"games" that are just blatant product placement?
"games" that are just blatant product placement?
way better than valhashit.
I miss when conspiracy tards were rejected in society and not promoted
Why is colonel sanders hot?
i miss MKULTRA
Cause he's finger lickin' good.
Except that game isn't licensed, shit for brains.
What's wrong with that?
I miss when normalfaggots stayed off the internet
nigger-killin' good
I for one am glad companies are making post ironic shitposting mainstream and pissing off all the memelords.
There's literally nothing wrong with this.
I want a eroge about Wendy on Steam too. Fuck Popeyes and FUCK NIGGER.
psyop is literally a military unit you fucking inbred
>Has thicc girl
WTF i love KFC now!
Breastusis and thuuuuuuuuuuighs
KFC is now based, redpilled, and /ourguys/. Gonna pick up an Extra Large Chicken Bucket and watch the SJWs seethe over this design, kek.
Yum Corp donates money to the democratic party you idiot.
Wait did the actual KFC publish this?
I haven't eaten KFC after i saw what happens in the poultry factories, imagine subhumans that don't speak English or follow safety codes make all the meat that goes to KFC
>chicken with green pus exploded cyst sacs simply missed from QC gets send to KFC, comes out cooked as brown mush in you chicken breasts
>drop chicken on the floor, dip it in water, throw it back on
>subhuman wipes his nose with his glove touches chicken
once i saw the supermarket chain representative who inspects food to be put on shelf space at supermarkets come in with no boots or protective clothing for cross contaminants, the bitch walked in with high heels.
If i ever eat chicken, its gotta be fresh from the farm
this! so much this!
Watch a documentary called Food Inc.
At least they're being honest about what fried chicken does to your thighs.
now if only burger king would bring back sneak king on all platforms.
>they dont make games for black peop...
Better yet, follow KFC's example, dating sim with the King.
Thats disappointing to hear
This is just the modern version of that shitty fast food song they sang in elementary schools
Can we date her?
is that why you keep posting it over and over and over again, user? KFC sure knows how to market.
Fuck off commie
Conspiracies are all real the idea they are "theories" has been engineered to stop you from asking questions.
fuck off commie tranny
wtf why is he actually kinda handsome
ironic or not, the woke crowd hates anime girls with passion
yes bro, just turn your brain off and listen to your overlords never question anything
consume, fart, shit yourself you vapid nigger
imagine the series of events and neglect in this freaks life to add all these meaningless titles to immunify yourself against criticism and label anyone who does so a bigot, nazi, misogynist
you are correct fellow user. epically based and redpilled.
It's an anime VN, keep it up sperg or are you so weak willed youre going to go run out and buy kfc due to this game
I ate on KFC once.
It was shit, and i never returned.
well, I mean it's not new
Cause he's nigger whippin' good
this was actually a good game
I don't go to my area's KFC. The whole restaurant is ran by spics that can't speak any English, don't wash their hands (this is evidenced by the fact that the only restroom in the place is never restocked with towel paper), and the food is way too overpriced. Shits so disgusting on so many different levels.
wait no it wasn't, i was thinking of the genesis one
Is she the one who made the game?
Not sure if its really a she or not and I don't give a shit since commies are beneath me
It seems to depends on country, here it's the only place where we can get chicken that actually somewhat taste like chicken (as long as it's hot, then it tastes like cardboard) and don't feel like chewing plastic.
Ha ha, they made a video game! A VIDEO GAME! That's so cool. I like video games and they made one and it has an attractive women. I love KFC now. They are just like me because we both like video games! Such a cool company!
Someone should edit Vergil into that cover, it looks like his thing.
The best KFC i've had was in spain, every there was poor but at least they had quality service.
you're the retard freaking out over a kfc ad dumb nigger
It's got a pretty clear anime visuals to it gauging from the steam page