Weekly reminder to do your hand exercises so you don't end up with Gamer Hand like this poor soul.
Any hand exercise recommendations welcome.
Weekly reminder to do your hand exercises so you don't end up with Gamer Hand like this poor soul.
Any hand exercise recommendations welcome.
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Get raped twice and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
I beat my meat to BLVCK BVLLS destroying wh*te boi bussy, a good enough workout.
looks like he could use a hand
How did he type this
whats the real story on what happened to this guys hands?
didn't he do this so he can get paws or some shit?
What exactly incurred the wrath of bloatman on this poor individuals palms?
>According to the Bisexual Resource Center (BRC), 45 percent of bisexual women have considered or attempted suicide, followed by bisexual men (35 percent), lesbians (30 percent), gay men (25 percent), and much lower rates for straight women and men.
And thank God for that. Bisexuality is deviancy and unnatural.
>inb4 that's too wide
>Suicidal ideation – Thoughts about killing oneself; these thoughts may include a plan.
>In the United States, the annual prevalence of suicidal ideation in adults is 4 percent.
This is not the only thing that proof bisexuality is not a healthy sexuality, but I like 40%-related memes.
>Men who have sex with men and women (MSMW) have a much higher rate of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) when compared with gay or straight men, ScienceDaily Reports. Publishing their findings in American Journal of Preventive Medicine, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted a review of studies pertaining to MSMW published between 2008 and 2013.
>A history of genital herpes or genital warts was reported more frequently by bisexual women (15.0%–17.2%) than by lesbians (2.3%–6.7%) and their heterosexual counterparts (8.7%–10.0%).
Pick a side.
He """fell asleep""" with his hands in dry ice for six hours. He claimed he was treating his arthritis to mask his amputation/furry fetish.
oh yeah
the dry ice niggers
>LGBT community
no fucking way
>to mask his amputation/furry fetish.
cheeky cunt
Furry tries to make "paws" with rubber hands on wrists and set in dry ice for 8 hours.
Hands have to be removed.
Furry tries to make it seem like it was an accident and lies to attempt to cover up the failure for the sake of his degenerate community.
The alleged story is he dry iced his hands so he could get simulated paws because he a furfag.
thats fucking dumb
There's a more robust screencap with other photos, including him and his furry husband and more about his want to get paws instead of hands or some shit.
I meant rubber bands. Phoneposting from bed and boomer thumbs too big.
he actually looks kind of normal
He's a furry and also a homosexual, which goes without saying. He has mentioned in past post history that he wish he didn't have hands because some dumb gay furfag shit obsession with amputees looking like paws. Then suddenly this """""""""""""""""""""""accidentally""""""""""""""""""""""" happens to him
How did he type the tweet?
No he got Gamer Hand. Didn't you read the OP?
This is the ideal liberal body. You may not like it, but this is what peak liberalism looks like.
Heard he did this on purpose.
Kept his hands in dry ice for hours.
Try harder
Rampant degeneracy.
paws up! :^)
fucking retard.
You have to be 18 to post here
It's for comparison purposes.
Guys, I thought furries were welcome on Yea Forums now, this isn't 2006 anymore. Can't you let us post stealth yiff threads in peace? Fucking intolerant assholes.
how did he write that tweet?
tf is the image from?
Gay furfag deliberately fucked up his hands so he could be more like a dog. America, not even once
lol fuck no
Reminds me of the girl who made herself no longer be able to walk by snipping her spine. Orwellian horror at its finest.
does anyone have this screen cap? I need to understand
The guy will almost certainly kill himself at some point. His boyfriend or whatever the fuck he has is going to get tired of taking care of him eventually, especially since this was all done due to fetish reasons. At some point "muh dick" will take a backseat to the reality of the situation and he'll walk in front of a moving train or something.
want to be happy?
dont be a faggot.
there's a difference between liking porn and wanting to cut your hands off and replace them with rubber paws.
>outdoorsman, adventurer, motorsports, skier & mechanic.
