More evidence has come out and no one is discussing it. She's been entirely contradicted by her own posts and personal DMs from Alec have surfaced. She killed him.
More evidence has come out and no one is discussing it...
Other urls found in this thread:
What's wrong with white women.
Keep saying it.
They're the most spoiled demographic in the world.
>wanting to rape or feel up that
jesus christ
I've raped Zoe Quinn before. fucking dumb cunt deserved it
Stop harassing this fucking woman.
Holy fuck now THAT is based
You doubt how thirsty nerdy betas can get. If you aren't a whale and have an okay face, guys will line up to fuck you, especially if you look like you give a shit.
>more evidence
It's just what we already knew; at least pretended to like Alec and she "put on a brave face" as that article even says. Clickbait is clickbait, big shocker.
She is both a whale and has a busted face, though.
I demand proof
She needs to be tried for manslaughter. It can't be denied now.
THAT and she's apparently being hired by DC now DESPITE WHAT SHE'S DONE.
Wow men want to fuck women, I'm shocked
Woah Zoe Quinn is actually a liar! Who would hve thought? It’s not like she’s been exposed a billion times since 2014.
If you dig deep enough, you might find her talking how she actually fucking hate the indie dev hipsters and how she will destroy everything
Will GG 2.0 ever happen? I hunger for more Vivian.
Fucking based Ampharos chad
Are you saying THE Zoe Quinn might be A LIAR?Say it isn't so
imagine the smell
she won't actually finish it.
Based Ampharos manages to be even more based.
You need to forget about it.
Just more of BPD bitches doing their BPD shit (and the other BPD bitches not giving a fuck)
oh, so nothing
Is this implying that #MeToo is a poor movement now because a girl is on the opposite end?
I agree. She should be in jail for manslaughter.
No. It became such a meme even Jim thinks it's cringe now. You had Sargon try to get trump to restart gamergate which is even more cringe, and the sjws and left syllicon valleys have become much stronger since then
she should be tried for murder other evil women were put away for crimes far less and worse than this I don't see why this should be any different
I don't understand why you reply to that post, but not the one it was replying too. You're agreeing, but you somehow found a way to awkwardly flex your cyncism.
she's jewish, not white
this is true though
Why would he commit suicide instead of murdering her?
Her ugly face kills boners
I believe you unlike Zoe
Suck a fucking dick!
She caused a man to kill himself, with no factual evidence for her claims! And you fucking think people should stop “harassing” her, when in reality, their exposing her for the evil cunt, which we already know, she is!
Go fuck yourself!
because he was a turbo beta indie cuck
Who was put away for less?
>even Jim thinks
Literally and figuratively who? Also I don't care about the drama. I said I just wanted more Vivs.
Because his life was literally ruined.
she just tweeted an hour ago
Jim's the guy who fucking started gamergate retard
Zoe killed a tranny and an innocent man just for a payout.
It's time to extradite her to Canada.
>She killed him.
Marvel and DC comics will be dead in a couple years. No one other than SJWs actually care about their new releases, so who gives a shit.
>no one is discussing it
Because it's the same "evidence" we talked about in the last thread, you disingenuous piece of shit. Just because a new based oped came out about someone who doesn't even make games doesn't mean anything changed. It's increasingly not vidya.
good old internet aristocrat
What part of "I don't care about the drama" you don't understand?
Her account still private?
Zoey Quinn Just HIRED BY DC For Batman & Superman Comic Spin-off
Unfortunately GG and any following movements are doomed to fail because people consider video games non important and kid stuff.
You won't get real journalist sites to report on games (outside of blaming them for violence/sexism), so the only people left to report on corruption in gaming journalism are the journalists themselves, who won't rat on their own kind, or themselves if they're the ones participating in this shit.
In short, GG will never get it's end goal without gaming journalism in general having a massive purge, and that's not going to happen any time soon, or ever.
Comics are dying user, it doesn't mean anything in the long run.
Imagine actually having a body count. It probably feels awful if you're not a sociopath.
It absolutely is though. She causes the suicide of a game developer. And she claims to be one herself.
People still read comics?
Zoe's superhero name?
yep, hes based
dont you know, when a woman kills a man it isn't murder its rape prevention
educate yourself
Adam Baldwin from Firefly started gamergate.
It wasn't, unless you think a sequel to a project is someone's entire life. He didn't even fight it try to get work elsewhere, he killed himself two days later.
They even cancelled the vinyl records they were making with the NITW soundtrack on them. Like goddamn, nobody gives so much of a shit about Alec being an asshole that they have to cancel his game and his soundtrack.
Did she blackmail them or something?
Man, the only way I'd ever touch her is in a sanctioned UFC match so I have legal leeway to hit her in the face a bunch of times and hope that the ref waits a bit before stopping the match.
>Still obsessed with this woman.
a single look at that women tells to not fuck it, not talked too much with it. it is a fucking nature rule that the more colorful an animal is the more dangerous it's poison will be to the point of being lethal
game developer bullshit=/=video games
this but unironically
Well, if you flip that around any cucked to death commie bullshit from games journalists is doomed to fail just as well.
I don't get how anyone thinks rape is worse than murder.
Cute Zoe 2d.
how does he do it lads?
They know they can get away with literally anything.
No one would hire him after all of this.
Notice when a white male dies, it's a good thing. One less white male to rape and destroy society. Meanwhile if one of their own, doesn't even die, just gets curbstomped by being out argued, out witted and by pure facts so hard, it's literally the death of the human race, that poor woman/trans person had to block another bigot. Literally clown world
GG did get its goal actually, everyone nowadays knows games journalism is fucking awful, political and absolutely biased.
She already was cashing checks from AT&T, and is has part of an issue coming out for Disney's lifestyle brand soon.
Fuck off sargon
I think he's not upset she's getting a start in comics, it's that she basically bullied someone into killing themselves and is just moving on with their life and still getting job offers as if nothing ever happened.
Rape turns people into BPD sociopaths. A murder ends a life, BPD ends a life and starts a new one that ruins many.
>ufc match
you're either a landwhale or a skinny little faggot she'd sit on and crush
probably has something to do with how his mental health was in the shitter for years, up to the point where he predicted this exact thing happening to him years ago
$20 says she doesn't even fucking care that she has blood on her hands.
Anything for attention, the worthless rat.
Have you ever considered that maybe humanity is some of the most illogical shits on the face of this planet? Seriously, you still wonder?
>Yea Forums pretends to give a shit about a dead SJW dev just to shit on another SJW cunt
Remember that time when gamergate faggots donated 50 grand to a self proclaimed radical feminist group to "own" her, and they ended up donating that cash to that whore anyway?
Good times.
she looks like she could gave you some really nasty STDs.
>Zoe Quinn
>not a sociopath
Really user?
fee fees are srs bsns, havent you heard?
hard to blame you, or argue a single word
Never said that or even implied it.
>Quinn’s story will focus on Donna Troy as she becomes infected by The Batman Who Laughs toxin and turns her into the worst version of herself.
What the fuck? Can't decide if it's the usual pandering bullshit or mega redpilled (but done subtly)
She didn’t. Marvel and DC are absolutely pozzed.
