Why does this anger people so much?

Why does this anger people so much?

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Because it's not good and it focuses too much on referencing previous games.

Actually this faggot is the perfect example. Kojimbles gives no fucks about attracting new players to his series. He wrote and directed the game with longtime fans in mind and people that don't pick up on the subtle nots get butt blasted.

Because its exclusive

it was ps3 exclusive on release and ps3 had no games, so it had to be hated

Yes, it's not perfect, it can be goofy, but i think it does pretty alright job of tying up all of the story bullshit from all of the games in series. It's also an amazing emotional ride, "lore" content might be good or bad depending on your tastes, but if you haven't shed a tear at any point in the game, you're not human

supposedly, it can be emulated on rpcs3 now

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>tfw dropped metal gear solid all together because that game never came out on 360 or PC

They could just straight cut a ton and the game would be better.

People on this zoomers filled board shit on it because MGS5 ended with a whimper. So they are mad they weren't there for the best final conclusion the MGS saga could ever dream to have since they couldn't catch up to the series until now (It's like missing your first and last kiss for your miserable life).

So now they made it their mission to shit on it for every opportunity they have....

cope, dilate, and have sex.

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It was a PS3 exclusive so many people didnt get to play it and got angry and say its bad anyway.

Based. The MGS4 ended great. Shouldve stayed as the final entry.

I actually kinda liked playing the first mission from time to time. It's a cool stage. Even in MGSV, which literally takes place in a war between the Soviets and Islamic military groups, you never actually run into a situation where you have to sneak around a live battlefield.

It's just a shame about Europe and Outer Haven. Also what they did with Shadow Moses was bullshit. Fuck robots.

>If you haven't shed a year at any point
I've never played another game that made me watch the struggle, downfall, and death of a character I was so attached to.

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Yea Forums contrarian attitude. MGS4 is a masterpiece, people want to just hate what’s good, and bandwagon over mediocrity.

enemies just stand around in a supposed "warzone" I'm Africa and Afghanistan. You almost never see 2 groups of NPCs get into a battle.
Right of the bat you have to sneak through an active battleground of an ongoing conflict.
4 did such a better job with the set pieces and sound design to immerse you in an actual war.

>the mudslimes are skeptical of Snake at first
>if you successfully defeat the PMC soldiers without hurting the mudlsimes they eventually thank you and you can go through their base without having to wory about them shooting you
That was pretty great. Would have been amazing if it that element was fleshed out in MGSV, allowing you to literally play both sides of the conflict in Afghanistan.

You don't even have to defeat them. As long as you firmly show that you're against the PMCs and take a couple of them down, they'll love you. Snake is basically the best soldier there. The local militia can't handle the PMCs and are pretty much losing the battle, so any interference can pretty much turn the tide completely.

Mgs v isnt in an active warzone, it's in Soviet controlled territory, at most you'd have rebels, but they get crushed by the skulls.

I remember thinking this was a 10/10 masterpiece. I honestly don't remember anything about the game.

>1980's Afghanistan isnt an active warzone

I half love it half hate it.
There's something unmistakably unique about it with everything in its presentation. It was the first AAA game to really feel like an AAA game to me.

However they raped the lore of the series, Big Boss coming back was stupid, Ocelot's plan was beyond stupid and the gameplay wasn't great. But it was definitely emotional, and the first chapter is pure fucking kino all around.

If only Shadow Moses was patrolled by FROGs rather than robots.

The PS3 in 2008 was such a weird console. It was trying to balance between being a multimedia system while also trying to attract casual and hardcore. The ads were creepy, the marketing was alien and strange, and the 599 price point was still a huge turn off. MGS4 was the perfect weird game for such a weird console. You really have to put yourself back in 2008 when you replay it and just take in how strange and gimmick filled the game really is. The sixaxis motion controller shit, the first big game to feature the dualshock 3's new vibration, the 4th wall breaks about being on bluray, and the dumb smoke breaks in between acts.

I pop MGS4 back in to be transported to another time and it always makes me feel nostalgic for the time the industry was going through its weird growing pains when transitioning to the HD era of games. It's a perfect time capsule.

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>They had a fucking giant walking robot, a telepathic kid with a fire monster body guard, and 3 units of super human zombie men in the actual 1980s Afghanistan
I swear, some of you try way too hard to be retarded.

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Because if you understand storytelling, plot pacing, and character development at even the most elementary level you realize the game falls apart under its own weight.
>Remember, willful ignorance is still ignorance.

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Are you retarded? MGS has always been about real life with secret stuff going on that the public never knew about. Also in 1984, when MGSV takes place, was the last year the Soviets were winning the war. Kojima could have easily added the Soviet Afghan War to the game and used the defeat of Skull Face and removal of his army and Sally as a turning point for the war.

