>coolest weapon in the game is rendered useless because of a weapon that is also found in the same area
Coolest weapon in the game is rendered useless because of a weapon that is also found in the same area
Other urls found in this thread:
>playing meta in a game that features Donald duck and Winnie the pooh
>Coolest weapon
goddamn i wish fenrir was in 3 and it turned into a buster sword
i just wish the series had more pin tumbler keys in general, its this one and riku's that looks like a chinese knockoff of fenrir
Ok smart guy give me what you think is the coolest weapon
I wish sleeping lion was usable and gave Sora his lion based concept as a form
>weapon with a helpful ability gets a less useful one in Final Mix
I still used it over Divine Rose, because it doesn't look like shit.
i also really like this random one from 358/2. oh and Sleeping Lion of course.
Yeah that one is pretty cool also but still is too comically edgey to take seriously.
Winnie the Pooh is the fucking best fuck you
You talking about 1 or 2? Because in 1 you can still use Oblivion for a bit before actually finishing hollow bastion, and also divine rose is a micro penis keyblade that I still don't even like using even if its strong.
In 2, I legit never equipped Oblivion in the dozens of playthroughs I've had of that game
Best keyblade is here btw
2 was good nevause of its ability. 2 was bad because poor recoil compared to divine rose and it also drains 1 mp.
its not that edgy, its just a clock motif with a demons head
I generally default to that in KH1. It's nice.
>on break at work
>eating a delicious rice krispie treat
>smell something rank
>look up to see Cletus, kh3 loving co worker coming in
>sits down next to me and says KH was never about technical combat. It's all about flashy moves. Says KH3 is the best game in the franchise. DLC will cement it
>smirk and show him Bl00dy's video correctly pointing out KH3's gameplay flaws
>he hurls himself on the floor and starts crying.
>manager walks in and fires him on the spot.
>security escorts him out of the building
>finish my rice krispie treat
Another day, another KH3 coper btfo. Who else /blessed/ to not be a coprophile? Who else /enlightened/ by the bliss that is playing KH2FM.
Forever my favorite.
>Can't dual wield Oathkeeper and Oblivion regularly despite everyone practically begging for it since Roxas did it in one mission
great taste. i still believe it increases luck dramatically.
>yfw you realized they aren't different keyblades, Sora just switches the key chain
This blew my mind 10+ years after playing the first game.
Dude they explain that shit in cutscene.
I played this game when I was like 5 years old, give me some slack
Why did KH3 make the fans wait a year just to get the Oblivion and Oathkeeper when they clearly should've been in the base game?
Its one of those blink and you'll miss it kind of things, because all you really get about that is a tutorial prompt in Tarzan and then that's kind of it. After that its all contextual information like sometimes you get a character actually hand him the charm/keychain but its still something that always happens but just not shown all the time
Lionheart is best keyblade
I realized it when I noticed oathkeeper's key chain is the charm kairi had just given sora.
Kingdom Key > Every other keyblade
That's why you'll give the same keycharm to your girlfriend.
It probably breaks bones.
Cut content.
Osaka team.
Didnt pray hard enough.
Looks like it can actually cut you.
Gave my ex one of those gay little charms and a year later she dumps me for some chad Italian faggot
>tfw it got retconned out of canon
It's not fair bros, it was my favorite
I like Ends of the Earth and I like how Earthshaker evolved into it
I just wish that there was more non-silly non-disney keyblades in KH3, all of them are too damn cartoony, dumb and overdesigned that i cant stand watching them during gamepaly.
Why we had to wait for the DLC to get some decent keyblades like oathlkeeper and oblivion?
Also why the only good looking keyblades are older retunring ones that already appeared in past games?
>things that never happened
Oh Jesus my lol glands almost burst
So, midly edgy?
Literally how?
Wow dude you’re like a real expert on things that happen
Can you tell me what’s happening in my pants?
Because Nomura is laughing at all the screaching retards that harassed his ass for the apst 10 years for KH3 when it was not his fault but retarded SE like usual.
Okay so, I want to play KH.
But, I hate grinding. I want to know about the melee system but I hate forced party members like Donald and Goofy.
I'm a "main character vs the enemies" kinda guy, and I don't exactly enjoy any other shit in other games (even in a game with a second party member, i switch to Solo or never use them if they're mandatory).
If I hate the grind
If I hate party members
Will I enjoy any sort of KH game? I'm eyeing up BBS, but I heard it doesn't have Combo Master and is developed by Osaka which is apparently... bad?
