What anime game are you the most hyped for? Code Vein? Atelier Ryza? Tales of Arise? Persona 5 Royal?

What anime game are you the most hyped for? Code Vein? Atelier Ryza? Tales of Arise? Persona 5 Royal?

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Probably Ryza.

they all look like crap

No More Heroes III

Says the fag buying Borderlands 3 lmao.

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borderlands is crap too

Reisalin game


This, and the Copen game.

Tales of Arise, Rune Factory 5.

Cute pic, I will be masturbating to it later.

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I wouldn't call it hype but I tried the Code Vein demo and liked it enough to get it when it comes out

What is Tomoko doing in this picture?

Does Sekrio count as a Weeb Game? I was hyped for it and when I got that shit I wasn't disappointed

Code Vein is the only one in that list. Atelier maybe but I never got into those games.

Not really Sekiro is as normalfag as it gets.

OP said anime games, not weeb games. And no, it doesn't count. It doesn't pander to weebs at all and the average normalfag could play through it and wouldn't cringe at anything

The remaster of the first Ni no Kuni game. Will finally be available on the PC.

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Samurai/ninja shit is pretty normalfag, just overexposed in comparison to shit like martial arts or clangsuit man

I was excited for Code Vein until I played the beta and then I decided I would just jack off to the art. I got Astral Chain and Daemon x Machina recently, haven't tried DxM yet but I like Astral Chain.
>you have to like garbage games such as borderlands to think that games like code vein and atelier are trash

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Daemon X Machina
After the PC version comes out


>that controller grip

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Ryza and Tales. Also Digimon Survive

I don't get hyped for video games anymore. Anime however, there's tons of shit that's finally near that i've been excited as fuck for. (yes sword art is one of them)

New Xeno games.

the only weebshit I play anymore is rhythm games and 2hu

and I'm awful at both.


Ys IX and I don't even know why. The game feels unpolished and party-based battle system isn't so satisfying compared to the old titles (OiF is still the best!).

The only thing saving the game is pic related at this point, cus I love 2h axe/hammer and I don't see that kind of character in a fucking while.

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Currently mostly Daemon X Machina, Gunvolt Chronicles and Code Vein. If rereleases count, then the Xenoblade remake and the MMZ/ZX collection as well.

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