Death Stranding


This proves all you Kojima hating doubters all wrong.

Respect this game. It'll be GOTY 2019.

Attached: death_stranding_bike.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

so all you do in this game is deliver packages?

Yea. No shooting at all. There's even a mechanic where you press a button and you'll automatically head straight to point B.

Obviously you do more than walk in Death Stranding, but even the walking has actual mechanics to it. The vast majority of "walking simulators" just have you hold up while you listen to someone talk.

Only on Very Easy mode.

I heard if you put in the Konomi code, Kojima visits you and shoves a dragon dildo up your ass.

Ok. My Riding Simulator. Happy now?

Based if it isn't the horse cock. That shit is overrated.

>kojimadrones bragging about bike riding
I'd think it was shitposting if I didn't know better

Amazon Employee: The Game?

>Uber Eats: The Game

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yeah no, it's going to be a big old buggy, boring mess.

100%, someone screencap this

If it's still piss4 exclusive, it's still shit

>That big beautiful world
>Full of absolutely fucking nothing
Hard pass

The environment looks very pretty indeed, and I'm intrigued by the surreal silliness of the plot. Unfortunately, the core gameplay loop (delivering packages) does not look engaging- and the gameplay and narrative do not appear to support each other particularly well.

My concern is that this will end up as two games in one. The core missions will form a 6-8 hour linear cinematic action-adventure, but it will be split up and spread throughout a 40-hour open world. That's basically how I saw MGS5 too, but at least the moment-to-moment open world gameplay was fun in that game.

I just want to play that linear game by itself, rather than having it hidden inside this open world game. Better yet, I really just want to watch a CGI movie directed by Kojima. That's not a "long cutscenes" joke, I don't mind those at all- I honestly think he would prefer to make a film, and I think I'd prefer to watch it.

>49 minute video with a lot of travel cut out
>3 minutes of combat
>1 minute of riding a bike
>rest is walking
Walking simulator with an optional combat mini game

fuck off im not buying this mgsV retexture

so shenmue


The environment looks as empty and devoid of hostile life as was the case with MGSV.

Why is kojima so horribly unable to make vehicles that are actually fun to drive. it was like that in mgsv too. all the vehicles felt like they gave up halfway through and just feel half-assed

B-but Dark Souls online interaction!

vehicles aren't fun to drive

what's wrong with it? i love my chance dildo, not as much as a big black cock, but it's a great dildo.

This is something else that baffles me to no end, it's a fucking terrible mechanic, it's the digital equivalent of you trying to build a sand castle in the beach, and, at random time intervals, along comes a douchebag and tramples all your over your sand caslt. I swear to God that if either MGS or Dark Souls had a gameplay mechanic in which the save-states got randomly corrupted, people would somehow find a way to praise it.

why does it give me metal gear 5 vibes?

I see all those flights Kojima took to Hollywood on the Sony jet really paid off.

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>This proves all you Kojima hating doubters all wrong.
>look!! a vehicle
congratulations kojima added a temporal way to move around an open world map. I bet he feel proud of being the first one.

I'm pretty sure he made this game just so he could suck off both Norman Reedus and Mads Mikkelsen.

I find it very odd that he's not showing the actual guns with bullets, like he is some anti-gun retard now.

>B-bola gun isn't a gun, its bola bola balls!

Because it's made by the same guy silly.

This game has 0 replayability.
Not even worth $60.

Sadbrained haters got BTFO so hard they went right back to whining about Cyberpunk lmao

Fun or not, moving like the bike is going through molasses isn't gonna do anything good for sales/reception

Reminder to shitposters that not every game needs to focus on gameplay. Let people be happy for what they got.

Oh so you've played it already? Please enlighten us you fat sweaty fuck

Whoa, that's a lot of grass and rocks you have there, Kojima-san.

So a worse version of this?

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Honestly, even Zelda have some trees here and there.

boy you sure are mad as fuck, aren't you? no need to suck Kojima's cock that hard, user.

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Kojima fell in love with Iceland some years ago and trying to make the game look like it.

>Whoa, that's a lot of grass and rocks you have there, Kojima-san.
That's how faggots complain about big maps

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Kill yourself

That's slow motion, probably activated by the player, that's not a frame drop you absolute moron.

seething Kojimbo drone.
Game is not worth $60 lmao.

Killing people in the game has consequences, probably leaving a big crater where they die like you do when you die.

there's obviously shooting. Have you not seen the trailers?

>Claims a game that has never played has no replayability
>As defense tells the guy to stop sucking Kojimas dick and posts silly anime pic
This can only be another smashfag stuck with a Switch console without the exclusives from PS4

Kojima is retarded like his dumb cunt fanbase

>Coping Xcuck

have you seen the movie the postman? it's like that

Attached: the postman.jpg (299x475, 45K)

Again, how would you know?

How big is the map chap? Any info on it?

>don't like gaem? must be smashfag
dumb schizo sönygger.

Not more retarded than Yea Forums though

Damn its exactly this.


>shit ton of giants monster as seen in trailers
>homo demons
>cliff as antagonist
>5 shadow guys in the sky

Attached: EEOyhu5UwAAMqHi.jpg (2048x1536, 543K)

I don't xbone.
again, how many fucking boogeyman are living rent free in your heads, söyny?

is this one large open world or is it going to be multiple large hubs?

