What's the most Watered down sequel you ever played?

What's the most Watered down sequel you ever played?

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Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire

Sonic 4


Dragon Age 2

I got in my car after 20 minutes and drove straight back to the store and returned that piece of shit


diablo 3
stats were bad
skills were bad
never felt like i got to make my own character
game literally designed for you to hand someone a controller and they mash x to win


dishonored 2

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Konung 2

I hear this often but what exactly is so bad about it?


Pokemon go

Sims 4

Did you play as corvo? I did and thought it was trash, then I started a daughter run with no powers and had a lot more fun

okay guys for real this time
water, or ~water~

Too much water

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WATER is proven and reliable. Water is all pomp and circumstance

but the choices are clearly between WATER and ""Water"".

Miss me with that ~water~ shit.

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Supreme Commander 2.

Fable 2/3

ima need a good answer please

>TFW we'll never get a true sequel to SupCom/FA

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dark souls 3

Kingdom Hearts 2

Pokemon creatures

vanhellsing 3

Monster Hunter World

>stats were bad
Not worse than in Diablo 2
>skills were bad
That's plain wrong. Skills in Diablo 3 are very good for a variety of reasons.
>never felt like i got to make my own character
That can be applied to any game with streamlined builds. Diablo 2 is not an exception.
>game literally designed for you to hand someone a controller and they mash x to win
It literally isn't.

Diablo 3 has plenty of faults but you listed non of them.

>KH2 was watered dow-

Attached: Kingdom Hearts Combat.webm (853x480, 2.95M)

Deus Ex Invisible War

Supreme Commander 2.

Not that guy but you're a retarded faggot on top of being a fanboy.

I bet you're one of those bitches with 8723827 paragon levels. Diablo 3 is a joke and so are you, pussy.

I'm not a fanboy, you retard. Those were literally non-arguments.

i thoroughly enjoy fable 2. hate 3.

That's it. Lot's of flair and no meaning.

And I love your "counter-arguments" fanboy faggot


Batman Arkham Knight. Cool map, sure. But fuck tank battles.

mass effect 2

mass effect 2 is passable.

>I said something that is not a thing
>now YOU prove that it isn't a thing!
Great fucking logic, you faggot.

Bayonetta 2

xcom 2, which is surprising given how watered down nucom 1 was compared to OG xcom.



Attached: Quality Bayonetta 2 Game Design.webm (640x360, 2.15M)

I really liked 2 as well but it was a farcry of what 1 was. 3 is an excuse to murder that french fuck

>Too easy (modern exp share + lower enemy levels + it fucking hands you Lati@s after Norman)
>Dogshit post game character called Zinnia. Hated so much the manga had Rayquaza stab her and she's mysteriously absent from gen 7 despite plot lines that she'd fit right into
>No Battle Frontier and Gamefreak wasn't exactly keen to tell us that pre-release.


This so much

doesn't mean its not watered down to shit


Attached: Mass Effect Skill Tree Comparison.png (1024x522, 471K)

I was just going for the "too much water" review meme

Cluttered/meaninless or watered down? Though choice

Yeah I watched that webm and thought wow really flashy button masher

Pokemon Creatures-Gotta fetch em all: Pail and Well editions

Attached: Mass Effect Comparison.png (1550x650, 696K)

i appreciate the guy who made this. i've been talking about how shit me2 was since it dropped and everyone always talks shit about me for it. glad to know some dudes got my back out here. its a cold world but there is a fire somewhere on this planet

I thought splinter cell: double agent was bad

Attached: Mass Effect Story.png (912x524, 35K)

I will always be upset at Dead Rising 4, and how they tried to peddle it at launch

Don't break your arm from that aggressive jerking :)

That game was straight bad. Nobody like the japs to make dead rising

If there's one I've learned, it's to never trust whenever a developer says 'the series is going back to its roots'.


>Gets the exp scaling wrong even without the exp share turned on
>Delta episode is a tedious diversion that's only good for getting Deoxys
>Battle Maison is copy and pasted from X/Y
>Doubles down on the parallel dimension bullshit that's plagued the series since
>No battle frontier

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>anons will continue to believe a shitty cheese tactic that no one who plays the game uses is the norm
i hate you cunts so goddamn much

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>cheese tactic
I don't think you understand what's happening in that webm. The point is that bosses are intangible outside of Witch Time.


