Grind the same area until level 98

>grind the same area until level 98

what games fix this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

the absolute state of america

kek more like thousands of wetbacks across the store am i right guys?

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Absolutely obsessed

>grinding at Walmart
yikes man, at least at Costco you dont want to kill yourself after half an hour on the clock

you do realize how financially illiterate you would have to be to end up in that situation though, right?

i love those green sugar cookies theyre so soft

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sekiro makes you get good at the games combat or you'll be stuck no matter what your level is

Plenty of senior citizens in America just want to work after they've retired. To think they're doing this to scrape by is fucking stupid.
Don is based and even without an arm and at the age 98, he probably has 10x the work ethic than your retarded-ass does.

I love those cute sock puppets

At least he's doing retail instead of fast food. Fast food is actual hell, retail is just garbage.

Even retired folks go back to work sometimes.

He probably just wants to socialize or something.

Some people would rather work for the rest of their lives than die at home or whenever doing absolutely jackshit.

He's probably retired and just doing this out of boredom you fucking retarded brainlets

>>grind the same area until level 98
he lost an arm on the endgame locations, he is obviously just chilling out on the starting area helping noobs.

>h-he just wants to do something after he retired
are boomers really that lacking in creativity? get a fun hobby like feeding the ducks

This, not to assume half of these neckbeard fucks know what the real world is like behind their limp dicks

He got to level 98 grinding a low level area, that's pretty impressive.

I don't get what the problem is.

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legitimately disgusting

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maybe he does that to stay active. people usually die few years after retirement because they stop all physical activity that is needed to keep your body functioning. working at walmart at 98 is like excercise and you get paid for it.

>being such a shallow, husk of an "individual" you don't even have hobbies and goals for after retirement, such that you think working at fucking wall-mart is the best way to "stay active"

This is actually how normies think. Amazing. truly amazing.

>Plenty of senior citizens in America just want to work after they've retired.

This. Some of them get bored and lonely.

thank you corporate america

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where the elderly are healthy and employed?
the horror

yes user feeding ducks is a replacement for social conversation and a people filled environment

>feeding the ducks

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I see you're from a country where literally nobody has jobs?

Shut the fuck up you smelly faggot, have you ever considered some people aren't lazy shitheads and just enjoy working?

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kids are even more retarded than 20 years ago.

>Lie? On the internet? Who would do such a thing?

you rattling penetrator, he's 98, all of his friends are probably dead of old age or something

Lmfao these next few decades will be some crazy shit, can't wait to see how zoomers will destroy civilization

I fucking hate going to walmart

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I worked with someone who apparently ran restaurants and shit when he was younger, had retired life for years and then started working at a grocery store cause he said going around in an RV got boring.


>when you've been a slave for so long and can't live any other way
poor guy

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Bro it's working at Walmart, you'll have more meaningful interactions with ducks than with people there
Just an example, but it's actually fun

This. Old people either volunteer, go to a class or take a easy going job just to get out of the house. If they don't you go insane and die.

This. I've been the bitch in retail hell and anyone can tell you, if you see any senior working at a grocery store, they're probably there to kill time and get paid.

Met numerous of them that had lived their lives through a variety of roles and businesses, they retire and then get extremely bored. They're rich enough to live through their end of life at home, but not rich enough to fund extravagant hobbies, travel, or emigrate to other countries.
It's just something to get them out of the house in the suburban hell we live in.

It is literally impossible to still need social interaction when the internet exists with multiple ways to chat with other people through text and video. If they're willing to learn a new role for a job they can easily learn how to do this stuff with ease absolutely no excuse now

Midwestern trash

>this is going to be my parents in xx amount of years

>It's either this or I shove them in a nursing home
>one of them wants to live wtih me
>I absolutely hate the idea of having them living with me since I feel like they are always judging me and watching what I'm doing with my life

end it bros

They should snowboard or someshit.

Cyberpunk 2077 is getting a mixed reaction because it's fake cyberpunk. If you want the real cyberpunk just turn off your computer and try to live like a normie.

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Walmart's probably one of the most depressing places out there. Everyone's either fat, angry, looks like they want to kill themselves, or any combination of the three. And they're constantly missing shit.

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would love to see something like this desu

We are reaching some scary levels of capitalism.

I really mean no offense user but you sound like an insecure dishonest dipshit, fix your priorities and you won't feel bad anymore

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Based Don. I hope he's happy and fulfilled.

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>Americans: it's capitalisms fault!
>meanwhile every other capitalist country doesn't have this

It was inevitable, marketing and 'company bonding' is just a series of psychological attacks and attempts to brainwash you

My mom volunteers at a hospital just so she isn't bored at home with my dad

This is kino

I live in California so whenever I see shit like this I assume it's just retards lying since the Walmarts and schools here are literally not like this at all. Is this really just what it's like in other states?

Does anybody on earth actually think horseshit like a walmart cheer builds morale, or is it just another way for shithead managers to feel power?

kek, that's sung to the tune of Dreidel Dreidel Dreidel

We haven't even reached peak Burgerpunk


Computer screens are not the same as physically interacting with people.

The civilization will continue, but not in a positive way.

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Anita started doubting her own bullshit hard after the mainstream did to Buffy, which she was a massive fan off, what she wanted to be done to vidya. .

I mean, you live in California so all the degeneracy gets to run wild as opposed to being shoved off to some shitty store

I fucking love that. You're a genius.


I moved to California from Texas and it's fucking great. I don't live in LA or SF, so I guess I dodged the trash. There are more Mexicans in Texas than where I live now.

>letting youtubers raise your kids
take over already chinks, we fucked it

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I mean the whole "durr capitalist nightmare!" shit Euros and Lefties are always bitching about with these cherrypicked images. Not every state is like this.

It's generally done right before opening the store so it kind of serves to get everyone's blood pumping and wake them up.
You kind of end up appreciating it for that alone.

California is unironically the model that the rest of the country needs to follow. In fact the rest of the states are making us look bad to foreigners.

We haven't quite reached Cyberpunk yet. We're really fucking close though. We just need one more major calamity/financial crisis and VR needs to get a little bit better.

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To be honest, what is there to hope for in America?

I went to a walmart at 11pm once and rounded a corner into one of their fucking cheers. Had to duck into another aisle to avoid breaking out in laughter.

Dude he's right, we are fucked.
Boomer veterans fight pointless wars lose an arm and greet people at a wal-mart until they die.
You're proud of that?
America should not be dealing with china and shouldn't fight wars for israel. Maybe then we could have a measure of pride for our country.
But not as it is today


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What's there to hope for in any developed country at this point? Are you implying Europe isn't socially stagnant either?

sounds liek you hate fun

lmao I really hate America

He didn't come up with it.

>go to california walmart
>full of people wandering around and items on floor
>4+ languages spoke loudly at all times
>none of them english

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>it kind of serves to get everyone's blood pumping and wake them up
Why not just offer a free cup of coffee every morning? At least the coffee actually works.

what are you talking about?

Not my coinage, I saw it on Yea Forums

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LA/SF are basically miniature USA. If you're super wealthy and live next to other wealthy people it's fucking heavenly. If you're upper-middle class or below you get to live next to the penniless rejects priced out by the ultra rich along with the homeless literally being ferried from Orange County on sheriffs' buses.


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It's a weird mix of amusement and pity seeing it. Like you want to laugh but at the same time you just feel bad for the fucks that could only get this as a job that are forced into doing that shit

Jesus fucking christ how can you not be commiepilled by now

>Joy-Cons start to drift even though my Dualshock 4 and Xbone controller that I've had for much longer work just fine and get used more often
>go to Wal-Mart and buy new pair of grey Joy-Cons with cash
>take defective Joy-Cons, wipe them clean with alcohol and repackage them
>return them for all my money back, old lady at customer service doesn't even open the box
Fuck Nintendo's kikery.

This is like that shit where a millionaire pays for college for a bunch of kids and everyone claps, but people in europe just wonder why it’s so expensive.

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>People born in NA
You moved states yet you still don't know what nationality is? Retard. Let me guess you were from North Texas?

how did they get the soda packages to stay up like that?

