavasioth of all fucking things made it into Generations so there shouldn’t have been any issues bringing Hypnocatrice back if they really wanted too. I guess they just came up with Malfestio’s concept completely independent of Hypnocatrice and decided against including him later on when they noticed Malfestio already filled his exact niche.
Learn how to play at least those 22 assigned quests solo, THEN maybe you can go multiplayer. Nobody wants inexperienced randos.
There was a PS3 game in 2011 since it seems like you're counting ports.
More sales = more games = more fun for us = more toddlers BTFO
I forgot about its existance.
That's weird. Birds don't put shit to sleep, how can this concept pop up independently twice? It's not like Hypnocatrice was an obscure monster, I believe he was the first G-rank urgent.
Sold more than the other ports.
Could the mods do a solid and just ban everyone in this thread for a week? It would greatly improve the quality of MH threads.
So your enjoyment isn't rooted in playing the game itself but the fact that you are playing a popular game you think someone doesn't have.
You were the weird kid growing up weren't you.
He puts people to sleep with his bad comedy, it’s completely different.
>In Iceborne I swear I'm going to get all the ingredients and do bounties and get everything!
>I immediately neglect everything
Why am I so stupid?
>It would greatly improve the quality of MH threads.
It won't, listfag is behind a proxy so he would be back and shitposting about Nintendo before you know it.
I just want to play with my friend bro why do we have to take turns watching cutscenes
Why would a theoretical Switch MH game be exclusive to Switch? This is the part I don't get.
There's no such thing as a handheld Switch game, they're all console games.
I'm not even talking about randos, I'm talking about playing alongside a friend, and the system that makes playing together awkward until the story is actually over.
Doomposter from launch day here. 2.5 million isn't a flop.
You're being baited you idiot.
Bans don't do shit against the determined and autistic
People are vaid morons obsessed with graphics so it's pointless to release a Switch game anywhere else. It's too far below the standards that will be outdated in another 6 months anyway.
I don't care. I just want to poke holes into their logic of thinking.
If Capcom ever make a Switch MH, why would it be exclusive?
it would look exclusively shit on the switch is what they mean
Is that your entire reason to hold a Switch MH exclusive? Because of graphics? Does this mean in doing a Switch MH game, Capcom would have to actively dowgrade a lot of World's assets so much so that putting the game back on consoles would look below standard?
All the shitposters will instantly evade the ban and so will most of the people who were actually having legitimate discussion.
Phones need to be blanket banned from posting or replying to threads, it's that simple. Hiro will never allow it though, because his adbux depend on dumb phonefags who don't block ads
>I just want to poke holes into their logic of thinking
Poking holes in the logic of a person who doesn't believe what they're saying?
You might be even more retarded than they are.
>Phones need to be blanket banned from posting or replying to threads, it's that simple
user, most people here post and ban evade using PCs.
is this a sales shitposting thread or mh thread
Sales and anti-nintendo there's probably a legitimate thread up somewhere though
No. In doing so, it makes other people look at them with even more feeling of disgust.
Do you think they or anyone else actually cares? Why do you think people fall for his little begging routine and resetera posts all the time?
Enough people care on both sides such that this thread reached almost 400 replies.
What is it with the Nintendo fanbase
>World will FLOP SNOYS
>N-nevermind I d-didn't like the game anyway but let me shitpost about it for the next 2 years..
>Iceborne will FLOP SNOYS
>N-nevermind I d-didn't like the game anyway but let me shitpost about it for the next 2 years.. p-please play GU with me.. somebody..
Are you stupid? The PSP games used the PS2 assets.
enjoy bitching into the ether while everyone has fun faggot
Sounds like a crit draw great sword build, which you can still do in World (although it's no longer recommended, true charge slash is better now). What's even your point?
The old games are pretty much the same as World, albeit somewhat clunkier, they're all great.
>Monster Hunter kiddie unfairly sells millions of copies
I can't make heads or tails of this title.
>False flagging snoys
I'm talking about you trying to "poke holes in his logic".
No one is willing to sit here and read your posts even if they reveal he's falseflagging when they can just blame everything on a boogeyman and shitpost.
Haha no Nintendo fans are genuinely retarded
Yeah so putting it back on consoles will retain all the graphical fidelity from the original assets.