Just redpill me on some shit.
What KH game would be best for an adrenaline junkie who doesn't like wasting time?
What is Osaka?
What games have Combo Master?
Lingering Will is using Earthshaker in the newest trailer instead of Ends of the Earth just like Terra was after becoming whole again. Ends of the Earth is no longer Terra's main keyblade in canon.
One of two things
A) You have a raging erection because you're jacking it to porn as we speak
B) You're as soft as a sponge and you're just sitting at some shitty job, passing time.
If you are a tranny, none of the above apply and you get a Nat 1 for "Constant Dilation"
You can beat the game without grind and you don't have to do anything with the party members, they will either take care of themselves or be dead most of the time.
I don't think you need to worry, there's definitely a reason the remind trailer showed earthshaker and not ends of the eart. I say this only because even in the base game there was a point made about the keyblade differences for Terra and Lingering Will. It's entirely possible that it could be actually Terra inside the armor this time in ReMind and that's why he has Earthshaker
well, first, you didn't reccomend what game I should've tried out first. Now speak up, faggot.
But to add to this, the first keyblade came from the other and we're in a game with keyblade transformations.
>more focus on Earthshaker
>rather than the better version Ends of the Earth
Why they have to always screw over something?
the first game makes the most sense.
Pure autism
Better than being oblivious.
If you don't like party members and running solo, stay away from the series. The core message is friendship and the game will remind you that friends are the source of the MCs power. There's no grind unless you are going for 100%, the games are balanced well even at high difficulties save for BBS. If you just care about combat, go into KH2 but it will be hard to go into KH1 since KH2 improves on it in about every gameplay aspect. Osaka team is the division that took over after KH2 and is known for their floatier take on the series. You'll noticed the physics change if you go into BBS from KH2. I suggest you look up videos before trying the games out because it doesn't seem like a series for you
>I hate forced party members like Donald and Goofy.
Good for you then that in KH3 you can set all of them on passive mode, meaning that they will just roam around doing nothing other than eating up damage, and healing you and themself if you set them to do so.
>and then everyone clapped
>Stacy came over and kissed my cheek
>we banged that night
I don't know man, why would LW not use EotE and how could Terra be in Terranort and in his armor at the same time? I mean, I guess part of him was always in his armor anyways. I always assumed he lost all his gains/exp when he turned whole and lost EotE because of it, just like Ven lost his final keyblade after a decade of sleeping. But seeing LW with Earthshaker just feels wrong.
You’re the type to speak what everyone is thinking but think you’re smart for verbalizing it
I see. I'll try KH2 then. I'm seeing something called 'Final Mix+' right here. Any details I should worry about, besides telling Donald and Goofy to fuck off out of my face while I unlock some villain's ass?
Play them in order, it's the only correct answer, and play the """spin off""" too, because they are full fledged games and they are mandatory to understand all the plot.
Also those games like Birth By Sleep have no party members at all.
Unfortunately, you're wrong. I keep quite reserved to myself. I just shitpost versus shitposts. Or if more technical, a 30 member team of Polygon Fighters.
But regardle-
>play it for the plot!
The guy said in his post that he's an adrenaline junkie and most likely doesn't give two fat fucks about story besides the flow of it if it means more combat, right? Now that you mentioned it to him, he might play Re:Coded, Days, BBS and 3D.
Nothing really, just go into it blind, the game is not really hard unless you make so doing lvl 1 critical mode(there is a no exp option for that).
Also if you go with ahrd mode, Donald and Goofy will be dead 95% of the time, so it become a solo game basically.
And the end game bosses are already a 1vs1 battle without those two morons around.
I've just been checking the thread back and forth while I was setting up PCSX2 for this shit. I'm gonna go for hard mode then, since I am not about to take shit from a duck and a mutated dog. If it's my mistake that I got to low health, it's not their damn job to heal me, it's my own.
THis and pick related are my favorite
If you whant pure action, that is actually the worst KH to suggest, because the gamepaly is pure trash and the only good part is the story.
Re:Coded is literally the opposite isntead, trash story with kino gamepaly.
Half past edgy
Budum pst*
I'll show myself out
Huh shit. I don't really remember anything in Days besides skipping like 5 million textboxes. Alright. Re:Coded it is for him, then.
>If it's my mistake that I got to low health, it's not their damn job to heal me, it's my own.
