ITT: Yea Forums makes a console

ITT: Yea Forums makes a console.
Any reply ending with a 5 adds to it.
Let's start off with the name.

Attached: gamesystem.png (800x600, 663K)

>tripfag thread
check this 5

It has a built-in toaster that explodes every time.

The Niggerbox 180


it's black like my cock

Every time you play you have to draw blood

Dilation station

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If you think about the systems e created ameielndah


you have to insert human blood into the console to run it for an hour


Nice name



it has no video games, it just automatically makes awful threads on Yea Forums's Yea Forums board

fine, name it "The box that you play games on"

Alright. Next, the console's design.

Attached: gamesystem2.png (800x600, 669K)

That's a long fucking name.

How about Hexbox?

Cocksucker 6009

The controller has a cup holder with one of those holes so that you can put your dick in it and it feels like its getting sucked off but its also a cup holder too

It's shaped like a dick.

Ninboxu Fantussy

3 foot long pink dildo with dockable opening.

Attached: 7190B891-E5EF-4DE7-8909-D59808991F3F.jpg (764x1024, 47K)

It has a Bob the Builder-shaped power button.

A massive fucking cube even though the tech on the inside could fit into an Ouya.


It's just a black bock with no determinable features

it's shaped like Danbo

Fuck. Off by 1.

It's a box shaped like an "X"


Shaped like cunny
Colored white

It's shaped like this

Attached: 417O8rP6unL.jpg (350x350, 24K)

A round cube

Shaped exactly like an Ampharos

Attached: Ampharos 16.png (640x480, 333K)

Attached: 1563693279308.png (347x314, 169K)

It is the shape of an octagon

Shaped like a Ford Pinto with truck nuts hanging off the back.

Like a gamecube but shaped like a dick

Its shaped like an ass with a full packed futa. The butthole will spit out candy when you beat a game, you insert the games into the vagina and the dick has mountain dew that you can drink any time.

Meter tall cock and balls. Requires at least 3 power outlets to be fully powered and 5 to run without any lag or performance issues.

3 rod

Now, controller design

Attached: gamesystem3.png (800x600, 670K)

Looks like a chocolate ice cream cone but ambiguously could be a cone of poo.

A touchpad

literally just a rip off of the xbox controller but with 1 joystick

The controller is just a jagged ball of rusty scrap metal. Only registers inputs when a significant amount of force is applied.

The controller is in the shape of a swastika and has a cupholder with that hole that you can put your dick in.

I real live woman's boobers

A really long Wiimote.

Voice control only

an x-shaped cross

Its only a dpad. A “pro” version will release two years later that includes shoulder buttons as well

(you) are the controller


It’s like the new Nintendo ring and there’s and additional ring that goes around your dick

The control looks and feels like a foot

steel battalion controls with proprietary ports so no off brand options

You have to use your phone


Or alternatively, a cross.

A fleshlight with buttons


you are truly worth less than dirt. less than human waste

fucking kill yourself

All schematics and parts are open source and freely reprpduceable for anyone who has the resources, licensed under MIT to allpw fpr decentralised production


Attached: 551186562327642143.png (128x128, 44K)

1-bit mono graphics, pixels take up half the screen

What ever the next thing we design, it will be this user’s post


Attached: mamamiapica.jpg (268x268, 7K)

The controller is just the ps1 wutang controller but set on "M" for mini

Now the fun part. Launch titles.

Does this count?

BasedJack and Frogster

doesn't get a single game during it's entire lifespan

It has no games

The only exclusive is a candy crush clone

forgot pic
goddamn it can this thread slow down

Attached: gamesystem4.png (800x600, 674K)

Attached: fore.png (544x479, 413K)


a game you have to reach this level of taste

Attached: mithewz.jpg (1003x703, 450K)

The hit game is “Jewquest VI”, it plays like King’s Quest but in a modern setting as you try to get money from the goyim to your bank account. Jewquest 1-5 exist but were never released as the devs autism made him decide nobody but he deserved to play it after a guest who saw the first one labelled it “appalling”

Fuck drump simulator

A triple A open world cinematic experience remake of Bubsy 3D

Corruption of Champions VR MMO

Night in the Woods 2: Underaged Mouse Cunny Edition

Penis Fart 7: Requiem Equinox of Eternal Spooge Saga 3

A game about cup holders you can fuck

Sneed's Feed and Seeder

this pls

S-Cable for AV.

