What did Playstation mean by this?

What did Playstation mean by this?

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they could of at least made a suit about something that actually happened

>"I tell you Mary Jane, the biggest problem with New York isn't the Green Goblin, it's the niggers driving up crime rates! If you were a superhero you'd understand!"
I still don't know how they got away with that

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Spider-Man is still selling like crazy. I think it's top 10 best selling games of 2019 in the United States

it was a different time

it means you're a fucktard

>Yes, *that* suit.
does anyone here work in a PR firm where posting social media messages for corporations is done? please tell me the going-ons behind the scenes of these postings in the vein of press releases is as soulless as it looks and sounds

GOTY edition just came out so that probably drove sales. I'm happy for it, it's a solid game. Not as good as the PS1 spidey game though.

TASM suits when?

Raimi just does it, makes no compromises when accurately portraying Fuhrer "Uncle" Ben. How he gets away with it, no one knows.

>Raimi later admitted that roughly 50 hours of footage was filmed of Dafoe's performance as Norman Osborn, with barely 1% of this making the final cut. 'We just had reels and reels of it,' the director said, 'I would say cut, but he would just keep going deeper and darker, bringing all of these ideas into it that weren't in the script. For example, a sub plot of Norman's father being an SS officer, or the idea that the Goblin transformation represented Nietzsche's Ubermensch. So after I while, I stopped saying 'cut'.' Other actors recalled Dafoe's usage of multiple props to aid his performance that he brought himself, presumably from his own home. 'He had this large green dildo he loved to wave about,' Tobey Maguire remembers, 'sometimes he would bring it out of nowhere and slap me across the face with it. During fight scenes when we were grappling on the ground he would tease it around my 'beautiful asshole', as he called it.' James Franco also recalled him having 'this large, antique bullwhip... we asked where he got it from, and he would only say that it was a family heirloom. Some prop guys on set said it must have been from at least the 1800s. On a few occasions when I fucked up my lines, he would threaten me with it, telling me to give him an excuse 'to pay out like old Buck Dafoe did to the little negro boys'. Another actor from the film, who requested she remained private, said Dafoe always had a copy of the Quran lying around on set, and some PAs caught him 'poring over it repeatedly' in his trailer.

We always talk about how Raimi might've gone a little too far but we should give the actors more credit.


are you referring to the scene in the movie or the holocaust? either way theyre both fabricated


The jokes is that no jews actually died and those "people" are far from innocent.


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I really want this suit in the game

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Yeah. "Innocent".

>Play Resident Evil 4
>Start off as Leon moving on from Raccoon City to work as border patrol
>He crosses over just to murder some innocent Mexican in his own home
>In his own fit of rage, he goes to Spain to kill off the source
>Kill off the head dude that just wanted some sweet pussy
Christ, it was a different time.

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Back to your containment website

You really stirred up the incel's nest with that post user, congrats

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When will Insomniac patch in this beauty?

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In most companies, social media posts are handled by interns. For a big corp like Sony though, you can be it's someone hired specifically for the purpose of managing social media. What they post and how they behave is decided by the marketing staff.

Sometimes I wonder if this is bait or if we really have visitors here like that.

>Innocent jews


First of all, only 1.5 mil died, not 6.
Second, Jews are not innocent.
Third, read some books and you will see that the majority of countries got rid of them throughout the history. Clearly, something is wrong with them.
Finally, Swastika is a symbol of peace.

It's either soullessly parroting what some "clever" marketing guru tells you to post during daily meetings (but doesn't care if you actually do post it, just cares if you don't), or being so HIP and WITH IT that you are blind to actual trends.

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I don't know what's cringier
/pol/tards being such a hivemind that they're quoting a random /pol/ post and expect people to know what they're talking about or the fact that i know what they're talking about.

The Raimi meme is the funniest shit to come out of Yea Forums since Baneposting. I'll never tire of it, good stuff.

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Read some books and you will see that 6 million is the historically agreed-upon number.
>History only matters when it suits my agenda!!!

why arent mods banning polcels? isnt racism against the rules?

the holocaust never happened (but should have)
all niggers need to die
there is nothing wrong with being a pedophile
evangalion is pretentious shit for tween tryhards and manchildren
women deserve to get raped
donald trump is getting 4 more years
get over it

I bet you are white with a beard and balding

no it isn't you fucking newfag it's stale as fuck

They added the wrong Alex Ross suit

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You get a B for edge, but I have to dock a point for being so damn on-the-nose.
Bait is best when it's subtle.

youre right on the first two, but what does that have to do with polcels breaking the rules and mods not doing their jobs?

t. sneedposter
Then what's the funniest thing from Yea Forums, """"oldfag?""""
