Why aren't you traveling with best boy?
Other urls found in this thread:
>thought he was going to be the "COLONIZE THEM ALL" evil character
>political and religious moderate, dislikes the fanatic sect of his religion
he is pretty good, but this also just confirms there pretty much is no way to be an evil colonizer in this game, he even stopped me from siding against the natives during the Inquisition quest.
Is that Yoshi from Texhnolyze?
Wow he looks really Spanish.
Give ME Aphra wife!
>play game
>combat feels like vampyr
I dont want to drop it but faaarrrk
Someone convice me to keep going
>play vampyr
>combat feels pretty smooth and extremely easy to master
I sincerely don't get you fags
xth for legate sardine
In some mission you can spy on people's conversation
After last thread I'm worried about getting fucked by bugs.
So what kind of game is this?
Such as?
Some needed quest not proccing.
How can de sardine see the black blood at night?
is this worth playing? It looks kinda mediocre. I dont wanna repeat of playing an average as fuck game like the sinking city again
entitled, prissy cousin of royalty simulator
because it's not a very good game
Why aren't you a mage?
Are these any real choices in this game at all? Done a lot of long, drawn-out quests that are completely on rails.
the radius on that explosion is huge, but I've already rolled an alchemist
Yes you can steer certain quests which effect subsequent quests. It’s not just the ending where they come in play.
Thank YOU user! You ARE a GOOD user!
How to get Petrus and Nigpha?
Go to Saint Matheus
Go to Hikmet, do the find the missing researchers quest
i lost interest in the game about 80% of the way in and now i don't even feel like finishing it.
40% of the 'gameplay' is talking, 50% is traveling and 10% is uninspired combat. Got to the point where i'd unlock a new sidequest and just think 'guess i have to do a bunch more running around'.
You're a chad conquistador
you conquer shit
you fuck people
you fuck over people
sometimes in that order
Gameplay? Like Dragon's Dogma? Are you hunting monsters like the witcher or is it more fighting people?
>Have to fight the Tree fucker from the tutorial area
>Its much more efficient and safe to gun him down
>Even the cutscene aftewards uses it
So guns > all ? Not that I mind , I like their animations
Also it seems you can parry bullets , is that right ?
Depends on how badly you want to play a pseudo-Bioware style ARPG made by French people with one-quarter the budget.
combat is just witcher 3 combat but slightly worse
You don't do anything cool like that in this pozzed game.
Give ME despair Síora wife!
forgot to mention there's about 5 or 6 different boss type enemies and every other enemy is
>a bat
>about 9 different types of dogs
>a person, which all have basically the same moveset
Because Guns/traps/bombs+a bit of magic is more fun.
I only use gun as a weapon btw. Have 400 ammo right now thanks to science.
It’s much much faster and stronger than pew pew shit and AOE nuke as you can throw multiple vials in successson for AOE while guns especially those with like 3 rate of fire or more rape single target entities.
materials are also no longer an issue like in early game.
Thank YOU user! You ARE a GOOD user! This DOES give me GREAT soreness user! (It does! It does!)
Give ME despair Constantinhusband!
OK I can't go to the village Petrus mentioned, because some rocks are blocking the way, what do?
rule 34 when?
I am NOT gay BUT gay IS okay user! (It is! It is!)
>got the mod to remove brown filter
>got the mod to increase FOV and remove camera bob
>got the mod to remove the hip lantern that has absolutely no fucking use anyway
much better, god damn
Because this game is a pro-colonialist piece of garbage
The mines quest almost got me to quit.
>go to logging camp
>go kill a couple of monsters
>go to Courcillon in New Serene
>go down eight flights of stairs to the basement
>go to Morange
>go to Dunncas
>go to the Mines
>go back to Courcillon
>go back to Morange
>go back down eight flights of stairs to the basement
>go to the docks
>go back to Courcillon
>go back to the Mines
>fight a couple of guys
>go back to Dunncas
Most tedious fucking quest so far.
Fuck off you Commie baitfag.
That's where you're wrong kiddo
is that even possible?
t. heather alexandria is he still taking time off the net to dilate&recover from cyberbullying?
Homosexuality is a sin
Slightly? It's a jank witcher clone with less choices
How do you have less choices. Overall your character once you reach about level 20 has way more options than geralt with each build.
Traps+guns are a thing. At the same time you can spec into magic and have nothin personnel dash, stasis, heal.
Hell you can also coat your sword with trap effects kinda like a magic fencer from final fantasy how does it have less options are you guys high?
is it worth a buy or pirate?
How to craft traps? I has 3 science but can only craft phial and potion
your potions are the traps you baboon check your techniques in pause menu
Real talk, i wish there was more variety in bosses, so far I've only fought injured stag boss, cthulhu boss and not injured stag boss variants.
You go into the menu where you craft potions, scroll up and the very first 4 choices are traps. They are called alchemical mixes of elemental damage/magic damage/stasis/poison etc my ESL friend.
You mean the squid thing in vasco’s third quest right? There’s also the poison mini boss and the flying miniboss with air lunges, tornados, and 1 hit kill earthquake from the coin arena.
Those are what I encountered. Minus the forest protector who slams fire pillar but you should’ve seen that.
Eh i remember those are phial/bomb? Will look into it tonight thanks fellow sardine
I havent actually started the coin arena
>extremely easy to master
How is this a good thing?
Nah it’s up to you if you want to use them as phials, weapon coating or traps.
But there’s only one type when you make them.
>Leviticus 18:22
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination. (It is! It is!)
I did coil arena at like level 6 didn’t wanna leave new serene without doing everything but turns out you could do the arena in any of the towns.
Is it just me or is catholic dad really useless in combat? He keeps ruining my stasis combo set ups with his tiny little magic attacks, and he doesn't do shit.
