>game lets you fuck your classmates
>your teacher
>your students
>a midget
>a retard
>an artificial human cumdoll
>a fucking cat
What is wrong with jrpgs?
Game lets you fuck your classmates
>western game
>doesn't let you fuck anyone, especially not your wife
>if you have a wife she will die in t-minus 10...9...
what's wrong with USians and yuropoors?
Haha, thats our Rean
Post the list
but can you fuck any attractive male characters please please bro ;_;
>>a fucking cat
Did Persona 5 become GOTY when I wasn't looking?
He is still holding back though. He can get more pussy if he wants too.
The quintessential JRPG protagonist
>orphaned and adopted into a Noble family
>final student of a legendary swordsman
>secret son of the mysterious big bad who's actually good
>such a chad that he not only adds every woman to his ever-expanding harem but he makes all the men wet too
>his sister and her friend (who is the royal princess)'s vaginas becomes waterfalls at the sheer mention of his name
>chosen to pilot an ancient super mecha
>masters and can fully control his *psh nothin personell kid" demonic powers
>wields a katana and can teleport behind you
>beats one of the most powerful swordsmen in history that's hyped up in trails in the sky
>grows up to become a teacher, can romances his underage students
>just saying "haha" makes everybody drop their pants for him
>uses the power of friendship to defeat the true antagonist interdimensional hatred ayylmaos who appeared at the last second
>even the protagonists of previous games hype him up
>becomes an national hero
>is technically royalty, his biological father is the reincarnation of an ancient Emperor
>breaks up budding romances between other characters that were developing in the third game because everybody sucks his dick in the fourth game
>can marry any girl of his choosing, will impregnate them with his chad thundercock
>kills himself in a noble self sacrifice with his fujobait boyfriend to break a curse but not really because the even bigger bigger villains rewrite the timeline to get the true ending
>becomes one of the strongest characters on the continent
>every single piece of lore and world building for 9 games revolves around him
>turns the future of his series into a glorious unsalvagable trainwreck, sits back comfortably because he got his happy ending
>gets raped by a girl in a cave
>has the option to cuck Estelle away from Joshua and Tita away from Agate
>is the writer's favourite character, writer goes on to call the previous protagonists embarrassing
Haha... you see...
He really can't keep getting away with it!
>has the option to cuck Estelle away from Joshua and Tita away from Agate
Damn, when did Trails become so based?
Cold Steel did the cat fucking first Perso.ynababby
I haven't played either, so I didn't know this was supposed to be a Trails thread until I reverse image searched the OP. Persona doesn't even let you fuck Morgana anyway.
We'll see about that when P5 Royal releases and gives us bishie human Morgana for the fujos
may i ask sauce?
>he hasn't heard about our lord and savior Rean's game
Vyse, Neku, Rance... how can those fagbois even compete?
Which game are you talking about, because that sounds fucking based as hell to me.
They have actual personalities for one.
I will now buy your game.
Doesn't matter if their chadness (i.e. the only thing that matters) can't even measure up. There's a reason why no one likes beta faggots claiming to have "personality", and it sounds like you're one of them.
Can anyone stop her?
god why are jrpg protags always so hot
Rean could, if he gets a headpat on her
Or maybe Rean is just a boring fuck?
Hello fujo
So I suppose Cold Steel is on the list of games you can never discuss on Yea Forums.
She's not even strong in the grand scheme of things and japan doesn't like her
Yes haha
Let me guess, you're a seething Skyfag? Or a coping Crosscuck?
>Your sister
>The friend of your sister who is also the princess of the empire
h-hey... bro...
Because its Kondo's self insert fantasy. Falcom president loves Rean and said its the best mc he created, literally all the wanks thanks to him.
Haha that's our Juna
Ahah, as expected of our Juna-chan
Nope. Only played Cold Steel. Rean was just boring from my experiences.
