are there any good games with bigfoot or cryptos in em Yea Forums?
Are there any good games with bigfoot or cryptos in em Yea Forums?
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fallout 76
kappas were real. nips killed them off because kappas tried sucking out the souls of people through their assholes
San Andreas
Sleep with one eye open tonight, busta.
Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare.
>tfw no horror game set in florida
a game in the everglades would be so sick
>horror game set in florida
Only if it's just a Florida living simulator.
I'd take it.
Is too much to ask for a cryptid hunting game? I'd imagine it as you playing as a Men in Black style agent with guns,gadgets and magic infused stuff. Bigfoot, Lake monsters, ayylmaos,ghosts,crazy cult members and all sorts of mythic shit from folklore and mythology.
Cryptids Island in Poptropica.
yeah san andreas
The sad truth is that there is embarassingly little with them outside of shitty indie horror games that are a dime a dozen asset flips. Seems like such an untapped.
bigfoot isn't scary though, it's just a hairy hobo
Is that fucking real.
we just don't know
There's not really anything interesting about them though.
depends on how you look at the pictures and the letter surrounding it
It looks shopped, I can tell from some of the pixels
If i could create only one vidya it would be about traveling through north America (and other parts of the world) hunting cryptids.
Hellsign is sort of a paranormal investigator style game that has cryptids. You start out with poltergeists and bugs and work your way up to demons, ghouls, and bigger stuff.
Final Fantasy VI let you recruit a Yeti as a party member. I imagine games with playable cryptids are even rarer.
In Tony Hawk Underground 2, Bigfoot is an unlockable character as the last special skater for the story in the level Skatopia. He rides a chainsaw-motorized skateboard, and it lets him get near cheat code levels of speed and air.
I remember thinking cryptids were cool and held onto belief that they were real
Then I grew up and realized they're all lies and that cryptozoology is a waste of time
Name me ONE cryptid proven to be real in the last decade
Unironically this. It’s a pretty good way to kill a few hours if you enjoyed the gameplay loop of fallout 4
If they were proven to be real then they wouldn't be cryptids
mokele mbembe
What else could you do with the genre besides survival horror? I can’t inagine killing copy pasted Bigfoot again and again to be too much of a good time.
Play Shin Megami Tensei
What these two said!
No, fuck that nonsense
>but muh pygmies
Mokele Mbembe was just a product of the rising interest in dinosaurs and are literal fossils of an outdated mentality on how dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures behaved
GTA San Andreas
Bili Apes in the Congo, which are basically giant bipedal chimps, were considered folklore by scientists until the mid 2000s when they were discovered and then documented. Despite studying them for around 15 years, we still know surprisingly little about them. There's still stuff out there to find.
Shut the fuck up, bandwagoner. Like I said it’s good if you like the gameplay of fallout 4. Make of that what you will.
Is that the top-down early access shit?
What if you played as Bigfoot and had to protect your forest from an actual supernatural entity, while also trying to protect human campers without getting them killed or getting yourself caught or captured.
yeah, its pretty rare to find another player in there
I can believe humanoid primates like bigfoot and skunk apes existing. Hominids could be intelligent enough to find food and hide themselves from enemies, no matter how ape like they look. Hard to find them especially in tropical jungles.
If you really think a decade is a long time for major discoveries to occur, you clearly don't have a good grasp on how any major science actually works.
Humanoid monkeys would be smarter than those chimps. They would know it's better to avoid humans.
We've been discovering all sorts of new animals for years and surprise surprise only a minuscule minority are actually cryptids (and not even the notable kind)
Yes igore the bugst, lag and crashes!
Yeah, I'm thinking the hundreds of new species of insects and sea life discovered every year might be skewing your perception on this. It takes a considerable amount of time for megafauna to be documented and classified by science. Technically, it took western science 2000 years to verify the Gorilla since they were first reported by Hanno the Navigator, which before that point, were considered cryptids. Even something as benign as the okapi took 20 years to even classify after it was initially confirmed via a skull. Grizzly-Polar bear hybrids were long thought to be impossible naturally and to be a myth until one was definitively photographed and documented in 2006. Sure, Mothman has yet to be scientifically verified, but that's ignoring things like the lusca could easily be a new species of giant pacific octopus instead of the sharktopus like thing legends say it is, which by the way, a carcass belonging to an abnormally large octopus was found in the waters it was said to live in 2011, and guess what, scientists couldn't be bothered with either. So that plays a factor in it too.
What's that game where you're hunting a huge green eyed Bigfoot in a forest? Watching gameplay of that scares the fuck out of me, it's surprisingly atmospheric
uncharted 2
Truly unsettling.
thats what people wanted though
Odds of some crytids being extinct?
At least one creature which was at one point considered to be a cryptid by at least one person is extinct.
How do we kill bigfoot?
Use a gun
Does anyone know cryptids other than Bigfoot, Mothman, and the Flatwoods monster?
Please name some.
jackie chan
Look at the fucking feet.
How did no one mention this yet? It's literally the only game centered around bigfoot that I know of, or any other cryptid for that matter.
You set up camp and go out with your friends hunting bigfoot, setting up cameras and traps and shit.
Jersey Devil
Loveland Frogman
Spoiler that shit!!!
Holy fuck I think I watched Oney play this or something and it's spooky as hell
Poor guy. He was holding out for so long.