What kind of fag posts anime pics

This shit looks boring man.

>put celebs in game
>add the word "Kojima"

You asked in the wrong board. They are going to tell you is a walking simulator

>shit ton
there was only one and the game pretety much tell you to no engae in combat or your cargo will get damaged.

what kind of shill defends games made by Kojima? yeah, the one sucking his dick 24/7

This is a perfect rental game. I know people don't use it anymore but a service like Gamefly is perfect for a 30 hour Kojima snorefest like this.

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It's at the very least far bigger than any other popular recent open world game, maybe even half the size of Daggerfall or even bigger.

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Its the same engine

Not enough asking people about sailors

The ones who actually played MGS. The shills are you who never played anything

Someone’s buying the game for research right?
Don’t want all the opinions coming from fanboys who enjoy eating the turd

its also emptier than any recent popular games.

Just watch the 160 hours of cutscenes on YouTube on release.

Isn't the core of this game about the community building? Sure you deliver packages using various means to travel but your structures stay and other players use them too. You can also mark points of interest on the server for others to go to. Give this game a couple months and the plain mountains will become a clusterfuck of ladders

Thanks for confirming you're another seething Xcuck.


cant wait to rock my bb pod to sleep

Hope you find happness one day user. Remember Jesus loves you.

No user you can't discuss the actual mechanics that the game has haven't you seen the memes it's a walking simulator lmao!!!

This some next level seethe post?

>not soothing it with a lullaby on your harmonica

Daggerfall has more environmental variety than this.

>map is the size of america
>nothing to see but procedurally generated rocks and a bit of grass
>player hikes at a snail pace
>vehicles run out of battery like a 10 year old scrapped electric car
yikes and wowza

No, it uses HZD engine.

That's because it has a different focus. It's a world that doesn't expect you to stay at any particular place for long. You're supposed to cross it.

Very few of them are actually shills, they mostly consist of people just attempting to get entertaining reactions, people who were mad after MGSV being so mediocre, and a few new people trying to fit in because they aren't used to the "culture" here.

I can hardly agree that it's empty when there's so many breathtaking views, and obviously there's going to be secrets and easter eggs fucking everywhere.



the core of the game is deliverying packages and unfold the story, the online shit even tough interesting and nice just works as a way to make your life easier.
And the prblem a lot of people are having is the core mechanics are underwhelming.

The one giant statue standing in the sky, the lion fucker, the squid thingy, the giant hairy thing that climbed from the sea. I am pretty sure Kojima has more than that which he won't spoil us.

Yea the guns are tacked on

>t. gamefly intern #123874

>more environmental variety
>different colored flat areas for hours

Attached: kojimbo3.png (828x1792, 1.26M)

Konami owns the fox engine buddy

>Walking simulator on wheels

>Hope you find happness one day user. Remember Jesus loves you.

Attached: COPE.jpg (601x508, 94K)

gamefly is barely staying alive, i don't see how some fat retard on Yea Forums is helping their advertising

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why is everyone getting so anally frothed over this game?
it's gonna be good, chill out and enjoy the ride my bros

You enjoyed that admit it

Too bad you're gonna stay there for a long time because you have to slowly walk from strand to strand. The scenery is utterly bland too.

it's Sony's Killzone/HZD engine you dumdum.

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If anything it’s a good games to smoke some weed and fumble around in


Sòýny exclusivity.

>why is everyone getting so anally frothed over this game?

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Would you really pay $60 for a game just because "IT'S KOJIMA DUDE"?

Attached: what.jpg (1200x900, 42K)

When you wait the whole year for one game, of course you don't want it to fail. But first, you have to convince yourself this will be good, and then try to convince us.

Keep up the cope.

Yes but mostly for pissing and growing mushrooms.

Have you played his games?

kojima trying to pass it as a new genre or someshit
of course poeple gonna call on his bullshit.

I don't understand faggots who defend this game just because it has detailed weight and center of mass management. Why don't they just go take a hike in real world for real? I get people who love shooting and driving simulators. Guns and cars aren't cheap. Murdering and speeding are illegal. But why would anyone want a walking/hiking simulator across a bland landscape?

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>Collab with Monster
>Collab with some Japanese singer guy
>Music stations
Was kind of amusing in MGS, but this is kind of pathetic. I can see all sorts of advertisement collaborations coming.

>Amazon delivery simulator

>inb4 a guaranteeed 9.5 on metacritic

That's only a small part of the game but I think Yea Forums loves that part more than the rest though

>Sòýny exclusivity
>captcha: select all images with bridges.

Attached: dsexclusive.png (638x349, 204K)

what game???

but everything Kojima does is a new genre
the man can do no wrong, he's never made a bad game and basically you're a little bitchboy in comparison. does being inferior to a small dicked jap make you mad? Huh? little fag?

Real talk? Obesity. Yea Forums has been plagued by fats since 2013.

This looks like my type of game. I've always liked riding around in open worlds, chilling out, and taking in the environments. Now a game is made around that very concept? I'm super excited. I never say this but this is going to be comfy core.