Elderly should not be employed

>only a single restaurant
this isn't burgerpunk

The reason why old people work is not because they need money but to force people to interact with them. They're extremely lonely because most of the people they cared about died. If they're not working they literally just sit watching tv all day until one of their kids visit.


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>not praying for Dr.Pepper

The Libertarian Socialism pill is the best for your health.

there's an 82 year old man at my gym, and everyone talks to him, and works out with him. he was in nam, and lost half his friends there. he's great, and in incredible shape for his age.

Makes me think.

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What would Jesus think about this?

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why not user? its a free country. the elderly can work at wallmart if they want to.

>tfw actually went through a school shooting and still find shit like this hilarious
am i just jaded

>dodged the trash



he legit looks fucking great for 98

The holy spirit.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Zoomers.

they could be empty and just taped/glued together

And everyone clapped.

>meanwhile the farmers of USSR were long dispossesed of their lands

I would rather live in California than fucking Texas. Then again, I'd rather live in a lot of places over Texas.

You are a psychopath.

>one arm

>no active shooter in sight
>press the button anyways

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I'd beat the fuck out of any American I see.

>yuros wake up
>all they fucking want to talk about is america
>meanwhile americans never think,talk,or even acknowledge europe in any way shape or form unless a yuro baits them into it
Its like an abusive relationship

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no i think it's a literal (ie not the bastardized meme) cope mechanism

America is a Stockholme Syndrome nation that fetishizes killing yourself for your job and always always being busy. All so the wealthy class can make more money off of their labor while paying them less. A nation so fucking backwards and so cucked they think free healthcare is Communism and would rather die due to unaffordable rising costs that line the pockets of their financial overlords.

OC here, Anaheim completely fucked everyone around here by dismantling a colossal homeless commune and scattering them to the wind. Now they're fucking everywhere and the crime rate in my relatively small city has been rising over the past year or two. Apparently Irvine just has their cops pick them up and throw them to the outskirts, that must be nice.

You're full of shit all the old people I know keep working because it's the only way they can get additional medical insurance.

>game takes place in America

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dunno what that is but explain what anita did to it

Hey conservatives? What is your plan when texas inevitably turns blue?

They should pick up a hobby and leave the jobs to people that actually need them.

I love how all their knowledge of America comes from the front page of Reddit, itself an American website, while they shit up this American website as well.

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I'd rather have free healthcare than being able to buy 2 more packs of soda every week.

In my defense i was simply in the school when it happened and it didn't leave one room, and nobody actually even died except the shooter

I mean it's fucked up that it happened so close to me but it's always felt a little unreal to me i guess?

healthcare is a right so everyone should get free healthcare
owning guns is a right so everyone should get free guns and ammo

Americans need to be curbstomped.

>In the United States a man builds a house to spend his latter years in it and he sells it before the roof is on. He plants a garden and lets it just as the trees are coming into bearing. He brings a field into tillage and leaves other men to gather the crops. He embraces a profession and gives it up. He settles in a place which he soon afterward leaves to carry his changeable longings elsewhere. If his private affairs leave him any leisure he instantly plunges into the vortex of politics and if at the end of a year of unremitting labour he finds he has a few days' vacation, his eager curiosity whirls him over the vast extent of the United States, and he will travel fifteen hundred miles in a few days to shake off his happiness.

>we never talk about europe
>talks about europe

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I'm German and I unironically wish I could live in the US.

>Circuit City
You know how old this pic is faggot?

You sneaky fucker.

This is systemic to the human race.
We need a good, global, fucking bloody culling.
But not before people gas the financiers and their kids with anthrax and nerve agents

i live in a civilized city where this sort of advertisement is banned. feels fucking goodman.

>teaching kids to hide instead of all charging the shooters at once
lmao americans get some better tactics

now finish reading the line


This is just fucking wrong. I don't blame Americans for going nuts.

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>not a restaurant
you just need to try harder.

Dude is nearly 100. He's probably a WW2 Vet. Waaaaay past boomer

Aging is fucking depressing. Cure when?
Longevity research speed up when?

>not teaching kids how to use a rifle

Fucking thieving nigger.

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Glad to be rid of you, faggot. If only we could get rid of the rest of you Califags

American here, no school I know is like this. You don't think people could've faked these do you?

This one just screams "satire" to me

Is there any way to escape the corporate overlords at this point? It feels impossible. Some could say human life on Earth has always been deeply dystopian, but I feel like we have entered a cyberpunk / nu-Victorian style dystopia.

>all wilderness is owned by someone, no way to just "escape" Ted Kaczynski style
>rich getting richer, poor getting poorer, no sign of stopping
>worker conditions / rights getting worse, no sign of stopping
>cost of living is not adjusting with inflation, no sign of stopping
>no matter how advanced technology gets or abundant resources are, elites with never allow plebs shorter work weeks, shorter days, more benefits
>population increasing at explosive rate, indivuals are just becoming more expendable, doesn't matter what you won't do, some cockroach third worlder will, for half the cost. You basically have no unique value

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>Apparently Irvine just has their cops pick them up and throw them to the outskirts
Dumping homeless is highly illegal, but the entire OC is cucked by the Irvine Company so wtf can we do.

isn't this offensive to christianity? like at all?
aren't brainwashed wal-mart jockeys the kind of people who care about that stuff?

California has the same issue if you go far enough east
Walmarts choke out anything that isn't a sizable chain and backwater places are already unlikely to get lots of options for clothing/furniture/groceries, while a an average Wally world has all three. People who don't have loads of income but can't afford to move will end up buying everything from walmart and their kids will see it as a holy grail department store

So now everyone is in one corner to get shot?

What's everyone flipping out about, this is clearly a gag song.

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That really just puts how much each of us are getting fucked over by the system into even starker perspective.

Poorfags individually richer than most people in yuropoor yet many still live like paupers despite all the 'stuff' they've got access to.

Like others have said, he probably does it to have something to do, I'd have to look it up, but I'm fairly sure living a sedentary lifestyle at that age can help speed up health issues like dementia.

Hey bro we weren't talking about Zion Don. You got the wrong guy.

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Maybe if kids actually respected each other and parents did their fucking jobs instead of being irresponsible, and the schools were held accountable, and negligence met with prison sentences, kids wouldn't be shooting each other up in academic institutions.

sending the country into a recession to own the libtards

Vote for good candidates and convince friends to not be retarded. Otherwise America collapses and China becomes the world influencers

Lol antifa faggot
Do you also wear a dress?
>"let's go bash the fash"
Top zozzle

Neither is working at Walmart

retired folks just work part times because otherwise they very easily succumb to ennui.
So it's more the fact that they were boring enough to not have hobbies or interest into retirement.

it sucks here
cant say for sure if its better or worse than germany but it sucks here

H-he's just lonely at home and likes the company of a job right?

>being so dead inside that you have no hobbies or anything to enjoy in life other than working to "keep active"
How do these people go through life without hanging themselves?

>drive out east
>*that* one SUPER TARGET with all the usual WalMart burgerpunk but with slightly cleaner floors

>euros post "average american city"
>It's a truckstop everytime

It wasn't a gag son.
>The Huntersville Walmart is an active member of the community, and this includes having a positive relationship with Blythe Elementary School. We have supported them through our school of the month program, as well as provided them with materials and refreshments through various school events. The Blythe elementary school chorus will be performing at our store as they have in years past. This will include a special song performed as a way to thank the store for their support.

I travel that exact highway daily and it's barely changed

You'd never see that pic on Reddits front page so Yuropeans obsessed with America will never see it since that's where they get all their knowledge of America

>something went wrong for me so IM TAKING IT ALL DOWN
man, some things really don't change.

Why no augmentation hand?

I've said the exact same of Germany but if it were twelve years ago.

>Nintendo tries to steal from me
>Steal back
>I'm the nigger
Keep sucking corporate cock, kike.

>finally get first real job with degree
>40 hours a week
>sysadmin work with a bit of help desk on the side i was told, just help the clients out (MSP)
>not too much overtime and can leave home early if not much work
>good ways to move up through the company!