You're talking to Eric you know.
#20 in the UK charts
250k sold in Japan
That's a lot of copies sitting on the shelf
Read the whole thing
>MHW: I achieved sales of 2.5 million units soon after launch.
>Selling 2.5 millions copies of just DLC
That's kind of insane.
Not really. MH expansions outsell entire libraries.
Its DLC retard
The 250k counted by Famitsu was physical sales of the download code or the MHW + Iceborne bundle only
No, but I'm upset they didn't bring just bring the 3DS version of GU over alongside the Switch version, thankfully I was able to transfer my Generations save file over to XX and played the game in full before it even got confirmed for coming to the west but on Switch only.
Is this new the "Simple Jack RE4"?
>meanwhile on nearly every single trailer for a new video game coming out
>Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Ships 2.5 Million Units Globally!
Shipments can equate to sales retard
>failed to sell
It's been out for only 5 days
>MH5 could perform well
World is 5 you dumb ass faggot
How do you ship DLC? Put 2.5 million digital copies on the PSN Store and not selling them?
Shipments and sales are 2 different things entirely.
and then
>switch beggars get the game
>they don't even buy it
>World is 5 you dumb ass faggot
Oh yeah, all those DLCs just lying on the shelves of PSN
I'd buy it
>Mega Man X is Mega Man 7
>Resident Evil CV is Resident Evil 4
>Street Fighter Alpha is Street Fighter 4
Yeah, why would Capcom do that thing they've done literally every other time?
>“Monster Hunter 5 implies [the existence of] Monster Hunters 1 to 4 and people will feel a certain kind of pressure to catch up on the existing games,” said Ryozo Tsujimoto, Monster Hunter: World’s producer. “That's going to take a long time. They may think, ‘Maybe I should not bother.’ Or they just feel like, ‘Hey, it's not for me. The train has left the station on this series for me.’”
“So by calling it Monster Hunter: World we're telling people it doesn't matter how much Monster Hunter familiarity you have. This is your ultimate jumping in point to the series.”
>MHW:I achieved sales of 2.5 million units soon after launch
>sales of 2.5 million units
Why did your own source betrays you?
The sheer amount of fucking idiots in this thread getting baited.
Why care about sales numbers? Just play the game.
You people are literally the fucking worst. I hate all of you.
Can you guys stop being such fags?
No. The only people who are "mad" are just falseflagging.
Only if you can stop being one yourself, cocksucker.
How about just making a second team to make cheaper ones in the style of the older games for Switch?
people like you were pushing "crapcom" meme as little as 2 years ago. don't worry, I remember
In that case, please explain why the fuck do Nintentrannies port beg for MHW so fucking hard. If they really own a PC, they won't be so assblasted that the game is not on Switch. My main gaming platform is PC but I still bought a Switch to play MHGU so why can't Switchtrannies do the same with MHW? Either too poor to get another gaming platform or too retardedly loyal to Nintenturd, I bet. Anyway, stop hiding behind PChads, toddlers.
>All those people flinging shit at each other
>People still deepthroat obvious baits
>Meanwhile I'm comfy playing and enjoying Iceborne
Life's good
Every game that "deserves" his own "general" on /vg/ always turns to shit to talk about, how new are you? Don't believe me? Go through the /vg/ list and see how many shitty games are there
Why is the Lagiacrus sad?
That would require capcom to give a shit about the switch.
I fucking hate how all of you retards keep discussing shit like sales and console war instead of new content or something relevant.
I hope MH never go back to portables again so all you can do is cry is those threads.
And other consoles
>please explain why the fuck do Nintentrannies port beg for MHW so fucking hard
Simple they don't. Most of the accounts doing that are absolutely new each and every time.
>I hope MH never go back to portables again so all you can do is cry is those threads.
So you'd want even more falseflagging sales threads?
Sure I don't really care in the long run, it'd just be nice to give fans who weren't fond of World's changes the option regardless of platform.
user, they're already supporting other consoles.
Yeah, PS4, Xbone and PC. A lot of games like the upcoming Code Vein do give this option
Only literally autistic people play Nintendo games.
And Nintendo had their share of Capcom's support for 7 years. Now wait 7 more years for your turn.
I don't get why this is so hard.