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no wonder they're triggered by walking


>if you don't like this game, you are a seething xbox fan
Xbox fans don't exist, schizo. I just want to see a PC release something. I'm not stopping my 20-year boycott for a game


>Collab with some Japanese singer guy
The singer is a big deal in Japan. He performed for the Emporer earlier this year. Japs were going nuts when they saw he was attached.

>20 year boycott
that is the definition of seething

>It'll be just like no man's sky!

Attached: 798769876987.jpg (600x759, 217K)

That's not the only thing the game has. Go do a better research then come back.

Guns and nazi zombies hmmmm

Because when I take a hike in the real world I don't get an intriguing postapocalyptic Science-Fiction story with it.

haha i post le annoying onions face, therefore thats you therefore le wrong xD

Keep making new memes Yea Forums

Once you lose your first pound it’ll motivate you to get in shape

Yeah I was really hoping Kojima would stick with either horror like Silent Hills or stealth-action like MGS in his new games. This game has elements of both but it doesn't look appealing. Hopefully if this flops he'll just make a Metal Gear movie.


I'm not big on these games in general but this just looks bad. I can't see how anyone would find this fun.

I'm gonna buy an extra copy for each negative comment posted here. Stay mad Xbox drones.

He never said that though, Xcuck.

>occasional shooter minigame (lethal weapons are not allowed btw :) )
>slowly crawl behind spooky floating shadows
>soulslike(tm) bossfight
>oil nazis
So much content bro.

I know there's no way this post won't come across as console war shitposting but I really feel open world games need to learn from breath of the wild in how to design an open world.

The same way people enjoy games like RDR2 or BOTW? You're exploring crazy worlds and doing crazy stuff, people like immersion and games like this and the aforementioned are immersive, and have decent enough gameplay to be worth actually playing. I like transporting myself to other worlds because it's entertaining to see what other people have created.

>capital letters, bro
Is this Final Fantasy XV all over again? Companies are giving money so their products can appear throughout the game?

Venom snake is the medic in Ground Zeroes

Attached: bExfy66[1].png (600x600, 468K)

I cant wait to play uber simulator

You just finished playing the game already?

I only ever buy sony games/consoles used, or emulate. I never buy their games new, use the psn store, or pay for online.

It's an Andy Warhol pop art thing, whom kojimer is a fanboy of. Even his appearance is inspired by warhol

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>here is your dinner sir
>now to deliver this sperm to the fertility clinic
>wait why is this box full of burgers

Can someone just give me the jist on the story/scenario? I watched parts of the gameplay, looks like you fight lovecraftian animals?

because fetus are cute :3
explain this to fifa buyers

I get it. You can't afford to buy new releases because your insatiable urge for cum requires you to spend every dollar you make on man-whores. You just can't stop sucking and swallowing. It's a hard life being an Xbox fan.

Did you even play the game user??!

Terrorists kidnapped the president in a post ghost apocalypse America.

Those games have gameplay though

>a pretentious fag hack being inspired by a pretentious fag hack
Gee, what a surprise.

why is the main character doing all this busy work? seemingly just delivering packages, etc.

>no dirt/grass/mud being kicked up by the wheels spinning going uphill
>that terrible,stiff animation, bike doesn't even lean over when he shifts his weight
>suspension has absolutely no travel parallel with the ground
holy fuck that's god awful, worse than V

Was it Gakt (or however you spell his name.)?

I unironically cannot wait for the gameplay of navigating post-apoc America, I love that the gameplay loop focuses around crossing natural obstacles, it feels sort of like a realistic version of platforming

that stuff doesn't even happen irl wtf are you talking about

It's too deep for us mortals to understand. Hell, even Kojima said he doesn't really understand what the fuck his game is about, so how can you?

>here we see a poorfag wagecuck pretending to be a smug rich guy

>that stuff doesn't even happen irl
Idiot faggot

Put on an audiobook in your headphones. checkmate

Have you never played a game with side quests or not on rails? What kind of question is this? This is like a decade old flash video going haha link goes fishing when the world is at risk.

you're right, nothing in that video happens irl, what a fucking shitshow.

can't defend his position so resorts to ad-hom
looks like I win :)

No. I wish Gakt was still that big a thing.

Nothing wrong with that, but after the boring empty world og MGSV I'm just skeptical oh Kojima. The story and setting look weird and interesting but thr gameplay looks meh.

Why are you giving him (You)? We all know that the majority of PS4 owners play those exclusives once they appear on PS+

Literally watch any video of any offroad vehicle you cum sucking bootlicker.

the only people who worship kojimbo as some genius gamedev are asian americans
this guy is a mediocre game director

I'm gonna buy a third PS4 just for posting this. Keep going, I dare you.

His job is to connect isolated settlements of survivors to a "chiral network" which is some sort of scifi magic internet thing, or at least as far as we know. He has to travel from the east coast of the US to the west where Edge Knot City is, an independent city full of terrorists called Homo Demons i'm messing with you, it's Demens who share an ideology of staying isolated, and use supernatural creatures and events to kill people.
The main character, Sam, works for BRIDGES, which as far as I can gather is the high tech equivalent of US Postal Mail, and I think they do deliveries to make people more inclined to co-operate with them.