For me there was too much of an effort to tie everything together

Not to sound like a MGSV dick rider, because I honestly hate the story in the game.
But I think over the series Kojima has been trying to distance himself from the typical "Russians always bad" perspective. But ya, if he did add the war he could give it perspective, but then it would just shit to "towel heads always bad."
The boogiemen of the 20th century is played out, so I hope people begin to realize they are being played IRL.
So my theory is that Kojima did want to continue perpetuating that.
>or he was just too busy deving a game for 5 years and still didnt finish it, what a fucking retard.

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if they stopped the game right after you see snake put the gun in his mouth, then you hear the gunshot, cut to black. It would have been 50% better.

That's the problem. It answers questions that weren't even asked in the first place.

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geeze with mental gymnastics like that you must have taken home the gold on multiple occasions. seriously, thats some Olympian level reasoning right there

mgs4s ending is the biggest pussout in vidya ive ever seen. that alone makes it hard to decide whether 4 is worse or V

Nah, the game goes to shit really from the start, but especially from Act 3 onward.
The set up is goofy, but could have been redeemed in the end.
But once Act 3 hits things just go pure autismo, characters act out of their character, recots out the ass, shitty cutscenes that don't convey much, pointless deaths that go unexplained, plot goes haywire.
I honestly question anyone who thinks it is a good game, story-wise.

I personally feel as time goes on, V is much better than 4. At least with V, even if the story is shitty, you have the FOX engine to fuck around in.
MGS4 feels like a chore.

They tried to make it both the sequel to MGS and MGS2 and because of all the pointless plotline "connect the dots"
>BB is in the van just kidding it's Solidus just kidding BB is alive lol also EVA is Snake's mom for apparent reason

I heard that mgs4 had a pretty decent gameplay actually

It's a garbage moviegame that only Kojimadrones and low IQ weebs like to call a masterpiece.

It's an evolution of MGS3 but you don't get much chance to actually play it. A remake of 3 with 4's gameplay would be great.

>Are you retarded? MGS has always been about real life with secret stuff going on that the public never knew about
You mean like the entire point of my post? The fact that you're in a heavy Soviet controlled part of Afghanistan where they're doing a fucking scorched Earth campaign, and unlike real life, have 3 units of super humans, American special forces dudes conducting research nearby, and a giant walking robot, and fire demon guy and his gay kid sidekick? The game literally has a notice for retards like you that it's an alternative look at real life historical events.

Well it depends what you mean by decent. It is the first departure from the tradition mechanics that are found prominently in MGS2 and MGS3.
I fall in the the classic camp, so I don't like the direction that MGS4 and V went as far as the gameplay is concerned.
But if you're into that or had complaints with the more classic MGS mechanics then yes, MGS4 would be better for you.

good controls. shitty maps

I'm still mad that there was no "VR Missions" version of MGS3
I don't care if VR doesn't exist yet. Make it a fucking jungle gym with rope bridges. Inexcusable.

I loved that game so much

>too many bullshit cutscenes
>garbage plot
>second half was on-the-rails
>gameplay was a downgrade from MGS3
It’s the RE6 of Metal Gear

It feels incredibly disjointed. It's always as if you're playing a pre-release demo, every single level is limited in some way. But then they go fucking ham for set-pieces and cutscenes. It's no good.

It's easy to see what they were trying to do with the Gekko but the play area wasn't large enough.
They were going to have the underground route through the comm towers originally, but cut it. IMO they should have cut the tank hangar and left in the route they had over a frozen lake being patrolled by Gekko.
Most of that act should have been topside over the frozen terrain against the bipeds

The thing with robots is that they don't really give you much leeway. I don't mind if they're used as makeshift security cameras but it's just not as interesting. There's no convenient way to destroy all of them so you can look around at your leisure either since they respawn infinitely.

>snake had a hard life
>he needs some time to rest

For the first two acts, then it goes to shit

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Suda's favorite MGS is 4

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and another kicker about Act 4, they expanded the maintenance base and put in a new floor to replace the freight elevator rides.
Had they more time or resources, they should have made that act open linear and freely explorable, expanding the base to show off new areas and buildings, any excuse to pack in more gameplay.

If they could cut the tank hangar or leave it as a hidden easter egg -- when you walk into the storage building, you can see they expanded the space and added more scenery in the background behind a closed door.
Instead of shadowing the exact route in MGS 1 -- if they had to keep the same buildings in -- it would have been better to design new routes that use those new areas to get more out of the base in a new way.
They were probably pressed for time but then they also ran out of disc space allegedly and didn't want the game split over multiple blu-rays.

It's better than V. It has its own vision and feels like a complete video game even if it is terribly paced and too indulgent.