Denied and further denied. Cold Steel IV will break some hearts. I would have exchanged plenty of whores for fucking up the maid but they had to give to some idiotic npc.
Chad doesn’t need a “personality”
Can I romance the support characters in this series?
Those fuckers don't even know about holding back, unlike based daddy Rean~
You mean what is right with jrpgs?
>has the option to cuck Estelle away from Joshua and Tita away from Agate
Just one
they tease you with sharon and claire in CS2 but they're ultimately not members of the Rean bowl
Your options are
All of the main female classmates in 1-2 except Millium
All of Rean's female students in 3-4
Alfin (Imperial princess)
That's our Rean, haha...
i can't believe anyone would skip over the actually good kiseki games just to play cold steel
it just doesn't make sense
Chad in what? he only fuck Crow
Elise and the cat too
>he actually got Tita
>Agatefags on suicide watch
Ahahaha holy shit Cold Steel truly never stops being entertaining to read about, at least.
>is the writer's favourite character, writer goes on to call the previous protagonists embarrassing
Thats basically the problem right here.
>heroines are all cute
>various character types represented
>you build up trust and then get a romantic cave rape scene
>heroines are all ugly
>only character types are bitch and retard
>you do one quest for them and then get rewarded with awkward humping animation
Cat isn't a romance option. She's platonic. and yeah I forgot Elise because she's bland af
Didn't you know? They can't be good kiseki games if they don't have Rean in them. They can't be kiseki games either, in fact, seeing as all kiseki games end up being related to Rean and his importance in some fashion.
Holy shit based
Our Rean can't fuck the cat yet, but she'll probably be an option in Sen 5.
Post the one with Agate
Alisa, of course
what’s this haha meme
cute post more pls
How can WRPG-kun ever recover?
This can’t be real.
Calvard when?
Well, that's our Rean for you haha
>has the option to cuck Estelle away from Joshua and Tita away from Agate
Thats nice but can he cuck Tio away from Lloyd?
Tita humped Agate's dick way too fast its natural to assume she's a slut when a bigger man shows up.
Don't fucking know anymore user. Next kiseki is suppose to still being in Erebonia with a brand new protagonist, a girl and a dude. Seems your companions will be new class 7 and Rean and from what Kondo said its suppose to be the bridge to the new arc explaining what other characters like Rixia were doing because fucking idiots ran out of time and budget they couldn't add Noel, Rixia or the other calvard characters for Cold Steel 3-4
we're holding back
What did she mean by this?
Good thing I picked Rixia!
>Even Tio
Rean is...too powerful...
Oh my aidios...
Literal Calvardian mutt, Rean's gonna colonize that ass when he has the time.
For now its safe.
Kukuku -Gunlord
So what would happen if this guy ran into Adol?
No female can resist and not succumb to the Mean Rean Bean.
Noel and Elie are safe as well. Tio literally a whore.
Noel will remain dry like Claire. Roido does not touch traitors.
He says hi and Adol leaves on a boat.
>has the option to cuck Estelle away from Joshua and Tita away from Agate
About time someone put the Estellefags on suicide watch.
Mee hee hee
>your teacher
What does she look like? Asking for a friend here.
Lloyd said he made Noel literally his, so I'm thinking he gets some in the traitor ring.
Joshua-chan... please forgive me... but Rean...
Joshua in a dress with Rean when
haha ween
It hurt most of this are true. Like how do you top this narrative speaking? creating the biggest gary stu ever reicarnated from the godness herself?
Wish I could impregnate Reana and take full responsibility for our children who'll inevitably grow up to be gigachads, taking after their mother.
After Rean has sex with Elise.
Impossible task, I know, but it's what has to be done.
Ween's weenie
belongs to Crow
Haha, that's our Celine...
nice cope
Is this what Kiseki threads are like?
What is wrong? nothing they're based.
So where's that CS III demo at.
