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Things pull things as big or smaller than them and the biggest thing pulls the hardest.


Explain to me in 10 words or less how the global banking system works.

Space gets deformed by the weight of objects, usually space expands in all directions, but in the cases of such large objects space's direction is towards the object's core, meaning everything is pulled towards it

Sinners and sinful things are slowly dragged to hell.
It doesn't.

Mass curving space-time


If i remember it's cause heavy things "bend" the 'net' of space time, making things fall into the 'hole' that the bending creates. I'm no scientist but it's fascinating stuff.

I would tell him Jesus does it so I could watch his reaction.

Elder gods at the bottom of the ocean using ancient Magicka to summon meteors from space to smite us landwalkers so that they can reclaim the world we stole fir the denizens of the depths and make the true ruler of the world corporeal once more

If gravity is real then why does Olive oil which is heavier than water, sit ontop of water?
Check mate autists

i was thinking relative



Shit falls down.

we don't really know desu

smelly girl but bigger controls it

Explain to me how calculus works.

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Space is ocean, mass are whirlpools.

King of Zimbabwe.mp4, in case anyone wants to relive the magic.

For some unknown reason, having too much matter occupy some point in space (kek) causes the actual fabric of reality (that's space-time) to warp.

You try to find out a line tangent to a particular curve in a graph.

>Things pull things
brainlet detected

current consensus until scientists come up with something better

Nobody knows, that's the funny part.

I throw a apple up and it comes down.

Someone try to make sense out of math with matrices

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thing go down

things move vertically

Explain to me how lines work.

fuck off m8, this thread is discussing a topic older than you

Big weight attracts small weight, the bigger the difference, the stronger the attraction.
However, when it comes to the human body, the opposite is true instead.

Don't think about it too much

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Jew jewing gentiles.

who is this

Let me go gravity

It is unfair and too strong. Kills everything in one shot

I don't know what this is but it's hilarious.

Earth is moving forward at a speed of 9.8m/s2


if you don't already understand linear algebra, you're probably beyond help tbqh

earth pulls thing down and I know it's down because the earth is flat


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thing a exerts an attractive force on thing b proportional to the product of their masses but inversely proportional to the distance between them

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This one

the more mass something has the more it attracts other pieces of mass to it




Big things pull smaller things towards them.

You have exactly 2 seconds to explain quantum mechanics or your mother will die in her sleep.

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Physical constants are weird and make me a little uncomfortable. I don't like that the laws of our universe seem more and more arbitrary as we continue to grow in knowledge.

see...claire knew...she knew

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its hot

Spining force.

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Why didn’t you help your team shoot the melons?

fuck gravity

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sperg kino

>Yo white boy, I heard you were looking for a big-black ass NASA gf
>We're dating now. Just letting you know.

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No, object is spinning and creates gravity field. Without spinning, gravitation doesn't exist.

Planetary vore

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an object of great density and size essentially has a pull of force by naturally existing, our gravity that we experience is simply the pull of the world

black holes for example work by light existing at such a mass and density from a sun or a star being so large that the escape velocity of light itself cannot exceed the pull of basic gravity described above, hence the pull of gravity is so colossal it smothers even light onto itself

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Just mass cannot create gravitation. Need a force.

>cute face and hot body
>actually has a career in science
>isn't just there for being a leech who likes capeshit
give me 1 reason why you wouldn't dehumanize yourself and give yourself to her.

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Not only spinning, but just fast moving is fine too.

>unironically posting twitter screencaps of literalwhos

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Big mass for itself cannot create gravity, need a moving.

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Black Holes are so fucking horrifying in real life it's insane

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Economy is just a series of beliefs the population and big shots happen to believe in and agree on. Money has no intrinsic value, and neither does anythibg for that matter, or at least we think so, we are limited by the reach of our brain after all, and as far as we know, everythibg that we know and give "value" to is nothibg but the avsurd act of chemicals. But should we trust our brain? Should we work towards achieving a higher level of thinking? Will we fight? Or will we perish like dogs?

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She was so hot


We'll think about it

colonialism and jews

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>he fell for the colonialism meme

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>he fell for the jew meme

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Name who owns the "global banking system", right now

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Oligarchical Illuminati Jews clandestinely moving resources to subdue the goyim.


white people

Gravitons son. Any other models can suck my dick.




Glad I read it in his voice.

OP's mom is attracted to my cock via gravity

Is this the TempleOS guy? He's 100% correct here.

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Why poors breeding?

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Bailey Bae according to google

>no one said international monetary fund yet



The global elite, who have largely derived their property and wealth from colonialism and also jews

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Two French brothers

still have it on my hardrive all these years later and I still on occasion watch the whole thing

>That guy in season 1 who willingly sent himself into the first Nerd Off to "test his abilities" only to shitstomped

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Fuck dude I’ve been looking for this for years, thanks

I give it a watch once a year at least, just chill out with a pizza and enjoy.

Very little things act weird

Vergil was too good for the throne. Zack was the perfect villain though.

>tester season 3/kotn Yea Forums is over half a fucking decade old


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Absolutely based. Have been looking for this jewtube killed it. Does it have both seasons?

everything goes down on earth

they go

Uhh it just works

How many nerd points would I get if I scream NIGGER at the top of my lungs?

magnets n shiet

>implying dogs dont want to fight things.

