You liking it bros so far?
Borderlands 3
wouldn't even pirate this
still waiting for a crack. don't really care about store faggotry, I'm just broke rn
Not giving chinks my data, so no
game is shit
It's good. Great combat and it graphic looks amazing.
The way skag pups make dog like whines and yelps when you hurt them is legitimately upsetting. They didn't used to sound like that so fuck whoever decided they should now
People are shitting on it pretty hard. Not looking good for Randy and that's not very... badass.
Frig off, Randy.
t.gearbox employee
>Got the first two games for free
>Never touched them
it might be a while
I played them both when i had literally nothing else to play on ps3, super ugly artstyle, cringe worthy dialogue and shitty story. You didn't miss out on anything
They killed Maya so no.
They made more than one of this grindfest?
I saw some fanart of this character and she was really cute, but then I saw what she actually looks like and thanks to the comparison I'm disappointed.
check any review aggregate site, basically the jokes aren't strong enough to carry it this time its way to samey
randy's tweets age worse than the allegedly 18 year old girls he has porn videos of on his usb stick.
waiting for a crack
Did they even add anything aside from cloud saves for like 3 games since that tweet? Geez that aged horribly
Epic store really makes crackfags seethe, holy shit.
gearbox had to make a preloader api for borderlands 3 because they promised that would be a feature for the pc release and epig did nothing
Is there a LAN option? I've played every Borderlands on LAN parties.
imagine if there isn't, and then they try to justify it by saying "but piracy"
They killed off Lilith too, so BL3 is a pass from me.
When did lilith die? Only remember the nigga got shot in the back in a cutscene.
At the very end, where Elpis is getting fucked. Could've been a conflict for you to solve, but it is the instant Lilith gets her powers back only to sacrifice herself.
what is the option to max textures? Is it streaming? I have it on max and my game looks like its on medium.
Dont touch 1 with a ten foot pole
Probably stay away from 2 as well
Pre-sequel is the best one but that isnt saying much.
don't wanna buy it on ps4, and i'm waiting for the steam release.
...this is a joke, right?
not him but pre-sequel has the best mechanics and loot, despite also having the worst everything else
Why is it so boring?
You do the same thing all game long from lvl 1 on. Nothing ever changes. There is no peak in borderlands. It's just the medicore gameplay from the beginning to the end with no real heights or great moments.
Get in coop pleb
>Get in coop pleb
>you need friends to enjoy the game
Every game is enjoyable with friends, doesn't make em good. Shit is boring because you do the same for dozen of hours and the enjoyment curve is a flat line because all is the same from beginning to the end.
Don’t expect to get any actual discussion for this game on here just the always witty hot and fresh original opinion “fuck epic xD”.
I actually really like the first one and think 2 is all right. Never played the spinoffs but will probably pick up 3 to play with a friend. Oh well
... he says in a tread with actual opinions
fuck epic and fuck you xddd
People playing it right now are either retarded console kids or equally retarded chink game store users.
No steam? No buy.
Too busy mocking Pocahontas in greedfall
fuck off randy