I don't have any videos of your mom.

can't defend his position so resorts to ad-hom
looks like I win :)

Its not a bike. It has two wheels on the front

Looks more like LOTR New Zealand than America. We have interstate highways in America

Literally watch any video of any offroad vehicle you cum sucking bootlicker.

I would LOVE a walking simulator game that has world randomly generated by some crazy neural network.

uhhhh try REAL LIFE
hahahahah fuckin nerd

>walk from point A to B
>have obstacles
nah, I'll pass, pretty bland concept

It's a world where there's rain that speeds up time on anything it touches by decades, of course it looks grassy as fuck.

and that justifies those points moot? the driving looks like absolute ass.


Do you people not learn after playing your second open world indieshit title that these games a devoid of anything interesting or new?
Wide as the ocean and deep as a puddle. Walking sims and "exploration" games are all the same.


did you not see the part where Sam is neck-deep in water?
how is that a puddle?

shit ass game

I still think the big twist is gonna be that the people Sam is working for are the bad guys or at least extremely shady. The presidency is given from mother to daughter rather than actually voted for, they have that whole "keeping brain dead women pregnant and using their babies as batteries" thing going on and they seem be strongarming independent settlements into joining their government. Also, it's pretty ambiguous what that Chrial Network even is, exactly. Could just be a futuristic phone line, could be a surveillance network.

Homo Demens did nothing wrong.

Attached: ChadHomo.png (2518x1024, 386K)

kek the state of this seethe. Not even putting effort into it anymore.

My guess is that human skin-to-skin contact causes bad shit to happen, hence why the babbys have to be made the way they are. idk I was also on the DS=MGS:0 train for a while there so maybe I'm just retarded

Congratulations to Miyazaki for Sekiro winning GOTY.

Japan GOTY? Got any links?


Doesn’t look like Luigi’s Mansion 3 to me, so how could it be GOTY2019?

because it's not GOTY, it's game of the century

This game is just CoD if it sniffed its own farts

>Can't play this on launch
>By the time I do the world will already be filled to the brim by things other players have placed.

Nothing’s official yet, but after this trailer it’s obvious that Sekiro will win GOTY

This is different than Dark Souls. There are actual upsides to other players dying. You get to loot their stuff. This will not turn out the way Kojima has planned

>this only got one reply

Is nu Yea Forums just all NPCs


My favorite streamer is going to play this game and me and my boys are going to be leaving all our stuff to him

What? With how shit and empty it was? Or was that supposed to be ironic????

Nah, it's contractors for MS and Konami trying to torpedo the game by spreading FUD

Is the second 45min playthrough out yet or what?

24 hours time.

we could only see action for 5 minutes of a 50 minutes gamplay. Definetly action is not the important part of the game.

Not him but everywhere you went you'd find an awesome looking and interesting landscape to enjoy as you traveled, while also still finding enemies, secrets, and NPCs all over the place.

no, it is just that people have seen this joke thousands of times already.

That's tomorrow.

>Walking Simulator is a sometimes-derogatory slang term for a type of video game in which the gameplay consists mostly of a player moving around an area in a first-person perspective while a narrative unfolds based on their actions or ability to complete simple puzzles. The term has been used negatively by some gamers and critics to describe these games as not true "games," while some critics have praised the genre for its ability to present compelling stories in a new way
It's still a walking simulator


I really think buying the Dark Souls steelbook was my greatest regret in life. I've tried and I've tried but they're just really fucking boring.

Saddle up kiddies
Poster Boy is back

Attached: 2362109-nes_paperboy.jpg (701x960, 113K)

Wow, a video game character driving a bike! So revolutionary!

>the core gameplay loop
Stopped reading there.

This game looks janky as fuck. Also seems to take way too long to do anything. People keep comparing it to botw but botw is way fucking faster. Run and climb everywhere and everything instantly.

>it's a fucking terrible mechanic
Imagine having a shit taste AND smear it all over the internet.

>when I take a hike in the real world I don't get an intriguing postapocalyptic Science-Fiction story with it.
You don't get that from a Kojima game either.

Attached: 1454038542612.png (820x839, 429K)

Seething naysayer

Unironically yes.

>mgs V
Reminds you to take breaks
>Death Stranding
"lul take breaks ingame dont ever leave the couch you fat nerd"

So, this game is not for Americans?

Why the fuck does the eastern US look like New Zealand? Did Kojimbo watch the LoTR trilogy and decide he wanted to make a game adaptation of the panoramic travel montages?

Attached: think.gif (242x214, 3.23M)

Time rain fuckery means nature grows like crazy and man stuff decays super fast or something.

because walking isnt comfy in real life
sitting around at home and walking in a virtual place is

No one is going to screencap a tripfag you conceited douche


oh wow there is a bike this proves it's not a boring walking/delivery sim

got you covered

Attached: 2019-09-13 01_00_29-(196) _v_ - Death Stranding - Video Games - 4chan.png (52x29, 634)

This user is wild.

I'd play the game if it had a treadmill option for movement.

Dark Souls multiplayer elements + MGSV open world + Breath of the Wild style exploration + Kojima antics

I'll buy it on launch week. Not every game needs to be about killing mass amounts of enemies.

