Always a party
UNIST Thread
Pass is vee
kw: pclobby
Also fun image for y'all
>images you can hear
Missing Broly
Oh wait, I'm thinking of his similarities to Enkidu 3C
Razzy is the new icey
Ah man, I was just doing netplay on PC and the connection was fine.
I can finally go get a snack
>10 frames
Oh brother.
Gonna be on later than usual.
>internet shits the bed in lobby
Maybe this is a sign
it may have been because i had photoshop open for something, hopefully now that i closed it itll be better
Ah, drawing/editing something?
making more fightstick art
Gotta open up the bag of tricks that I don't even understand for Clawz.
Truly a mystery.
Hi all, I'm trying unist out and going through the tutorial. How popular is Gordeau?
How so?
Ah, interesting. For your own stick?
well it started out better there
Not as popular in UNIEL
The new poster child for IWEXS
yep. at this point im gonna try restarting the game
He's fairly popular one of the more played characters for sure.
k back up
The most popular secondary, but nobody actively mains him in our lobby. I'd probably say that's par for the course in general.
Is he? Not only is he not all that played in the lobbies as a main but I've only fought a handful online on PS
I've done a total of 2 (two) IWEXs tonight and they both landed. I already got a better track record on them than Icey.
>2 (two) IWEXs tonight
The lobby hasn't even been up for an hour
It was in the same match, different rounds
We had 3 Gord players in the lobby yesterday so I'd say he's pretty popular.
They always told me 66C was his best starter
Welp, I got kicked, was my connection that bad?
why does new may look like linne
I don't see it
I don't think so but it seems like an off night in general today.
So I'm pretty happy. I got my first tournament win this week, beating a Carmine player. Still got a long way to go, but I'm starting to see progress.
Spats+sweater+beeg weapon
I can see what user's going for, but they're still different enough.
How many people were in it?
Clothing that accentuates the legs, I can see it too.
Congrats man. Sounds like a hard fought win if Carmine was your final challenger.
May's hoodie seems one size too big
Who's our lucky champion
I guess but it's still a really loose comparison. Also Linne is very lithe while May may need to cut back on the sweets a bit.
the outfit is similar but Linne has to put on 150 lbs to look like nuMay
Fuck you guys, I like those legs.
I hope she doesn't fight in the hoodie though.
Daisuke just learned mimimalism
Linne was made to be completely conventional in comparison to everyone else, which is the reverse of what you'd expect from a highschooler's notebook drawings
Lmao I phrased that very poorly. First win in tournament, not winning a whole tournament. It was at Wednesday Night Fights OC. I think there were like 20 something people there.
That's one hell of a slip-up then.
I think May2020 is very cute and a direct upgrade. A significant one at that.
I'm always going to be partial to chubsters since a fat girl that I banged had a bear trap for a pussy that had me near bursting after like 5 seconds of thrusting
Yeah. I was trying to say I beat someone in a competitive setting, not just casuals or online.
The hoodie is just big, she's not actually fat
ah i lost track of time there, ggs pclobby ill leave it up
this but instead of a bear trap pussy i just like oversized clothing
>Wednesday Night Fights OC
Is that the Esports Arena?
Wish I had the time (and courage) to try and join that one of these days.
It's most likely just an oversized sweater hiding her finally developed body.
Oh yeah? Are you going to Danger Time this Saturday? I never go to WNF but might see you there.
Look at her legs. She put on a lot of weight.
Maybe it's all in the right places.
why do you almost always make threads so late at night
It's been the most consistent way to keep a playerbase so far.
>bad connections all round
>get kicked during Chaos's IWEX
Looks like I'm out. Sorry for subjecting you pc bros with those connections. GGs.
>mfw UNI netcode
the game's not called Over Day
Her legs are too thick for her to not be at least squeezable.
maybe she's just got a Tao thing going on.
Only after we get a proper Gohan Blanco color.
People don't show up to earlier ones.
They'd rather shitpost
Yeah. It's pretty fun, but you are held hostage pretty late if you are trying to not pay for parking. There is only paid parking at the venue, but there is a time when parking becomes free at night, so you can enter and then leave after parking becomes free. But if you have shit to do Thursday morning it can become a hassle.
I work on the weekends, so Saturday tournaments don't normally work out for me.
