Quote is not getting into Smash. Its been outed that Nicalis is racist, abusive to his workers, and tons more. Nintendo doesn't want to deal with them after this.
Its over, You lost.
Attention all Quotefags
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i dont like him for fucking over ixel but anyone who hates jews are cool in my book
Did kotaku finally publish its first good article?
Fuck Nicalis for how it screwed Daisuke Amaya out of the rights to Cave Story and royalties from it
Don't make this about smash, this is just a shitty situation
It's been bubbling up for Tyrone for a while now
The only bad thing Pixel ever did was let Nicalis near Cave Story. We'll just have to settle for another newcomer...
They're trying to cancel nicalis for south park tier jokes and ghosting people, not because of anything they've done as a publisher
I'ma QUOTE you on this
smashfags just want an argument because they literally gargle outrage like cum
It wasn't Quote's fault nor was it the original developers. It's all on Nicalis for their bullshit. They even took credit from the director despite merely being a distributor.
never got to play cave story. how good is the game, how long does it take to beat it, and is the story actually interesting?
Him flat insulting and calling Nintendo gay is probably the only really damning thing there as far as is this goes, given Hero made it despite the things DQ's composer was alleged to have said.
Ampharos is getting in
>Quote may have been a Mii Costume or Spirit sooner if it wasn't for the fact N*calis are a bunch of kikes and Nintendo knew this
They can be trying to cancel them because they don't like the color blue for all I care, they're a shitty company and this has been a long time coming.
It's a fun platformer that's got a good story and probably won't take you very long until hell
It's free so you may as well try it
I don't care about "winning" or "losing" in a game that doesn't matter to me. They were always bad and even if they got put on the Twitter horde's radar for different reasons I'm okay with Nicalis falling off. At the very least people will be more wary of going to them as a publisher.
This is kotaku, they won't stop here. The more people enabling cancel culture bullshit the worse it gets for everyone.
>Nicalis is shit and full of shit people
How surprising
It's not incredibly long but it doesn't feel short. It's got some decent replayability too since there are a few permanent decisions to make and hardmode in later versions. I'd say the story, characters, and atmosphere overall are great and you should try it out. The game has actually been freeware since 2004 but there are some added features in more recent releases, just stay away from the 3DS remake unless you end up becoming a superfan or something.
I mean it's entirely possible, unlikely, but possible he was already lined up to be DLC 5 or one of the first next ones and it'll be too late for Nintendo to pull it.
If not though then yeah I wouldn't expect anything now.
Nicalis has always been the biggest issue in terms of Quote deserving to be in. Fuck, why does such an amazing game have to be tied to this shit company?
Because they took advantage of a naive dude who just wanted to make fun games
>Nicalis might die soon because of this
I hope my boy gets free one day
A lot of praise Cave Story has gotten needs some context. It was one of the first indie successes and showed that a single person could make a game in their free time that rivaled the quality of blockbuster retail releases. It was a great game for it's time, but some part haven't aged well in the over 15 years since its release. It's still a wonderful game and one that you should definitely give a shot -- the gameplay is solid, the gimmicks are interesting, the story is good, the characters are great, the music is catchy, etc -- but it probably won't knock your socks off now like it did people back then simply because well-made indie games isn't a mind-boggling concept anymore.
Why is it whenever I try looking into the history of Pixel and Nicalis it's always on some forum or something? Am I not eligible to some kind of primary source?
That's because it's all a meme
Mate I can't name five indie games that can match Cave Story
Sure there's more of them these days but they're mostly trash
I mean, Touhou existed back in the day, its older than Cave Story and has gained a cult following.
EoSD, PCB, and IN were out in Japan, and its been popular there before Cave story even came in.
well said
What's your point? How does that relate to what I said?
I'm just saying there existed a better indie series before Cave Story ya chungus.
So? Again, how does that related to what I said? I was talking about indie games that came after Cave Story
Okay cool, You're entitled
Into the trash can your thoughts go then.
Unprofessional but not cancel worthy
God I hate kotaku
Here's a pastebin, please don't give Kotaku page views:
I miss Shinonoko, the game's artist. Hasn't uploaded in 2 years.