Close, but I'm a military vet, aka was a bootkisser or babykiller or whatever they called us here.
good job contributing to alec's death
This dumb bitch is the literal cause of Gamergate
>video game affairs are not video games
>>>/reddit/ you paint huffing retard.
Woah hold on I remember the first part. But not the second. (Didn't follow much)
I need proof, that shit sounds hilarious.
but if the president of a game company changes, its suddenly "gamming" but when its about 2 game devs, and how one of them is preventing future content from being made in games, suddenly its not games?
why wouldn't he blame her then
why would he leave his suicide ambiguous if he was innocent
Everyone here sure. The fact that these sites are still up and running though means they're getting more than enough clicks to stay afloat. Normies don't give a shit about or even know about issues with games journalism. The same retard who buys every single COD and NBA game will still click on reviews, just to see the big score and then leave
How does any man look at this and think "Yeah, I want this person in my life?"
How would you know? Zoe's claims are contentious and she doesn't rule the industry, just the liberal niche indie dev scene. Anyone would be happy to start a life outside of that. He has options; talent, and a game under his belt.
She is fucking hideous. Who would rape that?
people here are the biggest marks in the gaming industry, they're literal pawns for these disgusting sjw bitches
I wish they would quit shitting up Yea Forums with this trash
While I wouldn’t call it objectively true, many do believe in the “better that you kill a man, than to cripple one” mentality.
This they see emotionally scarring someone as worse then just causing them to cease life.
>he still thinks any amount of evidence will ever turn these people against her
It's a cult, bro. They would legitimately defend her until their dying breath rather than admit they were wrong.
Once you're accused, that's it. Facts and evidence do not matter.
Man these are some nice video games.
>cousin was molested multiple times as a child
>completely destroyed her life and has bipolar
>but she now has fantasies of being abused/aggressively used like a doll
I don't get this shit.
You don't know how the industry works.
No company would want to associate themselves with someone that is known on social media as an abuser of women, etc.
The gaming industry isn't like working in plumbing.
The entire Western games industry is on her side.
The best was the entire Anita Sarkeesian thing. /vpol/ went absolutely insane attacking her and through it they basically built her career for her.
She probably thanks god that GG happened every time she rakes in more cash.
Shut the fuck up zoe.
This is the new world order, mate. Wymyn are always correct and never lie, social media is our court and executioners, and truth will NEVER set you free.
Sauce on that art though?
put me in the screencap zoe
Normies know it. All popular gaming youtubers shit on games journalism on a weekly basis. Game journos only survive from ragebait nowadays.
>I don't get how anyone thinks rape is worse than murder.
America thinks nudity is worse than violence and gore and you're still confused?
his own family turned him town alongside his friends in teh indie scene smeared the fuck out of the dude. he was pretty much done. you can't live with an rape accusation if you are a men. good luck finding a job even if you are innocent and bitch lied about it
Male on female rape is fucked up because you essentially hijack someone's life and make it about taking care of your genetic code. They have to deal with a mini you for the rest of their life as well as the truama. If they abort your pay you turn them into a murderer.
>trannies will call this a shoehorned meme
You're right, she is a fucking woman. I doubt there's a man in the industry she hasn't fucked. By her looks it seems she's contracted 20 different STDs, too.
>Had mental health issues for years
>Suddenly his career was taken away from him
>His family including his sister turned on him immediately
>His friends turned on him as well
>No career left to focus on
>No friends or family to believe you and help you through this hard struggle
>Thousands of betas online saying that you're scum and vowing that they'll do whatever they can to make sure you never work in the industry again
His life was effectively ruined. You're simply naive if you think that anyone in the gaming industry would ever hire him when a single google search would show these accusations against him. That paired with his family ditching him, and his mental issues it makes perfect sense that he'd want to end it all.
I just wish he would have taken his revenge first and did a murder suicide
>but she now has fantasies of being abused/aggressively used like a doll
All women have that user.
If erika's suicide is video game his is video games too
I’m not sure you understand the issue at hand. The entire SJW clique would stand against him, and he’s one of them. As in, all of his connections would now shun him.
Western women in general are being told they're not equal, but better than men, have more rights, can do anything they want to them.
Not all of them. I think a crash is coming, but it's going to be a few years still. And your overestimating how many youtubers shit on games journalism. We had the dunkey video, then some copycat videos, and videos for major events like that hack at IGN plagiarizing reviews. Other than that no one really talks about it
The dude he worked with corroborated in detail the behavior she described. He killed himself because of himself.
Stay away from her
The rape accusation was just being mean during sex. None of us really know what happened, according to the sister he was getting help and talked to someone in the industry and things looked like they were going to get better. But of course, many hear aren't going to believe anything but what they want.
dunkey pls go
>we were right about gamergate all along
No, GamerGaters are the literal cause of GamerGate.
The artist looks extremely familiar...
Is he a muscle fetishist?
Didi you go see a doctor? You probably contracted genital herpes from raping her.
You can look at stuff like YongYea and other youtubers getting attacked by people like Jason Schreier for being pro-consumer and making videos in response.
This lie has gained urban myth status.
Did she join an autistic wrestling league or something?
GG has done its job. Games journalism is a joke and every major company is actively denying and avoiding giving them access at conventions.Not to mention that they're all resorting to doing clickbait articles to stay afloat nowadays.
wtf I love ampharos now
No, game journalists are the cause.
And now she's awarded by DC Comics to work on a Batman Superman spinoff comic called Deathbringer.
pk-studios, she has a dA but she posts more on /aco/ than everywhere else
They won't acknowledge that they made antia a success, instead they keep attacking her and keep making her relevant.
>another member of the clique regurgitated the story she told him
wow, i'm very convinced now.
>”muh seven hour work days”
What a monster.
>The dude he worked with corroborated in detail the behavior she described.
>in detail
No. He was as vague as he could possibly be.
You don't know how it works, none of us do because he didn't even try. There are plenty of small devs, small companies, outsiders, edutainment companies who don't give a single fuck about the Californian indie SJW twitter circle. There's more to "the industry" than that and it's growing.
Because unless you're rich or very important, your career doesn't survive these accusations. The entire western gaming scene is left as shit and would do their best to make sure he didn't get hired anywhere else. All of his connections were lost, and even if he shows he has talent, he wouldn't be hired simply because of the potential backlash.
If you're hiring someone who do you go with? Option A who has experience, or option B who also has experience but also a rape accusation when you google his name?
based. you did it so we wouldn't have to
Holy shit she's ugly.
That's like saying Patrick Crusius didn't kill those people, bullets did.
>His family including his sister turned on him immediately
>His friends turned on him as well
Phoenix would like a word with you
Nobody knew who the fuck she was before GG and it's only because of autistic GG faggots that she gained infamy
It's a she. And yes.
Christ what a disgusting fucking slag
They were doing clickbait articles before. Not that guy, but you're coming off as either uninformed or delusional.
When 8chn comes back, we GG2.0.
Who's with me?
This time the bitch straight out KILLED someone by her lie, she's fucked.