You can customize their abilities in KH2 too, if im not wrong, so you can just turn off the healing magic, and goofy ahs no healing watsoever. they can use items though, but you can just not give them any and leave those slots empty, so they will not be able to heal a single hp of yours.
Also giving them shit weaposn and protections they do shit damage and being oneshotted all the time.
So there are many wais to fuck those two ups if you hate them and whant to paly solo.
Are you implying Donald Duck isnt the best disney character?
The only fin part or Days is playing as the organization members, but the gamepaly is still clunky and barebone compared to any KH game, even CoM is more deep and compelx, and that's is saying alot.
Thanks for the tips. I'll personally make sure I can send them to Heaven or Hell... LET'S ROCK- ahem.
Thanks to all Anons that said their graceful words of wisdom. Here you have one of my handmade pics.
Based carlos
The new keyblades in 3 all sucked visually. The only one I actually like was Ultima Weapon. Hopefully Re:mind gives some new ones
I keep seeing this as a trend in beloved game series
The graphics and artstyle get better
But the main things you use get shittier graphics.
Have you seen the shitstorm that World caused when a lot of its weapons was just monster parts on an iron slab or a boney bone?
They can't design cool things anymore, everyone with talent left that company years ago.
Instead you'll get oathkeeper and oblivion again. Not that that's a bad thing, but it's sad that the coolest keyblades in the game will be repeat.
Keyblades in 2 were kino, they looked like actual stylized weapons that matched the themes and color schemes of the world you got them from. 3 was somehow a huge step back and just looked like a random collection of objects from the world itself glued together into a stick. 1 was also not great in this regard.
I liked some of the transformations, but the basic forms were kinda dull.
I liked the Monster's Inc one though, and the Pirates one.
>end of Fable 1; strike down your sister and you'll have the most powerful weapon in the game, a sword that does five hundred damage
>enter Fable the Lost Chapters; just discard it, we got a pallet swap of the blade just outside in the courtyard - oh and it only does 230dmg now, so, yea.
I keep seeing people say this but I think the KH3 keyblades have the most soul in the entire series. Favorite Deputy and Wheel of Fate are designed so fucking well and there isn't a keyblade that looks bad
Yeah, in KHFM they nerfed that keyblade
Heh. Hehehehehe.
The Beeblade
Because Roxas needs to have them for some strange fucking reason even though it makes absolutely zero sense. The ONLY reason why Roxas dual wields Oathkeeper and Oblivion is because of the KH1 secret ending. Otherwise it makes no fucking sense.
Did they announce a Final Mix+ for 3 that fixes the combat? I couldn't go for more than a few hours into the game, they ruined gummi ships for me, and every encounter has like 30 enemies and you're forced to spam the special moves to win.
The design of pirate one was fucked by those damn ropes at the side of the keyblade, it made it too whide and it looked too fragile to be a cool weapon.
What a letdown, espetially after the pirate keyblade in KH2 was one of my favorite, simple but aestetically cool. In KH3 all the keyblade are bloated and overdesigned boringfest.
>good looking keyblade has the worst stats
>they make it EVEN worse in the FM
Come ON.
>there isn't a keyblade that looks bad
except all of the non returning one, kingdom key, ultima weapon and starlight, i can save shooting star too even if it's pretty bland and too similar to star seeker.
Critital mode got added though a patch a few months ago, and the "Final Mix" is coming in the form of a DLC expansion called Re Mind
>adds in bosses we've already fought before multiple times
It is for leveling,not for fighting.
Okay but does it remove the need to spam the special attacks to win basic fights? I ended up just avoiding every enemy after a while because the fights were crap.
And does it let you dodge roll at any time to break your current animation? Like any modern action RPG?
Legit retarded
I really irked me that this wasn't Terra's keyblade by default. Earthshaker just seems so wimpy in proportion to his massive jock frame. He's supposed to be the bruiser so the EotE is perfect for him. I always equated everyone's base keyblade to an actual sword and his would most definitely be (despite the samurai motif) a big claymore.
The nerf was justified since it was originally not usable for anything. Have a fast 500 damage weapon would trivialize the expansion content.
He's the most useless party member in the history of JRPGs and never lasts longer than a fraction of a second.
not if you want to level final form
>the simple flames on hit
althought this one is my favorite
: (
>shit stats
>low crit rate
>b-but at least the crits do a lot of damage
>he doesn't just use the coolest weapons/armor irregardless of stats
Do you even fashion bro
There has to be a reason for it.