Here's a webm of a fairy eating fruit

Here's a webm of a fairy eating fruit.

Attached: 1561416750469.webm (758x734, 2.75M)

Post more webms of vidya cuties eating fruit pls

looks like some pretty tasty fruit

I like those too, I think I got lots scattered around. Not the exact sort of subject I sort though.

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>cute feet

I wish I could be a fairy's tiny bite sized snack

cute faerie

Instead of dumb animal kin races I wish we could play as fairies in MMO games.

me too user, me too
being small enough to be small to a fairy is a whole new level of fascination

what game is this?

based vorebros

Why is playable fae not more of a thing?

Odin Sphere. Warning, you will become obsessed with the cooking system, and will spend all your time farming ingredients and recipes.

Alright. Thanks.

Oh, I have that but haven't played it yet.

wow she hungyr

It really is nice, isn't it?

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>Vored by a fairy
>Human vores the fairy
>Giantess vores the human

You guys are all pretty weird.

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Who are you quoting?

Jesus Christ user, at least say Leifthrasir. It's the improved version with an actual combat system in place and 60 FPS on consoles.

or you will be instantly turned off by the clunky bullshit combat system and incredibly pointless rpg mechanics

i was confused by the cooking in DC, and just buttonmashed my way through it erry time, is this the same?

Mercedes is best girl.


Attached: dance2.webm (679x514, 1.6M)

ever hear of elves...

Thanks, I hate it.

I'm sorry fairy, your game was too repetitive to keep playing...

She was. A shame what happens to her.

This is a forest witch

Say something mean about her

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Attached: 1561818197009.gif (78x133, 5K)

she looks like she has black genetics.


>Say something mean about her
Nothing. There is nothing mean/negative to say about her.

>TFW actually met a Velvet cosplayer at a convention
Felt good bros.

Attached: DSC01021.jpg (1944x2592, 2.9M)

Mercedes is cute

>not even long enough to see her licking her fingers

fuck outta here faggot

I swear you've posted this shit like 10 fucking times already and every time you say "I only watched the first second so I thought it was looping".

the costume is hot af

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This game was one of the few times that a Yea Forums recommendation was actually good