Actual Gaming: A series of definitively solved common topics to promote a higher standard of videogame discussion

Actual Gaming: A series of definitively solved common topics to promote a higher standard of videogame discussion.

Lesson 1: Nobody cares how poor you are.

Videogames are a cheap hobby. If you can read this, you're most likely on a device capable of playing hundreds of great videogames, and for practically free. You can emulate DOS games, SNES games, arcade games in MAME, adventure games in ScummVM, and countless others. There are classics throughout the medium which are just as essential to play as any game you might not have the means for yet. You could be a blessing to yourself and others by expanding your tastes, discovering underrated gems, and sharing them. You could play DoDonPachi, Another World, Mother 3, Osman, The Colonel's Bequest, A Mind Forever Voyaging, The Silver Case, DOOM II (you could spend a year just playing DOOM WADs and continuously be surprised), one-credit-clear a Metal Slug, get good at StarCraft, or just forget about having taste and waste your life playing clicker MOBAs (but please don't post about anything other than clicker MOBAs if you do this).

Yet people aren't content with having several lifetimes of free entertainment available to them, so they feel the need to complain about videogames that cost money, or that require hardware (PC or console) that costs money, or that have in-game purchases or subscriptions. They dress up their complaints using concepts like "value", "product", "consumer rights", and other bullshit that has nothing to do with the actual quality of the game to someone who has no problem affording it.

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Nobody cares how poor you are. You might see other poor people shrieking similarly, but they will not help you become less poor and to live a better life. They might at best conspire to make a game less fiscally aggressive, such as with microtransactions, but generally these aspects are trivial (cosmetics) or the game simply did not really appeal to you to begin with (Artifact). You might insist that you're not poor, but that you have a fixed value limit of what a videogame can be worth ("I paid sixty dollars!"), and this is far worse: spiritual poverty. Nobody cares. It is off-topic and detrimental to videogame discussion. Cost has nothing to do with the only valuation of a videogame that matters, which is whether they are even worth your time. It is certainly worth nobody's time to argue about the price of videogames other than the people selling them. If you can't afford them, don't buy them, and please shut the fuck up about them and focus on what you can enjoy. It's better for everyone that way.

"In plain words: The more dollars in one's bank account, the less valuable each individual dollar seems to be. To the heir of a Middle Eastern kingdom, 10,000+ dollars for the super deluxe version of After Burner Climax will doubtless seem like chump change, whilst the Darfur refugee, who barely managed to scrape together the Sudanese pound equivalent of five bucks by scavenging the corpses of his fellow villagers after they were massacred by rampaging bandits, would no doubt balk at the thought of spending it all to download Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved."

counter point - suck my dick

dont bring up the aspect of money and you most likely wont have to talk about it


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>Videogames are a cheap hobby.
okay, retard

I like sucking dick and would consider doing so if you had a nice one.

Now what, poor faggot?

I never thought I'd see that game mentioned on this board. Based taste.
You can play everything from the 70s - 2000s entirely for free if you're posting here. Some restrictions may apply if you're a filthy phoneposter and have literally no x86 computer.

>I like sucking dick and
nigga, you just played yoself



games are entertainment
you are not

I can't believe literal EA executives ACTUALLY post on Yea Forums. Don't you have something better to be doing with your time?

tldr this nigga owned u anyways

EA hardly ever makes anything worth caring about these days, and the few games that maybe might sorta be worth caring about for a little bit (Apex Legends) have totally ignorable cosmetic MTX. This thread isn't a defense of EA's games.

This is also ignoring full on free games as well.

I do nothing but pirate old shit that my PC will run and don't give much of a fuck. I'd rather do that then get a job and lose infinite free time.

Also gaming is only really expensive if you're going for VR shit anyway or you have OCD and have to have every cosmetic item in some F2P shit.

True yeah I guess I could mention those but it goes without saying.

Right on.

absolutely fucking blasted


>Videogames are a cheap hobby
not in my country
a PS4 is in the same price range as a motorcyle

If you live in a third-world country I’d say your first priority should be getting out of the third-world country and not videogames

i really like this image