Absolutely this. Say what you will about GG etc. but this disgrace, as Alec proclaimed her in his DMs "garbage human being", is literally able to move on like nothing ever happened after killing a man. Any other person would get their comeuppance, but she's walking away covered in blood scottfree. Five guys murder and lies. 2 greyhound busses.
DC Comics is currently a leftist propaganda machine in an exonomic downward spiral to bankruptcy. Unlike Gaymergate, Comicsgate was actually successful.
The Hyper Light Drifter mods are deleting discussions on anything related to Zoe Quinn's bullying to murder since she's a "Narrative Designer" of Heart Machine.
Her along with Zoe and others have been proven to fake harassment against themselves. They would have gotten regardless of people "attacking" her. Which is fucking retarded, the most people from here ever did was harmlessly bitch in some threads dipshit
Again, urban myth. She was on the fucking Time 100 most influential list for 2013, a year before 5 guys.
This is your brain on aggregateor sites.
>gets hired to do a Vertigo comic
>It bombs. Hard.
>Now they are bringing her for even more comics
How can a person keep failling at everything she decides to do in life and keep getting jobs?
This bitch should go to prison
>When 8chn comes back
it's not coming back
oopsie woopsie [DELETED]
If you're American, I think Israel Oil Warrior is appropriate.
The fact that the story has been corroborated and she blatantly puts it out there should be enough to at least quiet the armchair detectives, but it's not.
They werent getting shut down en masse for not generating revenue before.
I jumped.
Yes, it will.
On the 3rd day.
Keep seething incel.
Zoe - 2
Incels - 0
Forgot about Yong. Guess he does basically make his career reading about gaming scandals word for word and then putting his opinion in.
I'm amazed how successful that fucker is. Anyone could do it, it's not even like he puts a good spin on things or is super interesting
You guys are all massive, reactionary retards just as bad as the other side falling for outrage culture
She will screen cap this and share it for sympathy.
>the story has been corroborated
It hasn't, though.
I baleeted because I accidentally put them in reverse. gimme a sec
There is a precedent for her to be charged with manslaughter as "cyberbullying" leading to suicide has been treated as such before.
>Michelle Carter has been found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the 2012 suicide death of 18-year-old Conrad Roy III. The legal ramifications of the case and the precedents it may set are, and will continue to be, discussed by legal scholars.
>In a legal decision already being debated, a Massachusetts judge ruled today that a teenage girl who texted her boyfriend to follow through on his intent to kill himself was guilty of involuntary manslaughter.
>The judge did not appear swayed by Michelle Carter's age at the time, 17, or her own history of eating disorders, suicidal thoughts and social anxieties.
>Carter's conviction may be the most serious response to what is known as cyberbullying, the tormenting or teasing someone via social media. The guilty verdict raises questions about whether someone can goad or bully others to kill themselves and whether it can be done from afar. Because Carter was not with Conrad Roy when he killed himself in a parking lot in July of 2014 and was communicating with him via text message, legal experts expected an acquittal.
Her site Feminist Frequency went broke
She deserves to get raped to death by niggers
I specifically mentioned his sister because she's the one who has been so outspoken about him afterwards
Did she get fake tits? Her nudes that she paid somebody to take years ago gave her an "egg on a nail" vibe. Maybe she's just fatter and they appear more filled out in a padded bra.
doesn't fucking matter you dunce. any men with a rape accusation is pretty much a deadmen walking in this shit of western society. his sister is probably just another thot lying to make things look better that they actually were
A lot of people kill themselves every day due to depression or mental illness and they don't make the headlines. I see no reason to care more about that one guy because he made some furry indie game.
>anti-SJWs are just as bad as SJWs xDDD
kys zoe
Yes they do. Scumbags keep finding work regardless. You know /pol/ and Yea Forums would be all over stories of good men ruined forever by just some lie, but they are so rare they don't get posted. There's only that one Rolling Stone article that's tangentially related.
imagine being one digit off of the biggest get in Yea Forums history
>her tweets during the time of this alleged assault and imprisonment directly contradict her own testimony
>deletes her twitter immediately after he kills himself
corroborated by who, herself?
Stop the obsession of this woman and the faggots that orbit around her, she was fading away quite nicely until you autists hooked on to the juicy drama around her, every time you do that just causes the people around her to defend her which she profits from.
Seems like something like this could be prosecutable right? This guy was driven to kill himself I feel like this has already happened before.
Is that my boy Muta on the bottom left there?
Zoe looks like if cottage cheese became human
She looks off in literally every picture. She never looks like the same person in more than one pic.
She's actually pretty cute in that game. They did a nice job
>noooo how dare you care about your fellow man
yep, it's a liberal alright
>Jason Schreier
This was the same retard that wrote an essay masquerading as journalism on how pedophiles are attracted to big tits. He does his own research which is more than most bloggers on these websites but does not mean he has never used retarded opinions as facts in his job.
Sure, I was in Operation Iraqi Fraudom protecting good ol' KBR I mean democracy so that's fine.
Imagine defending her just because she has a vagina. White knights are the worst cancer on the internet.
gators did nothing wrong and zoe used a coordinated attack on gators to paint them as the aggressors in an collective investigative event.
she is culpable for her abuse but there is much more we never uncovered due to higher-level interference.
How new
These are the newfags forcing GG faggotry on Yea Forums
nope, she made a statement about alecs suicide, and revealed shes a victim herself of having suicidal thoughts.
you need to be an idiot to keep reading comics after 2010
imagine being one digit off fucking faggot
How would you know? She put it out there that I was in detail, the smart thing to do if she were lying would be to avoid that subject since it's easily disproven or at least easy to cast doubt, but she didn't.
Did she go under 'lake-art' and Maverrck85 too?
And is there a better way to search the archive? I can't see just using their name as efficient since the last post was over a year ago.
>I'm also suicidal so don't talk to me about suicide
>Also I found out someone else I knew was also an abuser
>I'm not sorry
Gee Zoe, you met yet another abuser! How does this keep happening to you?
>psycho bitch lies and causes someone to commit suicide
>bro ur just overreacting xD
I hope you're okay living in a world where interacting with anyone with a vagina is a liability because they can just will your livelyhood into ruin
Both Yong and Jason do their own fucking research. That's the bare fucking minimum for being a journalist, it should tell you how fucking low bar of quality this sector of the reporting industry is.
i vaguely remember reading something about her nude photographer saying that she mentioned wanting to get a boobjob so probably
Because of how Yea Forums works now this is basically the GET.
These things are not at all alike.
Are you a MAGA hat?
Which is why you can’t win. You can’t use logic or facts, nothing will change the situation.
It wasn't a rape accusation and you're still wrong. There would be countless stories of rape nomads cast out from society but there are none.
I don't think you understand what corroborated means. One person's initial claim isn't corroborating anything. Never mind that Zoe's own claim has been noted as full of holes.
Zoe's issue is the same issue my sister (who has claimed starting at age 11 men have raped her when she was still a 100% virgin according to the ER doctor our mother took her to when she first made that claim) has: Zoe has absolutely no ability to recognize fantasy from reality. Even worse, she seems to actively remember with crystal clarity completely false and made-up memories. Add to that being a habitual liar, and you have a person no sane person would EVER get anywhere near.