> Stats no worse than Diablo 2
The fuck is wrong with you. Diablo 3 hardly even has stats. It's practically an action game.
> Skills are good for a variety of reasons
Name them. The skills are all run of the mill, with shit build veriety, and garbage progression.
>This can be applied to any game with streamlined builds
That's the fucking problem. Diablo 2 wasn't completely streamlined builds like D3's oversimplified garbage. It caters to retards who can't think for themselves.
>D3 totally isn't a mash x to win game
... Dude. What game were you playing.

How can one post be so unapologeticly fanboy and defensive beyond reason. I get it, you like how Blizzards dick tastes. I bought D3 as well, and have probably put over 200 hours into it, but any Diablo fan will tell you it's shit by Diablo standards.

Skyrim was better than Oblivion in just about every way.

Animal Crossing Wild World

Not lying, but that's because Oblivion was fucking trash. *Crack* *sssiiiiipppp* Now Morrowind. That was a good game.

>Now Morrowind. That was a good game.
This but unironically.

Attached: Morrowind God Mode.webm (1280x960, 2M)

It's even worse when you realize almost all of that is done with one button.

I prefer WATER since it is unlike those two pieces of shits you posted

Remember when The Sims 3 had like 90 expansions and EA was all like "Let's do that for The Sims 4" and released a worse base game than 3?

Diablo 3 is just a shit sequel. Diablo 2 is not just a shit sequel, but a game that ruined the entire genre with its piss poor braindead design, that can still be felt in ARPGs today. So it will forever remain a far worse game.
It's ironic how Blizzard with just 3 games (Diablo 2, WoW and Starcraft) managed to completely pollute and forever dumb down three entire genres worth of potentially good games.

Water > WATER

>The fuck is wrong with you
I actually played both games.
>Diablo 3 hardly even has stats
Same as Diablo 2. Diablo 2 stat "choices" are pretty much non-existent as "Strength for gear, Dexterity for max block if any, Vitality all that remains, Energy nothing".
>The skills are all run of the mill, with shit build veriety, and garbage progression.
You are spitting meaningless buzzwords.
Diablo 3 has a clear separation in skill roles and those skills offer far more variety to the core gameplay loop. In the usual definition, Diablo 2 skills are far more "run of the mill" compared to Diablo 3.
Build variety in Diablo 3 is about as bad as build variety in Diablo 2. In the former, builds are dictated by the set (so basically five/six builds per class) with minor variations provided by the secondary gear which makes them more streamlined compared to Diablo 2 but have more distinct playstyle differences. That's not that different compared to Diablo 2 in terms of quantity, especially if you exclude dedicated PvP builds, and it exceeds it in terms of quality.
And progression in Diablo 3 is very well-balanced and streamlined. It's actually Diablo 2 that has garbage progression. The base game didn't even include a respec option despite providing the player with a variety of ways to permanently gimp their character (putting stat points in Energy or wasting skill points on garbage skills or one-point wonders). The option was provided at a later patch but it's fairly restrictive. and then again - respec is a bandaid for a garbage progression system. The game essentially expects you to know it before you start playing. Of course, that shitty issue (as well as retarded inventory restrictions) was fixed by PlugY and the likes but that's not exactly game's achievement.
>What game were you playing
All of the relevant? Diablo 3 objectively has more variety in its gameplay loop. It's easier to "mash" through Diablo 2 than through Diablo 3.


Smash Bros. Brawl probably has the most watered down gameplay of any sequel, or at least it's super high up there.
The content was pretty fucking amazing, though.

>The gameplay was watered dow-

Attached: Meta Knight Brawl.webm (400x300, 2.52M)

Left has more soul right tries too hard.

Well, that because it factually has.
Diablo 2 is intended to be played while actively using two skills, sometimes switching them depending on the situation.
The skill switching mechanics is entirely optional and is not required to beat the game on any difficulty.
Diablo 3 is intended to be played while actively using six skills all of which have different purposes.

WATER < Water

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Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark
Playing through it was actually depressing.

Bioshock Infinite.


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>Saints Row 3
>Mafia 3
>Dead Rising 4
>Hitman Absolution

Anyone who says they like Water over WATER is sniffing their own farts.


Gothic 4
Commandos: Strike Force

this chart is dumb

Then do it fucking faggot, I've had it with your kind of "only slow games are good", git fucking gud retard, reflexes are also a skill, go train yours.

is Strike Force really that bad?
i only played a demo of it over a decade ago

mhw :(

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Yeah, this post made me buy MHW.