Why isn't he drinking sips while peeing on them.

Because I live in Japan. It's crowded and disgustingly humid to the point that I avoid the outdoors during the summer. Stop being so culturally insensitive.

>Not every game needs to be about killing mass amounts of enemies.
No one has ever made that claim.

You know the parts in GTA where you're just driving to your destination aren't very fun either

Why is it so unbearably humid here! I don't think I have a single dress shirt that isn't developing a ring around the collar.

So apparently the baby's name is Lou.

>Grassy open world full of nothing

Why is every open world in the last ten years like this?

>dress shirt
Sucks to be you. I'm a grad student and my PI told me from the get go to wear whatever I want because the weather is so dicks here.

I mean that's the best part of GTA but okay

Probably because any city worth a shit is right next to the ocean.

At least it's not Taiwan where it fucking rains five days out of the week, on top of being underwear-dampening humid.

That's it. Fuck you. I'm going to go to Tokyo Game Show and punch you in the face. I don't know what you look like so I'll just have to guess and hope whatever faggot looking gaijin not dressed up is you. But I'm willing to play these odds.

>I'm going to go to Tokyo Game Show and punch you in the face.
Sorry, but I'm not going this year. The showings are pretty weak.

Is there a different term I should use? I'm talking about a basic description of what the user spends most of their time doing. This could be "shoot demons" in Doom or "infiltrate military bases" in MGS. In the case of Death Stranding, it seems to be "deliver packages on foot". It doesn't sound, or look, very fun.

Nice try but I see right through you.

Can't wait to get home from a long day delivering food for uber wearing that stupid box backpack so I can finally do the same but in iceland for only 60€, thank you Kojima very cool

>This could be "shoot demons" in Doom or "infiltrate military bases" in MGS.
Sounds like the term you are looking for is "reductionist buzzword." You want to know what reductionist buzzword to use to describe the game.

Last year was hardly good enough to get me to go, and this year the only game there I care about is Death Stranding, which comes out soon anyways. Next year will be all the next gen shit so I'll be there then.

Not everyone lives in north America and Europe
Where would you find something like pic related if you were born in Egypt, the Phillipines or non rural China?

Well alright. I'll punch you next year.

And I'll laugh as you collapse from heat exhaustion half way through your punch.

>Kojima dickriders are so braindead they need a very easy mode for a walking simulator

THem animations and dynamics tho, they're placeholder-tier

its not about the size its how you use it

So its basically a wagecuck simulator? lol, Fuck that stupid Kojima gook. His government probably ordered this to lure out the hikkis from their comfy rooms and keep the economy going.

yes but after i got over 25 yo i realized he is just a pretentious hack.

>We're living in the timeline where we're getting this instead of Silent Hills

I-it's not fair, bros...

Attached: 1525650592534.png (500x400, 169K)

This game looks like Kojima analysed MGSV and decided to double down on the boring filler parts where you aren't assaulting a base

Surely you accept that it is possible to briefly describe the basic player actions in a game? If not, let me say it another way:

DS appears to be a game about traversing a pretty but empty environment with the primary objective of delivering goods and equipment between areas. It is only likely to be fun and engaging if 1) The player enjoys the challenge of traversal for its own sake and 2) The environment is interesting.

Based on the footage I have watched, it does not appear that either of those are the case, at least for me.

underrated post.

to be fair SOME environments looks intriguing and somehow i really doubt that Kojima is that insane to make a game where just walking is the main mechanic.

I dig the bola gun, why didn't anybody think of something like this before?

You mean Spider-man?

What would the chances be that it were the same quality of sh1 and sh2 anyways? If it means we would get some shit like re7 or the pt game than it's a no for me.

How did Yoshida green light it’s release?

All the haters can go back to their Ubisoft and EA shooters, I'll try the one AAA game that tries to be a bit different.

Just based on PT, it would have been WAY better than anything Konami had been cranking out post-Team Silent, and considering one of Kojima's favorite things to do is break the fourth wall, and fuck with the players, he probably would have done all kinds of clever shit to shake up the formula.

It's basically just a big pr move. Even if the game reviews and sells like shit, they probably sold millions of PS4s to people a while ago based purely on Kojima and fuckkonami buzz.

>cliff as antagonist
i really hope we WON'T see a character showcase of Cliff/Mads, i don't want any of that.

Attached: mads3.jpg (1200x674, 102K)

not entirely.

you can loot their stuff but you have to 'repair' it to use it, so you can't just loot everything.

cool pic, but the moon part was pretty cringe


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i'll take advertising over microtransactions and loot boxes, unless it's obnoxious.

Toppest of keks

>there are people in this very thread who aren't excited about this game

Attached: boomer ludo2.jpg (631x959, 139K)

>all that insane technology
>he still fucking walks and drives everywhere
I refuse to believe he can't just fly there with some small aircraft

you also take showers and have a tamagochi babby

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you are missing the bigger picture my man. did you see the bridge Sam' drive over with his bike? players build it. players can build a shitton of things in this game, you just need a ton of materials.
you ARE rebuilding America, its not just a empty phase. players have the power to transform the game to their liking and destroy it too, e.g. Voidouts.