Because this is one of the clinical definitions of "insane". What Zoe needs is medication. LOTS of medications.
>Create Crash Override Network to help cyberbullying victims
>Cyberbully two people to death
The ultimate ironing.
Wait pk-studios is back?
I remember having some crops by them and accepting that I would never see their art again but apparently they are doing stuff again.
imagine that the person getting epic digits actually having something worthwhile to say
She networked herself into the industry
Considering how entire republishing of volumes and issues got canned over sudden reports of writers being scum, I'd cross my fingers she doesn't get to write it
Video Game Players
>You don't know how it works, none of us do because he didn't even try.
I do actually and even if you weren't a part of it it is easy to find out.
>There are plenty of small devs, small companies, outsiders, edutainment companies who don't give a single fuck about the Californian indie SJW twitter circle.
You say this directly after admitting you don't know wtf you're talking about, funny.
Also the fact that you think that this is somehow isolated when it has spread all across the internet is even funnier.
His chances of landing a job just became 100x harder, contacts were lost, his social media presence killed completely, finding women would become harder (all it takes is for someone to google his name), etc.
You clearly don't understand the situation and come across as being inexperienced in life.
Oh no. I hope she’s doing ok.
Someone should start a legal fund.
The MAGA hat sucked my brain out.
>not caring about fellow man
Please take your meds and return in 45 mins
The only jokes it's full of was that she was saying she was happy on social media while the events were taking place. Unless I'm missing something, even the article says that doesn't prove anything and it's highly critical of #metoo.
He's a troll, that's all you need to know.
How in any way is Zoe adorkable?
Except this is entirely her own scummy behavior. Gamergate was targeted at the incestuous journos and that ship has sailed. Nobody who pays even a little bit of attention to vidya that isn't a raging SJW puts any stock in the mainstream gaming press anymore.
Fuck off to 8/gg/
No, they don't. Most people who get accused get their lives ruined and careers taken away. You can take Vic Mignogna for example.
>Accused with no evidence whatsoever
>Fellow voice actors started saying how he was creepy and did "it" to them too
>Voice actress who said she also did "it" to her refused to even specificy what "it" was
>Despite the complete lack of evidence that he ever even did anything he's been fired and his characters recast to others
>Hasn't gotten any work since
He's suing Funimation and it looks like it's going really well for him, but his voice acting career is basically dead because no one wants to hire someone who has been accused of this before because the left are fanatics who will call companies and shame them online if they dare hire someone who was accused
and give it to who? alecs sister threw his corpse under a bus for feminist brownie points
You think these incels in 2014 suddenly popped out of the ground and started being GAMERS? Get real, this bitch kicked a hornet nest.
>the same week that finding out one of the other men I'd trusted most had sexually abused another woman
Already zeroing in on the next target.
None of you care about him, you care about telling the SJW's and Zoe off. He's little more than excuse for you.
What is this supposed to prove?
It means a dork was able to.
>i refuse to be sorry
how does she continue to become even more despicable every day
Likely. She is a mod here.
What Zoe's talking about with the "fake PI nonsense" is that someone on Kiwifarms was able to follow her on twitter after she made profile private, and proceeded to screenshot all of her tweets and conversations from the last several months, with a LOT of it directly contradicting her accusations toward Alec.
Imagine defending a rapist just because you hate women. Incels are the worst cancer on the internet.
>be beta cuck game designer
>try to get with tranny
>she screams rape
>fail to take appropriate measures to defend yourself such as getting a lawyer or not using the internet for a while
>kill yourself because you keep making it worse
I mean Zoe Quinn sucks but this guy sucks too lmao. He's the exact type of person you all constantly shitpost about. But now he's a martyr for the "cause." Sasuga Yea Forums.
Best part is how his own sister pats the tormentor that led him to suicide on the back
Are the mods finally banning that derailing avatarfag?
Man, that is so sad.
waste of a fucking get
Everyone say it one more time:
Coping mechanism
People who were molested as children often develop pedophilia or rape or the like as a way to normalize their abuse
Often they will go on to abuse more children and create more future abusers in a perpetual cycle
Sure Yong researches, but that's because it's his whole thing. He finds articles and reads them word for word.
Jason is a fucking retard who thought that huge tits meant loli, and for some reason parades as a SJW when there are pictures of him saying israel doesn't deserve to exist.
Also Jason is a fucking joke because he tweets shit like defending companies is stupid, but then turns right around and shames red shirt guy for sticking it to the diablo immortal game
No. Clickbait writers are the only way to get sales, and those are mere blips.
And it took a thread on zoe quinn to do it.
Good lord is there no stopping her?
t. deathfearer
>>Voice actress who said she also did "it" to her refused to even specificy what "it" was
Rial went on to claim that he sexually assaulted her at a hotel, but had no evidence of this and the witness she brought in to support it said they had saw no indication of such a thing happening.
>He's suing Funimation and it looks like it's going really well for him
It should be going well for him but his lawyer is a hack that is fucking up his case.
Now it's
You don't know, you just think you do because you fell into the sensationalist groupthink of clickbait journalism. Seriously, there's tons of companies and freelance work to be had that doesn't/thinks it's pretty based that you've been accused of being mean by a lying whore.
>someone says something that could be true or false
>seethe, go on the internet, fall for mob mentality, and screech for hours into a void
It is shocking that they're so desperate that they'd fuck that
We shitpost about them because we wish that they were better, not that they were dead.
Most politicians right there
I mean that really depends on your definition of AntiSJW
Do you mean Jewtube grifters like Sargon of Milkkad? Boulder King? Absolutely, they're awful.
Unironic Neonazis? Fundamentally the only real difference between them is organizational, both have the same goal which leads to the same cancer behavior, and both only really still exist in a mutual parasitic relationship with real society
Do you mean, people that aren't participating in the partisan cancermancer session? Those are fine
This post reads as if it were written by an incel.
>that headline
Please, the amount of people defending her vastly outweighed the ones attacking her. I'm so sick of yellow journalism.
t. Seething Smashfag
>the witness she brought in to support it said they had saw no indication of such a thing happening.
Why do liars bring in witnesses that won't lie for them? This seems to happen a lot in these cases.
I hope his lawyer smartens the fuck up or he gets a new one then. It's honestly sad and terrifying seeing a man get his career taken away because a couple of girls pointed a finger at him
Beat it, shit-for-brains.
Thing is, either side cannot grasp the entirety of the truth spectrum when it comes to these things. For instance, reconciliate the fact that she can both be a liar about petty things for her ego, and really the victim of abuse. These aren't mutually exclusive, in fact it's often because of a past of abuse and low self-esteem that one becomes delusional. Their world is based on delusions, fake friendships, fake identities, refusing to see the truth for what it is and instead constructing a fake reality about projecting whatever you desire. So in my opinion, it is entirely possible that while she was in the abusive relationship, to save face she would "petty" lie about the relationship being good. The facade they show is very important to them but it ends up breaking you.
