You can just smell the unwashed zoomer autism in this video
You can just smell the unwashed zoomer autism in this video
Other urls found in this thread:
why can't you do something more productive
how about you go get good taste in games, little zoom zoom
I feel old as fuck now despite being 23.
Why have you seen this video
Why do you have fantasies about smelling them
Why did you make a thread to discuss this
I don't even own a switch, this thread is posted at least three times a day now
imagine the smell
hahaha seethe harder, zoomy
>actively searches out things they hate
Need to be 18 to post
Let them have fun you fucking autist
smashfags are the last people on earth who should ever complain about the same shit being reposted every day.
I see a bunch of people being happy
On the other hand I can only picture you being a miserable, bitter autistic retard
Seek help
>"look mom, i posted it again!"
kill yourself, soi drinker
Least they talk about a video game, while you obsessed little bitchbabies cry and whine about other people enjoying things. You do know there's no trophy or paycheck awarded for being a retarded faggot on Yea Forums, yes?
>i have nothing, let me cry my new favorite NPC buzzword, that'll show you
the people here are obviously influenced by the crowd mood to hype up anything, it's pathetic how they pretend to give a shit about rocket team costumes
sans is still great
undertale zoomers on damage control and being unable to cope right now
>Implying the cure for cancer is more cancer
>i have nothing so let me click a bunch of posts and use a reaction image, I win I win I win!
>waaaah stop discussing video games!
>can't prove i wasn't right
>"i better call him wrong what a foolproof counterargument"
I don't understand their excitement at all. This is what my parents must've felt like when the Pokemon craze was in full swing.
>you can't make fun of people here anymore
this is still Yea Forums, r-right? I didnt come to some alternate universe where this place is more insufferable than Kotaku comment sections? Where the fuck am I
>someone on Yea Forums is nostalgic for und*rtale
>discord avatarfags flinging shit at each other
>"talking about a video game"
choose one.
butthurt zoomers are ruining everything about this board
>those children pretending to know/care about Goemon and X
Undertale was a good game
How the fuck are they Zoomers when they cheered for Terry as well?
Look at all the smash threads, user. You can't make fun of anything Nintendo on Yea Forums. If these were faggots in a Sony room going fucking wild for Last of Us 2, this thread would be past post limit rightfully making fun of them.
why don‘t you take a shower
It's such a low hanging fruit tho
>"Look! these people are getting hype for something stupid! lol"
like okay? It's not really funny either way. It's just...there.
To be fair they'd cheer for literally anything
you can make fun of everyone on Yea Forumsintendogaf except for nu-male nintendo fans. then people start getting offended that you're criticizing people for "genuinely enjoying things" (as if there's anything genuine about their forced, slack-jawed, bugeyed reactions to everything).
>implying they paid attention
they were cheering for smash, user. they could have announced a dog turd for a character and they'd have probably started breaking shit in that room from the autistic smash hype
If you're getting butthurt about mundane shit, people will make fun of you.
>Has no argument
>"Better accuse a bunch of people for samefagging"
You can do better than that
>the amount of times you can hear "geno" in the beginning
What is it about that thing that has so many people obsessed, I thought it'd be done by now.
29 year old boomer here who never played Undertale
I'm honestly asking whats so great about this character making it in Smash?
what the fuck are these places where autists just hang out to watch smash bros trailers
Why were you searching fan reaction videos of games you hate?
Literally the only time I ever heard of Geno back then was a newgrounds flash where he said he'd blow up japan if he didn't get in Smash.
I'm almost convinced it's 90% bandwagoners who've never played Super Mario RPG
>when you bully the stinky kid in school and all he has to say is, „umm not cool man, grow up“
if you're getting soifaced about mundane shit, people will make fun of you.
They literally chanted Terry's name before he showed up
Literally nothing. It's just socially akward grown men squeeing like little girls over an ok, but vastly overrated game.They're basically bronies.
