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Getting to the top ten in one day isn't bad for a new IP
t. brainlet retard
>release date: august 31
>top 10 in two days for a brand new console exclusive franchise
Pretty good.
Daemon X Machina won't even make top 20.
Why are there so many people that want Astral Chain to flop? The same with lots of big games. Why would you want good games to do poorly? Why would you want games to be shitty? I'd rather just have more things to genuinely enjoy.
LMAO nincels, when yall will learn?
Tortanic destroyed this board
>top ten releasing by the last day
seems good
jelous, trolling, le epic memey
is not hard to figure out.
>Astral Chain Released Aug 30
>Makes top 10 of the August chart
so this is the power of PlatinumGames
Spider-Man is still selling like that?
>madden nfl
what the fuck?
people do that for every new game but this board has a lot of platinum haters for some reason which is funny because I got into platinum games due to Yea Forums constantly praising them years ago.
Oh nintenbros we got too cocky
Contrarian faggots destroyed this board.
We did it sonybros! We defeated the nintenbros!
Remember to 0 bomb the next exclusive they get!
Normies only buy three games a year, (four if there is a new Rockstar or Bethesda game) and Madden is one of them.
>make a game about stands
>turn it into a detective game instead
hola JirenGamer
Remember to report all console war spics.
Who the fuck is buying GTA V in August of 2019? How is Minecraft still selling so well when it's best era is long gone?
I think astral chain looks kinda cool but lmao this is fucking hilarious. Most people just don't give a fuck about it.
Learn that Astral Chain succeeded?
That Platinum said they would continue the series into a trilogy if it was successful. Then shortly after release they announced it was successful?
That you are a bitter bitch about a good games on the console you hate for no reason?
That all of these struck a cord and all you will retaliate with is either Name calling, Seethe, Cope, or Dilate?
>GTA V is STILL selling like crazy
Fucking how, every normie has that by now right?
What other games are out for PS4?
Sad too. Released on the same day as BL3. So the normies that were thinking about it are pushing it on the back burner for normie shit.
There are new normies born every day user
>minecraft at #2
what the fuck? Not only does that imply people have been buying it nonstop for the last several months, it implies there are that many people who haven't bought minecraft yet.
Minecraft is having a minor renaissance.
I never played it, but people are enjoying it again.
GTA V is normie basic. Every normie buys the current year sports game and GTA V.
>a brand new nintendo exclusive IP releases on Aug 30 to near critical acclaim and manages to break the top 10 of the month
how is this a flop exactly?
>Tfw this will help Japan finally figure out that the rest of the world don't love cops as much as them and don't care for Bootlicker Simulator 2.0
Fuck off dumb jojofag
Minecraft is extremely popular in Japan, believe it or not.
Right? I mean its competing with such brand new hit smashes like Madden, Minecraft, and GTAV and it still makes it!
>26 posters
9 Nintendo exclusive games in the top 20. While the rest is all multiplatform games. One of which are also on Nintendo platforms.
Making Nintendo take half the chart.
Console war retards are a cancer on this board and the internet in general.
But that sounds based as hell
no need for us to name call when you make such stellar posts like that user!
>selling anywhere near the same amount of copies as normie blockbusters such as madden, minecraft, and GTA
that's a success no matter how you look at it. It's not like Nintendo had a large budget, the graphics in Astral Chain look like shit.
I pirated my version
Madden NFL 20 came out in august.
It's hard to fight against a religious cult of sports fans that gobble down trash of decreasing value every year.
The cheapest way to buy online currency is the starter pack that comes with the game
GTA Vs sales are made up of mostly microtransaction whales at this point
Children love GTA.
How come we don't have thread like this when Sony exclusive flop?
I'm looking at you Gravity Rush 2
Snoybois. If it's not GTA, then it's Fifa, COD or whatever cinematic experience snoy shits out.
>in top 20 with 8 other nintendo titles
>in top 10 with 4 other nintendo titles
yeah im thinking it's time for the end of the snoy era.
>jan 2017
Too early.
Fuck Nintendo and their shitty fanbase
>Astral Chain is in the top 10
..........How is that a flop?
literally the best looking switch game
it gets slashed on price every month
you can find it for 20 bucks
>Get called out
>Can't handle it
Like pottery
>Fucking how, every normie has that by now right?