Generic LGBT Sony onions buzzword movie anime game 4: remake remastered: portable: on a stick

a PSG game by platinum

Attached: _panty_and_stocking_panty_stocking_with_garterbelt_drawn_by_rao_ruki_339266d3115a981612492fbc0735249 (800x799, 456K)

Minecraft 2 will be exclusive

loli voice scan required

Kill the Faggot

It has none.

Degrees of lewdity 3d


Pong Battle Royale


Musical Chairs: No Copyrighted Music Edition



It a giant dragon dildo with a tube and blood bag tied to it

Shitposting Simulator 2019



Sneed's hit and run (formerly Chuck's)

I say we combine them.

it has OP's social, DOB, and credit card numbers on it


Blood donation simulator

a Super Robot War fighting game

Sorry. The devs never thought the sequels would be a success. They only ported the 2016 edition. I hope that works out.

sucks big dongs lol

Madden 2k14

Duty of call

I will buy your console now

Ethnic Cleansing

Sega Saturn backwards compatibility.

Comes bundled with Gushing Grannies:tm: HD



stocking is best girl

Attached: stocking2.png (1038x1557, 772K)

Cuck simulator

Anal Implosion Gamma Quintuple +++++ Ex Double Dildo 'Prolapse with the Pros' Neon Edition featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series


Chuck's Suck & Fuck

Nothing 5



I'll wait till it's 40% off for the authentic experience


Attached: 1512698480052.png (1083x1369, 2.29M)

Have to buy the console and a service contract in order to play games. Starts at 100$/mo for a single gamer, but you can get a per console discount for signing on a plan with multiple gamers

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Cry more nigger

penis haha

analogue 240p output via RF/composite/s-video/component/RGB


Attached: game.png (600x600, 145K)

Nigger seed


Cupholder based VN

Half Life 4: Battle Royal - The VR experience.

God dammit todd

Reddit: The Video Game


You have to drink a quart of your own semen in order to get the devs to send you a personalized key every time you want to start a game up

It's fucking horrendous. Just the way I like it.

sneed, feed and seed: Formerly known as chucks

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The reviews are in!

Skyrim 2: Battle Royale

Attached: Todd.jpg (600x610, 38K)

Why hello you handsome devil

Attached: Buy skyrim.jpg (195x259, 6K)


Alright 's and that's it. This got way out of hand.

Attached: game2.png (600x600, 490K)

Cunny Quest


That title though ;_;

I feel cheated. Makes sense for the guys who created the console.

Don't start a thread if you're not prepared to deliver.

>we won't get Kill The Faggot
What a shitty launch

Jannies please fucking take me. I can't do this anymore.

Attached: game3.png (600x600, 457K)

R.I.P thread.

what the fuck

Fuck you OP your thread is now statized.

I've seen worse.


Dubs decides opening narration for Skyrim on our console.

F for thread and that man's dick

Wonder how it happened. Looks like it was taken off ED's Offended page.

is this one a launch title?

if i dont get a 5 i'll fuck a black guy

Here guys, I just bought the WarioWare license from Nintendo so we can make our own now.

It was supposed to be, but it ended up being cut.

OP stop being a faggot goddamn

You were gunna fuck a nigger no matter what


ok, u right

If 5 OP does a face reveal.

this. That was weak


based, OP reveal yourself.

*Notices bulge*


Oopsie woopsie uwu.

if 5 OP is a faggot

What the fuck that happened so quickly

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The fucking fact that this came up when I reverse google searched this

Attached: images.jpg (268x188, 5K)

Raticate has always been one of my favorites.

>reverse image search

Attached: 1566163887161.jpg (1080x810, 75K)

Now someone cum tribute this

Is this legit? Holy shit OP! I didn't think you would fallow my request.

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>he deleted it

OP was a nigger, you didn't miss anything.

Post your armpit desu

For those that missed it

Attached: FF644F82-CAB1-4778-9C7A-31EB805E79B9.jpg (2731x2048, 657K)

Great, now revert your shitty edit and repost it


What’s wrong tripfag? Your thirst for attention grew too great?

Attached: 1568345008431.jpg (3264x2448, 1.17M)

Now someone edit glasses, patchy beard and a switch

BEST Yea Forums thread

Cheeto dispenser

>average Yea Forums poster

somebody shoop a switch on this

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What got deleted ????