Thanks for the games pclobby. Gotta get up early so I'll end here.
what game are we playing user?
Lemme tell you, trying to 66C after a blood wheel and timing it so you don't whiff/hit too early so you can't cancel into another bloodwheel while ones already out is the new toughest thing with this guy
Ah, that's unfortunate. Because of work, the only locals I go to are on weekends. In any case Danger Time hasn't had tournaments in months, it's mostly casuals and a few training session sets you can sign up for.
I'm just gonna get fucked up by beatie now?
GGs bro. Sleep tight
Oi Sai, how come it feels like our connection has been shaky recently.
So is ASW supposed to bring up UNICLR at all during TGS or do we have to wait for the next thing?
how many mikas in pc lobby currently?
I wish I had an answer for that, haha. Seems to just start cutting up after about 20 seconds in these fights. Pretty sure nothing is torrenting right now either.
Kamone and Raito are at TGS but just as visitors, they're not going to announce anything.
If patterns are to be believed, the only source for news will be magazine articles until we get closer to release day where they'll start showing more specific stuff, but since they're rolling out demos at events, who knows
They barely showed stuff for GG2020. I doubt they would slot in something for Calcium Lime n Rust.
>They barely showed stuff for GG2020
Why do they even do these shitty events in the first place?
>here's the trailer we already showed you, let's talk about it for 5 minutes then show you 10 seconds of the same stuff and 2 seconds of a character everyone knew would be in the game bye have a good day come back in 2 weeks to watch another commercial
we'll get another new character besides Londrekia in CLR right?!
At this point, sol/ky/may/chip/millia are a given and they should just show all them off in the first trailer.
Yeah probably
It's always been by pairs
Of course we will as DLC
There was 2 but they both bounced already
Is there a reason that Spoon's lobby names are all audio equipment? Makes me want to go back into that hobby.
I'm going to Mika again in the lobby.
Character reveals are like fighting game marketing 101. It very easily dominates all other forms of online discussion.
chaos was added by himself
UNIEL brought Akat and Chaos
>Pick Mika
>Play a slightly slower pace than most Mika players
I’ve never been so shook in my life
ggs PSN lobby. Been hard to be awake for the lobbies recently.
The net gave me the boot and crashed me out of my last match. I think it was sick of all the 7 frame matches that were occuring during my games.
your combos are cooler though.
I completely forgot 3C existed in that entire fight for some reason, strange considering how often I've been using it in Gord's combos.
GGs. Also, maybe the soon to change fall back in time will change that for the better? That or make it worse.
Raz pls
That'll mean the lobbies are starting an hour later so it's going to be worse
What do you mean by slower paced?
Sorry for the grim early reminder then, whoops!
I mean atic stutters strings and takes time to defend more than your average Mika. It really threw me off
Anyway GGs pcbros. Gotta eat and sleep
beatie makes me look more like a punching bag than usual.
chaos was added before akatsuki was even an unplayable secret boss character
Welcome to the club
Arcade versions tend to do that, like how Phonon was in for nearly a year before Mika got added.
But we're not even sure if UNICLR is going to even get an arcade version
>Ver. 2.00 (September 9th 2013)
>Ver. 2.01 (September 18th 2013)
Oh no, 8 days
But yeah
It could go the SFV/BBTAG route and get a late arcade port.
It's no use guys, I'm just cursed. Had a technician come down today to inspect my connection/etc. and nothing could be done about it. Not even switching modems worked or a reset. I wanna play but my luck just won't let me.
Who, dare I ask, is this?
Man linne's normals still feel so much better, but I can't wring out nearly as much damage with her.
Sure but if that's the case then the console ports/releases always featured two new characters.
Call them every single day and make them keep sending technicians until it's fixed. The more calls they see from your account the more likely they'll scramble to fix something just to shut you up.
Speaking of that, why do Akatsuki and Eltnum not have voices in main menu selection? Always found that to be quite odd since their voices can be found in the rest of the game.
do you have issues with other things connected to your router, like a phone or laptop?
Just gotta hit the lab to get things working lad.
They're not important
I don't actually know though
Can Gord's 5[C] be used as a good meaty if timed properly or is too big of a risk? I think I got greedy throwing that out pretty early.