I bought a PS3 for this fucking game as the amazing first games and it was just a bad third person shooter

I did the same thing and I don't regret a single penny. It was $550 +tax

That's kinda why I want a remake of 4. Out of all the MGS games I think it has the most to gain from something like that.

I loved the in-game podcast hosted by some of the devs and they would guide you to secret easter eggs and show you things you might have missed. There was so much little hidden things in the game that I loved finding. Shame that there is nothing like that in TPP.

3 = 2 > 1 > PW > V > 4
You know I'm right.

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I love MGS4. The final boss is the greatest thing ever.

Because poorfags parents couldnt afford a $600 console
so they had to find excuses to cope

>octocamo colletable textures
>integral podcasts
>ipod includes old MGS music
>tornado rifle
>Crying Octopus fight
>shaking the controller to jiggle Rose's tits during codec calls
>comfy Noir act 3 sneaking section
>act 4 nostalgia
>using the Mk3 to shock dudes and seeing Snake controller it with a ps3 controller
>the gun porn

This game gave me one of the best online experiences I've ever had the fortune of participating in.

So? That's just MGS4 in its original state. I want an enhanced remake with a fixed Mission 3 and 4 and more added shit. Maybe an extra mission in-between somewhere.

My first ever Yea Forums memory is the MGS4 launch threads

God im old

I forgot about that. Shits great. Did 4 support widescreen?

From a gameplay perspective, I think it was the smoothest and least time-affected if that makes sense. Having a free camera really sets it apart from 3.

4 is worse. At least V has the greatest stealth gameplay in the industry.

how is PW better than V? Does an anime showdown against a girl in a bikini in a giant robot sound better than a game with actual good gameplay to you?

Also PO > PW

it needed like 3x the gameplay and also should have removed the on-rails sections

then it would have been a great game

>PO > PW
just... just lol

Drebin was such a weird character. I’m surprised Kojima didn’t ruin him in future games by giving him a dumb back story or that he’s connected to someone else in the franchise’s past.

well obviously the gameplay is worse except for the stupid grinding in PW

but the story is way better and i prefer human-like enemies in MGS

Same. I don't know how I could have so many fond memories of MGO2 when the community was so shitty but nothing else has filled the void it left.

he's Sigint's long lost son

I kind of agree with But then again I don't really care for PW or V that much, so they are about equal as far as my interest in them.

PTSD from the Second Console Wars.

Oh boy... this thing, it had to make EVERYTHING connected, no matter how asinine. That's pretty much its biggest flaw, as well as I guess just shooting Snake in the foot so he couldn't be in any future games. Also mostly everything is nano-machines including Vamp's vampirism(minus like a few ghost things like liquid snake arm and Psycho mantis).

that sexy fox engine and good gameplay in V though

go drink some bleach, shit for brains

It is fun, but not good by MGS standards.
If it were part of another serious it would have been received better.
But having the "MGS" label means it is fair to compare it to the others.
But still ya, mindless FOX engine fun regardless. Even if it isn't very "Metal Gear" at all.

1 > 3 > 2 > 4 > PW > GZ > PP.

My nig, PO is pretty great.

This. And thank you /thread

more like so in the player's face that it breaks fitting into any coherent story and becomes a giant mess of fan service and recons.
And no it's not some "big brained" plot. It's a mile wide, but an inch deep.

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Only problem i have with 4 is the ending, Snake should just killed himself, Big Boss appearing out of nowhere and going "LOL nothing in this game was true LMAO" was such a bullshit move.

i completely agree with this.
i dont think mgs4 is bad, but there is way too much shit crammed in that makes no sense.
mgs4 had no chance at creating a story that makes sense, because mgs2 was supposed to be the last one and mgs2 doesnt make sense story-wise. so much shit in mgs2 is unexplainable and it was supposed to be like that.
also turning the mgs3 radio team into "villains" doesnt feel right to me.

The most disappointing game I ever played. I was always under the impression that the levels were way better than they ended up being to.

It manages to retroactively make the story of every previous game complete garbage. The gameplay loop is well designed but not given extended environments to make a fun game. Also 9 hours of cutscenes. I just pretend this game doesn't exist when I replay other MGS games.

>but i think it does pretty alright job of tying up all of the story bullshit from all of the games in series
It does a disastrous job of tying up all of the story bullshit that didn't need any tying up. I don't need to be explained why Fury's fireball head is chasing Snake after Fury dies or who really are the patriots. The possibilities are more interesting to entertain than anything explicit. If you need a concrete director's explanation for everything you are a retard.

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First MGS solid I played and I enjoyed it

MGS4 just tries too hard to answer questions that didn't need answering, like Kojima was desperately trying to please fans who wanted to know what happened after 2 even though 2 ended well enough on its own
This is opposed to MGS5, which answered nothing and feels strangely disconnected from the world of Metal Gear as a whole.