It's honestly the closest that Sakurai will ever get to putting memes like Shrek or Goku or Spongebob into it, Sans was an unbelievably pipe dream joke of an addition.
It's the Nintendo store in NYC
Most the undertalefags are boomers ya dumb simp.
zoomers dont know what the fuck Homestuck is, they probably think its a shitty app or something.
Also called onions boy headquarters
Does anyone who really cares about games have an opinion on Sans getting a mii fighter costume? It doesn't genuinely warrant a reaction.
pretending to be a woman and throwing tantrums when someone doesnt follow your lies isnt productive neither.
Why does everyone on Yea Forums talk like they're in 10th grade trying to flex by picking on the retarded kid?
>Sans gets a bigger reaction than Zero and Protoman
Zoomers are not human
welcome to 4channel
fuck you Hiro.
ok zoomer
we can't have nice things because of you boomers
yet it's incredibly obvious that it's the samefag, including your message too.
Why are you struggling to cope this much
"Prove" you wrong about what? Are you just throwing random words around to try to claim victory?
it's not even a joke how zoomers irl are literally just the soijak meme
>discord avatarfags flinging shit at each other
Same thing's happening here and it's you babies doing it.
>those comments
Also the nintendromess itt defending this need to fuck off from their high horse
I was actually there, ask me whatever.
Also no it didn't stink. The store will kick you out if you reek.
Making fun of stuff is fine but you're just being an asshole and want all of us to be assholes with you because lol we 4channers amirite sjws destroyed
Zero and Protoman were Mii costumes in 4.
user imma be real with you. Yea Forums is a shitpost board first and foremost. Everyone here gets shit on and expecting something like this to not get made fun of is wishful thinking.
>people are actually mad about this
face it, he's a better pick than shantae
ugh, how many times are we gonna see this thread?
Man, I wish I could still get that excited for video games. Reminds me of watching E3's in the Gamecube era.
Good for them.
i know, right? smash rosterfag thread #6000 died for this!
imagine literally becoming your disapproving parents just because you hate seeing other people have fun
i'm glad im more self aware than that and aged into a proper embarrassing dad boomer instead of a miserable drunk one
these people are just as bad as gacha players
mindless drones consuming shit.
Only zoomers use the word 'zoomer'.
Based Boomerchad
OP has a point, it's like the guy literally crying over the Star Wars trailer.
Liking things is fine but holy fuck.
>no u comeback
Your time is up old man
yeah, i get you. i don't defend ultra basedboy reactions mate, but people just genuinely being excited by shit is perfectly fine
i'm sure we've all been spergs before. this is Yea Forums
>the reaction to Goemon vs Sans
I'm getting old.
Where was this filmed? It looked like a classroom at first glance but then I noticed all the game artwork hung on the wall, what kind of store is this?
Twilight Princess' reveal trailer. Now that was pure hype. Followed by bitter, bitter disappointment once it actually came out
I don't really care for Sans, but how did we get to a point when having fun is illegal? The old post about "fun is just a buzzword" is actually getting real. Just makes me kinda sad when watching old e3 trailers where you can see the pure unfiltered joy without someone going "lmao you shouldn't enjoy things that I don't personally like".
I like seeing them happy, but it's just funny watching them go nuts over Sans. Seeing them grab each other and start dancing cracked me up.
same. desu im a sportsfag and i love seeing home crowds explode after a huge upset. it's kind of the same general vibe of vicarious happiness
i kinda theorize that the people who demonize any sort of excitement over what you enjoy as a hobby are probably not very happy people in general
Have you forgotten where you are?
Why are you defending basedcuck zoomers? Kill yourself.
if all you can do is sprout memes and buzzwords, you're probably a faggot with no merit to their opinion
Why do do many people obsess over Undertale so much? It was a decent game but far from one that should cause the hysteria it gets.
>Stevies still bitter about Sans
You shall shed those tears for the rest of eternity