>constantly pushing 55+ hour work weeks for only $38k
>have to work 2 weekends every month
>have to work from home an extra 1-3 hours a day just to keep up
>client-base has increased by 30% but we've laid off 1/4 of our team
>the one new guy we got makes 2x what I do but has absolutely no relevant skills despite "25 years in the biz", literally has me training him, and is only there because he is a best friend of upper management
>friends of upper management along with shareholders call in nonstop asking for special favors
>get told we're being greedy when several of us ask about raises/promotions

talked with some of my colleagues and apparently no one has gotten a promotion/raise in a year
we've increased our revenue drastically and laid off a ton of people and we're being second hand equipment to squeeze out every penny we can
but better believe the people who have gone out of their way to get certifications and improve their knowledge base to better the company get no reward

I thought a smaller company of sub 100 wouldnt have such shitty politicing but i was so wrong
oh also the health care plans are fucking shit and i bought into their best plan but an ER visit had a copay of $400

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That's not pity you feel, it's jealousy.

I mean look at you; You base your entire personhood on what hobbies and products you consume, like the good little consumer piggy you are. You are so deluded into thinking what products you own define you that you get upset when others don't as well.

Fucking as pathetic as it gets.

Is this Amarillo? I think those sign say 287.
It looks like Amarillo

Why are yuros such massive tsunderes? They talk so much shit and constantly berate americans yet all they really seem to want is our attention

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its less advertisement and more to let drivers know when the store is coming up

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>game has a mandatory singing segment

Why not

You'd rather have free healthcare because you're poorer than the poorest Americans on average so you'd probably need it

Defending his actions like a true nigger, lmao.

It's not much of a step down from letting tv raise your kids.

It's a jewish song

Yeah, I should be like that based boomer and serve glorious corporate America until I literally die of old age.

Can’t get a raise. Boss wants a winter home in the alps


What's your degree?
Why is salary so low as sys admin?
alien 4 movie

>I love how all their knowledge of America comes from the front page of Reddit, itself an American website, while they shit up this American website as well.
Using tech developed by Americans. And lives they owe to Americans, both literal lives by their grandparents/great grandparents being saved by Americans (at the cost of American lives) and the money provided by Americans enabling them to rebuild Europe after the fucking Krauts (again) destroyed Europe (AGAIN). By right, Americans should own Europe and its inhabitants, ESPECIALLY FUCKING KRAUTS, but we're too generous. Never forget who you owe everything to, Yuropoors. We might just get tired of your shit and Manifest Destiny you all.

Why didn't I think of doing this? I've been putting off sending my cons in for repair but this is way more convenient.

and? he seems to be taking it in stride

my dad might just make it to something like that. he's 80 and looks fucking great, he doesn't even have an old man voice yet and all his hair. I went down to see him in florida and he acted like the dad I always knew, like has barely slowed down. Went swimming with us in the pool, like actually swam in the deep end. He was still getting up at 3am to talk to me personally cause I couldn't sleep. I hadn't stayed a night at his place since I moved out after high school and now i'm in my 30s. Fucker still mows his lawn every week. And they still plan trips to the other side of the country by car. Meanwhile my downstairs neighbor in my apartment complex is 74 but looks 94 and sounds like a old southern hick.

Don't stop moving.

I'm pretty sure it's adjacent to a major interstate.
So that stuff is standard where people can stop for a bit, take a piss, and eat.

in today's world, not so illiterate. 401ks are worthless now, investing is pointless unless you're doing some insider trading, wages are stagnant. Any money you want to save usually goes to keeping a roof over your head.

If you're 98 though, you were born in a time when everything wasn't a scam, so you should be able to retire comfortably.

I'll be honest idgaf about immortality, I just want something to deal with aging in my lifetime.

has there ever been a walmart greeter who wasn't simply doing it to get out of the house

>No one is allowed to make a fucking joke anymore because aspies will take it sincerely


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It's real

My sister worked at a Walmart, and she saw a guy in drag walk into the produce aisle and stick one of the bananas up his ass.

>401ks are worthless now

Despite having more money I bet the average quality of life in America is way lower.

>401ks are worthless now
This user is gonna be the old dude in pic in 60 years.

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and that's with a degree? There are lucky people without any certs on paper making more for the same.

You are being Jew'd

BS in Information systems
solid background in routing/switching but id say 90% of my skillset now is in sysadmin (windows server, DNS, dhcp, failover, etc.)
the thing is I was hired on as a tier 1 but all the work im doing is managing and fixing servers all day

I have a friend who was in a coma for 2 weeks after a horrible car accident. He recovered and got back all his mobility. Dude doesn't have to work another day in his life if he doesn't want to, but chooses to keep working so he doesn't get bored being cooped up all day.

>By right, Americans should own Europe and its inhabitants,
We pretty much did in the years immediately after World War II with the Marshall Plan. The only reason The United States left Europe to its own devices ultimately is because we didn't fucking want to have to grant Europeans citizenship. Europeans are the most crass self-righteous pricks on the planet. They were back in 1950 and today they're no different

Seriously. Try to find equivalent work as fast as possible leveraging your employment, but even if you can't, get the fuck out of there.

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Real men unleash their anger on the world. Little babies work through their issues reasonably.

knowing what you know now would you have done anything differently?

>not destined to be a walmart greeter in 60 years or dead by suicide after NEET bux dry up

>euros want to neet while goverment takes care of them
>americans want goverment to fuck off
This is why we win bros.

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Seriously look for a new job, especially if you have at least a year of experience. Having relevant experience in your field greatly increases your chances of getting another job in the same field. My coworker has a microbiology degree and it took him a year to find a relevant job, he worked there for 2-3 years then he got laid off with the whole plant. When he started putting in job offers he had a job within a week or so among other interviews.

>Internet interactions are sufficient socializing, trust me, a socially reclusive aspie in a basement!

Unironically yiked out loud.


if they were black the fighting would be happening outside the ring

Remember that Arkansas is Based and Wal-MartPilled as fuck

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>"But muh free healthcare all you Burgers ary dying!"
I love how Yuropoors think we even give a fuck

Just get a different job bro, can you code at all? Start learning python or js + sql.
Getting low level tech support job at some boomer's tiny company is wrong idea, aim for a larger company.

The Matrix is a simulation and Neo is the chosen one

Niggers must be the manliest race on earth.

>be hard working American
>enjoy the feeling of being a contributing citizen
>so much so I join the army
>make a lot of friends, learn a lot of lessons, lose my arm and feel humbled
>come home and live out my life
>God blesses me with old age
>wife dies
>friends die
>get lonely at home so I decide to get a job and contribute once again
>learn some neets on the internet are mad that I like to work
>shrug it off and keep greeting people with a smile
>get so many smiles back

>People in this thread will think this guy's been working here his whole life, when he probably just works here to have something to do all day

maybe he made bad life choices and ended up at this job because of it
just because he's missing an arm doesn't make him a smart/good person

Why do yuros seethe so much

>same area
he's probably well off and working out of boredom and loneliness

This. Too many people shitting up the planet anyway

Remember when Biden had to ask Obama to help cover his sons hospital treatment because the Vice President of the United States couldn’t afford it?

empathy and wisdompilled

imagine coping this hard

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Blessed post

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>be american
>be content in slavery
many such cases

He was 41 when Walmart was founded lol.

agreed. We need another holocaust

"I have a dream." That one day, every person in this nation will control their OWN destiny. A land of the TRULY free, dammit. A nation of ACTION, not words. Ruled by STRENGTH, not committee.
Where the law changes to suit the individual, not the other way around.
Where power and justice are back where they belong: in the hands of the people! Where every man is free to think -- to act -- for himself!
Fuck all these limp-dick lawyers and chicken-shit bureaucrats.
Fuck this 24/7 Internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit.
Fuck "American pride".
Fuck the media!
Fuck all of it!
America is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it -- we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean.

Attached: 1396309978568.png (920x943, 474K)

that chart puts things into perspective, europeans take an active role in their systems and understand there is a mutual relationship between them and the government.

This. Even though my grandparents have a stable pension, my grandmother wants to work to fill the void of boredom. They simply can’t do the hobbies they could when they were younger.

brainwashed by strong anti-american propaganda in their press

and then everyone clapped

>Someone posted this thinking it was bad and that it would ruin my day
>What it really did was afirm
that even on a cloudy day a ray of sun can shine through
"Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants
You have perfected praise"

nobodies gonna talk about the redditor in the room?