No! Hebrews 12:14 user! Strive FOR peace WITH everyone AND FOR the holiness WITHOUT which NO ONE will see the Lord user! (No one! No one!)
Yes! Leviticus 20:13! If there IS a man who LIES WITH a male as those WHO LIE with a woman, BOTH of them HAVE committed a detestable act! The WORD of the LORD! (It is! It is!)
Suicide is also a sin
No! Romans 8:38-39 anons! For I AM sure THAT neither death NOR life NOR angels NOR rulers NOR things present NOR things TO come NOR powers NOR height NOR depth NOR anything else IN all creation WILL be able TO separate US FROM the love OF God IN Christ Jesus OUR Lord user! (Will not! Will not!)
What are the rewards for the various fighting rings? I did the New Serene one and it was a rare greatsword.
If I buy it now I can continue on my pirated versions save no problem right?
kek hilariously enough you get teleported to the same arena so that’s it.
As expected of eurojank tho
there's only one arena
pirate, buy on sale
Has anyone managed to make a good looking character? I've started over like 6 times now becuase they just look silly to me no matter what
>Tutorial area presents choices existing in quests even if it is a binary option 1 or 2 thing or at the very least different ways to complete a quest (despite those ways being kill guy get key, pick lock, bust down wall)
>Get to the island
>Cannot remember the last quest I've done that had alternative paths on how to complete it
>Last dialogue choice I remember even doing anything was bribing the brothel guy
I'm not saying there are literally zero dialogue options or anything but the sparseness of it is getting kind of annoying. I visited christfag city and got a note from the natives to say sup. No option to tell them to fuck off (not that I was going to rat them out but the option would have been nice), just walk back to the city to collect quest shit, come back, oh no its the christfags, default to fighting them. Perhaps if I had grandpa with me things would have been different and maybe previous dealings with the natives had already locked me into the default state of "save them fuck the light" but as it stands that just seems like another example of a quest where I had literally zero input to how it went down.
WHAT?! why am I even playing, I just want to btfo the church and burn all the indians.
>Homosex is a sin
Good then there's absolutely zero change of me being in any way compared to or thought part of the Christian filth. I thoroughly enjoy the slow decay of wesyern Christianity, without anyone lifting a finger, Christianity will slowly die out and Christians will never in a million years ever dictate anything ever again.
>Bunch of 20 year old Yea Forums nerds think they can emulate their grand strategy games in Greedfall
>Bunch of blue haired SJWs think they can run around destroying colonialism in a Tumblr power fantasy
>Game turns out to be a game of diplomacy in a very rocky socio-political setting where everything can collapse any minute and you need to keep everyone happy while subverting schemes and plots
>Both sides are complaining it doesn't let you fuck up the game's entire setting because they don't like maturely exploring this subject from various sides
What a based game DESU.
inshallah brother Allahu akbar
>This guy seems like a bro
>Would brofist and buy beer for
>Want to know more so I talk to him
>Only option is to ask if he ever feels lonely
>Uh, well, k I guess ask him that
>He says he feels lonely in the creepiest way
>Literally both of my responses are varying degrees of gay
>Alt-f4 and refund
Look, I get that most of the internet jerks off to whatever hoves into their field of vision, but shockingly enough not everyone likes the idea of being a faggot and fucking another man in their hairy shithole.
So the very first conversation I have with a character I'm looking forward to being bros with, I'm forced to immediately come on to sexually. Regardless of outcome, that alone says everything I need to know about this game and I want no part in it. You have your fun with it, you shit sucking queers.
take your meds
>couldn't wait to play as a gunpowder-centered character
>play the game
>you can't "equip" it as a weapon
>it's actually a fucking skill that appear and vanish from thin air
Goddamnit you fucks
That second point is the problem. Its unbelievably easy but enemies are damage sponges so combat is just tedious.
Nothing will be worse than wither 3 combat, that system is broken fundamentally
>faggot oaf with a sword.
>dumb prince or whatever.
>mildly intersting pirate but not really.
>nigger nigging about how strong and capable she is non-stop all the time.
>some indian faggot with grass magic filled with muh feelings.
>shitty pedophile churchman spaniard nigger.
Man, they really dropped the ball with companions in this game I hate them all, maybe not the pirate so much but eh
Also I find it quite funny that they felt the need to make the indians white instead of mudskins and CONSTANTLY say that you look like them regardless of how you look.
All in all though, 5/10 its alright for turning brain off and waste some time on.
I havent found him yet, but he looks based and redpilled and will be one of my main companions
I know you want me to say the uncomfortable thing so here you go, fuck Muslims too.
The 'indians' were actually inspired by celtic culture
Give it a week and people will be raping dogs in the street. Without consequences everlasting, and the rapid decay of shame, culture will devolve into a caligulan miasma of disgusting hedonism
>lists six companions
>there are only 5
Always thought you could invite your cousin to join you again although I never bothered to even try.
No, he comes down with a case of the foreshadowing
kill faggots
Youre irrelevant to society, start figuring it out.
So don't fuck a dude in the missionary position. Got it. Thanks based God!
Yeah, they still look uninteresting and shit anyhow.
But I have to give them props for properly portraying just how DENSE and STUBBORN native people are, like, fuck me.
I worked a bit on a project to help some indian fucks get a portion of their land back (not by my choice obviously) when I was in college and god damn they just wouldn't even try to listen or learn how to protect "their" land by the current means regardless of it being right or wrong they could have tried to listen since it was in their best interest.
Project got cancelled like a week after starting btw.
>the only thing keeping people from raping, murdering, and pillaging is the fear of god
weird, muslims do all three
Worry not, user. Invest your skill points in guns. They're the best weapons in the game.
Give ME gun wifes!