>I don't get an intriguing postapocalyptic Science-Fiction story

but that's what real life has been ever since 2007

wtf i love kojumbo now

>use toilet sitting
I hope he doesn't wink before that too.

its interesting for me, maybe not for you.

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One thing I noticed is that a lot of the time when he goes to do an action with his hands, the camera will move away so you can't see it and then when it cuts back it'll be done. A good example of this is in the longplay footage he goes to tie his hair and you don't see him actually do it, it's just tied.

This is a cheap trick to skip animating interactables.

just wink back

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>Strand your enemies using the power of life with your baby strapped to your chest to defeat death and emptiness
It's gonna be the greatest game of all time. Unironically. You brainlets don't understand that there's only one thing in this entire existence that is eternal. It's life.

I was being halfway sarcastic. that's certainly a cool concept, just a little nonsensical
which is fine, the game would be extremely boring if you flew everywhere

>walk around an empty open world
>bike around an empty open world

holy shittttttttttttttttttt

true, yet wrote like a giant r*ddit baby.

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Fucking Kojima, the one time he makes a game that would have been a perfect mech simulator he drops the mechs. I always wanted this level of granularity to traversal and upkeep with machines but instead we have to pilot a norman.

this is what unironic kojima pseudo intellectuals honestly believe

>reddit builds their HQ where they give eachother shit and power grids and listen to music in their shelters
>be me
>find it
>steal and consume all of kojumbo's sperm they're storing to increase my power
>steal one of their speed skeletons
>bolt to the nearest cliff
>run off and land on reddit HQ
>escape afterlife and come back to see the crater i destroyed their HQ with
>mfw i'm already a homo demon, user

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BASED and redpilled. will do the same

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it's going to be empty in the beginning. By players playing the game it will get filled with lot of things. And trolling signs. And memes.
>hot spring's closed

>hot spring's closed

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you mean the game will get even easier

Those fucking shoulders. Are we sure that's not two midgets posing as a buff-ass grown man?

GTA is fucking shit then


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>Slow biking simulator
Thanks user for making me less hyped for this game

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life gets easier when people help each other



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sitting chad reporting in

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GTA is fun driving around because there is a lot of things to interact with

the problem with stranding is its devoid of anything fun to play around with no pedestrians or others cars etc

the biggest problem with this game is that kojima is not telling what the game is about
in MGSV you at least know the core of the gameplay is stealth

i feel like this is going to be another battleborn
where players are confused getting in

I'm still buying it.

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>you can shit
>calculate how to traverse the environment
>enemies to fight
>buildings and artifacts to discover
>stealthing past nigger ghosts
>boss battles
>equipment upgrades
It has more gameplay than every single GTA combined

More like another No Mans Sky where the dev keeps hyping it up and showing absolutely nothing for years, then people act like they're surprised when the trailers were 1:1 with the actual game. Literally just walking.

I think everyone realized by now.

enjoy your permanent post purchase rationalization

he went slow because it was bumpy and rocky, at one point he actually went fast there and did a wheelie

More like enjoy three more years of your seething, Xcuck.

sure bro

im sure you wont get bored of playing empty open world delivery man


>combat is run and throw
>occasioal gun
Throwing sim.

You're a part of the same group who said Metal Gear Survive would massively succeed and eternally BTFO kojimbo. Reflect on that, and consider whether or not the shit you're spewing right now actually has any basis in reality.

At least now we know what would happen if you set him loose. Some kinda incomprehensive mess instead of the videogame. Who would've thought.

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What? Literally where did I say that

If this game flops, Kojima will make a new way to suicide and call it the Kojima Method.

>close up cutscene of his face to not show how he puts the stuff on the bike

I dunno but that looks hilarious to me

thats been the case ever since mgs3

Hey, at least your strawman has evolved past "walking sim"

>this story i havent actually experienced yet is incomprehensive

i imagine a lot of things are incomprehensive to you.

>that's literally all you do in the game

stranding looks like fucking shit, but always remember that kojima always had easy modes for MGS

The concept and story seem interesting, but the game play doesn't.

Would you rather it be called box collecting simulator?

What's with this tactic I'm seeing enployed more recently where people just blatantly make up shit out of nowhere to win an argument?

You can also call it a shoot people in the face simulator if you're that desperate to shitpost. :^)

>Most of the time spent is walking and collecting boxes
>You're just shitposting
The levels of cope

>calling a walking simulator a walking simulator is shitposting

nah you're just mad kojima turned out to be another inafune or schafer

>The same boring Xcuck downplaying and shitposting

What's the matter, Queers 5 servers still down?

So it's like GTAV and the empty as fuck natural area

>Yea Forums is one person
You already lost, why continue your misery?

>admits to not being around during survive

Fucking Kojima, this either some masterfully crafted game or the most retarded ambitious project ever.
How do you turn post apocalyptic fedex delivery man into a game?

More like "this game is so fucking boring mode but I have to praise it since I got paid for this review and just want to skim through the game" mode.

Cos it's been three years since DS' announcement and it's been non-stop seethe and buzzwords from you cocksuckers since. Feels good.