Maybe you’re an idiot and should kill yourself.

Shouldn’t be listening to so many record players

wait till this guy finds out about Japan

Imagine living in a Orwellian nanny state your whole life
You’d seethe at Americans too

American "education", everyone.

there is no escape
it will only get worse until America collapses or is destroyed in their pride, or both
I suggest moving to another country

Fuck that shit. Your dignity isn't worth it.

I always assume it's Commifornians
They ruined their state and now plan to ruin the entire country

I'm wondering why the Vice President couldn't get good enough insurance to cover a significant percentage of the bill. Surely he didn't have a history of serious medical issues. Why wouldn't his plan have covered him? I'm skeptical of this story too be honest

we're all redditors
this thread is a reddit thread
you are on reddit right now

Not the same user but you've obviously had it lucky and didn't grow up with narcissist parents who set the bar impossibly high for you

get a job, fag

>be american
>all you know is how to be an emplyee
>leaving employment is equated to death
>no family
>no fun
>fulfilling life needs to come from work
jesus, americans are part of a brainwashing cult

You do the same exact thing. Every single day. You’re not special, Ahmed

that is a possibility
I think i'll assume he's a drunk that sold his arm for booze money

Attached: 1544406570313.png (1176x1312, 850K)

Almost. They have the right idea but they're too small-scale and don't want to go beyond that. To this day there is no real man because none of them have had the balls to actually end the world or bring about a premature apocalypse.

Whomever launches the first nuke and decimates all of humanity on a rage fueled whim will be the first, one and only MAN on this planet.

Most Californians are actually very patriotic. Just because the average Californian doesn't share the same political ideas doesn't mean they hate this country.

chinese kids probably get beat if they say anything else

It is. But also Eastern Europeans and probably Swiss. They’re so insecure by everything lose there minds once an American doesn’t know where third world romania is

Nice try, Hans. People that live here know it's only a few cities in California that make it shit, there's tons of companies and start ups in California. That's like saying New York is full of Jews because of NYC.

t. soviet union general or honeybee

Why do euros hate hard work and free speech?

Attached: americans.png (1098x486, 134K)

by all historical logic, germany should be an American slave state right now. but the US forgave the Germans and rebuilt their state, protected them from Soviet re-education/slavery camps and let them free.

when you wake up, thank America that you're allowed to exist.

>be europoor
>all you know is how to live off government
>no personality
>no family
>no fun
>depressing life staring at monitor for hours while government watches everything you do
Feel not pity for this pathetic fuck.

but New York is full of jews

No it's not, there's fake shit all over that sub, that and LateStageCapitalism before it fucking died.

China is a crazy dystopian police state and it baffles me that China is allowed to exist at all in this day in age

Attached: [Elysium]K-ON!!EP18(BD.1080p.flac)[c6111a68].png (973x908, 942K)

>What do you know about the weak? You weren't born poor. You've never been hungry. You don't know what it's like to fight, and steal, and kill- just to survive!

Literally every other country thinks that way about you guys - it's not just the UK

>it’s illegal to deny the Holocaust in my county

Attached: 5CB38607-F4AD-4D31-A227-10025BD5FAC3.jpg (399x385, 29K)

His son lost his insurance after losing his high level government job. He was an adult. Biden was going to mortgage his home before Obama stepped in. The story is meant to be a “look how great Obama was”, but it shows a deeper problem.

>americans would rather teach their pre school children to hide than to control their own weapons
if this is not a sign of a mental nation I don't know what else to call it

I love the speech but Armstrong was already among the strongest of the strong and his world would have suited he and people like him more than anyone, which defeats the entire purpose of his speech. By his own rules Raiden is 100% in the right for fighting him to the death since Raiden felt like it.

It's okay to be jealous of success, subhuman

When you have one of the largest militaries on the planet, you can do whatever you feel like

What other countries? The UK is the only country us Americans really know of. Maybe France sometimes. Everything else is literallywho and third world.

I think it's too politically convenient given Obamas involvement in the Affordable Care Act

some schools actually just have baskets full of rocks and bricks and shit to throw at a shooter in the classroom
I'm not kidding

Keeping busy is probably how he got to 98 at all.

>Of course I don't mind working late
>We decided to work this weekend to get ahead
I swear if its some retail company, how can they expect people like it or even aspire to it? You do boring and tiresome physical task while talking to idiot customers. the hell did you get elected?

>it baffles me that China is allowed to exist at all
How so?


You see user, the difference between my argument and yours is that mine is based on reality you wageslave

That dude look pretty fuckin good for 98

the cycle always repeats user. Even when America or the other superpowers eventually collapse and fracture, the people controlling the money and hoarding it will just move to the next one with the widest broadcast. They probably already have some banks there.

Working at that age probably kept him alive to be honest. His mental state would have deteriorated in a old folks home.

Based, Amerilards pretty much live in 3rd world conditions and have to work as much if they don't want to end homeless this is why most Mexicans don't even want to stay there anymore.

Apart from work there is only death.
If you stop working you stop having a reason to stay active.
What is a man of that she supposed to be doing?
Sitting in some nursing home?
He is blessed in that Walmart would hire him and that people still talk to him.
I've traveled a lot in the past month and you wouldn't believe the amount of lonely elderly people are out there desperate to be shown that someone still cares about them.

>Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
>It is for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
Gob bless Ameriga.

Attached: 1394677007584.jpg (244x209, 24K)

>post image of winnie the pooh on chinese internet
>disappear forever
Yes this is fine and not baffling in the least

He no-lived to 98.

>I suggest moving to another country
There literally are no better countries. Not necessarily because America is so great, but rather because every other country always does at least one thing worse. Face it faggot. America is the peak overall.

>another one of these threads

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ask about turnover and avoid salary positions unless i can get guarantees that i wont be working 3000 hours in a year

I plan on bouncing at the 1 year mark if things dont turn around majorly

If yall want actual depression go check out the msp subreddit
I know >reddit
but basically everyone who works at an msp is some kind of suicidal just because the work load is insanely high, every client wants you to know every single aspect about how their company works in and out, but then you're also supporting 100+ companies and needing to build relationships with all of them on a personal level

Attached: 1498417533521.png (183x275, 4K)

they have the military power to be unquestioned

Even if that were hypothetically true, it’s still believable which still illustrates the problem. I am pretty sure that there are records though

>just vote lmao
bruh are you from planet earth?

The demographics have changed. Traditions faded.

My grandparents at 85 moved back to their own place because they said they felt institutionalized.

>gee, I wonder why he loves capitalism....
he's yet another boomer who got really fucking lucky in the postwar economy and being willfully dense about why people are disillusioned by capitalism nowadays

Attached: i love capitalism.png (983x506, 227K)

As pitiful as this seems Im he gets something out of it anyway. At 98 and missing an arm hes definitely not there because he has to be. Even if it's just a sense of satisfaction in doing something other than giving up on life because old and sitting around and waiting to die, I'm happy for him. He is probably happier and has a greater sense of belonging and fulfillment than 99 percent of the oh-so-enlightened millenials who look down on him and feel entitled to something more grand out of life.

Human rights violations

>Bored retiree with no worries looks for things to do or reason to leave the house

>America is a Stockholm Syndrome nation that fetishizes killing yourself for your job

Everyone wants an easy life, how many times people talk about lottery hitting 500 million and everyone pooling cash to buy a ticket so they never have to work again.

The thing that gets me isn't that China exists, but that people glorify it with images like the one you quoted.

>Wow Chinese kids have such a great work ethic

No. China is a dystopian state where their internet is basically under government control and so they don't even get access to these YouTubers. And even if they did the kids never have time to do stuff like watch them because they're constantly working for the glory of the state. Chinese kids want to be astronauts so that they can get the fuck out of China not because they're smart

The most genuine answer is because the Chinese government is run by brain addled boomers that think the world is still like the 70s where you can cover things up and just ignore everyone yelling at them. Plus they'll start a nuclear war if cornered because they're legitimately retarded and think they'll win

I'd be afraid someone drops some weights or some shit and they have a PTSD episode and start killing everyone.

>get a fun hobby like feeding the ducks

Jesus Christ, user, THAT'S the best example you could think of?