Anyway, I just think that neither sides are able to defend themselves while encompassing the whole truth. They would never admit their flaws and mental illnesses, perhaps in fear that the other side would use it to attack the credibility of real allegations. Sorry but you don't kill yourself when you know you're right, because it invigorates a will to fight, and this guy had a lot of remorses. He couldn't stand to face the truth now that his dreamworld of delusions was eroding.
>do nothing
>someone says you did something
>friends turn against you, loses job, loses ability to get a new job, becomes known by everyone as a monster
I guess psychopathy is common among your type
Neither is Death Stranding.
The BDS movement is the cool new thing for socialist youth.
>Even after death she still shits on Alec.
God damn.
What's wrong with her face? it look uncannily inhuman.
They probably get there and realize it’s not actually a game and there could be actual repercussions to lying.
If what you say is true, I'm sure the police or FBI will be very interested in this information.
You’re a moron if you think this, she was already famous and powerful before GG ever happened. GG was a response to growing SJW influence and people like Anita, not the reverse you idiot newfag.
Lol okay. You motherfuckers couldn't care less, you just wabt to be able to shout "SEE SEE YOU CAN RUIN LIVES BY CLAIMING RAPE!" Keep fucking deluding yourself I don't give a shit anymore.
Not this gamergate shit again. GG was a fucking cancer which Yea Forums never truly recovered from
Vic hasn't gotten work since what? The court got done throwing out half his accusations just give days ago. Yeah, not much time to announce any work he found.
>both sides are bad xDDDD
>He's suing Funimation and it looks like it's going really well for him
Bro, I just found out today myself, but evil has prevailed, the judge was a fucktard. There's no justice in this world, if things worked properly that we'd never be having this conversation about people like Zoe in the first place. The cunts "won" and will be getting a big payout.
FBI and police are too afraid to deal with SJWs.
That would be really lulzy if someone reports it to the FBI or police. Don't know what police station though since she doesn't want to vote that will reveal her dox.
God what the fuck is a "narrative designer"
Whenever there's a girl who works in video games this is what she does
Why can't they just say they're writers instead of making up bullshit job titles
why is she the bad guy?
Would you let gamer gate girl suck your dick?
Keep screeching. I’m just here to observe the stupidity of incels.
I'm pretty sure that nothing here constitutes harassment considering that she's a public figure.
Ssshhh! It was about ethics in journalism!
>no one who chooses not to come forward is responsible for the abuser's further victims
what a fucking retard
STDs do that to you
everytime i see ampharos i think the hantaro song but with ampharos on it instead
are we doing gamer gate again because don’t want to
>screeching, unhinged neon-haired dyke calls rape on some guy
>everyone rightfully doubts it while SJWs go nuclear
>screeching, unhinged neon-haired dyke calls rape on a SJW
>everyone takes it as a fact and bring it as proof that SJWs are rapists, other SJWs still go nuclear as usual
I dun get it
While Pence is smart for never going anywhere alone with a woman, it doesn't really help you that much because it does nothing to stop accusations that they claim happened 10 years ago.
And honestly you should either have to come forward within a reasonable amount of time and file a police report, or stay silent forever. It's such fucking bullshit that instead of going through the police who will actually try investigating they instead bitch on twitter because thousands of white knights and sjws will just "cancel" the person with no due process at all.
>cries out in pain as it strikes you
Yes they literally are. You're talking about a guy so mentally ill he tried to get with a tranny and killed himself the moment people got mean on social media, as well as the fucked up tranny in question who's merits require no explanation here. You fucks just want drama and to perpetuate hate, just like the trannies (because guess what? The trannies used to be Yea Forums users just like you!).
Are you saying that people have a responsibility to #metoo more often? That if the abused stay silent they let abusers find new victims?
lol nice
You think they'd have have the smallest amount of foresight, but I guess not
Even if I wasn't gay, no.
>thinking there are sides to this
If anyone brings this up next year, or if this woman decided after everything she's been through, to continue to participate at PAX and GDC, it would behoove anyone to avoid like the plague, this woman and anyone whom decides to publicisze this incident.
No one is denying the seriousness and importance of abuse victims, mental illness, and ethnics in reporting. but all these causes and the videogame industry, would be better served, if no one gets involved with Zoe Quinn ever on a professional or personal basis.
(for a while)
GG was Yea Forums at its fucking best.
So. Much. OC.
>Keep fucking deluding yourself I don't give a shit anymore.
You must care, or you wouldn't have come here.
This guy knows what’s up.
Damn did she ever do more nude shoots when she went full chunk mode?
>someone says they're leaving
eat a dick lewis
Fucker, you don't give two shits about your fellow man. This is all just pretense to be an outraged faggot to try and bury Quinn.
>that face
She filed bankruptcy I thought?
check her dA, there's pics in it
>i dont care ANYMORE
as in I did previously and now I don't. Of course I would expect someone involved in one side or the other in this "debate" to be half illiterate, so I guess it makes sense you can't figure context.
>Be kid
>baby sitter laughs because I respond when they call their kid because we share the same name
>they call for their toddler again I'm like 7 and small for my age
>they decide since I keep answering and coming in that I must think i'm their kid
>put me in a high chair and feed me baby food as I tell them no
>pick me up and take me into their sons room and put me on his changing table
>take off my clothes and put me in one of his diapers
>take me to the living room and give me a bottle and tell me I can't get out of the diaper until I finish it
>after that they put me in his crib
>now have an insane diaper/regression fetish about myself
Weird how you don't really even get to choose your own fetishes sometimes. and no I'm not bullshitting and no one clapped.
can someone explain why incels are obsessed with this chick?
Buddy, no one fucking asks you nor anyone to stay. But you're still here.
Based and redpilled.
There is literally never a reason to kill yourself unless you're already currently suffering a fate worse than death, like being trapped in a burning building or having terminal cancer. Loss of reputation, loss of a job, loss of connections, etc. are not good reasons enough. He took the easy way out without even the decency to explain himself in a note, what a coward.
The thing is SJWs work on social manipulation. Rial deals with this as in social influence and connections, so if you’re her friend you should be on her side regardless of the truth. She pretty much went “I thought we were friends!” or the woman who denounced Chris Sabat’s abuse of power even though the woman is actually a victim through the same logic Rial uses.
I can smell this beasts breath from here holy fuck
He's been blacklisted from one of the biggest dubbing producers, and most likely will not find work after because people know that they will receive harassment for hiring him.
That's a damn shame to hear. I hope that he seeks an appeal
You end questions with question marks, dumb Twitter tranny.
No, they have a responsibility to report it to the police, if it's true that is. Of course if someone raped you and you don't report them and they rape someone else you're partially responsible.
I want to slam Zoe, bros
So what is the evidence?
She had sex. They did not.
Jesus fucking christ get a fucking brain retard.
The worst thing to happen to Yea Forums during GG was the loss of M00t, but he was a faggot anyway.
We all work on social manipulation you fucking retard. What do you think you're doing RIGHT NOW with that post?