As far as I'm concerned it is one of the most enjoyable one-off experiences I've ever had with a game. It was pretty much an 18 hour long climax and epilogue to everything in the past 3 games. Metal Gear has always been dumb as fuck so all of the goofy stuff fit in perfectly.

I really liked the gameplay in MGSV but the story was a massive disappointment. Skull Face's plan and all the Sapir-Whorf stuff he talked about was a legitimately great idea for a villain, but you could tell the whole thing was half finished. Also the recycled meta plot twist from MGS2 was just lame.

IDK how Kojima write the cursed arm plotline and nobody called him out or advised him that it was a terrible idea.

Same thing for the plot of MGS5. Surely somebody employed at Kojima studios or Konami saw all of the gaping plot holes in that game.

>Also the recycled meta plot twist from MGS2 was just lame.
You mean the Raiden VR thing?

No, it's just bad

>Metal Gear has always been dumb as fuck
I read that constantly, but the dumb shit only started with MGS4. Yes, the game has always been goofy at times, but I wouldn't say it was dumb. The storys from 1 and 3 are very straightforward and easy to understand.
MGS2 makes no sense storywise, but that's because they wanted it that way. The story was never meant to make sense, they wanted people to look at the meta story.
MGS4 is the first entry, which seriously tried to explain things, took itself too seriously, and ended in the disaster it is today. I say disaster, but I still love the game, I just think they could have handled the game way better. But it was a hard task, because it wasn't even supposed to exist.

>retard explaining retards shits
Why does mgs attract so much pseudo retards

the scene where snake drops his cigarette and tries to look up naomi's skirt was the best

games dont have that kind of playful cheeky stuff, not even mgs series.

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why did 4 feel so much like a cartoon all of a sudden, and then 5 veered back into edge-cutting edgy seriousness and silence and absolute statements?

Literally only because its a PS3 exclusive, every other MGS has twice the non-game time than actual gametime yet no one else complains about the lack of gameplay in MGS1 or how most of MGS3 is menu surfing and micromanagement and the entire last part of the game was some shitty on rails section.
MGO2 was peak MGS multiplayer and MGS4 had the most advanced combat and control scheme.
All MGS4 Needs is a re-release with more content, VR missions, online multiplayer to work again and to be available on PC and PS4

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It's too good

it's a bitter auteur trying to please lorefags and be done with the franchise. except it's all just conclusive on the surface level, hinting at some serious contempt for the playerbase. and despite that, it's still self-indulgent, bloated and excruciatingly boring.

What other game has 9 hours of non-game?

MGS4 is over-indulgent. Like way too over-indulgent.

>like 5 installs (later patched out)
>weird unskippable TV segments at the beginning
>obnoxious cooking eggs/Act transitions
>long ass expository segments on the Nomad between acts
>Snake has access to like a thousand guns and can buy ammo whenever he wants
>act ending/Nomad cutscene/act opening cutscene means the player goes a long time without actually playing the game
>the sheer number of cutscenes
>"nanomachines", everything is connected!

Those early trailers of MGS4 promised Snake on a battlefield where he had very limited resources (I'll take what I can get") and had to customize his weapons to best match his situation. Honestly, The Last of Us is the closest to how I imagined MGS4 was going to play. Watching your resources, avoiding confrontation when possible, and improvising to overcome your enemies.

I can't say much about the story that hasn't already been said. Retcons out of the ass and unnecessary/convoluted story revelations. Looking back, I don't know what I expected though. The early concept art released at E3 2005 seemed to hint that it was following through with the promise of rescuing Olga's child (Raiden is seen holding an infant in the concept art).

>downgrade in gameplay from MGS3
Ah yes, how much worse MGS4 did to the MGS series by NOT making you surf menus all the time and giving you a camera that isnt fucking dogshit,
DAILY REMINDER that the original MGS3 was a fucking shit game and the camera was so bad they had to implement a totally different one to make the game playable in the re-release

3 > 2 > 1 > V > 4 > PW

Mgs4 had gameplay?

every MGS game, except for the spinoffs and MGSV
combine the codec calls and cutscenes from every other MGS game and you get times close or even longer than MGS4s 9 hours

People dislike 4 because it has a sad ending. Snake gets cucked and dies. Wow great work Kojimbo no wonder you got fucking fired faggot.

Clone snake was a piece of shit anyway. Boss should have won.

MGS3 had gameplay?
>long as cutscene
>walk through basic guards to get to the objective
>another long ass cutscene
>followed by another boring walking section with easily avoidable enemies
>menu surfs for an hour
>cries about the boss for years on end despite her being a mary sue
woah.... its like im actually playing the game!!!