I'm a stone cold atheist you numb prick. My point is most people are too stupid to be and their world would come shattering down if they had to face their own mortality.
Also, Christianity built your society and your culture. A white person shitting on Christianity is like Jimmy John shitting on John Montagu. You don't have to believe it or even like it to appreciate it's necessity in getting you here and keeping everyone else in line.
Holy fuck you're dumb.
But you can't *use* it like a weapon. I'm a fucking autist on muskets and I really want to use it like one.
Oh well, I like the game for it's setting nonetheless.
>fucking another man in their hairy shithole
I just had a weird moment of realization.Been jerking it to yaoi/shota/trap shit for a decade, and It's had me convinced gay sex is delicious and sexy. I just for the first time in memory realized how fucking nasty the idea of someone putting their dick where I shit from is. Or vice versa. jesus christ what is wrong with me
I can? It’s perfectly viable to go gun only once you have science 3 I have like 400 ammo now. It sucks you can’t visually see when not attacking though
As am I, pic related. I'm more angry that I can't use a bayonet on any the longguns than anything else.
Just don't go expecting a lot of realism in the weapon designs. They based most of them on neat real things, but if you look closely at the models certain things are odd.
Gays shave dumbass.
You are gay and there's nothing wrong with that
He's upset that he has to hit a number key instead of left/right click.
Would you a Sardine?
Thank you.
stop it with the gayshit,it was just to troll valariefag
Adding to this I found the pistols with a lot of rats of fire better than aquabuses with raw damage. It’s like a fucking machine gun. Not exactly realistic but feels really satisfying blasting things to pieces
Yea there’s not much of a difference really just bind it to a key.
You just have to be put down
Are there lasting effects to letting those two tribes or whatever ally with the Bridge Alliance?
It's not about the damage or something else, it's the visual. What I'm legitimately upset is that you can't wield the guns like a weapon, it's a weapon that appears off thin air when you press a number.
This guy gets it. I want to damn use it like it's supposed to be; one-shot kill, long assed reload time, and a bayonet to use it as a spear instead of a "click number to shoot"
That wouldn't work well with this type of gameplay, to be honest. You'd get one shot off and that's all. I can understand them making reload times fast.
How do I romance Siora? I already have the heart "ask her" option for Aphra but not for her.
Fucking hell mates, Constantin didn't deserved any of this. Option to unite everyone against sand niggers where.
Wouldn’t exactly be viable would it? Especially when you have to face mass enemies that lunge straight at you. It has to be like a modern gun.
This game could be so much more if Spiders had a bigger budget. Then again this is just one of two in their long line of fixing themselves.
Same. I invited him in party expecting to troll him with my anti-incvizition choices, but ended up getting trolled
I know, but I wished the rifle musket was realistic. Especially since you can have companions to cover you up while reloading, or resort to the bayonet in melee fights. I have no problems with the pistols though, since it's not as bullshit as a long rifle appearing on your arm from nowhere.
Reminder that colonialism is good
Raise her relationship level. It's one of the last to get to friendly, you have to have already done the Coin coup first.
Do anyone NOT use Kurt? Imagine leaving him behind.
Kurt + Siora is the best team.
>this fucking avatarfagging schizo autis faggot shitting up the thread again with his retarded shit
Just kys already.
Man why are the French suddenly killing it with their eurojank?
First Plague Tale, now Greedfall, they just keep making absolute kino.
because people went for GUD GOI MELEE when u have to embrace the vampirism and go full edgelord powers and destroy scrubs left and right
How is This game btw? I saw the medium reviews and considering these devs did technomancer, I did not have high hopes.
isnt he the only warrior archetype companion? dont see myself ever replacing him
Do the natives growing tree branches and shit turn into this?
Why you hate science
Is there a guide on how to get different endings yet?
Guys, any way to disable shitty film grain?
>bad end has mindbroken Siora as your pet
> Kurt and Siora
Same. Even though I’m thinking of replacing her with Petrus. He’s way more interesting
Make way, plebeians, de Sardet of the Congregation of Merchants is here to do DIPLOMACY.
I'm having way more fun with the outfits that I should have.
So you basically can fuck over the natives right? I’ve seen people saying here you can’t as in the starting quests you do help them out on some occasions
Imagine playing as woman
Imagine staring at a dude's back for 30 hours.
In terms of usefulness, I'd rank them at:
>Siora - only healer, makes her especially higher difficulties where her healing makes a big difference; also not bad damage
>Kurt - keeps his Endurance up high enough to get the best armors early and works well for tanking and damaging
>Vasco - more damage output than Kurt, his poisoned rapier obliterates no armored opponents and his gun cuts through armor like a hot knife through butter, highest damage potential of any companion
>Petrus - nearly as tanky as Kurt, damage output is low even with good rings
>Aphrica - slow rate of fire gun and bombs, can't do shit in melee and easily overwhelmed, in fights without high armor badguys, she's useless
In bad end you fuck over everyone. Technically, the natives have it best since they are more or less your slaves but alive, while rest is dying from plague on old continent.
so is magic completely useless in this game?
Imagine being such a incel closetfag that you are incapable of not staring at and sexualizing a character you play.
based coombrain
Imagine being such a gamer that you think me playing as a woman has anything to do with sex, and nothing to do with aesthetics.
Imagine self inserting as a woman. Ur a fag lol
Nah, Heal is a fantastic spell that everyone should pick up regardless of playstyle. Shadow Burst does an incredible amount of damage and can clear whole waves of enemies with a single cast.
I'm not self inserting, I'm in control.
When was the last time you saw anything but disappointment in your father's eyes?
When was the last time anyone cared about your opinion?
This game plays exactly like Technomancer, with a dash of Witcher 3 and some slices of Dragon Age 2.