Girls scare them
No, because she's actually hideous. She, like most women online, are a master of knowing camera angles and all the tricks to make them look appealing in a picture, but once you see them irl or in a moving video they are awful
kek and lel
>He took the easy way out without even the decency to explain himself in a note, what a coward.
His life, his choice.
Did you know that her real middle name starts with a E? So it's Chelsea E. Van Valkenburg.
She didn't choose?
I feel sorry for Zoe, and for all the incel rage thrown her way by GG retards in this thread.
>what is mental illness
People an Hero all the time when they shouldn’t because of it. Dude clearly had issues
I hate that this is blowing up because now my news feed has her ugly fucking face in all the thumbnail images.
Is that a female(male)?
full pic ?
But user I thought the SJWs ruined his career and life so hard he basically DIDN'T have a choice?!?!
Old tweets we were talking about days ago. Even the article says it doesn't prove anything. OP is a massive faggot per usual.
You’re correct but also not quite. Living in society has the potebtial to create torment equivalent to a living hell. Society is fucking garbage with a bunch of convoluted stupid shit that only exists to chain you to other people’s whims and bring suffering into your life. While it’s true you can just step away, that’s surprisingly an insight most people don’t actually have, they actually think they can’t exist outside society.
Essay by the guy he worked with about his behavior over the course of 4 years
>no nudes
Useless thread. And theyre not even hard to find.
moot had direct connections with anita. he is just another jew faggot
>No one other than SJWs actually care about their new releases, so who gives a shit.
Not even SJWs care. Marvel and DC have been chasing after them for so long that they alienated their core audience, only to find out that the SJWs they've been appealing to don't actually buy comics.
have some yuri
Zoe will never fuck you you pathetic white knight faggot
Give me a sec, I am trying to find it.
fuck off niGGer
I don't think Bipolar personality disorder is BPD. BPD is borderline. Bipolar off webmd is not based on interpersonal conflict, it's just bipolarity. Which is not great but it's not so malicious and evil as Borderline.
Borderline is straight up just being a terrible evil cunt and not being able or willing to change. Worse, it's intentionally preying upon and abusing other people because you are unable to deal with being alone. Bipolarity has medication, pills you can take. There is no pill for someone with BPD to cure themselves. No wait, there is - it's about 9mm in diameter.
Cut BPD people out of your lives instantly. Never interact with them, give them any sympathy, avoid them like they are a leper.
Spreading and informing of the truth isn't manipulation, it's justice.
You are tricking me, aren't you?
Imagine being such an incel that you try to turn into a girl because you couldn't get one, and then proceed to call others incels on an anime imageboard.
While you have a point, the guy was literally mentally ill. His quality of life just took a fucking nose dive, and his entire support system of friends and family abandoned him.
I'd be surprised if a mentally ill person didn't off themselves in this situation
Hi, Zoe.
There's circumstances that prevent people from taking action and we know people aren't entirely rational. After you know there's not enough evidence for anything meaningful to come out of a case and the damage is already done and you feel responsible for the future victims, why not take to social media to put it out there?
It’s borderline personality disorder.
Nice but i wanted to laugh at her flabby ass ans droopy tits, not fap.
Hey user, you got a big dick?
Same kinda. The guys post was damning and put a nice bow on it, but it doesn’t mean that trouble doesn’t follow Zoe everywhere
Deeply dissappointed in moderation and their slacking in removing off topic gg threads, we truly are worse than Yea Forums now so congratulations.
Those are facts. Zoe lies.
It's not a lack of forethought. It's that the SJW witness in question foresaw themselves coolly maintaining a lie under any set of circumstances with no possible way to get caught. Their brain stopped there, and thus failed to see themselves realise, once they got to the stand, that actually, oh shit, they have no idea how to lie, and if they attempt to do so and it goes badly they're fucked for life.
If they foresaw that, then they could've prepared for it so they could be confident in their lying ability OR back out to save their erstwhile ally the effort. But it's not that they failed to foresee this - it's that they foresaw the opposite. They forethought wrong.
At some point, every reflective indivdual discovers that the bulk of the human race is tremendously arrogant and stupid.
bugger offer, lamerhate
Kek this
Trying to bring up a point rather than appealing to emotion and shallow social connections I’d break on a whim? I can see how you could call what I’m doing “manipulation”, but that would be very dumbed down in terms of semantics compared to what I’m actually talking about.
Sure it does. If they claim you did something untowards 10 years ago, point out that 10 years ago you never went anywhere alone with women. Boom.
>GG was Yea Forums at its fucking best.
not sure if I agree to that, but it was the last time Yea Forums had any conviction or care for anything.
I'm voluntarily celibate user, no bug chasing.
I like how this shit is completely filtered from Reddit, I guess (((they))) figured that they've already fed retards everything and there's no need for them to see the rest of the story.
I think it's great because it let's idiots spin their wheels and see that most have learned from the GG that disingenuous bandwagoning is an easy trap to fall into, but there's ways to rise above it.
Boy you don't sound like a brainwashed facist at all. I can't wait for facism v facism twitter simulator 2019 to be all every video game forum/imageboard can post about weeeee.
Most other people would want several million and still manage to never release anything.
I would be so happy if she was gangraped to death by a bunch of smelly shitskins
preferably streamed on fb
>this is what he’s convinced himself
Not even priests want to be celibate. Get treatment
People killed other people to have sex with this.
Have a big think about that.
It's still too soon to say that he's ruined or that he can't find work.
It doesn't, because it's still your word against theirs. Unless you can prove that on the exact day that they mention you were not able to be anywhere near them, you have no proof.
But they know this, it's why unless you go to court they provide as little information as possible, so you can't even begin to defend yourself. How can you prove you weren't even in the same state as them 10 years ago if they won't say what day it was? You can't even look through your old receipts or messages or anything to begin to find proof if you don't know the exact date
>Literally calls him a stair.
They clearly don't care about evidence if they take it to social media, so why not take it to the police anyways? There is no harm in reporting to the police, unless you're lying and afraid of getting caught.
Look I can't change me liking dick, I can, however, not get a myriad of STDs from the degenerates in my "assigned community"
When did we get raided by Resetera?
Yes, can't wait for GG2.0.
This case is even more damning than the 2014 one, SOMEBODY is dead.
It’s bait, learn to identify it
Personally I will be shocked if he finds work again, because the entire dubbing scene is pretty left leaning. I don't think it's too soon because we both know for a fact if he got hired somewhere else there would immediately be a twitter hate mob demanding he be fired.
If you don't think there would be people calling the company and shaming them online, then you're just naive
What evidence? Link sources you mongoloid.
idc about the drama i just wanna say please don't ever hurt yourselves anons
it makes me really extremely sad when i hear about someone hurting themselves.. when they had so much potential, but were lost to distortions and illusions of their reality caused by mental illness...
too late, before they could reguide themselves to happiness... it's just sad i played this guy's game and liked it a lot and even named my precious cat after one of the characters he helped create and bring to life and now he is gone...
R.I.P. Alec, god bless
There's no lie to even catch at that point. There's no case to be had, just a report that they have no evidence to back.
I would unironically fuck her.
