why do you refuse to play as her?
Why do you refuse to play as her?
I only play the class that offers the most reload speed
which is Zane
Because I'd have to play a Borderlands game to play as her.
But I am going to play as her.
Brick was always my favourite and my hope is now with six additional arms maybe the melee will actually scale into usefullness late game.
You mean aside from having to play Borderlands 3?
She's ugly. I don't wanna play as an ugly female.
I'll have to look at the skill trees but I usually play as the cutest girl which in this game would be Moze.
Because I have never spent more than $5 for a borderlands game and am not going to change anytime soon. Plus, I know randy is a slut and will give it to me for that eventually.
Zane looks the most fun to play. I might play her second though. I just gotta go fast user, you must understand.
>give the bitch astral arms to ora ora ora the fuck out of enemies
>all she does is ground smash shit, no straight punches at all
who the fuck thought this was okay? wasted potential.
I want Amara to put me in a fucking head lock and suffocate me while she jerks me off with one her siren hands.
Waiting for the crack desu
She's in a terrible game
i only play as siren, on all games, imagine my disgust when i couldnt choose a siren on the Pre-sequel.
athena was great, but was not a siren.
her action skill and talent trees are shit. they could have so easily not fucked her up and played into her design with he skills but they didn't
which characters have better skill trees?
all of the ones in 3 are pretty boring and the action skills are uninspired. character and class design is a huge step down from 2 desu
>turret guy
>akimbo guy
>katana sniper guy
so inspiring
wow she looks B A D A S S
this but with her thighs, and jerking me off with her regular hands if possible, but with her siren hands and caresing my head and hair would be nice too.
compared to 3? definitely. and you can simplify anything like that to fit your shill narrative all you want. just look at the skill trees in 3 compared to 2 and if you aren't a dumb nigger you'll see how much worse they are
>he doesn't wanna play Moze and hop into a fucking mech laying DAKKA across the whole fucking map
honestly the other characters look boring compared to Moze for me
>Zane looks like shootybang man except he has a drone that does stuff and a hologram he can swap places with
>Amara looks moderately fun but I'd have to see more of her skills
>FL4K looks like shootybang man but his pets are off killing shit
Someone tell me some cool shit the other characters can do because I've mostly been looking at Moze
Amara has
>groundpound with 3 variations
>hand blast that pierces shields and hits enemies with 2 or 3 variations
>Mayas skill with 3 variations
Zane has
Shield, drone, clone
He can sacrifice grenades to have two abilities
Fl4k has three pets
>Fl4k has three pets
okay but do they do things other than just run around on autopilot killing things
Also the pets become stronger variants depending on the tree
>Zane has Shield, drone, clone He can sacrifice grenades to have two abilities
see? that's fucking interesting. 2's generic soldier guy never was interesting as him
Amd they have elementa
I forget what else
The ryancentral channel has a video covering each character in like 15 mins or less each
He also has skills that let his drone and clone shirt grenades out randomly. Us he goes fast.
How is moze
why is there no melee class
From what I hear you'll like her if you played Brick or Krieg.
She’s an ugly poo-in-the-loo, trapped in a shitty game.
Future DLC
It worked the first time.
because I can only stare at her abs if I play as a different character
>this zoomer actually bought faggotlands
neck yourself already
I'm not buying the game unless I can play Krieg. If he is in the story then I doubt that I will get the chance.
Because I don't want to play as a fucking woman.
You character options are even shittier than pre-sequel. A tumblr negro goblina, lesbian gunner, shitty pronoun warrior robot and a gay wimpy Waluigi clone.
Even when we had Anthony fucking Burch behind the wheel, there were Zero, Sal, even motherfucking Krieg. Now we have a bunch of complete faggots.
sariens are gay.
The fucking bug people in this thread, my god. Shill cunts
Is he truly a speedyboi? The lack of quickness with all the previous characters was lame.
They stated their current plan is to add new trees to the 4 existing characters as DLC. Not create new characters entirely.
So it might be an Amara DLC This. I was hoping she'd have Brick's ultimate but with 6 fists instead of two.
Wait she doesn't even punch shit? How the fuck are Gearbox so incompetent?
look up any gameplay with her. she has a ground pound AOE, a phase projection that's just her body shooting forward in a straight line damaging anything that touches it, or a giant hand that grabs people for a bit. that's cool and all, but why the fuck can't i use 6 GIANT FISTS to PUNCH FAGGOTS IN THE FACE
like what the fuck is the point
I only ever played 1 class for each game and it was never Siren
>all mage classes in borderlands are always women
>not a single wizard-like guy
It's shit
Because she is the least interesting compared to the other characters
I am a male. I have a penis. Why would I play as a female?
How is it a stepdown you fucking retard
No one thinks that who actually checked the talents, its an overall huge improvement to the older games
In bl2 you had characters who had skills that were completely useless in bossfight and a shitton of skillpoints that didnt even scale or done nothing in the endgame
Now you have more options and skills actually scale with the rest of the game
This. GOTY with all the crap that amassed by then will eventually go on sale for a few bucks
I would play as her, but I don't really care for Borderlands at all.
You're a functioning adult that is capable of separating fiction from reality?
Cuz she's cringe that's why
Holly shit big bl2 veteran here I'm laughing so hard how retarded are you, bl3 seems a step down on characters from bl2
I don't play as niggers.
>wanted to play amara once i saw her skill
>just want to ORAORAORAORA bandits
>she just gets a ground pound or the skill from the last game
Because it's console only plus she's not tiny Tina.
She's black
Shes not cute, and I don't like her power.
I hate it when a well designed, even sexy character is stuck in a shit game
Yeah, webm unrelated though.
Because i' gonna play ad the dog guy voiced by the youtube guy
Never talk shit about my dark skinned muscular punch waifus ever again.
Because I love Manlet moze
Sorry, I don't play flavor of the month reddit games.
either would've been sufficient not to play as her.