Pic related hasn't aged a single day since its release. Are there any other gen 5 games that share the same fate?

Pic related hasn't aged a single day since its release. Are there any other gen 5 games that share the same fate?

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Not gen 5 but still

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Pretty much any 2D game from that generation.

2D/gen 4 is cheating, you can get countless examples

Banjo Kazooie and Super Mario 64

camera has definitely aged in those

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OG Animal crossing was an N64 title in Japan. I think it's aged really well.

Star Fox 64.

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I still replay this once every other year or so. I wish the series stayed as on point as the original. TTYD is great to, but it just isn’t as replayable to me for some reason. A little too much dragging on at times. PM never feels like it’s slowing down

Spyro and Banjo Kazooie/Tooie

Bloody good question. I feel Mischief Makers has aged very, even given that some of the prerendered 3D sprites would look better with genuine 3D or 2D today. It's a strong example but not quite as pure as PM64.

Majora's Mask has aged magnificently, especially when compared to Ocarina, which shows visual and mechanical age in several places. Chunkeh polygons but that isn't always an issue.

Buck Bumble has aged pretty well? Bomberman 64? Yoshi's Story has aged alright but is... well, Yoshi's Story.

Paper Mario's greatest irony is that despite its exceptional aging, it nevertheless compares to an extraordinary sequel in TTYD. OoT doesn't have this problem since MM is a different kind of game, WW (which aged majestically for its own generation) has a totally different artstyle, and TP aged even worse than Ocarina.

Oh! Kirby and the Crystal Shards. That might have aged perfectly, and certainly it's aged the best of all 3D examples that jump to mind.

Banjo's textures are a weak point, but everything else is golden.

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Pacing issues were a worthy sacrifice to me, since TTYD was a vital experiment that brought so much to the table (only to be ignored by klueless Nintendo geriatrics...). But yeah, on replay the pacing on TTYD can get frustrating, while PM64 is a joyous glide. An ideal game would have 64's polish on a package as rich as TTYD.



only actual retards think this happens
name 405 games where they have aged physically

What a retarded metric. It's like saying the Plum Pudding model of the atom hasn't aged, since it's not a physical living thing and thus technically can't get grey hair. Imbecilic.

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Most FPS games from that era have aged well.

Kirby 64 is definitely a well aged game, save for the walk speed being a bit slow, the cut-scenes and music are uniquely charming

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Shy Guy's Toy Box and Lavalava Island both feel like a drag to me. To this day I dread having to go through that again when replaying PM, especially because just before you have one of the best parts of the game with Forever Forest and the Gulch thing, so it's a stark contrast that's very easy to notice and hate.

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Glover for the N64

Now this game is special. I've never played it, and when I first saw images of it I thought it was a cutting-edge-for-the-time PSP title. Very impressive craft.

Supremely comfy. Full of some absolute belters too - I can listen to this on repeat for hours at a time.


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I was so glad to see ribbon again in SA even if it was just to give adeline flight and spaming fairy wind for those good I-Frames.
>that sick miracle matter/zero two mash up you get for fighting morpho

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Really? Is it just that you keep going back and forth in and out of the Toy Box with each item? You don't need to do it too much with the right path.

I haven't played a kirby game in ages, so you're way more up to date with recent releases than me - first time listening and yes that tune is killer. Especially as the electronics begin to come in around the 40 second mark. Headbangin \m/(^o^)

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ttyd is 100% slog. couldn't even finish a first playthrough, no way i could replay it.

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even if you haven't played the games you should check out the music from all the games, it's crazy the amount of good stuff you'll find not just remixes either

rainbow curses soundtrack is absolutely nuts and that's from a spin off

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Well that adds to the problem, but it's not just that. In general the Shy Guy fights feel a bit repetitive, the whole setting of the Toy Box is not very creative or interesting to explore (left and right hallway on every train station), and the background music grates me really quickly. The only highlights are the fight against that ghost to get Watt and the final fight of the chapter against that Shy Guy tank, so it's not too bad.

Lavalava gets annoying with the search for the Yoshi kids, and Kolorado breaking up the second half constantly to drive the joke of him being incompetent into the ground. Not even the boss fight is redeemable here unlike in Toy Box, I remember how the twist of defeating the Piranha Plant only for it to come back stronger and start the real fight didn't even faze me the first time, nor has it ever felt like a challenge on subsequent plays. I don't know, I like Paper Mario a whole lot but those two chapters are a blemish to me that I wish had had more work put on them, because I can see their potential but it's just not achieved for me.

Cute webm! I bet you the baby giggled and enjoyed the plunge. I know I loved that shit as a tyke.

You should give TTYD a retry. It's worth getting into its flow.

Oh yeah I'm well familiar with the classic tracks. There's one track that always gets me grooving, I'll see if I can find it.