If you're Gord and want to meaty, just 2C
Any meaty needs to be well timed either way
It can be against me.
I'd bet on it being a misplaced value somewhere.
Good idea and you've got a point. I'll also try some more FF the next time I use him.
I'll have to get it down too then for some variety.
I know but it's tempting to just go back to mika where I'll probably know my few combos for life at this point.
It's okay, I'm a fraud with them
It's time to build some new combos for life! That being said, I know what you mean about having some old reliable stuff. Discovering new things on characters you don't normally play is fun too.
I'd like to see that.
>all those drop
RIP me
but so am i which makes it even worse
>pick up game
>younger sister is already shipping some characters
fucking hold me in/v/irth bros
It's gay stuff, isn't it
Whew, sorry for whatever the lag there was Clawz haha. Fun fight all the same!
>Discovering new things on characters you don't normally play is fun too.
Yeah, that's true. Another reason I haven't found anybody to give my all to yet. I just have some severe character ADD.
She'd better have some good taste at least.
tfw mika lobby has become a gord lobby
you're not as much of a fraud as you think you are, m8.
Sounds equally as fun. Hope you get to hear Mortal Slide as least 500 times before the night is over.
inb4 chaos and Gord
That dude was pretty good. Hope he makes a comeback sooner than later (if you're talking PS Lobby).
I have to go on an errand RIP. GGs lobby.
GGs. Have a save trip on that errand and see ya next time!
Have called multiple times. They don't give a damn, likely cause they know they're no real competition where I live.
Funny you mention that. I can actually get NAT 2 off of my phone's hotspot but not the modem my ps4 is connected to with an ethernet cable.
I played Hyde just for you, Hippie.
Ah, my fellow NAT-3 buddy. Guessing the port forwarding stuff didn't work out either then? I gotta get to that myself but have been lazy about it.
You've got the PS4 bypassing the router, right?
Try putting it behind the router instead and with UPnP enabled on the router it should let it properly handle the port forwards that the ISP won't let the PS4 open directly upstream.
Also fun fact, those NAT types 1/2/3 aren't a real thing, it's just some jargon Sony came up with for whether the PS4 can communicate on the correct ports with the PSN servers.
Word of advice, sai.
The first part of mortal slide is pretty safe at -3
The follow-up where he pulls people in is -6, so unless you're trying to fakeout assimilate someone up close as a frame-trap, don't use it too often
Lesson learned there. Guess you really need CS to set up combos following 214C hahaha.
Doesn't seem like you can connect anything else otherwise.
Can't port forward with the router I have. There's no UPnP option either.
That sounds like a load of bullshit. What century is your router from?
wakeup overheads again
I appreciate this alot. I'll definitely try to keep it to just the starting one then unless I'm close enough on block to get the assimilate.
Guess practicing the combos has conditioned me to do the second part out of habit now haha. Hopefully it doesn't take too long to adjust.
GGs PS lobby
Dunno, a modern one I'd guess? They don't let you do anything like that though. Believe me, I've tried.
>tfw made this when they first showed off jiren
GGs lad. Have a good night!
>They don't let you do anything like that though.
What does that mean? Is it some retarded lease from the ISP or something? Buy your own router.
Was doing that AA into j.236 a silly move? Looking at it up in Mizuumi, it seems pretty unsafe at -10. Then again I think most aerial stuff is probably gonna be unsafe.
>Is it some retarded lease from the ISP
Seems to be that, yeah. And buying my own would work? I thought that having another device in between the ps4 and the router would just cause the same problem.
Looks like the rainstorm had enough of me playing
I'll call it there then, GGs everyone
Not him but my bro and I went and bought a router online so we didn't have to rent from Spectrum.
Ah fuck, forgot to put on pass and got kicked, is PS lobby full now?
GGs. Hope your living space is as indestructible as your win record tonight.
Also, anyone who still wants to play I'll put up a new lobby, same pass.
Any recommendations?
>Imagine the Merkava ships
oh god
yo dudes, I got this game recently and I'm interested in buying the color DLCs too.
Do they look good? I can't find them in the wiki to check them out
Depends on the character. One does stand out and it's the red and blue one
This is the one I've got running though not sure if you've got the same ISP or not.