I don't remember other isometric action RPGs though, PC ones were either first person action or that clunky real time party based one that Grimrock paid homage to.
So I don't think Blizzard ruined anything unless you think setting is everything, that's the only way you can think D1 is a deeper or better game than D2.

t. Ken Levine

I don't believe you guys aren't just trying to start shit when 3 exists, 5/10 made me reply.

System Shock 2 is easy as piss, it is not Very Hard as the chart implies
You can play it on Impossible and still have enough medical items and Psi hypos without having to buy any

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Destiny 2 Year 1

I will be honest I played only a couple levels long time ago. Based of mt experience and reviews, the game strike to me as somewhat mediocre shooter. But the problem is it's not a stand-alone game, but a sequel to a series with very specific unique gameplay, who throws away said gameplay for much more generic and popular action shooter vibe. It's no wonder fans of the series hate this game. Especial since it killed the series.
On personal note. I hate how they cut the playable characters to only three. And they look nothing like the commandos from the previous games.

>dash attack
>dair x2
>dash attack
>up air x500
>mash b
and at 22%, so only had to win neutral

Yeah I figured the switch from isometric tactical to FPS would have made most fans very angry.

Dead Space 3

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>Too easy
Man, I played the whole fucking original game with just Torchic's evos in my party there's no way it's too easy compared to that.

>parallel dimension bullshit that's plagued the series since
What's that?

>press X 57 times in a row then press square 32 times in a row while you wait for the next stun lock cycle to available
>"""fast gameplay"""
The worst part is that webm isn't even on the hardest difficulty so you're playing at apex bitch mode.

Attached: just as fun as it is janky.webm (852x480, 2.99M)

modern xp share is party-wide, so you can have 5 mons that never see combat and still keep up with the lead.

You are objectively correct

Looks pretty simple to me. I haven't played the first though so I don't know.


Does it divide the xp? Will I be seeing more xp gain if I just have the one mon in my party?

Fear 1 to 2 to 3
you really notice how it started trying to get the console call of duty crowd. 1 was a pc game, 2&3 were designed with consoles in mind

What ludo is this?

>Console shooters are shi-

Attached: Titanfall 2 Gameplay.webm (800x450, 2.95M)

>PC gameplay

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Any bethesda or gamefreak game

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audiosurf 2

it's not even a sequel, it's a shitty downgrade remake

Crysis 2, consoles ruined it

people are just mad there's no frontier content.

It's dead and will never be playable again but I like to relive the good times with webms

Although it was a f2p port of Devil's Third so you can play that if you really wanna play this but with shitty console controls.

Attached: strong arm.webm (852x480, 2.87M)

reminds me of alpha protocol

Post more Rockshot webms.

No, whoever was in battle gets 100% exp, everyone else gets 50%. In other words if a kill is worth 1000 exp, the lead gets 1000 and the rest get 500 each.

Yeah, that was rather a no-brainer. As for is this game worth playing without the context of the series, ehh, I don't know. Like I said the scores were mostly averages, it didn't pull me in, but at least they tried to do something different with stealthy spy missions.
Another thing that bother me. Some missions give you more than one playable character. You can switch between time at any time. The unselected character will just stand still without AI, not doing anything or moving a inch. Just like in the previous games, but the problem is that while such thing was fine in a stealthy tactical isometric game, it just doesn't fit well in a action shooter and just let you open for some random german to shoot your mindless companion.

Fallout 4 is the one a remember the most right now. What a piece of shit game, damn.

50% for mons that don't participate, but full EV gain
capturing wilds also gives full XP/EV's as if you killed them

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What kind of crummy water doesn't even come in a pail?

>capturing wilds also gives full XP/EV's as if you killed them

That's a good thing though, makes dex filling less of a time waste.

Turok 2, in a manner of speaking. It's not a bad game but it is a lot different from Dinosaur Hunter. Then Turok 3 is the same way to Turok 2.

Attached: Turok_comparison.png (956x1080, 1.3M)

>can't even catch mons without getting random EV's on your party
it's convenient for a casual run, cancer if you care about the underlying stats/mechanics

That's all I had prepped but I think have have some other clips saved somewhere I could convert.

I'll probably give it a go, maybe even the Xbox version.
I have a thing for mediocre FPS games from the 2000s.

>mediocre FPS games from the 2000s.

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Oh heck, I keep forgetting to play this.
>not on Steam but uses GoldSrc

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Kids these days, i'd rather have some pokemon creatures.

I'm honestly impressed how 4 is even more watered down than 3.