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It's physics but one smol level

Her career is a victim of afirmative action. Thats why she lost the competition where she was supposed to be the expert lol

Uh, no?

Explaining how gravity works is literally preschool. Take a trampoline and put a 30lb bowling ball in the center and you can accurately calculate gravitational forces regardless of scale or positioning.

Explaining what gravity is? Well, we are probably a couple hundreds of years short of doing that.

It's actually the Chinese if you really look into it

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Banks loaning money, creates money and decreases its value

>It's actually the bugman slave-race
Yeah sure, that's why they work for 10 cents an hour and do all of their trading in USD right?

Imagine how much money you would have if you pay all your employees 10 cents and then have them fired for ever asking for human rights because there's literally 100 more bug men dying to have that same 10 cent job.

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deformed by the mass, not the weight

quantum mechanics is a theory of particle physics, it compiles a list of theories such as quantum entanglement and string theory into one.

The fact that it is cheaper to ship material-store material-manufacture material-store material again-ship material back to the US, rather than just making it domestically says alot about the current state of the market.

picture a bedsheet pulled tightly over a hole in the ground.

picture a marble being placed on this bedsheet. the marble would make a small impression on the sheet but it wouldn't cause much of the sheet to dip further down.

now imagine that i place a basketball on the sheet. the sheet would be dragged down a lot more by the basketball, and the marble would roll down next to the basketball.

this is how I picture gravity, large objects creating larger impressions on the "bedsheet" of spacetime and drawing other objects towards them.

Your brain needs a moving to fucking school and learn gravity, all it is is huegfuck amount of mass distorting the spacetime around it, making other mass "fall" towards it

U + ME = US

What is kleiner's career field? I want to be like this joyous man.

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I assume he's got the same field as Freeman, so theoretical physics

You'll get a good laugh, zoomer.

What happened before the big bang? Is there something about our universe that means "something" must exist?

we're like one of the only mammals who have neck and back problems because we're more used to the gravity on mars because we (humans) escaped from mars around two billion years ago. this actually happened

Probably a different universe that blipped into a black hole or some shit.

Don't quote me on this, but the universe strive for the highest possible entropy, and to get that, you need stuff.

But where did that universe come from? If we were to rewind time as far back as we possibly could, what would be there?

matter warps space, all of it, more the closer you get to matter, the warping creates a difference between perceived/real distances. That difference in distances is expressed in acceleration between two objects if they both have gravity.

>Don't quote me on this
>Don't quote me on this, but the universe strive for the highest possible entropy, and to get that, you need stuff.


Why does it matter? Your God has proven his apathy towards the human race. He might as well not even exist, which he doesn't.

Our human lives don't even register half a milisecond. Eat a snickers and don't think about it.

most animals do though, if you artificially expand their lifespan like we do to ourselves. My dog had hip problems, for instance.

Woah Woah Woah ease up on projecting religious values and perspectives on this poor man. And why are you picking a fight over this topic friend? Shouldn't you be in a blasphemous thread?

I know that such a question has no answer, but it's a weird thing to think about. Like, why does anything even exist? People talk about living in a simulation a lot these days, but if that were true, then something must exist outside of the simulation, right? If God exists, then where did God come from?

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>that episode where she's so pumped to do some physics calculations as she works for nasa as a physicist
>calculates everything wrong
These people really struggled with the easiest math, what the hell was up with that

Big Bang is NOT Creatio ex Nihilo (creation from nothing) anyone who says otherwise misinterprets the theory. The big bang is the point that is the furthest in the past that there is evidence of. We do not know what happend before and because our model physics isn't perfect we cannot make an accurate prediction. It is entirely possible that the laws of physics change every so often and that the big bang was a change from what was before.
The only thing we can assume is that mass and energy are eternal.

It's honestly not as rare as you think
You get so used to working with integrals and differentials that you get rusty at basic arithmetic

Well things either exsist or they don't. You can look around and see that things clearly do exsist.
If they exsist they must exsist in a certain way. Look around you, that is the way things do exsist.

I almost forgot how fucking terrible this was and I love you for reminding me.

>You can look around and see that things clearly do exsist.
Wow dude, don't tell me you actually believe that shit? I mean, LOL, you can't even be sure that YOU exist yet you actually believe that other people exist as well? I guess that's just what functional retards are forced to believe right?

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You won't ever know. Have fun with that game. I enjoy that one myself.

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>you can't even be sure that YOU exist
That is the only thing you can be certain of.
Even if you are simulated you are still real. A real simulation.

It's all going to be ok, whether it's real or not user. I mean, who would know any better anyway?


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God made the universe have a concept of “up” and everything is continuously moving up so everything is falling “down” from our perspective
God bless this flat planet and the round moon and giant lightbulb the government put there to trick us all


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I forgot this even existed.

i need to see zach and m2k meet. i have to know what would happen

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How would you have handled the Zack problem?

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>Zack acts like a self-destructive elitist autist
>No one wants to help him in the challenge
>"B-but us nerds... ;_;"
>They caved in and helped him
>He won
>Went right back to elitist mode
I'd have laughed at his shitty apology and told him that actions have consequences and that nobody should help him

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Don’t question god or I will personally drop you into hell off of the edge of the Earth you HEATHEN

Things happen maybe?

If you can find the edge I'll do a flip for you.