Because even after 20 years later, it's still one of the few open world games that actually gives you the freedom people typical want from an open world game. The whole dumb fun aspect of it is partially the reason a port of Mario Kart 8 is the best selling game on the Switch.
no one cared about GR
not even sony
>cult of fans that gobble down trash of decreasing value every year
Maybe Platinum should make a football game
>best looking switch game
that's not saying much. The budget was probably a full cup of noodles rather than half a cup
U/FistingWithHulkHands, get the fuck off this site and go back to that other shithole with your thousands of alternate accounts where you talk to yourself trying to make it seem like people agree with your snoy slurping idiocy.
Shit bait thread
End of discussion
>get complimented
>can't handle it
Ya didn't have to be so tsundere, I love you for who you are
Confirmed never played a single game from platinum.
To give you a general idea of how sales work, every other game in that top 20 list managed to hit at least top 3 on their first week, even Mario Party.
>10th place after 2 days
Meanwhile Control, a multiplatform game, got 23rd place
AC only has two fucking days on tracking, not even half week.
Reminder that with sage you can post without bumping the thread
You do know this NPD was released like TWO FUCKING DAYS after Astral Chain was released right?
metal gear rising was alright, nier a tomato was okay but slow
Sadly the more phoneposters a board has, the less sages it sees because of how hard it is for phoneposters to hit the tiny name box
>control isnt even on top 10
>Astral Chain is in to 10 for only selling for 2 days
so this is the power of Sony
Was it really that bad?
Astral Chain is a test of everything they have made in the last 12 years. It has a little of something from each game they have made.
You can Zandatsu, control your legion like you would your crowd in W101, Perfect dodging and counters like Transformers. Style/weapon switching like Bayo/avatar.
Shit's great. Also longest game they have made to date.
This is a list of Nintendo Switch games you fucking tards
wowee thanks oldfag
>Platinum games
More like Platinum flops.
Control actually isn't all that bad. It's a Metroid-vania centered around Diet SCP Foundation.
But if the SCP's are just objects and not living things.
It also connects all other Remedy games together with this SCP foundation thing.
>This is a list of Nintendo Switch games you fucking tards
>Spider-Man PS4
are you literally that fucking illiterate or are you just pretending to be retarded?
I can't pretend to be retarded if I actually am retarded
Not him but don't use my wife for shitposting.
Except it isn't a flop. It's been topping charts. Even in the UK.
So... Persona 4, pretty much the greatest success story on the ass end of the PS2's lifespan?
>literally #1 best selling game in Japan
Why do Americans have such bad tastes in video games?
This. Zoomers now think they're supposed to want everything to fail after watching how much we enjoyed watching TOR sink. It's brainlets and monkeys just trying to emulate what they saw.
I get the impression that a lot of people here want to play Astral Chain but want it to flop because they don't like Nintendo and think that if the game flops hard enough, Platinum and Nintendo will stop working together.
That's stupid. It would mean Platinum would make fewer games.
Yeah, especially when it didn't...
That's about right. I'd be all about this game were it not on the switch. But I'm not buying a switch for this.
10th place for a game that was only out for two days is pretty crazy especially for a new IP
Platinum already said it was a success on twitter though. They drew nice artwork and they thanked everyone who bought it.
Then why the fuck are you complaining? You faggots are a plague to this already plague ridden board
But will you buy it for Astral Chain 1, 2, 3, Bayo 1, 2, 3 and whatever they eventually release on Switch?
Because Platinum already said they would consider making Astral Chain a trilogy if it was successful. They already came out and claimed it as such.
>i'm not buying a console with good games to play good games
Despite Nintendo being the sole reason Bayo 2 and 3 even exist and probably the reason Plat didn't close down
So they basically want Plat dead rather than let Nintendo get some exclusives
It's also only tracking physical sales while the voucher system is going strong.
I swear GTAV are a result of some kind of crazy money laundering scheme. I understand why it sold well initially and why it sold well over all but it's been 6 years almost to the day and it outsells newly released games every month. That's insane.
If there's one more game for switch I'll just have to buy one. If not then if the next nintendo console is slightly more powerful and has backwards compatibility then it'll be fucking great. Literally the only complain I see about astral chain is 30fps.
Oh fuck you, you snobby cumstain. I think astral chain is cool, but I'm not gonna buy a console for one game. I generally don't like switch games. I wish it were available elsewhere. It's not like I'm demanding anything
I'll buy a switch only if Legends 3 gets announced for it. That's my stipulation. Everyone has to be retarded about something: thats mine.
