Batman Games Coming to Epic Game Store???

Epic Games hasn’t yet revealed their free game they intend to release on September 19th. However, they have posted this collage of a Batman made up of several smaller Batmans including Batmans from the LEGO Batman games. How can Valve even compete at this point? They don’t have Borderlands 3, they don’t have Metro: Exodus until 2020 and now they’re giving away games for free that you would normally have to pay $20 for on Steam. Honestly there’s no reason to even buy games from Steam anymore because at one point in time they will be free on Epic Games.

Attached: B0F4A469-D121-4290-9086-060BB5F8378B.jpg (1088x742, 329K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw I'm Batman
>tfw I'm coming to Epic Store

I didn't like being on Steam either, but this is ridiculous

Attached: batman city bleeding.jpg (1384x789, 200K)

>and now they’re giving away games for free that you would normally have to pay $20 for on Steam
Conarium (the current free game) also costs about $20 on Steam. LEGO Batman isn't special.
> How can Valve even compete at this point?
By having a fully featured platform with cloud saves, in-home streaming, group voice chat, community forums, guides, mods, in-game overlay, achievements, user reviews, etc.; by supporting Linux and providing a compatibility layer with which thousands of Windows games can be played on Linux with no effort; by having a shopping cart on their fucking store; etc.

>and now they’re giving away games for free that you would normally have to pay $20 for on Steam
Don't Batman games usually get discounted pretty hard on Steam?

$4.99, I'd still take free over that.

what's in it for people who already played these games when they came out years ago?

The first LEGO Batman has been discounted to $5 ten times in the past year.

LEGO Batman 2 and 3 get discounted to $5 for just about every sale as well.

Literally the only """Japanese""" games Epic has ia fucking Tetris Effect and Shenmue.

Cry more


Attached: check the archives for this you stupid nigger.png (456x740, 18K)

>OP asks a question
>it gets answered
>"durr stop crying"
Learn English you fucking retarded Chinese idiot.

>Wah wah wah

Oh shit, am I talking to THEE boogie?

Well yeah. What's the point of mentioning Exodus when Sekiro, Re2, and DMC already came out earlier this year alongside it?

>It's okay when MY store has exclusives!

Steam drones... yikes

Did Valve pay those publishers not to do business with other stores?

I guess this is the part where you reply "yes" in a Chinese accent and then fail to provide any evidence of it.

Attached: Untitled.png (940x2705, 907K)

>Did Valve pay those publishers not to do business with other stores?

Don't have to when they're the biggest store in PC gaming.

So what you're saying is that the main complaint about the Epic Games Store -- that they pay for exclusivity -- is not a complaint which applies to Steam. Okay, cool.

Some publishers being too lazy to release their games in more than one place doesn't make Steam the bad guy. The publishers are to blame for that. But when Epic pays publishers not to release their games elsewhere, Epic is directly contributing to the problem.

Exclusivity isn't a problem

Exclusivity is a problem for the same reason that monopoly is a problem -- it means less choice for consumers -- and I know you understand the problem of monopolies because you Epic shills are so afraid of monopolies that you even see them even where they don't really exist.

You guys claim Steam isn't a monopoly but in the same breath say Epic Store won't inspire Valve to do anything (when they have made Valve do things)

>You guys claim Steam isn't a monopoly
It's not a monopoly. News flash: Epic exists (as do numerous other competitors not controlled by Valve).
>but in the same breath say Epic Store won't inspire Valve to do anything (when they have made Valve do things)
What the fuck does that have to do with Steam being or not being a monopoly?

Stupid ESL dipshit. Stop typing your Chinese retardation into Google Translate.