Bump for randy
Bump for BADASS
Honest question: how is this guy still the CEO of such a big company?
When we're talking about companies such as EA, or Ubisoft, they do shady shit all the time but their head honchos are smart enough to act like normal human beings, or otherwise keep their online footprint to a reasonable level.
But Randy?
Randy is just completely unhinged, the crazy shit he's pulled over the years could fill a book.
All shit that is directly tied to his face, a lot of people know what he looks like, who he is, and his massive history of being a gigantic scumbag.
So how does he do it?
How did he manage to stay in the position that he's in despite a list of controversies to rival that of the worst politicians out there?
What's his secret?
What's your estimate on when Randy will kill himself? I thought it was a sure thing after battleborn and his legal problems but then maybe Borderlands 3 convinced him to keep it going awhile longer.
>What's your estimate on when Randy will kill himself?
He lives to fuck other people over.
His entire life has always been about taking advantage and using everyone around himself.
Are you seriously confusing his pity card that he likes to play when it's convenient with actual hurt feelings or any sort of negative emotion on his part?
Dude doesn't give a fuck, he never did.
No I assumed he would kill himself because eventually all of his schemes fail and everybody hates him. Not because he actually felt guilty or had hurt feelings, because he's a narcissist who can't find anybody to pay attention to him anymore.
Holy fucking BADASS
what did he ever say about this picture
>What's your estimate on when Randy will kill himself?
When all of those legal accusations finally catch up to him.
Imagine just being there for Daemon X Machina while all these fucks are jerking off The Magic Man
post his morbidly obese wife and his unironically autistic son.
>work in Frisco a few years ago
>this Asian girl I work with worked for Gearbox a few years before this
>we talk about games every now and then
>some guy comes into work and starts chatting with her
>"Oh hey, user, this is Michael from Gearbox. I told him you also like video games so I thought you might want to meet him"
>he asks me what my favorite Gearbox game is
>I awkwardly say I haven't played any, laugh a little bit and kinda wander away
I wonder if Randy appeared at a Gamestop nearby.
that's rude.
>We got a bandit
>Randy was accused of embezzling publisher funding for the game
Who drew a dick on that kid's forehead? Was it Randy?
Fucking hell, even in that photo Randy looks like he's up to no good.
its due to the fact he owns half of the company meaning nobody can force him out which is a good thing for Randy since all of his employs seem to hate him
I hope they checked the registers after they left.
I know that bathroom is Penn Gillettes weird Vegas Fetish House. That's all I know
I know he stole from Sega, but it's pretty rude to call him a bandit after he made an appearance like that.
How come randy never shows off his "wife" LMAO
bump for badassery
reminder that randy's old office used to have a window facing the back of his desk and he moved it shortly after colonial marines to hide
Oh, that's why he has to look for barely legal cam girls to have a wank.
So, did he marry her for money
If that's his wife I know why he acts the way he dose now.
>Dude doesn't give a fuck, he never did.
If that were true he wouldn't be such a twitter whore.