It had a lot more than 4

What difficulty have you played it on?

most advanced combat and control scheme? what about 5?

like what? please describe all those gameplay elements to me

And the story in 3 isn't retarded

>and the entire last part of the game was some shitty on rails section.
Except that's basically all of MGS4 after act 2.

Maybe the fact that there's more of it lol. Everything you said bad about three could easily apply to 4 except 4 also has a bunch of tedious bullshit like chapter 3 and nano bot shadow Moses, on top of the wretched cutscenes which are good in 3

I don't know, the metal gear fanbase is collectively convinced that the mechs in PW are more advanced than stuff that was shown in the main series even though they are bigger, clunkier and do not allow for a human pilot
That's as dumb as saying that rotary phones are more advanced than flipphones because they are bigger and look more mechanically complex, the fact that this is just an accepted fact in the metal gear community says a lot about how fucking stupid they are
Even funnier is that nobody who points that out ever notices that in PW's timeline MSF goes from a shack in the rainforest to having its own navy in two weeks

>the story in 3 isnt retarded
>literally some james bond ripoff with shitty bosses that snake doesnt interact with
>the boss was only pretending to be retarded and pretending to defect to the soviets!!!
who cares about story in a fucking GAME


MGS4 has the most gameplay out of all MGS games

Yes the problem with 4s story is that it is objectively brought down by bloated filler, not just due to some personal appraisal. You sound butthurt

>bloated filler
such as?

what about 5? does that game with more gameplay than cutscenes not exist to you?

It has some of the highest highs and lowest lows of the series. Act 3 is pure trash, and Act 5 way to little gameplay but overall I love it if only for Act 2 and 4 which are kick ass start to finish(Rex vs Ray) and the final fightfight, and reveal at the end.

Its better than MGS V

>MGS4 has the most gameplay out of all MGS games
In the "deep as an ocean wide as a puddle" sense

Who are you replying to?
Of course those sections suck, but every other MGS game has it worse than MGS3 and MGS4 has it worst of all
Fucking every level in all of Act 3, 4 and 5 is either a scripted setpiece with shallow contextual gameplay or a linear corridor. Acts 1 and 2 are the only occasions you actually get to enjoy the strong basic mechanics.

Cut all the cutscenes where the characters are literally standing around doing nothing for starters

>reused missions = more gameplay
"no" PW has more gameplay than MGSV



>Cut all the cutscenes where the characters are literally standing around doing nothing for starters
so for every MGS game?

The MGS3 bike chase is kino you unmitigated pleb

>the bike chase is good when MGS3 does it but not when MGS4 does it!!

>so for every MGS game?
No actually, the first three games have great cutscenes. 4 has some good stuff too, but there's so many scenes that are lousy with poor pacing and redundancy

Yeah because Mgs4 fucked it up



reused missions aside, MGSV still has more quality gameplay. does grinding for good enough weapons to kill ZEKE and Peace Walker sound good to you?

besides, MGSV has the best gameplay mechanics of any stealth game ever made so even if it has less, it's quality over quantity

Laughing Octopus
Crying Wolf
Rex vs Ray
Solid vs Ocelot

Say what you want but this game has some of the best boss fights in the series. Go back and play MGS2, the boss fights are so shit.

aside from rex vs ray and snake vs ocelot (the latter is mostly for cinematics), i don't see how MGS4 has superior boss fights.

i don't think laughing octopus or crying wolf were better than Vamp or the Harrier, or even Solidus' sword battle.

MGSV has inherently inferior gameplay mechanics than MGS4

are you just gonna say that without explaining? it's generally agreed in the community and online (even by people like Super Bunnyhop) that V has the best mechanics in the series.

so could you explain your position?

Son, you don't want to play this game.

>weird unskippable future commercials
Act 1
>long ass intro
>player has control of snake, takes 10 steps
>another cutscene
>player plays some
>"I'm Drebin, here's the state of the world in a long ass cutscene"
>player plays some
>long ass cutscene. End of Act 1
Act 2
>long ass nomad expository cutscene
>act opening cutscene
>some gameplay
>boss fight against Octopussy
>trail Naomi
>on the rails segment against Gekko
Act 3
>Nomad long ass expository cutscene
>act opening
>slow ass tailing segment
>"Snake, call me Big Mama. Also retcons out the ass"
>on the rails shooter
>boss fight against Raven
>super long cutscene with finger guns Ocelot. End of Act 3
Act 4
>long ass Nomad expository cutscene
>Act 4 starts, unskippable MGS1 gameplay
>long opening cutscene
>gamplay, shadow moses nolstagia
>boss fight
>Vamp boss fight
>kill these gekko
>on the rails REX segment
>long ass act closing cutscene
Act 5
>expository cutscene on the Missouri
>very brief gameplay segment where you sneak across Outer Haven
>boss fight against Mantis 2.0
>press O in microwave tunnel
>long ass cutscene
>two old men beat the shit out of each other
>long ass ending, Snake dies
>just kidding, another long ass cutscene with retcons


lol you must have been mad as fuck to write all that shit out

i don't like superbunnyhop, but he's a huge "everything other than 1-3 is shit" person, so that's why i mentioned him

can you explain how 4 has better gameplay mechanics than V now?

