The proper way to browse Yea Forums

The proper way to browse Yea Forums.

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A divine walks among us mortals

gas yourself

Yoooo look at this broke cracka

Is an iphone 6 still viable today?


Personal preference.

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I've been using one of these as my primary phone for the last few weeks. Getting readjusted to T9 has been one hell of an experience.

It's great! I don't really use social media and I've been looking for a phone for just that. Plus, I get to browse Yea Forums.

>no clover

Why does phoneposting trigger you fags so much

What is the name of the model?

Phoneposter are mostly normies from reddit

i still use mine since launch, the battery only holds up to 80% but my gf got a newer one last year that works perfectly fine

way to out yourself

I miss my old nokia, i should have taken care of it better

very nice user

Model please?

Do not care. I would empty my balls on the face of modern Zoe.

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>portable posting is considered "normalfag shit from reddit"
>portable gaming is considered acceptable and strongly defended because nintendo does it
what did Yea Forums mean by this?

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>portable gaming is considered acceptable

Where did you took that? Everyone here makes fun of "specimens" they found in the streets.

Nokia 3310, probably the 3G model

and yet "MUH PORTABILITY!" is always cited as the reason for port-begging and accepting horrible framerates and resolution.

If that's the proper way, how come you posted that picture with your PC?

user, those people are normie redditors, do not take their words as the one of us channers.

Nice thanks

I unironically used to do that.

Yo i do the pocket compuuter too

Was it worth it user ? For just a couple of yous ?

I miss buttons on devices so much bros. Fuck zoomers and fuck touch screens.

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You can browse but can you also post? How do you see who replied to which post?