At least there's good voice acting
>lmao he plays as a woman what an incel
>meanwhile, half of the front page is scantily clad anime girls
based hypocritical coombrain zoomers
Oh yeah a real BRO
He betrayed me and when I defeated him in a duel and spared his life, he just blew his brains out himself.
Been meaning to look that up. How good was Plague Tale?
> Yea Forums is one person :))))
Every fucking time
Go jack off to your trap porn.
Honestly Constantin should've become a romance option right after realizing you are not related after all
Would've made this game GOTY.
>my not blood related cousing, i'm dying from horrid plague and also there is coup happening
>never mind that, let's fuck
Did you play as a female commander shepard? did garrus make you a woman?
Most of the main story is about you and Constantin, so it was a missed opportunity because the end would be that much more impactful.
Literally the first mod made for the game.
Can you fail to warn the governors during the coup? Do they get replaced or something?
>muh relation
You realise you are playing as a member of the nobility right
GIVE me sauce! (GIVE! GIVE!)
> sikora
> vasco
> kurt
> petrus
Who am I missing?
Thanks brah, i forgot about nexus
>mfw good night sweet prince
Because he's a bit annoying and pretty useless in combat. Kurt/Vasco best combo.
All his talk in the ending about "I did this all for you, lets be together forever" gave me those vibes
Especially if you're playing female de sardine. Too bad he'll be forever cousinzoned.
Magic is literally the best single school in the game. Nothing even remotely comes close to how self-contained and broken everything magic-related is.
>can stasisgunstastsgun everything
>*teleports behind you*
>heals yourself and the entire party as well
>aoe damage - 1300 dmg per each fucking enemy
>mass stasis to look cool
The absolute chad.
Don't forget about also being able to just punch shit to death
I kind of feel bad for sidekicks - they just don't have time to react when I mass purge everything. Although the number of times when FUCKING VASCO stole my boss frags with HIS FUCKING GUN is infuriating.
And there really doesn't seem to be any real motive to side with Constantin in the end, so being romantically attached to him would definitely give a reason to do so.
>those kevlar dog-lizards towars the end
>People bragging about destroying the game's mechanics and making it a cakewalk
Just stick to warrior on hardmode and actually face a challenge cowards.
>coin arena's boss as a pure warrior on extreme
That was hell.
>still gives you the worst ending
I dunno m8. It's almost like saying incest is bad or something.
Stasis these fuckers
Which level of POISON are you on?
De Sardet and Constantin are not related, so it's not incest.
Blood doesn't make a family.
What kind of setting does this game have? I'm aware that it's colonial, but with celts instead of africans/mezios. Is it high fantasy or grounded in realism? And who is the (presumed) empires based on?
>worst ending
>fuck for eternity as tree gods while savages worhsip you and rest of the world is going down in flames
Would it be really tho?
Still not incest though.
It's fucked.
I would probably pick that option if I hadn't romanced Vasco. The epilogue is so depressing if you abandon your loved one.
Where are the DRUMS in the swamp and how do you beat them?
>"Is this the last time we'll see each other?"
Look around you brainlet.
If I recall correctly, once you jump down the ledge to the swamp, you just go forward and there's a platform that has the drums. And I think the right order is center-left-right OR center-right-left.
I went to the frescoes instead no wonder
Why does dodging in this game feel like a slog? I feel if I use the dodge ability it might end up killing me since it's too slow to recover off of.
It probably would've felt more emotional if Vasco hadn't stayed silent with nothing new to say (about our relationship or otherwise) for 7 hours after finishing his romance. But that cutscene was really sweet and solemn regardless.
fav music track from the game's score? post'em
I just hope they're gonna patch/mod his animations for female because right now it's a bugged horror. I just want that sexy animation like in Kurt's or Siora's scene, fuck, ONE JOB.
Should I give Technomancer a try? I heard it's not as bad as the rest of the Spiders games.
is it good?
Yes, it is
Is your speech pattern a reference to something, or are you just a retard on top of being annoying?
I don't think Vasco's '' sex '' scene was that great at all, even with a male. It was hella PC.
French-Spanish-British colonialism, mostly taking from Spanish architecture, religion, and fashion, with a tiny falvor of British and French.
Natives are a shamanistic warrior tribes focused on the similarities between aztecs/african/celtic religions.
Don't go in expecting to be a colonial overlord, or the island's white savior against colonialism, and don't expect bombastic colonial aggressions on a large scale either and you'll have a good time.
Technomancer is fucking terrible in my experience.
Maybe try to rebind it. Also geting the roll skill makes it feel bit more natural i think. Felt fine to me after while.
What is gameplay like?
Are you able to choose which faction you're in? Is it branching story?
Truth be told, the only romance in this game that actually makes sense and looks good is Siora's.
No you don't choose a faction, you do quests for factions and gain their approval. That approval you net or don't net from them do affect some quests.
Well obviously, duh. Should've made Constantin a romance. Siora and Constantin really should've been the only two romance choices.
I wanted to romance grandpa Petrus desu.
>the Bridge Alliance screws over De Sardine like no tomorrow
Typical sandniggers
isn't that all factions though
Is it like gothic, or like neverwinter?
Other factions aren't trying to poison you and kill you.
Except coin guard, but that's another story.
any way to cheat the game yet? just want a couple free points. spending them on parkour and lockpicking just feels like a waste
Cheat engine, but I'm not sure if they fixed negative points yet.
*sniffs* A contract, it's gotta be.
Will reinstalling game on ssd improve shitty fps dips?
I'm not sure I'm ready for a Spiders game at the moment.
So does the game eventually force you to get Constantin the shaman guy as dcotor? I went straight for him but i wonder if the events play differently or if the other two prove useless and you need to fetch the shaman anyway.