Fuck off, tourist.


are you going to keep deflecting and being overly focused on one thing i said or are you actually going to explain why you think gameplay in 4 is better than 5?

>implying anyone would want to visit this reddit infested newfag shithole
beat it newfag, 4cuck hasnt been good since 2010 and you electionfags are raping its decrepit corpse

First MGS they played (new generation of kids) and they didnt understand anything.

I dont "think" MGS4 has better gameplay than V, its a FACT that it has better gameplay
>calling MGSV, MGS5
atleast know what the game is called before trying to defend it retard, it isnt 5 its V for Venom

>First MGS they played (new generation of kids) and they didnt understand anything.
you mean MGS3?

>Literally ignores the rest of the post
Bad faith arguing, typical of an MGS4fag

Dilate MGS3 tranny

I wasn't aware it was a fact. What about 4 exactly would you say makes it factual that it has better gameplay than 5? I'm small brain, please explain to me in-depth or I won't understand your position, daddy.

Yeah it's V for Venom, I don't give a shit, I said 5 and you knew what I meant.

>lashing out THIS hard
yeah i knew that you meant that you know nothing of the game you try to defend and have never played MGS4

Cope harder lmao, 4 needed an editor to its cutscenes bad

>still mad the game never came to xbox

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Rex v ray was pretty mindless too

If it's a fact then you should be able to prove it without all this faggotry

No, I'm mad I bought a ps4 for it (not really though the BC is dope)

I've played the entire series last fall. Explain your opinion though, how does 4 have better core mechanics?

P.S. : i bet you wish Johnny shat on you considering how often it's depicted in the game.

V has a box but 4 has a box and a barrel, case closed

>Why does this anger people so much?

There is A LOT of cutscenes.
MGS2 fans hate it because it gives needed closure to it's unfinished story and that it "ruined" Raiden
MGS3 fans hate it because their loveable characters turned out to be the big badguys of the series
PS3 exclusive

You didn't understand MGS2

It really did

>You didn't understand MGS2

I understood enough. I also understood that the Patriots and Ocelot needed to be stopped.

the MGS fanabse as a whole will disagree with you on that

nice midwit cope

In MGS4 Raiden:
-turns into depressed alcoholic
- is led to believe that Rose miscarried
-gets cucked by Campbell
-gets turned into cyborg
-gets BTFO by Vamp, spends the entire third act dying of blood loss
-cuts his own arm off, gets squashed by a submarine
That is just disrespectful to his character

You win.

>-gets c****ed by Campbell

did you even play the game? That was also part of the like to protect Raiden's kid from the AI network

>soviet-afghan war
>no afghans whatsoever in afghanistan

Kojima got lazy as fuck m8

1. Yes I did
2. Raiden still got cucked, doesn't matter if it was some ebin plan to fool the AIs

Doesn't anger me. I like 4. There is a lot of garbage in it, but there is so much good stuff it balances out.
>Act 1 and Act 2 are incredibly fun warzones to sneak around or shoot up.
>Act 4 was cool thematically, sneaking around robots was a change of base and made you play differently, and had a phenomenal boss.
>Actually every boss fight was fun as fuck
>The entirety of the final boss.
>game was gunporn, and even had gun del sol
>Pretty good mechanics and gamefeel.

besides, you can skip all the cutscenes.

Have sex

As a game V was the best. As a story, it was as shit as IV.
1 has the most balanced gameplay and story ratio in terms of both quantity and quality. Everything after that is a schizophrenic mess with variable degree of enjoyability (Kojimbo never wanted sequels, but Konami and the fans sort of forced him for almost 20 years. It shows.)

From the MGS forums. Phantom Pain is missing but it still proves you wrong.

Total play time = 11h 32m (692 minutes)
Gameplay = 8h 17 m (497 minutes)
Cutscenes = 3h 15m (195 minutes)

Gameplay/Cutscene = 2.5487
Cutscene Proportion = 28%

Total play time = 13h 08m (788 minutes)
Gameplay = 7h 44m (464 minutes)
Cutscenes = 5h 24m, (324 minutes)

Gameplay/Cutscene = 1.4321
Cutscene Proportion = 41%

Total play time = 16h 11m (971 minutes)
Gameplay = 11h 13m (673 minutes)
Cutscenes = 4h 58m (298 minutes)

Gameplay/Cutscene = 2.2584
Cutscene Proportion = 31%

Total play time = 12h 36m (756 minutes)
Gameplay = 10h 39m (639 minutes)
Cutscenes = 1h 42m (102 minutes)