Attached: 1422742940903.png (600x458, 318K)

Isn't 90% of british cuisine bland shit that literally only exists because they were anally splintered about the colonies?

Bro this. I work at an decent scale kroger store and there's this 60 something year old dude named Bob who works in electronics. He's a vietnam combat vet but very nice and sweet. He has a home with a garden and irrigation but he just works like 12 hours a week to kill time and fund trips in his RV.

>brother regulary visits the US on business trips
>went to Oregon/Washington recently which is supposed to be one of the better places inside the US
>spent there 70 days
>during that time he got robbed twice
>got attacked by a drug addict asking for opioid shit
>someone tried to break into the place he was staying at

He wasn't even staying in a major city. Just small towns with pretty much no minorities.

>over 300 replies for this bait thread, meanwhile real vidya discussions get archived with 10 replies

I hate you all

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well you have to realize you're dealing with the 3rd largest military in the world
they also hold $1 trillion of US debt
also they're pretty friendly with russia

What about following dreams, developing bonds with your family, having hobbies, traveling, becoming a volunteer, playing videogames, literally anything else?

hahahahahahahaha.... leave your parents basement.

I can only assume he's confused and thinks that 401k is a fancy term for social security.

>not wanting feudalism

Attached: 1564207851681.png (1706x760, 1021K)

>where their internet is basically under government control and so they don't even get access to these YouTubers
Retards with no self-control are going to say that this is a good thing

It's definitely the most powerful and arguably influential, and shall remain so. Civil wars will not happen and can not succeed without external influence.

The Russians and the Chinese and the Saudis and their proxies would have to be on our land extending lines of credit to their puppets doing the dirty work, for permanent change to happen. Extremely unlikely.

oh boy

Attached: Screenshot_2018-08-14_China's_Death_Buses_Deliver_Executions,_Organ_Harvesting_On_the_Go.png (888x789, 290K)

Any country that criminalizes questioning the holohoax is a lost cause
Sorry user, I hope your inevitable demise to the brown horde is swift and painless and I hope your descendants can rebuild a better country from the ashes.

Can confirm I knew an old retired guy who worked a 1 AM to 9 AM job with me and he was just doing it to alleviate boredom.

>you're fat if you work all the time
>t. fatass

>Chinese kids want to be astronauts so that they can get the fuck out of China not because they're smart
the idea of escaping china by space is hilarious to me lmao

user there's only one country in the world and that's America.

british cuisine is absolute dog shit because ww 2 bankrupted the country and they stayed on rationing/martial law for literally decades after the war.

The idea of working for Walmart fucking terrifies me

Cool story bro

>muh debt
literally biggest meme to say
>also they're pretty friendly with russia
Nice, now say it again and maybe anyone will be concerned.

>rural white america
Yeah thats why he got mugged by heroin addicts.

>I plan on bouncing at the 1 year mark if things dont turn around majorly
bounce now idiot, they're not going to turn around

Imagine being on a sinking ship and thinking nah I'm cool I'll stay at the bar.
This is you.

If a million people do it it works

Tell me about American cuisine.

>why most Mexicans don't even want to stay there anymore.
I wish, i fucking wish that was the case.

What the fuck, what other country would see a board like this and don't immediately think it is insulting.

whats really disgusting about that is that they were illegally kidnapping people and killing them for organs for years and when the international community finally started criticizing them for it, instead of stopping it they turned it into an official service.

Give me the democratic socialist paradise or give me a feudal mad max society. Anything between sucks.

>biggest meme to say

What shithole did his company put him up at? lmao

Pretty sure Mashed Boiled Fermented Indeterminate Paste predates ww2 by a large margin amigo.

That stuffs thats popular in your city. You know, the place people in your school go to all the time.

he never had ptsd.

>he also said "gas the kikes race war now"
>that dang pewdiepie

Smash fags dont know what a job or a shower is

Attached: FB_IMG_1568345511134.jpg (1280x960, 89K)

How do you figure? Being at Costco for more than half an hour makes me want to kill myself what with how fucking chaotic and jam packed it is. Walmart is like a comfy library by comparison.

>they also hold $1 trillion of US debt
China is in more debt overall than the United States. Whatever US treasuries they hold they aint dropping anytime soon. National Debt is a joke because every country on Earth bar some obscure smaller irrelevant nations and Russia are in debt

Attached: debts-owed-to-debts-owed-by-the-united-states.jpg (2925x2900, 1.03M)

South Korea and China, maybe.
No matter how bad things get in the USA, at least the country isn't run entirely by Samsung.

tick tock china

Attached: india-china-population.png (749x454, 24K)

but it is true, mexicans don't migrate nearly as often as they did in the 90's

Well, we got everything everyone else has got, with Americanized variants. Say something like, nacho stirfry. That shit's fuckin GOOD

>you see, you need to pay us billions or else we won't want to help save you

end stage capitalism is a fucking HELL of a drug

you think mexicans are any different to central americans?
because they're not

>willing to risk losing their children and be locked up in evil alt right ICE concentration camps just for a slice of that sweet American pie
True third world

LMAO'D my ass off.
im in Wa and idk its aight

Legally or illegally?

How do I get to priest class lads?

Attached: capital.jpg (750x949, 173K)

that's true
I guess what im trying to say is china is a pretty cool guy, eh shits on citizens and doesnt afraid of anything

I still can't believe pewdiepie (a Yea Forums shitposter) is the #1 most subscribed youtuber. I still remember watching his amnesia videos in high school.

There is no "end stage capitalism", what you're seeing is corporate feudalism enabled by Would be kings of the partisan joke that is modern politics.

Join the Jesuits if you want to subvert entire nations and cultures.

>capitalist system
>kings and priests

>tells everyone that sexism in games won't cause sexism
>gets "sexism" removed from video games

seriously what the fuck?

Indias economy is growing faster too. I hope the Chinks kill themselves when they're surpassed by Poos

If the people who this was posted for didn't think it was insulting they wouldn't have shared it and it wouldn't have caught on as hard as it did. Imagine being OBSESSED

uuuuuuhhhhhhh Burgers and Steak.
Really it's a mix of just about everything, Spanish cuisine and Tex-Mex become the dominant cuisine by far the further south you go from California to Texas. It's good but goddamn does it get old; there's too much tex-mex.

>every non white is mexican

It's a miracle that the boxes got stacked like that... like how>?

>they also hold $1 trillion of US debt

US owns more debt to fucking japan than china.

Attached: 1567887345743.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

they might as well be.

My dad was in the army. He got back problems from it. He now makes 72k a year from social security, and will for the rest of his life.
He was born in 1981.
I guarantee this guy who literally lost an arm could get even more shit. He probably works there just because he doesn't like to sit at home all day. We don't realize how awful that would be when you have no understanding of the internet.

Shut up user that image is not fake at all I got it from Reddits front page and everything!

I unironically think of doing this sometimes

Stinky commies think anyone better looking than them is part of a capitalist system.


Run into a Walmart and scream "WE SHOULD UNIONIZE!"

Watch how the local management storms out of his office and starts violently shaking his wage slaves

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.15.[640x480].[4AFBF827].v2.mkv_snapshot_12.52_[2019.03.27_16.29.39].jpg (640x480, 53K)

>thinking "th-the debt" matters
Actually thank you for doing this, it's always pleasant when people let others know their opinion is uninformed and worthless and to be discarded

Imagine being an NPC in the game and not the protagonist.
I feel bad for non-americans, at least you can be our sidekicks.

Attached: 1489164351951.png (475x433, 40K)

On Average doing a lot of work there. We will make sure to give him a half-cent raise in a year.


holy shit lmao. fucking commies are so retarded

my boss would be eaten alive by it's workers for hanging this shit anywhere, I don't know how americans think just sharing is enough

I sit at home all day and have internet and it's still awful. My neetdom ends in 2.5 weeks though.

God provides.

I came.

The image is supposed to represent Capitalism as a new form of Feudalism. Which is still pretty retarded since capitalism still allows for more social mobility than feudalism. Just faggot Commie rhetoric and hyperbole

It's from 1912 tards.
Replace with CEOs, Celebrities, and Cops.

