JD or Del?
JD or Del?
Is there going to be some kind of save import for the next one? If not, then why give you such a choice in the first place??
I played co-op with a black guy that used del so I had to choose jd or look racist
I guess we'll find out in 3-4 years
JD because he is white
>have this game on game pass
>only friends on xbox are people I have added from /hg/
>they're all playing coop with eachother
>too pussy to ask to play
>he played the """game"""
Fuck off racist
I'd say add me but most people here are underage or pedo
Always save JD.
Del is a cardboard tolken black guy with no character. JD has an arch and depth, theres alot they can do with his character than Del.
Also why would you make Marcus sad? Hasnt he lost enough?
JD obv, Del literally appeared out of nowhere and we don’t know of his backstory so he was probably meant to die
Not gonna make Marcus sad, sorry token black dude
Went with Del out if sheer curiosity. Kait a dumb bitch tho. Just throw the knife at zombo mom, what a retard.
>game gives you this "important" decision
>Marcus son and protagonist of Gears 4 or literally who
>now choose
Jeez I don't really know game
>Saving a nigger
del was a sóyboy foid worshipper nice guy (self insert of sójboy writer), while JD was based Chad who slaps women and they still love him
>snaps both necks
>Heh, nothing personal kid
I hate playing this game on the hardest difficulty because the teamate ai is fucking retarded, it is almost as bad as Daikatana
This is the easiest gears because of how OP jack is
The teammates are fucking worthless though, but act 2 onwards jack will be more than carrying the load
JD. Couldn't bring another tragedy to Marcus (He lost his best friend, his father, his wife).
Marcus has lost his best friend (brother) Don and his long-standing romantic partner Anya. To lose JD, the son of him and Anya as well as partly named after Dom, that’s just too much for Marcus.
Also JD was actually an interesting character in this game. For once I actually give a fuck about one of the new characters. Del and Kait can screw off for all eternity as far as I care.