Combine armor upgrades and companions to cheese the talents. Lockpicking is pointless anyway, there is like five chests without key in whole game. Everything else has key lying around somewhere.
it's your cpu probably
Set cloth physics to low, no really.
Gameplay is Assaasins's Creed combat with a bit of Witcher 3.
Your character is a diplomat and the goal is to please all factions, while you definitely have personal favorites that will make dealing with lesser favorites difficult.
Dont look at the game like Fallout's factions, more like a race against the island crashing in on itself.
This contract is gonna get DICEY
>gotta distract dude
>girl helps me if i get the hat from missionary lady
>"is this a joke?"
>"yeah. will you get it?"
>/fa/ as fuck
Outside of the Inquisitors, Petrus's people are alright and the Mother Cardinal is reasonable. The Coin Guard is full of snake ass motherfuckers, but there's a good amount of decent folk in there. The Nauts are bros outside of hogging all the nautical technology for themselves secretly. The natives are dicks at first, understandably. But besides Aphra, I can't name a single good thing done by any Bridge fuckers, and their governor has nearly gotten me killed almost purposely at least twice by now
Tnx, lowering antialiasing from 8 to 4 also helped
>destroying monster nest using explosives at one point
Just missing that magic horse.
I feel like everything except the parry has both unreliable timing and long recovery, but parry is just lmao spam mouse2.
is there a mod that fixes the capes yet
what a fucking blunder
Travelling with Vasco and Kurt. Kurt because he has been at MC's side almost all his life, so bros gotta stick together.
Good taste brother.
Petrus and Siora have top tier religious bantz
What's wrong with the capes
Does RANGED SHADOW IMPACT still causes a bug with Magic (casting) speed?
Did everyone else finish all the quests before Kurt's betrayal? Im stuck on one because it says to go see de courcillion but i have to get past Constantin's room to meet him.
TW3 had basically no choices whatsoever with very few exceptions.
Greedfall is a janky Witcher, but the quest and mapdesign gives much more choice depending on your skills.
Why do I get the feeling this is all leading up to some gay shit where Sardine selects themselves as an offering to the Man Of Many Faces to cure the Malicore?[/spoiler
]Well there's been no patch yet so yes
nope, not the case
Nah, the local god is pretty chill
This game looks like the kind of thing I'd really love but there's been so much shit released this month/releasing soon that I don't think I can justify it at full price
>european architecture
>filled with niggers and mutts
It's really worth it tho. Even on pirate. You can buy it later.
I have 800 ammo now I probably should stop making them
A setting with actual magic in it and you find the most unbelievable thing to be the existence of browns and blacks?
Completed the game, feel like the ending was missing slides, mainly about the main character, game was a lot of fun though.
If you are on extreme they will come handy, late game bosses and enemies are fucking bulletsponges.
>collect shit during the game
>finished the last boss fight with 200 ammo, 90 H potions and 60 M potions, over 300 leather, and tons of traps and various potions
Every fucking time
Am I nearing the end? Kurt just said his army was gonna fuck the island over and Constantin has AIDS
Waifu slides are the main character slides
just hotkey and spam it user.
Yes but if you get the skill after that it gets fixed
No, a middle of the game at least. I fucking hope Kurt is alive and well in your game.
How do I make the PC pretty? Seems like all the options are ugly af
Barely half.
The Bridge Alliance is clearly designed after Spanish moors and arabs so i don't know what you're talking about.
Although i think i did spy a nigger or two between the Natives which doesn't make too much sense.
Not in the slightest.
Halfway through
*(No official fix) - get the skill after that to fix the speed
Oh good, I was doing all the side quests so it probably took a lot longer to get to this point.
I found the opposite. I was actually surprised to see an RPG in [current age] where people aren't ugly as fuck.
Figured this game was cuck shit. Had potential but what do you expect from faggot frenchies.
Siora is a top qt.
Do the Celts and Welsh pronounce their language like these islanders do irl?
Being a mediator between both sides makes sense considering you're supposed to be a Diplomat of a faction that benefits from a status quo, but i found plenty of opportunities to be a complete cunt towards the natives.
>watch the bad end on yt because lazy and some others to see slideshow differences
>Kurt dead in 99% of them
Are these people even trying.
Should I play this or Inquisition? Also don’t worry, I’m not paying EA anything.
As a DAIfag, Greedfall.
It's a bit janky at times and the lack in budget and manpower is showing but the game blows everything Bioware has been shitting out completely out of the water.
This 100%, I fucking got bored of inquisition halfway
Cracked me up too.
Fuck off shill, take this pozzed garbage "rpg" to reddit.
>just finished chasing after the dryad wannabe
>that shit the bridge pulls
I don't think I've ever picked a [kill the fucker] option so quickly outside of meme kill em all runs in a game. Not a fucking second of hesitation goddamn.
>play a noble diplomat for not-venice
>barely any armor choices for armor that would fit that description
I don't get it. There are tons of Guards armor and church armors, but so few variations in noble clothes and armor.
Doesn`t seem to fit the character to wear some raggedy guards gambeson.
That was quite possibly the most annoying quest in the game thus far.
I really wanted to break that cunts legs for making me chase her across the fucking planet. Serves her right to catch a bullet. Everything would have been fine if she would have just stopped to listen.
Theleme heavy armors look good.
Take your unironic niggerhating ass back to /pol/
I was here first. You fuck off.
fuck niggers and fuck jannies tho
>role playing game
>can barely roleplay
What did you expect? These fags are copying CDPR more then bioware, who haven't ever made a rpg and show no signs of ever attempting to make one.
Can you get these masks to wear?
Dilate and go back, and take your shitty game about muh poor Irish """people""" with you.
Yes, it's purely for fashion though, they have zero armor stats.