Attached: meh.jpg (200x200, 9K)

Israel armed all it's teachers. Even the ones in pre school. They haven't had a school shooting in 30 years.

Why do I feel some psycho will think of a way to get through the door just to shoot everyone at one time.

You're living in the wrong timeline, user. Please come back to the correct one. We've achieved cold fusion, achieved permanent peace in the Middle East, colonized Mars, and about to launch manned missions to Jupiter's moons.

Attached: 1554676931039.gif (340x480, 1.83M)

>literally cant stop thinking about us constantly, day in day out 24/7
Rent free in your head lmao

Hi Revelation 6:5-6/1 Timothy 4:1-3

chill man no need to be unpleasant

I feel so fucking sorry for people stuck in a bumfuck nowhere town with nobody but walmart to work for. It's up there with a call center and fast food for something I'd rather shoot myself than do. Bezos' slave plantations too. Being a driver for amazon would be okay even if I am sure they do some ridiculous shit like deduct money from your salary whenever you are not in your seat even when delivering a package

Capitalism is the only system.

>bring airsoft gun so teachers panic and get kids into the safe room
>jam the door and start a fire

Attached: 1390254836102.jpg (225x225, 14K)

Israel is a fascist ethnostate that lets off its colonial steam by brutalizing randos in Gaza.

They just shoot kids outside the classroom.

>Not realizing it was depicting the Russian empire at the time
Sasuga Yea Forums

They vent all their frustrations on Arabs, so they don't need to kill each other.

Corporations truly run USA.

Attached: 1567278585495.webm (720x404, 541K)

Nigger it literally says it was made by "giggles and grins", it's obviously a joke.

I want to add though that while we have easy access to cuisine from all over the world and all the major cultures, they're bastardized (Americanized) in some manner. To get the real stuff that the locals would eat back in their own countries, you have to get lucky with obscure family owned restaurants where the food is being cooked by natives or their descendants that moved to America. T
he major corporate food chains and franchises here are "generic" representations.

did no one ever stop to think he might just be a bored old man keeping himself busy during the day so he doesn't literally die of boredom?

>even if I am sure they do some ridiculous shit like deduct money from your salary whenever you are not in your seat even when delivering a package
Don't you remember the wage cage? I wouldn't be surprised if they install one in their trucks for "safety against freeway cargo theft" before they replace you with AI drivers.

Attached: 1536776047534.jpg (3002x3114, 2.94M)

It still makes zero sense

Literally all of this exists in any society.
The concept of a society without some slight form of hierarchy makes no sense whatsoever. Marx was a stupid good for nothing leech who never worked in single day of his pathetic life and only survived because his friends kept giving him food and shelter.

Yuros have no sense of humor

It was sweet hearing Bernie call out insurance companies, the military industrial complex and big pharma. Too bad he needed a cough drop the entire debate.

I'm not a debt expert but with every country being in debt I wonder if the game isn't "keep your deb close to the baseline". Where if you are in debt but you aren't as in debt as Argentina or whatever, people will be willing to loan to you. So the goal is don't be the tallest debt nail.

>>Not realizing it was depicting the Russian empire at the time
It's not.

Trans rights

Funny because usually if something real happens, you don't need to make a law to deny it. I mean there's evidence and shit so why do you need to make it illegal to deny.
What's next making it illegal to deny america bombing japan

I'm always open to learn about new things about religion user, but random quotes from the bible taken outside of context can be literally used to mean anything and anyone

that was extremely gay. fuck off

>Literally all of this exists in any society.
>slight form of hierarchy

Attached: _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg (660x574, 31K)

That's not pity you feel, it's jealousy.

I mean look at you; You base your entire personhood on what kind of work and jobs you perform, like the good little wagecuck you are. You are so deluded into thinking the job you have define you that you get upset when others don't as well.

Fucking as pathetic as it gets.

Try reading the line again, ESL.

yes but none of those posts got any replies because "wow america's old people are bored what a shitty country" isn't as easy to shitpost about.

So what's this, then?
>The work is based on 1901 caricature of the Nicolas Lokhoff of the Russian Empire hierarchy by the Union of Russian Socialists

source? What about the daily unannounced rockets fired at Israeli citizens from Gaza?

I'm trying to write a traditional RPG but it takes place in a Walmart. You play as a cashier who doesn't give a shit about hia job, so you go around the store fighting stray merchandise and angry customers (because there's always an unlimited supply of those), recruit employees from other departments like electronics, auto, the McDonalds near the front, etc. who all play archetypal RPG roles. That said, since I want to make the game crammed with as much cynical satire and comically extreme yet still realistic folklore of experiences from places like this. If you have a farfetched story, wild memory, or gripe about Walmart and other uber American superstores, customer or employee, let me here it. I want to potray your tales for others to hear.

israel people receive military training and are in a state of war user

Well if that were the case Japan would be fucked. The idea is that debt is actually necessary for a modern nation to function and it's sustainable as long as your debt doesn't surpass 100 percent of your nations GDP. America has the largest nominal GDP on Earth.

>open the Mcfucking door!

Name one society with no hierarchy

there are at least 3 restaurant signs in that image my man

>and Cops.

see this is exactly what i mean.

>Given the chance to keep working here.. I would gladly accept a cut in pay!
Jesus christ.

>and are in a state of war user
They always are when they want to take land.

how is the char so pristine?
I just want to know what it tastes like

A different drawing?

'Free' health are is just in the UK and its exactly as mediocre as you'd expect.
I live in Germany now and pay 500 a month for compulsory health insurance that doesn't cover everything. You yanks don't know you're fucking born, the only reason anybody complains about poor Americans not having health are is because nobody holds you at gunpoint and forces you to have insurance.

Attached: 1568211255143.png (1176x1015, 1.54M)

People take that image 100 percent seriously user ;^)

The context of those very descriptive verses is the specific world government of the latter days.

I have no idea how anyone who's ever had a low-level job in america could not be redpilled on capitalism / corporations. I now have a comfier gig in IT now but holy shit those types of jobs are truly eye opening.

Then again maybe I shouldn't be surprised. Stockholm syndrome, pride (uh I could do it so can you stop complaining!!!), and the desire to see others suffer to raise oneself up are all very human traits.

Attached: IMG_5973_W.jpg (1100x800, 310K)

I wish my country was as shitty as america goddamn

I'd support universal healthcare if fat people were banned from it.

Attached: 1548578243242.png (597x447, 547K)

>boss puts this on a wall
>overworked employees get angrier
>"hahaha common it's just a joke hahaha"
*boss cleans the sweat from his face *

The batons don't make sense with the workers being caged for their entire shift
shock collars on the workers and remotes in the hands of the enforcers would make better sense
Either that or a remote that deducts pay as punishment would be even more inhumane.

cucked and bootpilled

eurotrannies are mentally ill

i'd support it if it was still 60 years ago
but it isn't.

> live in Germany now and pay 500 a month for compulsory health insurance that doesn't cover everything.
Reminder that there are literally left-wing Europeans on Reddit right now calling America a shithole because America doesn't do shit like this

Technical stuff like that is difficult because there are never enough of you at a company to have any weight to throw around and the people who make the decisions that affect you don't know or care enough to understand what you do. It's not my field but I've seen it happen to a quite a few of my friends. Easier said than done, but your best option at this point is head for greener pastures. Nobody works for a company any proper length of time anymore anyway.

Some people see a system where those at the top get more and they want to be higher up and get more for themselves. Some spend their lives at the bottom hating everybody above them. Everybody's different.

user do you not know about the whole settlements and bulldozer stuff

Or the snipers blowing limbs off random people a mile away for standing too close to someone waving a rock

Or the white phosphorous strikes

A fascist ethnostate with a permanent siege mentality is not a healthy society. They handle it by savaging nearby arabs indiscriminately because some other people in the open-air prison launch bottle rockets at Israelis.

Its how they cope.

>gay thread nuked within 5 minutes
>/pol/ thread stays until bump limit

My parents and all my aunts and uncle do that after a few years retired. Usually work fills in 8-10 hours a day. With all that free time, they actually go crazy. Now they just volunteer when they are not traveling or take some job at a casino.