>Empty assault into grab
I gotta stop falling for this
Kinda odd that it says TWC Only in the title of the product but then advertises "and more!" afterward haha.
I should probably do that sometime.
>empty assault into low
This will always get me. Moreso if it's a whiffed divekick
>hybrid modem/router
I have AT&T.
>Magic pixel
Hmm, maybe that's why I'm having problems with him? Hahaha Does that mean port forwarding would be useless?
ggs mika/gord lobby
lost a match because of it, won a match because of it
fightan gods give and fightan gods take
>Does that mean port forwarding would be useless?
My controller pooped out so I'll stop here.
ggs everyone
So no on buying that then? Just to be clear, my ps4 is connected to my modem so I should buy a router?
Getting blown up never felt so good. I really wanted that 360 too though hahaha.
Yes buy a router and either enable UPnP or forward whatever ports the PS4/UNI uses. If you're connected directly to the modem the ISP's upstream router isn't going to let your PS4 open up ports freely like that.
GGs PS guys
>getting hit by every overhead and grab even when trying to look out for them
GGs! Take care and see ya around next one!
>Gordeau has an alt color named "Righteous Daddy"
I wanted to use them with Hyde, Linne, Gordeau and maybe Chaos
Kay. Would any router have UPnP or is it a specific to certain ones?
100% worth it for Hude
It's easier if you focus on just one, throws being the easier choice
That 5C is so good against all of my air stuff. Happy to get 360 off though at least once tonight, hahaha.
I'm just mad I'm still so easy to crack after all that time practicing.
It's standard.
But Dark Master Hyde is free
Thats all for me this night
GGs pclobby
I bought this awhile ago but went back to Tekken 7. I couldn't wrap my head around that vorpal meter shit.
It's pretty natural to the flow of the game. It's vital but you can ease it in to your gameplan, you don't need a full grasp to compete early on. It's hard to "get" without just playing and learning
What's to understand? Play good and get meter. Play like a pussy and lose it.
GGs pc lobby
Play good, get a free roman cancel is all you need to know to start off.
It's a free damage buff and move cancel for the whole cast and gives most characters unique new traits to allow for more variety in their moves.
Are you planning on hopping on anytime soon?
Why do you do this to me Razzy
Just parry, bro.
It's too hard bro
Is she your kryptonite? Also, what a nailbiter of a game that was, hahaha.
It's alright, losing to Enkidu is another part of imitating Icy
I thought those teleports looked familiar, haha
Sorry pal, that ain't gonna cut it. You can't just blame it on Icey. Take responsibility.
How do you Orie in neutral? 5A/5B surprisingly gets beat a lot and 236A/B is kind of unsafe without CS but winning vorpal is too hard when youre a shieldlet.
Enkidu IWEX is really too good. I'm surprised I never thought of pulling that card out in any other matches before.
Just thrust, bro.
From all the Orie's I've seen play her, just walk back abit and thrust. Don't forget to also throw out Thanatos if you're able to to change it up.
Which thanatos? 214A, B or do I have to do tk shenanigans?
22x shenanigans.
What happened to dropping Orie and sticking with Hyde
He must've had a change of heart and decided to work on both since his Orie is looking pretty sharp right now too.
I never said I was, I just said I was thinking about it and I thought about it. Now I can start labbing Orie since it's fun to play against you.
Blast, the CS was on deck too haha. This is a fun matchup for me as well.
Haven't seen this mirror in quite awhile. Lamp's Elt is also good stuff too. Fun times.
Ah dang, guess I gotta hang up the Elt coat and focus full time on Orie now.
Why do you toy with my feelings like this
I'll go unga on the next one Razzy.
But that's your normal state
I have no witty remark for that one. clearly the post is an empty statement, hahaha
>I'll go unga on the next one Razzy.
Got greedy in the end of that but I'll happily take that 4.7k combo.
Gonna close up shop in 10 minutes. Let's get these last fights in!
Maybe I should take that suggestion to learn some small BnBs with Aka. He meshes really well with how I play.
Still gonna keep learning Gord though of course. His seemingly free-form combo game is too fun to pass up.
ggs Sai. Fuck you Razzy.
GGs broskis. Thanks for the fun late night lobby session! Catch you both next time.
GGs boys. Try not to be so unga next time, Lamp.