I mean. They have 3 Bayonetta's. Confirmed 2 more Astral Chain games since this first one was successful.
What more do you want? A port of W101? W102?
>NPD Group has released a listing of the top twenty best-selling games in the U.S. for the month of August 2019. The results can be found below, which includes Astral Chain in the top ten despite launching at the end of the month.
What they mean with this?
I don't know honestly. Astral chain made me think hard about it though. They also have BoTW2 in development.
>So they basically want Plat dead rather than let Nintendo get some exclusives
Literally snoyboys in a nutshell. You cracked the case.
>Nintendo probably is the reason Plat didn't close down
>When Wonderful 101 and Star Fox 0 were massive failures
Don't be retarded user, Kamyia already said that Yoko Taro is the one who saved Platinum.
I just got it, the tutorial was pretty shitty and I hate it when games make run L3. Things spice up real fast right?
And platinum saved Yoko Taro. Truly the best team. Looking forward to more from the two of them.
They only made model for Star Fox. That was contract work. They got payed and then bounced.
Neither Sony or MS were willing to bail them out when they really hit rock bottom
You know who did? Nintendo
They're the reason Nier A even exists
Nier isnt even on any Nintendo console?
Wow so let's thanks based Activison too for letting Platinum develop Mutants in Manhantan and The Legend of Korra.
>Neither Sony or MS were willing to bail them out when they really hit rock bottom
This doesn' mean jackshit if the fucking games don't sell well, W101 and SF0 were failures and after the cancellation of Scalebound Platinum would be literally doomed if that was not by Nier Automata selling more than 1 million of copies in less than a year.
Why even reply if you don't know what actually happened?
>More Xcuck projection
Why didn't you fuckers buy Control?
I just dislike the switch and want nintendo to die
Yes it does because it means the studio still made money. Nintendo was the one eating losses on those games because they were publishing them.
>Sony got exclusive marketing rights for Control, but then refused to actually market it.
azur lane sold more than astral chain
>released the 31
>nintendo doesn't give digital numbers to NPD
Do you faggots really don't know this or you are just "merely pretending" to be retarded?
>Top 10 = Fail now
They're the only ones who talked about it. 505 did fuck all.
>Sonybros are so delusional they think a game that's charted #1 in multiple countries, #1 on the Eshop in multiple regions, and cracked top 10 in the NPD for august despite being only on sale for 2 days in the month is a flop
It's okay bros. Maybe if you guys stop buying movie games and walking simulators Sony may find it worth funding a game like Astral Chain but it seems like the average playstation consumer has no interest in that sort of thing.
Xcucks are still mad about Scalebound. They reacted the same way around Nier Automata.
See this faggot as an example:
I still don't know what genre Control even is since I haven't seen shit
>caring about sales and not quality of game
Not a Yea Forums thread. Sage.
>its cuz of nintendo that we got nier
>trust me
your the one who claimed it, so you have to provide source faggot, not us
I thought Control was quite good. Sad it sold like shit
No user, the only fans sneething are snoybois.
If Plat didn't get that Ninty money they would have just closed down which would've meant Nier A would have never been made
The problem was that the devs and pubs made no effort to adequately and succiently describe the game. The only thing I knew about it was that it was a mindfuck Remedy game with crazy physics. Good game too, hopefully decent word of mouth and sales will carry it a bit.
I was really reluctant getting my Switch since I only really wanted Metroid Prime 4 and I now own more games for it then I do for my PS4. I've always preferred handheldshit and people meme about the portmachine shit but having so many games I like available on a single modern portable console is really nice.
Might want to check this week's famitsu sales user. Azur Lane crashed and burned and now Astral Chain is destroying it in sales
I really want to see Fire Emblem's numbers to be honest
I thought op was being sarcastic....
Xbox fans don't exist
At least not on Yea Forums
Don't you have some more Metacritic user reviews for Queers 5 to spam, Milgrau cancer?
It allegedly sold 800,000 digital alone so I'm pretty sure it was a massive success at this point.
You have it all wrong, people are just accepting that it flopped because it was born to flop.
But it didn't flop. It was the 10th best selling game in August after only two days, and Platinum already labeled it a success only a week after release.
Seeing as it was a commercial success in every fashion. I can't see how someone can believe it flopped.