You should be dressing for fashion anyway though, the game simply isn't difficult enough to be minmaxing armor.
>a fuckton of skill choices and skill checks
>every quest has multiple ways to complete them
>dialogue choices
>build choices
I had fun with TW3 and the combat in TW3 is less janky, but this is a much better RPG. I'ver never played RPGs for the combat anyway.
Anybody else think it's interesting that DAI was a critical darling and won GOTY at the dorito pope awards, but Greedfall is getting middling reviews?
Not saying Greedfall deserves a ton of GOTY awards or anything, but it really shows how biased game journos are and how they'll give a good score to anything with a sizeable marketing budget.
Once you get upgrade to cast faster it fixes that bug. Stockpile your points and put in two levels at once and it's not an issue.
>start the game
>facial animations are Andromeda tier
>quit the game
Fucking yikes
>much better RPG then bitcher
You act like that's a accomplishment considering that series is a RPG in name only.
>muh grafix
EA bonus.
My niggah. The level of Sardine being pissed off at Hikmet's main guy whatishisname was hilarious when you return back to him.
European games tend to be underrated as fuck unless they get an insane amount of polish.
there's serene armour that looks quite neat
Don't bully Mev, she has a hard life.
theres no way to make them good looking
Do you even /fa/
DAI had relatable and brilliantly written characters, who could forget such amazing characters such as Sera when she tells you her backstory of hating the women who took in a poor elf orphan because of one lie, or Iron Bull bravely declaring trans men are real men. Greedfall has no such writing or characters and expects me to believe wh*te male colonists aren't all evil and natives aren't all victims.
Git gud
Is it possible to change my character's appearance later in the game?
>her backstory of hating the women who took in a poor elf orphan because of one lie
I'll bite, what was the lie?
no point anyways
they all look disgusting
Ironically DAI's strongest aspect was it's characters, though a handful of them were pretty trash.
What I mean though is both are ARPGs which are kinda jank and fairly unpolished. The only difference is that one is made by a major studio and publisher with a ton of money behind it.
She asked the noble woman who took in a orphaned elf to make her cookies, because she figured it was a mom thing to do and something she could pass down to her kids or some shit (despite being a dyke but whatever). Old women gets her some. On her deathbed old woman reveals she never made them herself because her own mother hadn't taught her and got them from the local Baker, and to prevent Sera from going there and finding out she told her the Baker hated elves. Because Sera use to pull really shitty pranks on the Baker over this and then found out it wasn't true she seems to think this one lie was enough to invalidate everything the old women did for her and thinks she was a cunt.
Never in my life I wanted so desperately to hit a person in the face and destroy his whole life.
lame I was thinking of changing my appearance to be more Empire Greatsword like by giving them an epic mustache.
Damn, that's good to know. I'm glad we don't have to wait until the next patch. Thanks, guys!
It's a tie between him & that nigger who shot that bitch I had to chase around the whole damn map
Haven't heard much of this game, is it good? I've been wanting to play a RPG recently.
I'm not disputing Inquisition didn't have good characters, Dorian, Blackwall and Solas were great, but greedfall doesn't have as many moments like Bull saying trans people are the gender they think they are while practically looking at the camera and (You) in the eye.
It's pretty nice eurojank. Spiders to their credit have steadily gotten better with each game.
Did you enjoy Dragon Age Origins?
It unironically is.
How is it Eurojank when its not from eastern Europe or glitchy. Big hmmmm
Frenchjank is usually good
Can I play as a plague doctor?
Cool will try it then.
You can wear this mask and effectively ruin the mood of cutscenes.
it is glitchy as hell tho
I also have to say this game runs great, even on older systems.
t.960 user
>game has worse animations and graphics than DA:O, a 10 budget year old game made by people who suck at animations
Yea Forums will defend this. Name 10 things that are good about this eurojank trash.
It's Kotor meets The Witcher 2, not 1 or 3, but 2 specifically.
>muh graphics
Get out.
zoom on
More like DAO meets DA2 meets DAI, then meets TW1, then TW3, and then AC:S, but it's actually good.
shoo shoo zoomzoom, back to /po/ and reddit with ye.
Played the game for about one hour. Hard to get into... is it even worth it?
I'm playing on low settings and you can do absolutely nothing about it.
I'm confused, explain your reasoning.
>can't even say anything good about the game
Fucking lol, you shills suck at your job
Yeah, give it at least 5 more hours.
>for a low-budget eurojank game like this
Listen, user, let me tell you a secret: the game is actually fun
Based on everything pre-release, I expected a great setting and some eye-catching features wasted on primitive, console-like combat and mindless grinding masked as gameplay.
What I got is a surprisingly polished (but not perfect) Eurojank whose parts come together in a weirdly satisfying way. It's a far cry from Origins though, more like .
How is it fun? Prove it.
I'm at the quest where I have to meet the native council, did I miss Siora's companion quests? I've only gotten the one at the start to help find her mom & she's stuck at "nice"
Go play it, you brainlet.
Get onto the island and start wandering around, that's when it really opens up.
It's a fairly standard 3rd-person RPG. Think Dragon Age, but not made by Bioware.
>8gb of ram
>overall mood: TW1+DA2 (the best of it) at first, but show up it's own style as you progress the game
>city exploration: TW1+TW3+DAO
>cities design: AC:S, maybe some ACU or even ACBF
>combat: DAI + TW3 + AC in general
>dialogues: TW1 + DAI + TW3
And so on.
At this point we might as well just say that Greedfall is Greedfall.
And I agree.
>praising the sun is bad
>entire game is literally just Sardine doing their job
We need more games like this.
Reminds me of Tyranny, actually.
