ITT: games Yea Forums tricked you into buying
ITT: games Yea Forums tricked you into buying
ITT: OP was too dumb to research before buying.
He thought it was another fifa.
Dumb dumb
>brain no work good why game not play self
I'm Mentally Retarded: The Thread
I looked it up and it looked cool. How it actually played was like a clunky boring, stale shitfest. The game is a chore, I don’t like the Pawns, and the story is nothing special.
That being said I’m excited for a Dragons Dogma 2 because I see the potential. Is that looking likely?
I don't buy games.
Borderlands 3
I think it's pretty likely Itsuno's gotten started on it. Will probably be a good 4-5 years, maybe more, before we really see anything of it though. There's certainly potential, just gotta give the man time. DD1's so weird and jank at times because it was shoved out the door.
Not Yea Forums's fault you don't know how to have fun.
Is it really so unbelievable that someone liked a game's premise but didnt agree with the execution?
I’ll give him time, it’s no issue. I can wait.
I’m 26 take it as you shall
I understand. They wanted to sprawl out their little meme Gif
i told you not to, motherfucker. i told you and you didn't listen
>I’m 26
Dumb zoomer
Seeing as how no other arpg can even compete with DD's combat, yes.
>fetch quests and repetitive combat are fun
Did we play the same game? that combat was all style and no substance. Being able to climb up on the bad man and stab the shit out of him could only carry all the lame fights against humans for so long
>most vocations spam the same two buttons over and over
>but that's okay because SEE THAT OGRE? YOU CAN CLIMB IT!
lol excellent combat indeed
Stick to fortnite from now on
>buying games before you beat them
a slave to capitalism
Feel the same way 2bh. Character creator/pawns and combat were alright but not enough to continue playing through the boring story and bland world. Not to mention the terrible traversal and fast travel system.
I'll look forward to the sequel though.
I don't know how to play DD: The Thread
>buying games after you beat them
They're a shovelware distributor, not sure why you're surprised
>buying games at all