> it's been non-stop seethe and buzzwords
Do you even hear your self at this point?

I want to make fun of this but i play Elite Dangerous and only ever worked as a delively boy because i cant dogfight for shit.

Is this what zero self awareness looks like?

So just like TLOU

Based schizophrenic Sóynyfag

>Walking Simulator
>You can skip the walking part
There's nothing left on this game or what

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>Denial and projection

November is gonna hit you fuckers like a freight train. Try and pace yourselves, you've still got two months to go.

>no man's sky but without spaceships

its funny you should bring up pacing because this game is probably only 10 hours long

Seek help

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Smuggler's Run 1 and 2 were the shit. Man I must've put at least 150-200h in it as an autistic 9 year old back then

I think the more games get similar to movies, the more they'll be praised even if "boring". Take 2001 a space odissey: it is widely recognized as a masterpiece, even if to some people it may be boring.

Why would anyone play this? Like, just go for a walk, fatty

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How do I enjoy tedious shit? Serious question. More and more games start to include more and more tedious shit that add nothing to the overall experience and people eat it up. Unskippable helicopter rides. No fast travel. It's just wasting my fucking time and eventually makes the whole thing unbearable. How can I be like you? How can I join in this tedium with a big smile on my face?

The only one denying and projecting is you retard. The story and concept are interesting, the game play looks like reskinned survive. MGSV has more going on for it than this pile of trash.

This post is a very fine example of why no one should listen to contrarians on Yea Forums, this absolute buffoon just revealed that he shits on the game without knowing a single thing about it, by falling for a shitpost.

You can shit in the shower and listen to generic jpop?

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Don't you have a bull to attend to?

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If this game is just a walking simulator where you play as an amazon deliveryman, then so was Fallout New Vegas, where you play as a courier.

watch 2001 a space odissey. It's the same thing, but it is a movie.

You may as well pull more shit out of your ass to cope.

New here, FUD man? That's what everyone calls you.

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I don't care that much about the game, but your post was embarrassing and you needed to be called out on it.
How about you start threads and make posts about games you care about? I'm sure all of us would have a better time.

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I did, 22 years ago. It was so fucking tedious. I wished I was playing video games instead. Now it's the opposite.

Shit man time to dust off my ps4 this game is looking amazing

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This is because games are trying to reach more and more the status of "art", meanwhile movies are just becoming entertainment for the masses. Look at all the MCU shit and Disney who are doing MILLIONS thanks to autists normfags

I'd rather have entertainment than boredom. How pretentious can you be to think regular people can craft meaningful art, anyway? Those people only come once every generation, at best.

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Art IS entertainment, but not for niggers

I would, but spergs like keep shitposting in them to feel better.

But in the stone age

So anyone else here looking forward to actually playing the game and not just shitposting about it? I'm kind of hoping for coordinated Yea Forums efforts like everyone peeing in a hot spring after chugging sips, or groups of people dying inside of player made bases to reduce them all to craters.

the world wasn't yet full of Yea Forumstards

Gonna buy it just to spite you.

I would not play with the sort of people that browse nu Yea Forums if my life depended on it, that said I look forward to playing it alone.

It'll be like Spiderman, every dipshit here shitposted hard but in the end they were there day one.

What Yea Forums fails to mention is terraforming
Drive over a hill a lot, it turns flat
Die,leave a crater

Well i want to be uber driver someday

>I would not play with the sort of people that browse nu Yea Forums
Not like there's really a better group of people to make large group efforts with. Besides, most of the undesirables here won't be playing the game.

Seems like the world design will make or break the game alongside how engaging the actual traversal mechanics like laying out ladders, abseiling and shit is. I'm not quite sure I see what the people who are full on 'day one purchase' do, but hopefully it turns out well.

well it is quite literally the only real walking simulator
or maybe you would like the term traversal simulator?

Why do the animations look like they were made by Bethesda?

>Hey you know what the best part of MGS 5 was?
>The stealth?
>The guns?
>The part where you just hold forward for 10 minutes?

will there be realistic mud simulations?

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user, i...

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cute smug user


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on the other hand we live in a timeline where we might get dragons dogma 2
unrelated to the topic at hand, but, don't give up hope, the worlds not all shit yet.

absolutely this. we feel the same user. I was expecting something like new vegas open world filled with silly side quests and interesting main quest but this looks like boring package delivery simulator with fun surreal cutscenes in between.

It literally is one you deranged spastic. You deliver packages from a to b and occassionally find some enemies off to defend your packages. So yeah nigger, muh walking simulator is the core aspect of this game.
>This proves all you Kojima hating doubters all wrong.
what proves it wrong? what the fuck are you talking about ? A motorbike that you can ride proves wrong it isn't a walking sim anymore?
>Respect this game. It'll be GOTY 2019.
how to spot monkey 101, kill yourself

This game looks so jank and unappealing.

Because it’s the same game

Hey Yea Forums I'm gonna buy it.


I can actually smell the seethe coming off your post. Cope.


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get skull fucked you maggot

>walking sim
>run from enemies
>Hollywood faces
>fast travel to objective
>shit fetish
Yup, it’s getting a perfect score

>shit fetish
Whoa I missed something here. Are you implying the main character has a brap fetish. Guys, it's settled. This is officially /ourgame/.

