Look at this Pooka

Look at this Pooka

Attached: 9719_pooka_1497442391[1].jpg (1024x809, 117K)



thats a nice pooka

thank you user very cute

it'd be a shame if it were on the receiving of someone's inflation fetish

cute pooka, here's a (you)

Attached: 934701_scruffmuhgruff_dig-dug-girl.gif (1111x1000, 471K)

Dig dug porn? What the fuck?


Galaga > Rally X > Dig Dug > Pac Man
No I haven't played no bitch ass Mappy

why u hatin on pac man

>Literal Funko Pop shit

>being this mad over a Pooka
who hurt user?

Funko brand figure, but not part of the "Pop!" line

Attached: 9720_fygar_1497442267[1].jpg (1024x800, 133K)

Happy Meal Mario toys look unironically better than this

It's the most basic of all the original Namco arcade games. Ms. Pac-Man with the speed hack is infinitely better.

I've never seen anyone so mad over a piece of plastic, and I browse /toy/.

too late

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We must be browsing different threads user, /toy/ throws shitfits over Funko stuff and Neca on a regular basis.

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