>And Nintendo had their share of Capcom's support for 7 years. Now wait 7 more years for your turn.
This implies that Capcom only released Nintendo games during those 7 years though which is flatout wrong.
Xbox, PC and Playstation were still getting Capcom games during those 7 years but now Capcom only port shit to the Switch.
DLC does not cost as much money to make as a full game
We're talking about Monster Hunter here. You wouldn't give up MH Switch if it means Capcom focusing MH only on other platforms while giving SF and RE to Switch right? Because this is what matters to you. But you already had 7 years of MH support on your preferred platform because Iwata was alive during that time.
Pretty much this, it's been two or three games in a row where they sell more in the west
>And Nintendo had their share of Capcom's support for 7 years
Except they only really got MH and one SF game on 3ds.
Why don't you check how many games they put out on other platforms.
>You wouldn't give up MH Switch if it means Capcom focusing MH only on other platforms while giving SF and RE to Switch right?
Why does it have to be one or the other?
>2.5 million on 2 platforms in 5 days is pretty impressive
Not really considering they pulled the usual numbers(world was not usual at all, that was the normie support) with a potential user base of >140M consoles
>it's been two or three games in a row where they sell more in the west
World is the only game that sold more in the west. In fact the previous best selling title was exclusive to Japan.
Because that's what you're implying. Capcom gave all MH games only to Nintendo for 7 years but that doesn't count because they're also supporting other platforms with more mainstream games.
You've had your fair share of MH games because Iwata paid for it, but now he's dead. Deal with it.
Because he was supposed to be in World but got cut, and has to wait for the next game now
I agree, 4U was better
GU can go fuck itself though
cry more you weak faggot
>Capcom would have to actively dowgrade a lot of World's assets so much so that putting the game back on consoles would look below standard?
Is there seriously anyone here who thinks mhw graphics are cutting edge?
Also capcom has a boner with fucking with switch users it seems, if they ever release another mh it will be a port after 3 years or some cloud shit
>Because that's what you're implying
No one said or implied anything like that.
Why is it not 60fps on base PS4 then?
/mhg/ existed for ages but discussion here only went to shit within the last year or so.
>tfw playing the game at sub 30 fps on original xbone
Why the fuck is the pc version so behind?
Yes dude, read the whole thing, they even clarify that shipping is not the same as sales 5 lines below
Because the ps4 sucks ass.
So by extension the Switch sucks ass and Capcom would have to actively downgrade a lot of World's assets to make a Switch MH game, which can be on console to regain back all the original graphical fidelity. And 3 posts were wasted just to reiterate this point.
>So by extension the Switch sucks ass
You'd have a point if the switch weren't as bad as the ps4, the thing can't even handle its own store and home screen without lagging or even crashing.
It practically kills itself playing anything beyond an indie game.
Not him but ironically the ps4 isn't optimised for games.
That's why most multiplats on switch outsell the other versions?
So is the Switch.
Name one.
Careful now, he'll post the sales pasta with games released years apart.
>So is the Switch.
user, the switch is only optimized for gaming.
How does it do that?
Why does it ask for a fucking 1070 to play on recommended setting when games with bigger zones and better graphics ask for less?
MHW is CPU heavy. Monsters and endemic life go through their cycles whether you are looking at them or not.
Sounds like Capcom can't optimize for PC. I wonder how they can optimize for Switch then...
>Name one.
Not him but Sonic Mania.
>Sounds like Capcom can't optimize for PC
They can't optimize for any system which is why the worst version is the ps4 version.
I hope 700 dollars is enough for a gaming pc to run world
Im hoping Ill have run through all of the high rank and G rank quests in Generations Ultimate before I get the funds i need. Probably play World off and on while i complete my backlog. Maybe itll be like when I first got 4u
I don't get it. You just said you need some crazy graphics card to play it on PC. How can PS4 achieved that with way way less and still be the most unoptimized?
>best selling
>when almost everyone who wanted it pirated because of denuvo and the delay
user, don't you have google?
Witcher is on Switch? Anyway it's graphically impressive because it can't run 60fps on the base PS4. Meaning it's relatively too impressive for the Switch.
Any MH game before 3 is complete ass and you should feel bad for supporting it
Google for me I'm dumb.