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I did my very first danger mario run last year, holy fuck is it satisfying to one hit bosses and abuse other danger badges shit is absolutely broken and stacking multiple money moneys to get rich quick.

I totally agree with you about the Lavalava segment. It has a great setting, but it's easily one of the sloggiest portions of PM. The boss is also piss easy since they give you the ice badge and Sushi that makes the whole boss a cake walk. Puts you in a false sense of security that the bosses will be jokes until Huff N. Puff brings you back down to Earth.

Maybe it's mostly a matter of taste - I can see how one could find the music irritating, it's not like I brim with enthusiasm for the Toy Box theme but I never minded it either. Fits the environment, kinda fun, it has that brief medievalish bridging segments that's kinda interesting.

The Shy Guy fights themselves always struck me as some of the most varied and interesting in the game. You got Pyro Guys as an aggressive but ice+water vulnerable lead, Medi Guys as the team healer, Spy Guys who can mess up your menu if left unchecked, Groove Guys to render you unreliable with dizzy. The combos are not always maximally implemented but it's still interesting to battle through them. Grinding the basic 'Guys can get boring of course. I wish Stilt Guys from the General fight were present as regular enemies!

I found the use of the dualistic environments in the Toy Box very interesting from a mechanic perspective, the way the traintracks overlap with the long stretches and cut them in half so you have to double back on yourself. It would've been nice if there were both footpath and train routes between the sections. Viewed from above, it is quite formulaic for a mid-game dungeon.

For Lavalava, searching for the Yoshi kids simply means exploring the entire jungle, which is enjoyable as an open-ended quest navigating a feature and challengeful environment. Can't say I found any bit annoying, even the squeaking noises. Kolorado's blundering is a slightly forced pace breaker but I always felt rather affectionate for the old buffoon. I imagine this is mostly the work of good translators but there we be. Lava Piranha is my least favourite end-Chapter boss fight in PM 64, with even the Goomba King winning out for its completeness as a simple challenge. It feels like it could be a lot more, but if you just spam Tidal Wave and/or Snowman Dolls it becomes a featureless cake walk. You could try letting it spit seedlings at you, but then it becomes too taxing t'other way.

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what are they looking at?

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A further thought since my last post filled up. Do you know of Paper Mario Pro Mode? Give it a spin some time, it adds extra challenge to the game and addresses certain issues here and there. Plus a whole new boss refight mode. Noice.

I should really do that at some point. I've been writing and editing various things in my spare time lately, watching lots of classic mo

(I forgot I had autopost selected, lol)
... watching lots of movies and occassionally glance at my copies of the PM games, thinking about giving them another spin. Danger Mario run may be just the ticket!

Huff N Puff is nothing more then a casual filter you can beat him easily if you use jump charge and know to wipe out his minions with multi hit attacks.

a sweaty swolen naked hawk wrestler, if I had to guess.

Hawks are naturally the opposite of chickens, so it's Rawk Hawk's equal adversary, "The Underclucker". His catchphrase: "I'm gonna CLUCK you up!!!!" Cue much rejoicing.

he needs to do more baito/scorbunny

This is genuinely true, although it took me an oddly long time to deduce how easily he can be taken to pieces via this approach. The punishment from an unmitigated lightning attack is brutal enough to keep an unsuspecting player hard on their toes, but once they coin the specific strategy there's no more risk.

OG paper Mario danger runs are harder then TTYD ones, for one thing you don't get nearly as many power rushes so you really have to rely on last stand and health drain and it's very easy to level up too much and loose out on the benefits of danger badges

the true casual filter is the crystal kings ice beam if you can't guard you are fucked into a loop like dizzy koopa's

the three anti guy match is proberbly the hardest thing in the game to deal with.

Hadn't heard of it before. I'll be sure to give it a try. Thanks user.

Yeah I remember getting wrecked by that as a kid, wishing there was a way for partners to cure freeze on Mario. Thing about Crystal is that even if you get good enough to block properly, he's still not a slouch, marking a return to form after the "solveable" fights against Huff N. Puff and Lava Piranha.

You're welcome! A great mod, I should send the designer an email sometime telling them how much I enjoyed it.

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yeah pro mode also adds back in beta badges, adds new area's and changes some old ones and even has surprise fights you won't expect plus all damage from enemies is doubled and there's even an option to talk to luigi at the start of the game to make it so you can't level up at all but it gives you BP to start with.

I can't be the only one to hit some of them and have Luigi behind me and pretend he was my partner in this part right?

best boy

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based as fuck

For me it's Diddy Kong Racing.

Parakarry was always a bro.

You watched Zero on Twitch, user.

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>its possible to age non physically

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Doubling down on a losing strategy won't reverse its fortunes, smallbrain-kun

It has definitely aged if you look at it next to TTYD. Poor FPS and low res sprites.

explain how a game can age
you do know what the definition of aging is right