Haha... it'll come out next month haha
We don't hold back
Name a sexier Kiseki character
You can't because Rean is perfect as both a male adonis and female succubus
tl;dr it's actually worse than this
OK, I'm a bit skeptical but I played CS & CS2 and spoiled myself, through osmosis, by visiting so I pretty much know the lore like the back of my hand. Lemme go over this with a fine tooth comb.
>orphaned and adopted into a Noble family
True. Osborne leaves him in the wilds only to be adopted by the Schwarzer family.
>final student of a legendary swordsman
True. He was the final protoge of the weabest sword style in the game, the Eight Leaves One Blade school, which also happens to use a glorious nippon steel tachi.
>secret son of the mysterious big bad who's actually good
True. Though, it's actually more anime than this. His biological father, Osborne, is the reincarnation of Dreikels Lionheart who was a hero that saved the country over a hundred years ago. Rean's heart was pierced when he was a child and Osborne gave Rean his heart so his child can live. He then discretely gave him to the Schwarzers because he didn't want his enemies to use Rean against him. Osborne's still alive because he's also an "Awakener," a mecha pilot. His mech, which also happens to the the strongest mech in the franchise, keeps him alive through it's powers.
>such a chad that he not only adds every woman to his ever-expanding harem but he makes all the men wet too
False. Millium dies in CS3. Celine and Duvalie do not have romance options in CS4. Claire rejects Rean for Osborne cock.
>his sister and her friend (who is the royal princess)'s vaginas becomes waterfalls at the sheer mention of his name
True. Every scene with Elise and Alfin somehow involves them gushing about Rean whether or not he's actually in the room.
>chosen to pilot an ancient super mecha
True. Although, lore wise Valimar belongs to the weakest hierarchy of Divine Knights around.
Rean... haha...
>True. Although, lore wise Valimar belongs to the weakest hierarchy of Divine Knights around.
That's not how it works.
>masters and can fully control his *psh nothin personell kid" demonic powers
True. Although his powers aren't neccesarily "his." When Osborne gave his heart to Rean he made a pact with this demon in order to do so. Part of that pact involved Rean's safety in exchange for Erebonia's doom. His "ogre powers" are a result of the curse trying to keep him alive.
>wields a katana and can teleport behind you
False and true. He doesn't wield a katana, he wields a tachi. Although he does have a "nothing personel kid" move (2nd form Gale).
>beats one of the most powerful swordsmen in history that's hyped up in trails in the sky
False. He only defeats Cassius Bright because Cassius was lowering himself to Rean's level to conduct Rean's test to certify him as a Divine Blade.
>grows up to become a teacher, can romances his underage students
True. During CS3 he has the option to groom any of his female students.
>just saying "haha" makes everybody drop their pants for him
>uses the power of friendship to defeat the true antagonist interdimensional hatred ayylmaos who appeared at the last second
True. At the last second barriers come back as the final boss and Rean, together with characters from the last two series, defeat it with the power of friendship.
>even the protagonists of previous games hype him up
Estelle Bright's the daughter of Cassius Bright, one of the strongest people alive on the continent. Kevin Graham isn't even in CS3 or CS4. Lloyd Bannings is just a fucking guy with tonfas. Rean has all the text above explaining his backstory.
>becomes an national hero
True. After he defeats the Testa Rossa in CS he becomes a national hero and single handedly twarts a country's invasion on an Erebonian owned state.
>is technically royalty, his biological father is the reincarnation of an ancient Emperor
True. See above.
>breaks up budding romances between other characters that were developing in the third game because everybody sucks his dick in the fourth game
False. He doesn't cuck anyone. In CS4 there's a scene where he's in an open spring with female characters from the previous games but nothing romantic comes from it.
>can marry any girl of his choosing, will impregnate them with his chad thundercock
Probably true?
>kills himself in a noble self sacrifice with his fujobait boyfriend to break a curse but not really because the even bigger bigger villains rewrite the timeline to get the true ending
True. They literally ass pull him back from his noble sacrifice.