This stuff makes me balk more than anything else, how do they even fathom those ideas in the first place
I don't hate gay people tho.
I only hate fence sitters.
its always so weird to me when people prioritize their sexual fetishes
Severe mental illness is a helluva drug, user.
not anymore lmao
I wonder if permanently ruining his life and locking himself out of every single thing he enjoyed other than being a furry was worth it
Hands are overrated. He'll be fine
With furries, there us no difference.
When you say "I'm a furry" people like handkun is exactly what comes to mind.
I see a lot of accusations with not evidence. Knowing this place its all probably lies because forfags are hated. However, knowing the fucking furfags it could very well be fucking true. I don't know what story to believe.
Who the fuck falls asleep to dry ice on their body? If it were something like charging phones, yeah sure, but fucking dry ice?
Body dysmorphic disorder is one hell of a drug
Don't remember the name, blonde bitch who used a wheelchair while she was perfectly fine and dreamed of being wheelchair bound. Was on Doctor Phil if you want to look for it.
They're literally crazy people. I don't want to say they're not people anymore, but I don't know how to put it. They're literally super hedonist.
It is true, I was watching his Twitter page over the days it happened. But as the story blew up he purged a lot of the posts leading up to this in a vain attempt to protect his shitty community and claimed it was suddenly an accident.
>They're literally super hedonist.
Every time this shit comes up and that one fucking VR chat video it reminds me of how society in Judge Dredd is and how we're heading that way.
>mfw I'm a 60%er
No one. He didn't. Pay attention.
Which one?
>He claimed he was treating his arthritis
Which is the worst excuse possible because no doctor on earth is going to tell some fuckwit to treat anything with dry ice, especially not arthritis.
he went on damage control because of the people who came to laugh at him and his BDSM fetish
also that story about the dry ice is fucking bullshit, probably tied himself in bed and the cuffs were too tight for far too long
This shouldn't surprise you with the amount of people who want to cut off their dick.
Oh yeah I remember that she was part of a group that wanted to be crippled by choice to make other disabled people feel accepted
I don't understand at all
Hands are the only thing we have going over the Orcas.
REMINDER: earlier on his timeline he has another hand """accident""" caused by """arthritis""" involving dropping shit on his hands and crushing them, he has been trying to lose them for months
I used to urethral sound until I once pissed blood and had a fucking existential meltdown as I realized what I was doing to myself for sexual gratification.
I can't even fucking imagine losing my hands over a fetish. I'd probably kill myself.
That's the one.
I bet was looking on the trash for some used diapers to microwave and got some needles or some shit stuck and didn't wanted to get them treated.
>want to lose your hands
>lose your hands
>guys stop calling me retarded I'm going to regret this the rest of my life
he should be happy. he lost his hands.
Isn't the sexual revolution beautiful?
>urethral sound
I've heard he did it on purpose in order to become an amputee for a fetish that involves furry based animal prosthetics.
I've also heard that the fetish normally just mutilated your hands, but you dont lose them if done properly.
A bit out of my realm of understanding too.
ah I see
he's not mentally ill; he's just brave for being who he is inside
could be worse, you could have been fucking horses for the sexual thrill.
alright now i'm curious. how does being an amputee help with his furry fetish?
The thing is, in the heat of the moment, you're hard as fuck, 90% of your blood flow is down there, fuck hell nigger you're going to do it. The difference between you and him is, when damage came you could back out after the high and realize rationally that it wasn't worth it, for him this won't come until after the permanent damage has been done. You're lucky user, life your life to the fullest.
diabetus isn't a gamer hand retard
or fat women
Obviously NSFW.
Sticking things inside your peehole
excuse me?
there is not sexual thrill in fucking a fat woman though.
Oh, you sweet little child.
It's when someone sticks a object down their dickhole and fucks it like a dildo
Meds knocked him out while he had his hands submerged with reusable dry ice packets. Then a bunch of mentally ill 4channers took to pretending it was something naughty and making threads about it.
for someone with fat fetish there is
just fucking imagine having to explain to a medical professional how you came to be in this situation