I don't disagree, but I still don't see the relationship between the quote and my statement

based and 10s-of-millions-starving-to-deathpilled

>Join me my fellow workers - Together we can achieve true communism aka. socialism where nobody gets told what to do and where everything just magically ends up working with you being able to do whatever you want all while getting no more or less than anyone else - All you need to do is kill everyone who questions us - After that i... i mean the COMMUNIST PARTY OF ALL WORKERS will take over and ensure that everyone gets their fair share. Some people are more equal than others though but the party decides whats the best for everyone so don't question anything and let us do what needs to be done

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my favorite corporate police faggotry is the "bounty hunters" being allowed to literally break & enter homes even if they're multi-family units.

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Well, if you live by yourself you're fucked. If you have a family you're golden no matter how you work. Household wealth in the USA is actually higher than it's ever been. The problem are boomer parents that kick their kids out of the house.

why is america so fucking soulless? no one that old should be forced to work to make a living. amerinsectoids are the same part and parcel of chinkoids.

Finally, some non faggot janny's
go to fag board

Exactly. They want this to be given for free, the money coming from non specifically 'the rich' who will presumably just accept being hooked up to the milking machine when they have the resources to go anywhere else.
I'd rather live in America and keep my paycheck. Literally the only difference is you have the freedom to do that.

Hes doing it voluntarily user

Because capitalism has become very fucking adept at isolating and alienating people. Everything is turned into a personal failure within the capitalist system, which means that its only ever your fault because capitalism itself cannot fail.

Some people get close to obtaining class consciousness, only for capies and their propaganda to turn their anger at the contradictions of capitalism away from the capitalists and towards your fellow workers.

And you better be damn fucking sure the wealthy elite capies have a very developed sense of class consciousness among themselves. They wield this very deftly.

>muh freeze peach
Freedom of speech doea not exclude consequences from other parties for the shit you say.

Go to El Taco you faggot it's the only place worth anything in San Pedro

>criticizing the state of america is automatically praising extremely liberal countries
room temperature IQ

>When the only way to escape the authoritarian hell you live in is to just fucking leave Earth

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Decades of commie red scare shit and Reagan allowing corporations to run amok has changed public perception where the companies are always right and you can be like them too if you work 80+ hours a week and somehow have enough money to own or create a business.

yea that literally can't happen
stay mad, red faggot. Or I'll call Dog to come round you up

based poos.

>he does it for free

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why do people hate communism again? Even if everything /pol/tards say it true and it just results in the death of millions, still sounds based to me.
There are too many people alive on the planet anyways. We need more genocides.

And no I'm no hypocrite, I'd gladly be killed in these purges.

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The work you do and the impact you have on the world around you defines who you are and the legacy that follows far more than the media and pop culture you consume

Read 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, and reread 1 Timothy 4:1-3. Both passages are very descriptive concerning what in particular the Antichrist system is. Read Revelation 17-18 if you want even more details about where it is centered.

The thing is, when NEETs have just enough to live their modest life they won't shoot up schools, rob stores, live on the street and shit up the community etc. No ghettos, no homeless, no robberies, no breaking and entering, no muggings and no mass shootings here even though we have a lot of guns here.
I know the flipside of this is me paying a fuck load of taxes, which every month I look at the total in my pay check I'm reminded of. I have yet to make up my mind if it's worth it, but at least the taxes do something.

too high IQ post for Yea Forums

Communism always loses because people nope the fuck out of your abuse of hyperbole and rhetoric. Capitalism isn't perfect but to imply the average person in America is living like a literal slave when that isn't really the case is just trite and tired.

t. butthurt burglar who can't legitimize his crimes anymore
If you want to play army man like a fucking child with your rifles and chest rigs then just join the military and fight for Israel

>*dies from hunger/sedition*

>I know the flipside of this is me paying a fuck load of taxes, which every month I look at the total in my pay check I'm reminded of. I have yet to make up my mind if it's worth it, but at least the taxes do something.
Maybe hire a good enough lawyer so you can find a loophole where you don't pay taxes. Seems every fucking guy that has money does this.

I'm not paying taxes if I'm the only fucking one doing it.

Okay then why aren't you killing yourself right now? Just kidding, we know the answer

i mean, the poorest 20% of many european countries are richer than most european nations. Europe has huge diversity in how rich they are. Comparing Norway to Romania is just stupid. Likewise, comparing USA to select european countries is just as dumb.

You remind me of when satan quoted the bible at Jesus and tried to get him to jump off a building. Don't be satan.

Why do retards say 'freeze peach' like its a clever word play? It'd be one thing if you were contorting it into something funny but this is shockingly bad banter

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>but at least the taxes do something.
Goverment programs have almost never been more effective at development that private companies. If corporate healthcare is currently failing, that only tells me public healthcare wouldn't do much better.
>Pic related

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Because communism pretends that the free rider problem doesn't exist in much the same way that capitalism pretends that the free market is inherently fair.

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Mr. Pibb is 10x better than Dr. Pepper though

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no, this shithole hasn't been any better than leddit since about 2015

My granddad died last night

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im sorry bro :(

How was his last day working at Walmart?

I like owning things.

millennials will believe anything if it reinforces their worldview

not him but people in america literally live like hot garbage trash and that would be an understatement. Name one 1st world country in the northwestern hemisphere that has
>similar level of crime
>25-30% of given population under the poverty line at any point
>a massive chunk of homeless people

Where'd you bury the body?

>2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
antichrist will try to oppose god and try to pretend to be him
>1 Timothy 4:1-3
beware of cult
still, I could see those quotes being used to refer to anyone user, from trudeau to hitler and the cults to literally any group.

>parent acts like he has no power over toddler watching youtube too much

>Capitalism isn't perfect but to imply the average person in America is living like a literal slave when that isn't really the case is just trite and tired.
>Go study 50-60 hours a week so you get a high GPA for a decent job
>Can't afford schooling? Get a loan
>Can't afford basic necessities as a student? Get a job
>You can get internship with no pay and you "might" get a recommendation
>Get your own car because the city is designed for public transport
>Gets all other fuckery bullshit where I have no time and can only shitpost for like 30 minutes
I sure as fuck feel like I'm a slave, there needs to be a change to the system, it can't go on like this, I'm so tired of all this bullshit.

Is your boss flowey or asgore?

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>I plan on bouncing at the 1 year mark if things dont turn around majorly

Things have never turned around in this kind of situation, leave right now

If I'm misquoting the Bible like Satan did, then you should be able to refute my quotations with Scripture like Christ did. But you won't be able to, because I've given you these verses in their proper context.

America is home to 300 million people. There are no developed countries in the Northern Hemisphere with that many people in general
>people in america literally live like hot garbage trash and that would be an understatement.
No they don't

Exactly. A hybrid is the only option. Something with equally strong checks on both the government and the corporates.
please stand for america's anthem

>using tax money for healthcare and education is bad because socialism
>using taxpayer money on war and Israel is good

Literally the mind of an average Ameriturd

Isn't california a "no fun allowed only whoredom and homosexuality" kind of state?
t. foreigner

thank you president trump for making israel great again

It's not as far fetched as one would assume. My niece is basically babysat by youtube and she talks like all those cringetastic child oriented youtubers do. Same inflections, weird pronunciations, talking overly flashy, etc.

Nobody is forcing you to go into debt. The US Job Corps provides free schooling and career training as well as housing. It's not my fault you're clueless on your opportunities.

We don't give that much to Israel

They're probably doing some plain clothes search and just chucked the police vest over the top. It's probably his sports shirt.

>well yeah dude we just have too much people on our hand
nice cop out retarded fag

That's a loaded question so here's a loaded answer;
This state is very much liberal when it comes to sexual freedoms but it's hardly "no fun allowed"

Are you entitled to everything you needed to get that decent job? All of this was opt in but you act like you were made to. You had the choice to do this for your own social mobility which was not guaranteed, you chose to do it, you could have lived on welfare forever

We give them a huge fuckton of political capital. We literally modify our foreign policy to please them and even take flak for them so they can keep doing shady shit.

Or the government could just make public schooling tuition free. That way you get out debt free regardless of career choice.

>'Muh Israel!"