Dishonored 2 was still good though man.

all the mass effect games are trash.

>play sr2 with bud
>hours and hours of bliss, can't stop playing and fucking around
>get sr3
>beat it on the second day it came out and we both sat in silence at the ending
"that's it?"
>we both hop off and moan about it over steam

goddamn, what a disappointment. i really have no idea how people can recommend this as a good coop game at all.

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Yeah brah, just gotta shut your brain off y'know?

Water > Water
You can't deny this.


I mean literally

Damn, blizzard defence force going all in

Mirror's Edge Catalyst.
I can't think of a single thing in that game that didn't get worse.

this all the way

WATER is definitely tap

DMC2 wasn't watered down, it was a dumpster fire.

Attached: DMC2 development.png (2684x1354, 2.82M)

Fucking hate minimalist shit. Water is the way to go

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3 was just turn off your brain bro.
4 was fucking disgusting and killed the series

Yakuza 3

whole borderlands series.

Would have been perfect with less water

>removing filler
There are issues with ME2 and it's not one of them. I bet you miss spending 5% of playtime turning neon green spacesuits into omnigel.

Hey baby, where is the character in your pic from?

>soulless / soul

>Diablo 2 is not just a shit sequel, but a game that ruined the entire genre with its piss poor braindead design

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fear 2
fucking console trash,shit levels and all the weapons felt like peashooters,especially the nerfed to shit shotgun

>Hard Mode:
>Name a sequel that hasn't lost what made the original great

I love how sr4 tries to reward you with discounts on car customization as a late game reward, after you've already gotten super speed and flight and god knows what other superpowers so it''s fucking useless

One of the biggest issues with ME2 is that instead of improving on flawed aspects of ME1 it just outright removed or streamlined them.
Driving the mako on planets was boring because most planets were completely empty. They could have worked towards making the planets less boring, but nah. Just remove that shit and replace it with an equally boring but quicker resource scanner simulator.
Inventory was a bitch to manage? Remove it and streamline all weapons/ammo.
Weapon accuracy was fucked up in ME1 if you didn't spend talent points into the specific weapon type. That wasn't good so just remove it and make it identical to every other shooter.

European vs American water

Reminder that WATERfags are the kind of people who think minimalism is cool instead of soulless shit.

Attached: soul - soulless.jpg (1400x600, 130K)

I had such hopes. Gen 3 was my all time favourite, and OR AS was ok, but they didnt even add in the battle frontier, one of the best parts of the entire thing. How you miss something that basic fucking baffles me

I personally liked the amount of water and the music, but i do love the complaints about them.

Fuck it, im re-buying it again and doing a nuzlocke. Emerald was the absolute best pokemon has ever been, and you faggots can fucking fight me if you think otherwise

Attached: hoenn.jpg (480x360, 17K)

mass effect 2

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Not true, any wicked weaves will still hit them.

>being a blizzcuck

Man I wanted to like this game so bad. But every time I replay the first one I love it even more, every time I replay ME2, I feel a little bit deader inside.

Attached: I'm dededead inside.jpg (480x482, 38K)

What filler? These skills literally dictate which guns you can effectively use, how potent your skills are and even whether you are going to spent your entire time running away, healing your party or facetanking. Oh yes ME2 has automatic healing, I forgot.

>listfag is just screenshotting his posts now
>adds replies that say stuff like "Oh btw kill yourself" without the context that he's been derailing MH threads with Barneyfag tier autism for like a year straight

Deus ex invisible war

NuCOM vs UFO, it probably isn't the most, but it's the one that's stuck with me.


All SR games are compelte and utter garbage. SR2 is fucking trash.

GTA 4.
After all the additions of VC,SA and VCS they just went back to GTA 3 in design.

This game had so many fucking ugly special effects plastered across the screen at all times compared to the first it makes me sick

Anything Bethesda shits out

Diablo 3

What does Water taste like?

It depends on it's temperature

I suggest to turn your brain on for a change, and replay both game while you're at it

Dead Space 3

it's like a used condom they want you to put back on.


It's unironically my favorite part of ORAS. Basically they confirm that remakes of games are in a separate universe than the originals, and that mega stones had something to do with the timeline split.


They didn't miss it, they were too lazy to put it in.

It's just an offhanded statement about a world without mega evolution not having the same resources to deal with a meteor.
Parallel worlds don't go into full swing until SM.

Fuck off, it was based and had lots of water. Too bad about all those crummy Pokémon creatures

ninja gaiden 3