You're just giving him the reason dumb fag
>How can PS4 achieved that with way way less
Because it can't? The game can drop frames into the teens regularly with the pro being unable to even reach a stable 45fps
>"I-I-It's gonna sell like shit
>Game sells like hotcakes
>"N-Not good anyway"
>Everyone have the consensus that it's a good game
when is Yea Forums gonna learn?
When you stop taking the bait obviously.
But with far less power
Were you dropped on the head as a baby or something?
Remember we're talking about the people who locked the generations ultimate port at 30 fps on switch and said it was because "60 fps would be game breaking when you do cross play with the 3ds"
They're a bunch of lazy hacks
I'm not really talking about obvious bait like OP most MH threads start like this anyway, I'm talking about anons like this
It's just started to sink in for me that we probably won't see another mh game on nintendo probably ever. Why would they ever go back to making a game where they need to limit design scope just to make sure its functional, on a platform where its latest entry sold around 2 mil copies. When they can put it on ps/xbox/pc and get 20mil+ copies every time they release a base+expansion.
I can't believe mh is never coming back to nintendo, idk how to cope with this.
one setting: volumetric rendering
turn it off and the game looks better and runs on toasters.
What's wrong with that? All things considered it was pretty reasonable.
>person who made a statement based on MH sales history eats his own words from MHW finally bucking the trend
Dude, even Ryozo was worried World wouldn't sell well because it wasn't portable.
Why does Frontier have to die though
Despite all the memes parroted by people that never played it, there were some good monsters that will never be playable again unless they get released in another game
And even if they wanted a new switch game it would just be world lite. PS2 jank era is over for good.
You're trying too hard listfag
cope by buying a nice PC and experiencing the best and most comfy iteration of monster hunter ever.
Frontier 2 obviously.
Who said that?
There's been like a billion rereleases of Frontier though and they always just tie it in to the existing game. Seems like a weird move to actually kill it.
Unless this means they will finally change the base of the game into 3rd-4th gen or X style.
That's not someone going "b-but it won't sell" that's someone taking the facts and mh's previous console performance into account to come to a conclusion.
You'd have a point if it were like that user saying he would kill himself if splatoon sold well but that's not the case.
>It's still Monster Hunter despite
I mean, I've been playing since Freedom Unite and didn't like World much at all because it doesn't feel like Monster Hunter. I don't hate it, but its probably my least favourite yet in the franchise.
Quads of truth
Get dabbed nintendocucks
You mean World. When Frontier first came out, it was based on Dos which came out just a year earlier.
I could see them doing that at this point.
I think the problem I have lies in two major things.
Monsters don't really acknowledge you unless you hit them.
The lacklustre music.
That said the one thing I miss the most are the anime and good game crossover sets
I'm not a huge fan of the visual clutter either.
I think a lot of aspects of the game were better left gamified and abstracted rather than having to be so cluttered with spectacle.
Gathering in particular I feel has been affected, I'm not too bothered by zones being removed, but its a lot harder to tell at a glance what each area has available. The minimap has icons, but last time I played it was an absolute cluster fuck. Made it really annoying to go mining and shit compared to old games where you could tell within two seconds what gathering points and monsters were in that zone.
Has anyone found what ??? Item you need or Zinogres lvl 12 weapon?? Seems to be a guiding lands bone.
How will doomposters cope when the day of the PC comes?
>compared to old games where you could tell within two seconds what gathering points and monsters were in that zone.
Well, every gen 3 and 4 game. FU was a nightmare in that regard.
Gathering is much better in world just because you don't spend a whole minute at one node, and you don't need the map to know where shit spawns, once you've walked around the map once you just know
There are no doomposters you idiot.
don't even pretend that those sales weren't from sony riding on nintendo monster hunter's fame by bringing back nintendo monsters again
>bringing back nintendo monsters again
>and you don't need the map to know where shit spawns
You needed the map for that and how did it take you a minute anyway when gathering at a single spot takes half the time? You can cut it down even further with a gathering set.
The sad part is that people will think he is a Nintendofag and perpetuate his shitposting further.
Capcom doesn't want to compete with nintendo games, the switch only deserves ports for them
>Capcom doesn't want to compete with nintendo games
If they didn't then they wouldn't release games period but the reality is they want the sales they had from them last gen but don't want to put money into it.