Looks like a massive tedium

Add a few more buzzwords

This game looks so boring that I'm going to express how disinterested I am in every single thread about it.

Will redditors start larping as homo demens and intentionally seek to voidout player made structures?

Reddit is all about friendship and being a happy handholding community. They will be about the opposite of griefing.

wrong, reddit is about being forced into being nice so they are all secretly resentful passive aggressive soi infused time bombs. Yea Forums before the reddit invasion is the exact opposite of that where most people are sad and angry constantly so they would rather larp as a community in a game like DS

I'm going to get riled up at your disinterest every time you make it known.

Is there a more dystopian working environment than working in Amazon?

Yea Forums pretends to be reddit and reddit pretends to be Yea Forums?

This. Based and Red pilled.

Please be baiting

>opinions I don't like are buzzwords (a buzzword)

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Working at a Japanese run company in Japan.

>That one schizo sonyfag unable to cope

Seethe more.

No u

>2001 space odyssey is kojimbos favorite movie
It all makes sense now

Not that bad of a choice.

>shit ton of giants monster as seen in trailers
>Nanomachine as antagonist
>shadow squids in the sky
Just with some word changes, you have MG survive, and it was a meh game, congratulation:

This was posted by an actual teenage cunt

So the game is going require an internet connection doesn't it?

Sounds like you think a lot about teenage cunts, maybe you should hang out with like-minded people instead of posting here? I hear a lot of people like that are on Resetera.

I liked the gameplay. It's something refreshing from the mindless shooters. Only problem I see with it the lack of replayability one you finish it.

I legitimately don't understand this level of defense for a game people haven't played. Anybody says anything against it, shares an opinion suddenly they're >buzzword
This is my first post itt, you 2 need to seek help. Games are about gameplay, first and foremost and above all else. "Games as a medium" is why we're stuck with the shit we currently are. Read a fucking book.

So which is the bigger TORtanic fag target now? CP2077 or this game?

>someone thought this was clever enough to complete a captcha

This game is being attacked FAR, FAR harder than it's being defended.
>Anybody says anything against it, shares an opinion suddenly they're >buzzword
Literally only 1 or 2 posts say this in each thread, and there's not even a guarantee they actually want to defend the game and aren't shitposters. If you want to pretend you don't absolutely loathe this game, why are you completely ignoring any of the countless posts over the countless DS threads we've had defending the game with actual arguments?

>Games are about gameplay, first and foremost and above all else.
Saying something that's true doesn't mean shit if it's also irrelevant.

>why are you ignoring the countless posts in threads you haven't been in
Absolutely fuck off. If you want to defend something well, do it. I'm posting here, and replying here, to nothing but literal shill tier superlatives.
>Saying something that's true doesn't mean shit if it's also irrelevant.
There has been zero proof it isn't.

>Who are these assholes again?
>Homo demons
Yeah I'm done with Kojima

This one, until news about 2077 come out, then it's that one again

are you happy now that it got a couple epic reaction pics dude? who the fuck even uses ubereats, you have to be retarded

>he thinks video games are just about killing

let me guess, American?

>The group of terrorist is called Homo Demens, "demens" means "mad" in latin

homo demens are actually trump voters, and the goal of the game is to defeat them and make america not suck again

yes and I am also a tranny.

I think that backpack fetish user will have a field day with this game

>conveniently leaves you 5 seconds after where sam jump at 200mph to the other side getting teleported by the game logic

Okay why are there no trees? Grass can grow so why not trees or bushes?


you guys are hilarious desu.
silent hill died like 17 years ago

You would if you're a brand loyalist

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>homo demens are actually trump voters, and the goal of the game is to defeat them and make america not suck again
B-But America already sucks before Trump got elected, especailly druing Obama period, Trump is the reaction of Obama's homo propaganda.

Are you having a stroke?

the world has a primeval look that i really like.

this but unironically, i got bored mid webm

I think i'll stick to my fightan, platformers & racing
As long as DS doesn't spawn a shit ton of useless Vidya with no flair, horrendous execution, and whatever made DS interesting stripped away, i'm okay with its existence.

Unrevealed character.

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lmaoing at ur life

shinkawa is a god. can i buy this piece? how much would that cost?

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why is that ape nigger guy wearing a hockey mask ?
no reason, just kojima's nihilistic genius at work?

He has an exo skeleton so the jumps have extra force. Are you blind or just stupid?

>le replies
>reddit spacing
nu Yea Forums indeed

>the game is on the Playstation 4 which I own.
>I also watch anime cartoons

Damn this Asian girl's cock is like twice the size of mine

can't wait to watch a cutscene every time i want to get on the bike, that's so fun!

I came here to shitpost but after seeing this I honestly feel bad for you Kojima clucks. Sure Metal Gear was overrated and had a laughably shit story, but you don't deserve this garbage. I hope that this is just a small part of gameplay and doesn't reflect the final product, I truly do.

Is this the level of nitpicking you have to stoop down to? Every fucking game with vehicles plays an animation when you get in, it would look retarded otherwise.

I pity you, I really do. You're one dumb motherfucker.