>cool setting
>good story
>likable characters
>branching narrative and a good amount player choice
>simple but robust character progression and customisation
>decent combat, though it needs some tweaking and polish
I know it's hard to believe, but Yea Forums's primary purpose is to discuss videogames, not a thinly veiled political echo chamber or a place to dump the same Wojack/Pepe variants over and over again.
Installing this baguettejank right now. Anything I should know about it?
Spidersfags, when do they usually release the first patch? I want to replay it already.
Serene is the tutorial level. At least get past that before judging the game.
Pick lockpick ability first and wear +1 intuition hat all the time. Trust me.
>colonial game
>can't have my own ship
>can't own slaves
What's the point?
Is there any skimpy native armor in the game? Poor siora is as flat as a board and dressing her in full plate really undermines the whole Pocahontas thing she's got going on
I'm running around with a giant horned oogabooga mask myself, it's bullshit I can't make her wear one too while running around in a loincloth and stone sword
You are SARDINE, LEGATE OF THE CONGREGATION, not some lowlife ship captain
>Spanish moors
Bridging the gap between the natives and the colonizers.
You're a diplomat.
I'm looking at Expedition Conquistador/Viking and this game. Which one should I get?
Do NOT pick Lockpick Talent first, as the 1st companion you get literally a few minutes in-game has an Armour with +1 Lockpicking. Just equip it anytime you need it. The pre-order pack has a +1 Intuition hat and a +1 Craftsmanship glove.
+1 Cha capes are common at Merchants, and such check are %-based anyway. That means Science is the only Talent you can't cover otherwise in the prologue (Well, besides Vigor). It has limited use in the Serene, but it's a good building stone.
You're asking in this thread, so obviously Greedfall.
I actually never thought about stealing Kurt's armor. Thanks, user.
Definitely start with Conquistador, then play Viking too. Take your time and enjoy them. Both games are /indie/ gems but it should be played in this order for numerous reasons. Personally, I loved them and both far exceeded my expectations.
Just starting, what's the most fun class?
Multiclass. NEVER go for pure.
I'm going heavy weapon melee with guns as secondary. Is that good/fun, or should I go some other route?
Do whatever anons, make it work for you.
Definitely grab stasis.
Should I buy Greedfall for PS4 or PC?
Help me guises
DO NOT grab stasis unless you want the combat to get braindead
PIrate on PC. Buy if you like.
Pirate on PC, try it, and then decide if you want to buy it.
Doesn't that make the game piss easy?
Ahh, Yea Forums, the voice of wisdom. I will do that.
I heard the game is pretty easy, should I start on the hardest difficulty?
Where can I buy traps
You're welcome, user. It's a little inconvenient sometimes (Naut Warehouses), but definitely doable. What's real embarrassing is that journalist / streamers / etc. also failed to notice this. And they had the game for days pre-release.
You can choose skill branches that make combat easy, but that's the least satisfying combat options. Magic is easymode but boring, whereas blunt weapons are hard to use but supremely satisfying.
>I heard the game is pretty easy
More like broken. As long as all attacks are blockable, you can just spam parry to win any fight. According to devs, it's working as intended.
>using parry at all
I prefer stunlocking with powerattacks.
>natives ask me to mediate about a logging camp
>talk to to people
>run back to capital
>talk to secretary
>go to archives to get the papers
>talk to another person
>get a stamp on some papers
>get back
>oh there's also a mine
>run back to capital
>talk to secretary
>go to archives to get the papers
>talk to another person
>get a stamp on some papers
>get back
>okay now you're allowed to kill the 5 guys
I can't tell if this sidequest was some intentional injoke about the tediousness of bureaucracy or just padding.
Jesus fucking Christ that quest.
>when you search the archives and find out the guy is mining illegally
The game many times teleports to you to quest givers after you finish a quest just to cut padding so it's obviously intentional.
Be happy they didnt go full out on this.
The first one probably, there ain't many fetch quests that bad in the game
This fucking quest.
>Siora has a single companion quest
>Stuck at "Nice"
>Bring her everywhere in hope for more Siora points
>Drag her along on Aphra's first companion quest
>-1 Siora points
Well, fuck.
She'll give you more quests as you progress the MQ. Don't rush it tho.
Definitely not, I'm doing all side quests first. Except for the busy work like collecting camp fires and such.
is Siora a real name? It sounds kinda cool
Really loving the game.
Just wished there were more interactions with the companions. Don't get me wrong there's already a ton of involvement, and i like that they have a whole chain of companion quests instead of Biowares "do one quest and i'll suck your cock" design, but i wish there was a bit more traveling banter between the companions, and also more casual things.
Right now there's hardly a point of just talking directly to them.
It's low quality in areas but has SOUL
>the only quest i haven't finished were the professor notes
I have failed you teacher.
Same desu. They're impossible to find
Reeee how to beat these vampirefucks in the cave. One quick nibble and the HP drains to 0
I haven't played a game where I ran into this many invisible walls in years. It's great!
Don't get nibbled or come back later with more HP.
Hope you have at least 1 in Vigor to get the one in that big ass cave you chase the native healing bitch into
Not really. The problem with Tyranny was until a update you were unable to even stay loyal to your overlord. In every other instance you turn on them and learn how to use their super weapon that helped them become overlord and how they can have serious flaws if they aren't worded correctly.
This one is actually a full story, unlike the unfinished mess Tyranny turned out to be.
Mev did nothing wrong
Everything has to run through the legal channels Legate, stop complaining.
>I haven't played a game where I ran into this many invisible walls in years. It's great!
New Vegas?
This is definitely more walled off. Although it might simply be a case of buggy collision detection.
Sure besides making me chase her ass so far
I got stuck on seemingly flat terrain many times so yeah, and no it wasnt anywhere near cliffs or map boundaries.
>been playing their games ironically since Mars: War Logs because they are the definition of "so bad they're good"
>tfw seeing them finally make an actually decent game
I'm so proud of them.