So no? that's alright user you can still be a cute bottom. I'll take good care of you x
It won’t happen simply because we already know how that’d go from past experience. No one wants more Zoes, Anitas and Brianna Wus around. Facts and logic aren’t important, whoever screams louder wins.
Her horseshit split this site and made it so that anyone in game development could get away with murder so long as they labeled any criticism as racist or sexist. Since her and others like her began their antics the gaming industry has been on a steady decline because now devs think that they don't have to listen to the consumer and cry foul when their product fails.
>but it was the last time Yea Forums had any conviction or care for anything.
I sort of get it. Like things like habbo raids, purple republic, mosiac threads, all that coordinated shit is gone now replaced with fags hiding behind layers of ironic humor. Though you'll see a few gems around every now and then.
Get aids faggot
Trolling used to be art
Even if she was super attractive, no. Everything she touches turns into a rape case so I don't even want to be in the same room as her.
k well _I_ hope all of them hurt themselves into croaking and that we're rid of these cancerous pustules on the public discussion forever
I hope you're willing to accept your death user.
I feel for the guy, but the guy killed himself. What happened to: LOL CYBERBULLYING? JUST TURN THE INTERNET OFF BRUH
Fuck his friends and family who abandoned him, but fuck him too for being a weak willed faggot
Fair enough. I think if your patient and use OKcupid or something you can actually find a cool, decent person
>"I can't wait to #metoo all these men"
Actually can we start calling it Quinning? The touch of death
That's why he needs to at least take the ship down with him in the lawsuit.
I dunno, if I was a small dev studio that needed a VA I would probably hire him just for all the attention it would generate for my game.
We have a crowd building up since 2014.
We have gained legitimacy.
We can win, bros, I know it.
And this time, we stick with /pol/, no more PR cucking.
You know Louis CK still finds work without being mobbed, right? You're hopelessly cynical.
Bipolar is a made concept created as an attempt to map out a perceived pattern of behaviour. Not only is it merely a model, but it's one that has shown severe weaknesses in terms of diagnosis and exploitability.
I feel like explaining this to you out of sympathy for your cousin: no-one "has" bi-polar, bi-polar is not actually a thing. It would be like saying someone has burping. No-one has "burping" - what does that mean? If someone keeps burning non-stop, that's a symptom of some deeper condition. It's tempting to say that they have "chronic burping" but that's more harmful than helpful, as it leads people to attempt to treat the burps and not whatever it is that causes them.
Con artists like Van Valkenburg thrive off of confusing laypeople with this sort of terminology. Meanwhile innocent people like your cousin suffer because rather than getting to the root of the problem, so-called healers contort her to fit into a preconcieved and out-dated box and then act like that's the problem and not at best a symptom.
That’s probably why he’s talking about starting his own company. Not sure how that will go, but at least he has a sizable amount of supporters who could maybe help him right now. But anyone hiring his services would be boycotted and attacked by the hate mob, so I don’t see neutral parties doing so.
I dated a girl at one point who was molested as a child. I didn't find out until she was sobbing like crazy during our first time fucking. Guess it wasn't a good idea to have her call me daddy. She was strangely way into that afterwards though.
She ended up being really shifty as fuck though, she would just not be in contact with me for anywhere from 2 - 5 days at a time. I'd try to text her and call her but I wouldn't get anything. It was pretty early in the relationship so I hadn't been to her place yet. I broke up with her shortly afterwards due to those reasons. I expect she was fucking around on the side, but either way, no communication wasn't what I wanted so that's the definitive reason as to why I broke up with her. I can't stand not having proper communication in a relationship. I get if you want to keep your secrets, fine, or if you want to just be left alone for a couple days, fine. If you're going to disappear for five days straight though, I want to know why.
I've dated other girls who were diddled before. For some reason I attract crazies, and yes, they are ALWAYS crazy. Do not date a girl who has been diddled.
You don't know that. The police are smarter than you and have more resources and actual investigators and interrogators. There is literally no harm in trying, so why not just report AND take it to social media? The fact that they don't report makes them suspicious.
The fact that these rich white privileged cunts can keep getting away with this is disgusting. If they didn't have the force of their parent's money they would be restocking the shelves at a walmart
We have undeniable, hard hitting evidence... that Zoe Quinn got fat.
>gamergate faggots donated 50 grand to a self proclaimed radical feminist group
seems like Gamergate wasn't the so hate movement that SJWs say it was.
She's a jewess, not white.
I don't really trust the impartiality of an article that ends with (but ____ won't care). I mean, of course they won't, but damn, keep your cool in the fucking headlines at least.
u sound like a real charmer
what video game is this?
This thread doesn't belong here. No. Get out. Get. Out. You don't care about video games. You're just blood thirsty assholes
You’re a good user
>Not only is it merely a model, but it's one that has shown severe weaknesses in terms of diagnosis and exploitability.
That holds true for most personality disorders, so I imagine you’d probably have to attack that concept as a whole if you want to tackle this in particular.
Motherfucker, got me. Good one.
It's been confirmed by numerous sources that Zoe Quinn has put on the pounds
Dilate and fuck off to pedoera
Dilate your own bloodthirsty hole.
Why does everyone keep saying she? Quinn is a guy.
based DC comics not giving a fuuuuuck what gamergaters think
>they/them pronouns
At least get it right if you're going to run your mouth, shitheel.
bigger ?
>Her horseshit split this site and
No it didn't. Users and mods did. Only reason anybody cares about this dumb cunt is because people support and protect her.
I never understood why. Literally everything you ever read about her from any source screams sociopath and pathological liar. She's the spitting image of this schrudinger's gaslighting abuser that all these SocJus-crowd people constantly handwring about desperately needing to be immediately "called out" whenever they see one. But for some reason all these oh-so-socially conscious people that really-totally care about preventing abuse and sexual harassment and all these things are on her side instead of against her, even as she literally drives people to suicide with this emotional terror that they again constantly and hysterically screech about being critically important to prevent to the point where everyone needs to be watched by big brother 24/7 and all conversation automatically censored to keep anything like this from ever even being possible.
I really can't tell if the sjw "fuck goobergate/quinn is based" posts is bait or not.
The news is in, folks - Zoe Quinn IS fat.
where is the penis
it's video game culture but still shouldn't be here since this is actually just some gamergate back from the grave shit since it has to do with Zoe Quinn.
shes white
No she's not, she's average American woman body and average mutt face.
That's still enough for her to turn her cunt into Subway roast beef.
Keep it in mind, when GG happened there were ALREADY people on the board reporting threads and posts to get everyone banned
It's trannyera trying to hold back the momentum.
But they can't stop it.
I don’t understand this concept. She’s been fine with being called she since forever. Then suddenly she decides she’s a “they” as if that’s always been who she is or some shit. What the fuck is that even supposed to mean?
>toxic male turns woman into a villain
you see
it's all alec's fault that quinn drove him to suicide
Gamergate was always vidya. Reminder that moot sold out.
kill yourself faggot
>unless you think a sequel to a project is someone's entire life.
I don't know about you, but if I was able to make games for a living, yeah that would be my entire life.
the userbase of Yea Forums often reflects the state of gaming, and the state of gaming is shit.