Gameplay/Cutscene = 6.2647
Cutscene Proportion = 13%

Total play time = 19h 27m (1,167 minutes)
Gameplay = 10h 59m (659 minutes)
Cutscenes = 8h 26m (508 minutes)

Gameplay/Cutscene = 1.2972
Cutscene Proportion = 44%

Total play time = 34h 08m (2,048 minutes)
Gameplay = 31h 11m (1,871 minutes)
Cutscenes = 2h 57m (177 minutes)

Gameplay/Cutscene = 10.5706
Cutscene Proportion = 9%

Obligatory video

lol cope

no it isn't

>Claims X is true
>X is proven to be false
>"lol cope"
Pic related are your metal skills

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>Meryl is alive, her ending is canon!
>but she broke up with Snake and marries the comedic relief pants shitting guy who’s actually a handsome anime husbando
>Snake you’re going to unleash a virus that will drive the human race to extinction you need to kill yourself to stop it
>lol actually you’re fine you’re still gonna die in a few months from old age though
>the B&B unit are the worst boss cast in the series with cookie cutter pretentious sob stories
>Act 3 as a whole
>Big Boss is still alive because nanomachines
>The Patriots are actually just your radio buddies from 3 instead of a mysterious all knowing all powerful organization
>The Patriots worship Big Boss and the war economy for some reason instead of having an interesting motivation about controlling information to stimulate human evolution(this is never mentioned again)
>The Patriots do nothing the entire game and just so happen to be deleted by the virus in the end
>Ocelot was just pretending to be retarded to trick the Patriots(even though he was working for them before and was a highly trusted operative)
Did I miss anything?

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1. It jumps the shark
2. People read for narrative rather than reading for meaning and subtext. If you just want to follow the plot of MGS2 and how it impacts 1 and 2, then you're going to be disappointed. If you close-read it, though, it has a lot of interesting things to say and the way it does it is pretty good, at least imo

MGS4 ended great until that fucking retarded speech by frankenstein-as Big Boss and the reveal that the support team formed the Patriots. Fucking hell, why couldn't they keep the identity of the Patriots' origins a mystery? We don't need to have the answers to everything and the reveal actually kind of dampens the impact of the Patriots in MGS2.

That's the point

>instead of having an interesting motivation about controlling information to stimulate human evolution(this is never mentioned again)

I knew their ending speech in MGS2 was bullshit and this is proof because MGS4 doesn't bring up that shit at all.

I love MGS4 as the cry of a tortured artist who's grown to despise his creation and his audience, but as video GAME it's not very fun to PLAY, and while I'm all for subversion and disappointing the audience as a narrative technique (I love David Lynch, the Last Jedi, s8 of Game of Thrones) but MGS4 story just isn't very well executed on a fundamental level.

Cutscenes are overlong and boring, the ideas and themes are conveyed through long, droning exposition and powerpoint presentations. There's some genuinely brilliant shit in there but most of it just falls flat because the cinematics don't have any of the energy or tight direction other games in the series do.

>The Patriots worship Big Boss and the war economy for some reason instead of having an interesting motivation about controlling information to stimulate human evolution(this is never mentioned again
This one baffles me the most, it doesn't even feel like the same person who wrote mgs 2 is the one that wrote 4.

no, you just didn't get it

>didnt include the codec calls

Can you elaborate, I feel like I'm a brainlet and missed something

It was retconned to be bullshit because everything needs to be connected to Big Boss

Only a couple of hours of actual gameplay and over half of Act 3 is basically just following someone around

Of course it did. I can't think of a PS3 game that didn't.

Hideo wrote 2 while Kojima wrote 4

No, you just don't get ME

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Not him, but a lot of Metal Gear fans are obsessed with the timeline and literal in-universe canon when Kojima has always been more interested in the subtext and themes of his stories.

Like, autists obsess over whether or not MGS2 "really happened" when Snake literally tells the player who gives a shit, it's all fiction nigga, the importance is what you took away from the experience and how you'll pass on what you felt and learned onto other people. Meanwhile a lot of the fans ignored all this, continued to scream BUT WHO ARE THE PATRIOTS??? and that upset Kojima so he made all the answers as deliberately unsatisfying as possible in MGS4.

fair enough

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the thing that triggers me the most is that Act 3 is the best map in the entire game and basically gives you an infinite sandbox map to fuck around with the game's systems, but the actual mission itself does absolutely nothing with it - all you do is follow some guy around and then do a car chase. It sucks.

you. I like you.

>Meanwhile a lot of the fans ignored all this, continued to scream BUT WHO ARE THE PATRIOTS???

because people still cared about unresolved plot elements after that mess of a meta narrative

>unresolved plot elements

the problem is that you think stories owe it to you to always tie everything up in a nice little bow.