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If you stay for that year you have to promise yourself that year will be spent looking for another job and learning the skills you'd need to jump to that next place.

why not stay home and arrest criminals like you and get paid by tax payers like yourself

>money is the end-all measurement of how much we support Israel
Fuck off Bibi, your days are numbered.

Man fuck both of you, I like Engineering and I like the school system and I'm willing to work hard, but that doesn't mean that I can't point out the bullshit when it comes to university pricing, and how everyone around me pushes me to do that, or how there's not enough resources for me to know which job it is.

Can't even talk about this shit without some retard going "hurr durr you're entitled" when Canada has OSAP and they get plenty of other different help, but nah, fuck anyone who complains.

Israeli aid isn't even the same.
It's literally a check to go buy weapons... from American companies. The money comes right fucking back.

you give them fuck tons of nukes and your latest military tech for free, israel isn't a rich nation by any means. It has a GDP of a city in america and still has an arsenal of hundreds of nukes, nuclear reactors, F-35's, F-16's, F-15's, tanks, expensive steel, expensive missile systems, expensive cutting-edge radars, the tech to launch satellites, lots of petrochemicals and petroleum products even though no OPEC nation sells it to them, do you think they conjured all that shit from the ground? when israel was on the verge of getting BTFO by arabs in '73 nixon had tens of thousands of tons of military equipment flown to them for free. In the entire next decade they armed Israel in the same way they would arm their best troops. Do you think a country the size of my dick that pulls 200 billion a year can foot the bill for all this shit?

american here. he's actually right in this case. many things are at factor her
>he's so ingrained to the machine that all he can do is work
>he'll probably die if he stops working; work is what keeps him going
>point #2 is because of point #1

Oh yes, how silly of me to forget arms sales to Israel that they ultimately still have to pay for

It would be less ridiculous to add a bullet proof wall around the door that could just be pulled out in emergencies. Would look much more effecient and less comical.

5D chess

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>literally incapable of understanding how much we bend over to Israel's will politically
consider not voting until you finish school

Because giant corporation-backed politicians have succesfully bamboozled these low-level job holders that it's immigrant's fault that corporations treat them like shit. "b-b-b-b-but if only there weren't so many mexicans, wal-mart would pay me more! better vote for republicans to keep out those evil mexicans!"

I studied a bullshit mickey mouse degree, spent a few years playing vidya for money, taught myself to code in my spare time for free and now make more than my parents doing not that much work around people I like.
I take public transport, I don't go on holidays, I live frugally and I'm very happy with what I have. Sounds like you half assed everything, expected to take advantage of others or have others pay your way and you've still ended up unhappy.

Go back to /pol/ retard

i'm a fucking ching ching gook-nip in california and i would be whoopin' and cheering really loudly if i were to see something like this at walmart.
i go to target. target is a little fancier, and even the weirdos who shop there are a little fancier

>this is the sign Asgore put up in his flower shop
>all the employees left
deepest lore

>antichrist will try to oppose god and try to pretend to be him
See pic

>beware of cult that forbids its adherents meat like no fish on Fridays, has rampant hypocritical problems like a large amount pedophilic clergy, and supports violently torturing anyone who doesn't submit to them (like during the Dominican Inquistion and later the Spanish Inquisition)
You're right, Roman Catholicism is a cult, but it's also an empire.

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Fuck off Shlomo nobody cares about your boogeyman which worships trump nowadays so that won't work

THe money comes right back to companies, not to actual Americans or the American government.

You didn't sound like you liked any of it, called yourself a slave and suggested the system needs to change. If you'd worded it like this up front nobody would have disagreed. The system is not perfect because its made up of people. There aren't any free meals, if you get something for free in Canada some working stiff cunts are paying for it through taxes.

cmon bro you totally should know exactly how the job market looks 4-8 years out from starting higher education

or just have your rich relatives carve out some bullshit job for you at the family firm when you get out

or sell some of your considerable stock portfolio that you were literally born with as a gift from your folks

lmao just read the future my man


>Companies don't pay employees or pay taxes
>inb4 Amazon which is an exception to the rule

Who will cover his shift ?

*only eating fish on fridays, I meant

>taxes at historic lows
>wages at historic stagnation
what did user mean by this

yeah, cant wait for those taxes to pay for healthcare for illegals

>tfw self employed so I avoid 90% of all of this bullshit

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Not even Walmart is that bad.
t. walmart employee

>fuck anyone who conplains
Based. Because what is the alternative? You complain real hard until some governmental body feels bad for you and gives you something? Very cool. Or do you make them scared of what you and others might do? Are you going to follow through or just turn around and take it.
You have grievances with the system I can respect that, but you're not gonna do a damn thing to make it better, you're complaining until somebody else comes and fixes it for you.

>>wages at historic stagnation
wage growth has at least kept up with inflation though

Not that user but Amazon pays negative taxes. The US government literally pays them millions every year. Look it up.

are you fucking me?
>supposed to be 5 techs but we only have 2
>hey can you work saturday this weekend
>ends up being 19 (and counting) weekends in a row
>was supposed to get manager spot but it went to some ex-macy's manager because they have 20 years of management experience, but 0 in IT
>network admin low client contact job has become filling in at helldesk taking 75-90 calls on an 8 hour shift
>on Saturday i not only answer the phones, but respond to the tickets myself, so i have to forward the calls out to my own cell

its a joke user

I'm not going to look it up because that story sounds like bullshit as it would mean Amazon is literally in debt to the Federal Government

>Drop out of school because it felt like a waste of time and the little debt I did accumulate was already taking its toll
>Get a full time job making $14 an hour, pay off my debt in a couple years
>Work my way up to a promotion and a pay raise, able to afford rent, food and my hobbies with some left over
>Take the bus most places even though public transport in my area is shit because a bus pass lasts me a month and is inexpensive, it also lets me take the train if I need to go into the city
>If I ever take in a responsible roommate or girlfriend my financial situation will improve a bit more on top of that
I really don't know what to tell you user. You don't need 40 years of debt and a degree to get a "decent job". Not everybody needs to be a doctor or an engineer.

We pay for your national defense so that you can be forced to pay for your shitty "healthcare." Say thank you.

call me piggy again :)

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See, another one where they show off their big dick on how they "made it" which I doubt it's real and I can't even complain about one thing. I should just take it up the ass and "make it"

Who the fuck said about any "free meals"? What the hell is up with you people to always make it sound that people who take issue with these are just free loaders? You know the university system and the current situation we're in are total bullshit, reminds me of those boomer people who paid jack fucking shit and call people entitled. Kiss my ass and I'll see you when I finish this shitty year

This guy fucking gets it, I bet one of you are those rich fucks

How the fuck am I gonna fix it? It's not my fucking job. Should I not go to a doctor if I'm sick? Should I always "not make excuses"?

I vote, I complain, but there is no fucking person that I feel represents me. They're all taking fat wads of cash

>what are subsidies

don't they have a stint where the conditions are really good, then they balance it out with a longer stint with really bad conditions?

retard :)

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I only got minimum wage jobs, user, there are no $14 ones.

This, plus he can do far less about that than we can

Subsidies are still expected to make returns in some way

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Mate I'm not saying I 'made it', all I'm saying is that I put in effort to study something for free and took a relatively junior job that pays well enough for somebody with my frugal lifestyle and I'm happy. That's the full extent of my flex, you just don't sound happy. I don't want you to feel like that, man, gives me no joy.

It depends on the store, I guess. My store has been the same shit for 8 years. But now they're talking about seizing the future and they're reorganizing the management positions. They're calling the new assistant managers "coaches["spoiler]
I had to watch a video the other day where it said "we can't get the best talent here at walmart because they don't want to work for us"

I'm getting conflicting evidence here

>Amazon makes no money
what the fuck

god damn it I fucked up that spoiler
see, this is why I work for walmart

Returns to the government or people you bafoon

>by one measure
that's how you know its bullshit.


Minimum wage in California is about to raise to 15 an hour iirc and a lot of companies have already jumped the gun for tax writeoffs.

Then be empathetic, man. I'm happy for you, but the way you worded at me was condescending and not helpful. Besides, I have one last year left and then I'm done with this garbage

Sorry, I mean all I'm saying is I pissed around for years, but through a lot study binging on free materials online I dug myself out and no longer feel like a victim or loser.