I will post this everyday until E3

I will post this everyday until E3
I will cling to hope in possibility that this will be the E3 that is videogames

Attached: Everyday_until_E3.jpg (1211x680, 230K)

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I want anons to be happy.

I will post this everyday until Prime 4
I will cling to hope in possibility that the new Prime game will be good

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>prime 4 will eventually release
>this will stop being posted

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I said that I would finally buy a nintendo switch when they released Prime 4...

To be fair
Metroid 5 is probably gonna be announced in the meantime
Its okay user, its gonna be worth the wait
I trust retro

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What kind of hope?

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What, you mean the girl?
Just iqdb it nigga

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Thank you metrid.

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No problem

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I hope hopoo won't ruin risk of rain 2.

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I hope Daemon X Machina is decent and that there will be more good mecha games.

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Both of these

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With the help of Kyoji!

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Played the demo and it plays like shit. But hey don't take my word for it. It's another hollowed attempt at a mecha game. They needed to spend more money making it a better game, but they always set them up to fail. It's a niche genre go play real games.

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Rayman 4 2020 for sure

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