What did you guys think of this video? youtube.com/watch?v=93-_r0w7ykI

desu it's a good summary of the closest thing to a general consensus that the hardcore MGS fanbase has on 4

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Cause its boring outside the afghanistan mission and the game is gun autism that only became amplified in MGS5 where theres more shit thrown at you then youll ever use and the absolute wank of cutscenes is wasted development. Just play MGS1 and 2 and forget the rest of this shit overrated series. Or hell get yakuza 4 and 5 and play a better PS3 exclusive altogether. Do we have to argue about this shit every other week?

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>not playing 3


It's kino and the best take on MGS4. He thoroughly understands Kojima as a writer and what he was trying to accomplish with MGS4 without apologizing for its shortcomings and (many) flaws.

if it was a small, minor, thing then I would not mind.

But when MGS'2 unresolved plot elements are:
A shadow organization is set out to take over the world
Ocelot has a giant ass robot and is out there

that is a pretty fucking big deal

It's fucking kino

No, you just didn't get it

>A shadow organization is set out to take over the world

that you thought we needed to beat up the internet and memes themselves in a boss fight is exactly why we got MGS4 and why the Patriots reveal was so unsatisfying

I guess that would explain why peace walker and v feel like straight up reboots to the series.

It would have been a fine ending for me
Snake and Raiden know who their real enemy is now and are going to take the fight to the Patriots you could guess where the story would go from there
It’s better to leave it to the imagination than what we got with 4


It came out in the worst possible time, when PS3 was a literal memeconsole bought by those wanted blu ray player. What the fuck do you think the NOGAMES came from it was a laugh stock for many many years how bad it was and also was the one which kickstarted the playstation brands downfall. You got these weird ass pseudo game who try their best to be a movie, but hey you can control the movie isn't that awesome?
On xbox pc and especially on Wii you got so many fucking games it was incredible. Then you got your PS3, whcih compared to PS2 is just straight up pathetic. It doesn't help either that this movie game was very mediocre, and not how this beloved character should have ended. But Kojimer wanted to kill him, so he made a B-tier movie, which happens to be controllable so he can forget about him and milk Big Boss' tits after how successful MGS3 was.

3 is overrated

>it kickstarted the PlayStation brand’s downfall

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>that you thought we needed to beat up the internet and memes themselves in a boss fight

I don't mean fighting their ideals/methods of control, I mean taking out the actual people involved with The Patriots.

Dumb retard MGS4 sucks because it shits on everything the first three games did and completely fucks over Snake.
The ending is the worst because Kojima tries to frame Big Boss selfishly giving himself closure as a "bittersweet ending" for Snake.

This nothing interesting happens until the last third
If you cut out everything between the prologue and Groznigrad you would lose absolutely nothing story wise

dumb zoomie, your POZstation is a fucking joke now since PS3. Exclusives which worth your time can be counted on one hand, even those have very questionable qualities. Because normalfags buy it it doesn't mean its good, the said normies are too stupid to install games on PC too so whatever. Also Sony as a whole is a jewed company now. This is like saying current Disney is good, because it sells.

lol keep seething the PS4 is the undisputed king right now the brand is stronger than ever

I liked the B&B Unit.
They were cute.

lol k

>muh dick over interesting developed characters

>We're not exactly what you would call human

There were never actual people involved with the Patriots.

Of all the disappointment in 4 you can't really blame the ending on Kojima. He had a different one in mind that supposedly was rejected by everyone else on the dev team.

Because Snake and Otacon surrendering and getting executed sounds like a better ending?

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>We're not exactly what you would call human

I wasn't buying that bullshit.
How could people who died over 100 years ago make an advanced AI?

It's more consistent with the themes of the series at least.

>some ecelebs 3 hour opinion
cant you fucks think for yourselves instead of parroting what others think? have any of you even played the game?

How? What themes?
The entire series has an anti war/anti nuke message with each game having their own unique theme(genes, memes, finding your own future, patriotism/duty, etc)
How do any of these tie into that ending?


because he said so

Hard to say without knowing how the actual scene plays out, but to me the idea sounded like the Boss' sacrifice all over again. Heroes seen as terrorists by others. 4's ending as it is is just a stretched out pat on the back and Here's to You was wasted.

>amplifies MGS' existing issue of pushing the meat of the gameplay to the side as the story escalates to an absurd degree
>all around miserable "please stop making me make these games" tone when MGS1's quirky action movie tone was one of the highlights of the game and MGS2 got away with being gritty by having an interesting thing to say here and there
>runs like absolutely dogshit because kojipro overestimated how powerful the PS3
>story is centered on closing a bunch of stupid loose ends that didn't have to be closed

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