Do you feel that real time graphics have made considerable strides over the course of the console generation?

Do you feel that real time graphics have made considerable strides over the course of the console generation?

Attached: PlayStation 4 Seven Years Later.png (1400x1375, 2.31M)

Not really. Everything just sort of peaked in 2015 with games like MGS V. Only few games managed to improve after that. Pretty boring generation in terms of graphics.

>Tbh I feel like animations are more important than graphics. Alot of these games have photorealistic graphics but have these weird uncanny animations that just throw everything off. I wish game devs would focus on that more than making characters look like HD dolls

this, GTA: SA had better body language than most modern AAA games. Motion capture is a blessing and a curse.

Damn I hope you can bang that qt goth chick in Cyberpunk.

Also to answer OP's question, no and don't expect them to be much better in the future. Graphics have been making diminishing gains for the last two gens. Pushing for photo realism is becoming futile. Not to say devs shouldn't strive for good graphics, but I doubt the PS5 and Bone 2 will be anything more than a slight improvement. I think devs should focus on having better framerates and trying to push the hardware in other ways, like having more complex ai, more actors on screen, less loading and quicker loading times etc.

You are absolutely right. I forgot the word but apparently it's a "secret" sense we have. it's the sense of mobility/movement or some shit like that.

What game is that on the top?

Holy shit, a fucking midget? Really CDPR?

I hope this failure doesn't sink GOG, GOG is too good for CDPR.

Killzone 2013

Thanks user

What a shitty generation. The entire time trying to improve graphics in some way with diminishing results where its hard to tell between a early gen and late gen game. Doing all this shit spending all this money not on something thats important life performace and ai.

That's Crysis 3.

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cyberpunk will be open world
GTA would be a fair comparison. the character models on that look shit

who are you quoting?

But it was also a PS360 game

It was an accident

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that doesn't change anything brainlet

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>Tbh can be filter dodged

the reason why bethesdas games feel off

based retard

You got an interior design guide senpai? I can't figure out a good layout for my living room.


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The reason is computer processing power continues to grow, but the ability to put enough hours into producing a game with more detail is not cost effective.

open world games always look worse than fixed interiors in any given generation dumbass

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>facebook memes

lol the absolute state

Cope CPRdrones

you surely will need an everest worth of coping in a few months

>i-i-its gonna be g-g-g-g-good, h-honest!!!
It's gonna be sunlight: the game, including transgender forced romances, but its ok because it's from the east!!!!!

shut uuuuppp

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Hiya reddit

what are you even trying to say

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Material quality and physics will still be better with every coming console generation. Realistic fur, water, skin, clothing, jiggling titties etc are things that are already easy and cheap to do, but difficult to calculate and render in real time. Ray tracing is also cheap to implement (even cheaper than current lighting methods), and only needs more processing power. Not to mention the elimination of jaggies thanks to 4K capability and better antialiasing. I'd say we're still 2 gens away from reaching the point where better graphics will be financially unviable.

But they do lmao. Almost all AAA games have heavy focus on animation and going down to AA and lesser games there is a visible dropoff.

They did. Top pic you can muh face all you want, but graphics is more than a face model. It's lightning, texture variety, texture res, level size, amount of objects, amount of effects, amount of motion.

What I absolutely hate, though, is the trend of lod appearing like washed out shit, especially the trees, that ruin immersion by their distinct obviousness. Flat texture disgusting templates. From do distance aesthetic management very well, but Ubisoft is atrocious.