Jimmy Neutron, he started Gamergate after Sheen gave him the red pill.
SJW communities reward sociopathic behavior.
Where were you when she and her cronies harassed Alec?
It means they aren't confined to "he" or "she" pronouns. Be it something in between or something on the outside, they prefer gender neutral pronouns; deal with it.
>he thinks interrogators get involved
Your views are cartoonish. The best they can do is a rape kit. After a certain amount of time, that's not going to help. If you're in an abusive relationship, you don't suddenly become this heroic and logical being that ends it at the first transgression and go to the police. When it's just "officer we were having rough sex but then he made it a little too rough and I felt trapped even though I literally was not trapped and by too rough I mean he fingered me a little too hard" it's getting thrown out past a certain point m and you're getting thrown out on the streets. Is that an excuse? No, but if your story is just "watch out, he was a dick to me a few years ago" and you want to help people avoid being in the same situation, you tell people.
moot cucked out for a SJW/tranny.
Now he works for google.
He literally lives long enough to become a villain.
Where was that taken place at? And where does she live?
>He doesn't like that Yea Forums arbitrarily aligns themselves with an SJW so they have ammo/a martyr against another SJW
>He doesn't like that this shit always just increases exposure and normilization for retardation on both "sides" (aka Yea Forums users and ex Yea Forums users who transitioned)
>He must be a tranny!
No true scotsman amirite?
In canada you can get people jailed for misgendering you.
Fuck that, Jews are goddamn scum!
Est ist zeit fur reich!
Wir mussen die juden ausrotten!
Dilate your own bloody hole.
But she’s always been fine with it and casually referred to herself as she. So what’s the point? What changed?
>Make games
>by games I mean just one game series
>tfw she used patreon buxx to get lipo
Has anyone saved his old work?
I refuse to believe that hasn't happened.
Old Yea Forums is never coming back unless gaming crashes
so I can just pretend to be a girl and use they prounouns, and send someone to jail if they call me a dude or guy?
>It means they aren't confined to "he" or "she" pronouns. Be it something in between or something on the outside, they prefer gender neutral pronouns; deal with it.
Technically, yes.
lol okay so no true scotsman indeed
Protip: give it a few years and you'll be a tranny too. Mental illness works in mysterious ways.
She's not even a goblin in appearance, she's a goddamn orc. I'm convinced she has magical powers that lets her enslave men whose dicks she sucked. Oh wait, it exists and is called #MeToo.
Didn't that turn out to be a lie from the start? The law stated that it's meant to call misgendering while murdering a tranny possible evidence of a hate crime.
What business of yours is it? Maybe their third eye woke? Maybe they stopped lying to themselves? Maybe they just don't give a fuck? Maybe you'll have the same realization in the near future and will be just as grated when literal fucking nobodies question your inner self?
Holy shit user you're a wizard
in america you can get jailed for having weed
Sounds like you're excusing calling someone a rapist when an actual rape did not occur. Disgusting.
I do believe there's a backup on that one green site, geesh has been ages since I've been there. The one with the fucking white dog.
My fucking memory, for fucks sake.
So can you just go around and say “watch out, this person is a murderer, they murderer my friend 10 years ago even though it was never reported to the police!” and expect the person’s life to be ruined without having to prove anything?
Ever heard about slander?
Rare footage of user condemning Zoe Quinn to Internet Irrelevance after getting too old to fuck around.
shes training out of santino bros? thats close to me
So you’re saying I might just wake up tomorrow and realize I was a born a dog in man’s body and have secretly been a dog all this time and never knew it?
Thats based as fuck, transphobia is cringe
All this pronoun garbage is just costly signaling. The dumber and more incorrect the shit you say in support of someone, the more you signal that you're on their side.
Let's represent it with an allegory.
>A Chinese court official, tired of the destructive court intrigue, conceived a test
>While court was in session, he brought before it a deer, calling it a "great horse"
>Eager to display their loyalty, many agreed and enthusiastically declared it a truly remarkable horse
>Later, all those who disagreed or remained silent were killed
This pronoun garbage is the same shit. They're calling what is obviously a deer a horse in order to show how much on their side you are, that they are willing to state obvious untruths as truths.
yes I agree user, epic cringe!
95-98 IQ post
that changed when the internet was able to get you fired. and depending on what end you rep, its seen as justice
I unironically have an 8 inch dick
New thread
It's funny that you make it about murder, but sure. Say you know the Clintons killed a guy and you're too scared to come forward 20 years ago, but now you feel like the guilt outweighs the fear and you're afraid of the police. Go ahead, be another crazy on social media, but maybe your story will line up with someone else's.
And no, the life ruining part isn't expected, it's just what happens when you work with SJWs.
And yes, he could have tried taking her to court for slander but he killed himself two days after getting let go.
wow thanks user. we really needed this.
you could at least named Milo 'the opportunist' whathisname you fucking newfag
Did you miss the part he got fired for it and was denounced by his own family and friends? He decided to turn off his life instead.
Yeah, and it's mostly Americans too. USA is cringe af
This right here is why the metoo movement is absolute horseshit. Women get a free "ruin a man's life" ticket without reporting to the police because they know the police would tell them to fuck off if they told the truth, which is that they had consensual sex with a guy once and now regret it.
>was starting to get irrelevant
>straight up pushes a man to suicide for a bit more fame
we humans are pretty scary
New thread
Shame it's about to become a 1 inch clit then. What a waste.
Pathetic bullshit. Guy should've at least done a murder-suicide. In failing to enact any retribution towards his alleged abuser, he demonstrates through action that he doesn't think there's any.
Maybe there was, but we have no reason to believe him. And if there was an he acted as if there wasn't any anyway, his death is a good thing; cleansing the world of yet another worthless man too weak and pathetic to stand up even for himself.
Wrong. MundaneMatt did.
madotsuki vomiting
>Go ahead, be another crazy on social media, but maybe your story will line up with someone else's.
Clintons are politicians and public figures. Also you wouldn’t destroy their life by doing so, unlike what happened here. Terrible analogy.
>he could have tried taking her to court for slander
Then you agree with me, there you go.
New thread
Just post your stuff pk-studios, you'd be liked a lot more and get more people to commission you if you weren't a troll.
Don't forget what happened the Jessica Elwood.
you are a dumb nigger
Go fuck yourself with a rake. That's no woman. That's a demon.
Yes. She also gained weight.
It's funny how "just go to the cops lol" is a one way street. Ironic even.
Take a hint Yea Forums: YOU'RE NOT WELCOME HERE :))
Chelsea deleted this thread.
Are mods compromised? What happened in 2014 that made it suddenly not ok to talk about this industry stuff?
>Scumbags keep finding work regardless
Only if they're on the "right side of history", at least in this industry.
I am not interested in commissions. I don't do this for money. I want people to enjoy the things I do but I feel I am not up to quality...
Moot was dating an SJW and decided to ban everything related to this
I mean, this thread's still up...
Mods... thank you for locking this down.
That would've just made her a martyr and erase any notion of him being innocent.