>becomes one of the strongest characters on the continent
Do I even need to explain this?
>every single piece of lore and world building for 9 games revolves around him
This is going to be a "no" from me, chief. The first 7 games never brought him up, although there were like 2 lines in Ao that talked about a military academy in Erebonia.
>turns the future of his series into a glorious unsalvagable trainwreck, sits back comfortably because he got his happy ending
Half anf half. The future of Trails if fucked and "Persona-fied" but Rean canonically ends CS4 alone by himself.
>gets raped by a girl in a cave
Haha. That's our Laura.
>has the option to cuck Estelle away from Joshua and Tita away from Agate
Hard pass.
>is the writer's favourite character, writer goes on to call the previous protagonists embarrassing
Unfortunately true. Kondo has mentioned numerious times that Rean's his favorite character.
>False. He doesn't cuck anyone.
Juna and Kurt?
No chemistry.
>This is going to be a "no" from me, chief. The first 7 games never brought him up, although there were like 2 lines in Ao that talked about a military academy in Erebonia.
Literally everything that happened in sky was due to ishmelga so by extension Rean
>t. Juna
Give Erebonian boys other than Rean a chance why don't ya
>No chemistry
>pic related
Why settle for less when you can go for the best?
He cucks all the men just by existing since they’re not allowed to interact let alone fuck with the main girls in the cast
Should I even bother with playing 3rd? SC was pretty good but I've heard 3rd is better, but its really long. Is it long?
>asking this in a Cold Steel thread
>playing dungeon crawlers
The first half is really slow probably not a good idea if you're burnt out from sc
>Kevin Graham isn't even in CS3 or CS4
Is he really forgotten?
If anything Sky the 3rd was the shortest game for me
He's going to reveal Rean's been using an ancient artifact to make people love him and he'll smite him in CS 9
If you hate the gameplay the 3rd is 70% game play and 30% story, most of which is optional. Which is the opposite of the regular formula being 30% game play and 70% story.
>has the option to cuck Estelle away from Joshua
If you leave stuff like this out and keep the list mostly true, is funnier.
But yeah, Sen is a shitty battle harem academy LN in game form and shat all over the series. Kondou needs to be fired so they can fix the series and save it from his OC donut steel tier pet characters.
>using the soulless Evo art
I like potatos.
Wow i hate estelle now
/fg/ told me that Gilber is a complete joke in CS3 and CS4, pretty much becoming the Trails equivalent of Team Rocket. Can anyone confirm or deny this?
Nah, he appears in the ending card in CS4, they are probably saving some old characters for calvard.
He is just comic relief and Campanella's toy.
>Literally everything that happened in sky was due to ishmelga so by extension Rean
false, the curse is the cause of erebonians malice and retardation yes, but it was Weissmann the one who manipulated the goverment into attacking Hamel and blaming Liberl.
>entire world agrees Alisa a best
Ohnonono crossbros
how is it that even when everyone shits on the first girl she still wins every popularity poll?
she's that good
>beats one of the most powerful swordsmen in history that's hyped up in trails in the sky
We get to fight Cassius with sword?
>rean's ultra self-insert gary stu harem powers work on every female in the known universe
>except for one
Can't wait to headpat my wife again.
Her autism is too powerful.
Cassius larping as Rean
Literally a man with tits.
Ouroboros protagonist when?
In 2D that's just a short-hared woman
>jobber that holds back all the time
Somebody explain the Ahaha meme to me?
They say haha every other line in the games
haha, thats our user.
With so many cast members in cold steel, you'd think it wouldn't hurt just to kill off a few.
they did, market manager otto's death is a true tragedy and highlights the horrors of war.
He will be back in Sen 5.
It gets even more ridiculous when you realise that the meme came from everyone playing the english version but that actually toned down the number of 'haha' and 'Rean...' compared to the original.
Are the ao and zero games translated yet