Being unable to jump might also exacerbate the issue.
Who doesn't in this game
It's almost like listening to a constructive feedback instead of muh "ADD MORE GAYS" faggots actually improves games.
>you're actually doing diplomatic work most of the time
Literally the biggest surprise about the game
>the game named greedfall is actually about greed leading to a fall
This, what the fuck. I was expecting it to mean as much as being general of the minutemen in fallout 4.
pretty sure this game has more faggots than previous Spiders games?????
>bitches at me for bringing savages to his town
>some time later need help to kill corrupted coin captain
>dude goes out of his way to help me the second he hears he gets to burn people on stake
Based Aloisius.
>went in wanting to colonize the shit out of everyone
>both factions are moustache twirling tier evil from the get-go
>the native chick is the only good looking female in the game despite the short hair
>natives are just dumbass nice people %85 of the time
God fucking damn it
>expect the game in which the MQ is 6 hours long, everything else is just a time-consuming fetch shit
>instead got 40-50 hours of intense story content without any fillers or farming
AAA made me hate videogames. "Indie" AA are restoring my faith in them.
Dunno man, it doesn't seem that optimized. I average at around 90fps
>went in wanting to colonize the shit out of everyone
Is the game preventing you from doing that?
Why are French studios by far the most cucked?
That door opening animation.
>time for some diplomacy bitches
The game isn't about that to begin with.
most of the natives are absolute dicks until you do something for them tho
the theocracy's leader and companion and other people are perfectly reasonable, its only Ordo Luminis that are assholes
the Ottomans are full on twirling tho
How are the dungeons?
the what
The area that aren't the world map or the towns...
Most of them are story related
Lads, is this game worth it? I've heard you guys compare it to early bioware games but is it really that good?
How's the character customization and armor (fashion)?
It is. The most /fa/ game.
it's good old janky fun
armors are kino
character creation is pretty limited
Got a lot of armor slots?
pros outweight the cons
3 for chest armor, 2 for weapons, 1 for guns, and 1 for gloves, 1 for legs.
Cape, Chest piece (upgrades are visible), Gauntlets, Hats, Bootsies.
Weapon upgrades also make changes similar to the armour/weapon system of DA:I
>he wants a moderate
Lmao OK fag
>having a desperate desire to play the game wearing plague doctor mask all the time
Send help
I'm just bit annoyed how fast it all goes once you reach that point, he seems like nice guy and then suddenly goes full powerhungry. Though i guess the impending death from plague and all the relevations would change one.
The PC or Constantin?
>the most /fa/ game
That's Bloodborne though.
At some point I actually expected Cons to marry Siora for political reasons.
Bloodborne is goth greedfall
Well shit, I'm only up to the meeting with the council Main quest. He's been nothing but a big excited kid fir the whole game so far
BB is kino gothfall you moron
Eren is a fagt
What is De Sarde's name?
Your first name
It never says what your mother named you, I'm pretty sure it's Legate
Anyone else favourite part going "what did you say to me you little shit? I'll have you know I am the de sarde and my uncle is leader of the merchants guild" type stuff?
>slaps your governor on the ass and passes speech check
Fucking merchants.
>I have the power of achieves and Charisma on my side
Little bit of a culture shock when the savages didn't call me exellency.
>that one bitch who steals your introduction
Where is ordo luminis when you need them.
Absolutely illegal.
I like how you are shocked too, shit's great.
Too bad we don't get to put a cap in that disrepectful trollop...oh wait
>French Eurojank developers fill their game with blacks
>German Eurojank developers make their game all-white, but don't comment on it
>Czech Eurojank developers make their game all white and aggressively get into fights over it
A nice little microcosm of how cucked each country is.
He isn't wrong.
This is getting dicey.
I love vasco
>still using that bullshit survey with mistranlated questions
The translators were retards and asked Czechs (and presumably Slovaks), whether they would "feel pleasure", not just comfortable. Needless to say, most people were just confused.
Does De Sardine have to announce their title for legal reasons or do they just like being a bigshot noble? do you think the whole reveal later breaks their psyche knowing they're a savage?
Pretty much each and every companion, and even Constantine say that it doesn't matter. And then Sardine warms up to this idea during Petrus' quests.
European blacks(raised and born) are usually huge bros or dorks. Shame that the same can't be said about muslims, since their household and upbringing is so different from everyone else.
What survey was that?
I'm playing through the game blind, are guns OP as shit? Like I focused into it and I'm massacaring even skull marked enemies.
I have Science 2 with chest upgrade so now I just have a million bullets and I feel there's almost no reason ever for me to fight directly unless I run out of ammo.
Nothing wrong with it, but splitting your points between two tools that have the same purpose is somewhat wasteful (at least until you've levelled a bit and have tons of points to spare). If you go that route try to max armour damage on one of the weapons and regular damage on the other, rather than having two all-round damage dealing weapons. Blunderbusses are best for armour damage on guns I think, not sure how differentiated the heavy melee weapons are between damage types but I'm pretty sure you can specialise them further with upgrades.
Bruh, it's just the most boring way to play this game
Does Constantin deserve death from AIDS?
No. He deserves someone who would've love and support him more than his parents did. And who's not his cousin.
get a big hammer and a multibarrel pistol
Can you fuck him?
Constantin deserves to be protected.
Only hold hands with him and hug him.
t. Kurt
>fuck groups that arent like me
Where does he get all these poisons anyway
Tin of Sardines, Legwork of the Business Network
Where the fuck do I get a ruby
Buy it. Really. It's not that expensive.
"What a shame"
Yeah, but where? I've yet to see it in any merchant's inventory.
Good night sweet prince.
Woah there. You can't post that on a blue board.