Is there any goodness underneath all the Todd Howard "a settlement needs your help" muck...

Is there any goodness underneath all the Todd Howard "a settlement needs your help" muck? Is it worth playing for the map exploration/non-main quest related bits. Or should I just go back and replay Skyrim/New Vegas?

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Just wait for Fallout 4: New Vegas to release in 2025

No. play some other game on your backlog instead. have you played system shock 2?

Did a human type this thinking it was funny? Or was it a failing machine learning algo?

Did a human type this thinking it was funny? Or was it a failing machine learning algo?

the only fun i find in fallout 4 is building stuff. but first you gotta mod the game's shitty ai and building system.
the rest of the game is just what i would do if im bored as fuck or have a creativity block

It's ok it has some good mods now
It's definitely not good in the story department but there are definitely worse games out there like that peice of shit Bethesda just shat out that retards seem to like you know what it is I ain't saying it's name

Play Fallout 1 or 2

No. How many times do I have to tell you?

Fallout 4 is not an RPG.

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Nah, theres so many better games out there. Pass this one user, it never goes beyond a 5/10 even with mods

>Or should I just go back and replay Skyrim
If you liked that piece of shit you'll probably like F4 too.

Shut the fuck up with that already. I'm so tired of hearing it. You guys sound like broken records. You can polish a turd all you want but it's still a turd.

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Let me tell you something about women
something about women

Yeah women is a trip Uncle Funcle.


I'm sick of hearing PCretards talking about how x game is good after you add mods, it´s the most retarded shit I've ever heard, and this literally only happens with Bethesta games. With any other company modifying the developers original intent would be straight up insulting for the fans. But not Bethesta games, it just seems that not even Bethesta fanboys can stomach these atrocious games so they delude themselves into thinking that adding poorly coded trash that wasn't originally intended is a normal or even remotely acceptable practice. It´s fucking pathetic.

what's your POINT?

I honestly just liked the atmosphere. Everything else was tolerable.

Ohhh I see where this hate is coming from

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Funny, that's why I like Fallout 4.
Yeah I can see someone getting upset if they paid $60 and thought it was going to be a good successor to the franchise even though you'd have to be dumb to believe that in the first place but these days if you can pick it up cheap and know what you're getting into it's not so bad.

Why would anyone on here want anything good, you can't complain about that

You know what? Fix your fucking apostrophes. Fag

It's fun to explore and mod your weapons/armor and stuff.Try it for another 5-10 hours, see if you enjoy the little stories hidden in the world.

I liked the iron man power armor and some of the creature redesigns, but, garbage story aside, the game itself was just too bland and looked too cartoonish.So yeah, just go back to Vegas unless you intend to mod 4 as some survival game or a base defense simulator.

Yes. Exploring the wasteland feels better than it did it 3 and NV.

It's pretty alright for a one and done play through. The story is ass but the controls are okay and it's fun to shot the bad guys. Far harbor is a nice area to explore, the base overworld is nothing to write home about.

The best part of the game is the settlement building. OCDecorator mod is really fun to fuck around with.

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Yes, user.
You should go play, get bored after you've played for 80 hours, complain on Yea Forums that it wasn't as good as *Insert Fallout game here*, then end up playing it again later because it's already sunk it's claws into you and will never let go until the next proper one comes out.

It's because those games are actually just sandboxes that have some content already added in. They're ultimately designed for mods. Hell, the earlier titles literally shipped with the construction kit with them.

I like skyrim.
Leveling in fallout is weird

Remove Preston's essential status with console commands, then it's upgraded to a decent game. Unfortunately, you still have the poorly implemented Minecraft elements.

It's a shitty RPG and an even worse Fallout game, but it's a fun post-apocalyptic FPS and city builder.

It's a highly moddable arcade shooter. If you wanna lead an army of robots to destroy the brotherhood of steel, you can do that. If you wanna play post apocalyptic sim city, you can do that. If you wanna run a sex trafficking ring, you can do that. If you wanna engage yourself with an atmospheric, fleshed out world trying to recover from years of abuse, you'd be better off playing fallout 1.

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I like it for settlements, exploring and Far Harbor.
Plus it has a pretty good number of memorable and likable characters. Pretty much every companion not named Preston or fucking Strong are great.
I made a Preston containment cell at the Castle with powered doors and assigned him to a Pillory so he'd stay in there.